Dennis Prager’s blistering reality check brings CUFI crowd to their feet

March 17, 2016 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Prager believed McConnell when McConnell said he would stop Obamacare if the Senate became majority Republican.

    Then, Prager spoke again and again on his radio show about how McConnell betrayed conservatives regarding Obamacare and Iran “treaty”.

    To hold Prager responsible for McConnell’s lie is unfair. Only if Prager supported McConnell’s enabling position(than undercut the conservative adgenda), could you reasonably castigate Prager.

  2. Prager is an ostensible conservative who enables liberalism. He supported McConnell, who has rubber stamped the Obama agenda. When Ted “Big Brass Ones” Cruz demanded that the Iran scam be subjected to the two thirds treaty requirement, McConnell sided with the liberals. Ditto Obamacare funding and executive amnesty.

    When Ted “Big Brass Ones” Cruz demanded that the Iran scam be subjected to the two thirds treaty requirement

    By the way, Israpundit’s own Lauren Bacall keeps forgetting to mention this inconvenient truth when accusing Cruz of having betrayed Israel. This ain’t Facebook, baby. Bring your “A” game.