By Ted Belman
Jeffrey Goldberg recently penned a major article on The Obama Doctrine which THE ATLANTIC published. It is very long and very important.
As you may know, on Mar 29 I am giving a talk on Obama’s Middle East Debacle. As I was contemplating the thrust of my talk, I decided to mention that not everyone thinks it a debacle. Although people living in the affected states see it so, many in the US thank Obama for keeping the US out of the Middle East. This article explains a lot but must be read with an understanding of what is not said.
For instance Obama on Foreign Policy Apocalypse: Don’t Blame Me
by Michael Curtis.
Daniel Drezner, in the Washington Post wrote Five thoughts on the Obama Doctrine. Barack Obama talked a lot to Jeffrey Goldberg about his foreign policy worldview. Here are my takeaways from it.
I haven’t read it yet but intend to.
Yes. Reagan was crazy to let Jane Wyman get away.
@ ebyjeeby:
bababa and you must live in the USA. Are you of age to join the army and go to fight? Isn’t that what you want Obama to do for Iraq and Iran, and now Yeman?
If you have a child that is of military age, I suppose you want them to be in the military, but far far far away from the trouble. Well, you can’t have it both ways. Either the child fights, and if you are lucky, he/she comes back, or comes back intact.
And then you could use that experience to cover the cost of his/her university education. After all,bottom line, you want the USA to join Israel to bomb and fight Iran, and of course, you are assured that Iran won’t bomb Israel.
It is far far better to negotiate a deal, as Obama has done, then to have killing on both sides of the disagreements.
And as I see it, Israel is safer this negotiated way.
Why don’t you read what the world thinks of the Republicans, and the possible Donald Trump for President. The international consensus is, the average American citizen is a slave to the Corporate dictators. Corporate dictators who drive down your salary, drive up your healthcare costs, do foreclosures on homes, make education extraordinarily expensive, export jobs and then have that indexed finger of the right hand pointing upwards to Israel. Yes, Republicans, except perhaps for Cruz.
Given there is a non-nuclear deal, no loss of American life, are you still going to insult the smartest president the USA has had since Eisenhower?
Procrastination, a loosing strategy. The EU and US adm are trying to further weaken IL before the US elections while the barbarians invade Europe.
Erdo in the driving seat with BHO his buddy.
@ Bear Klein:
Thw world will fight that aggressively, there’ll be tough times for Israel (that’s why i’d rather choose option 2), but at least there’ll be clarity, certainty for Israel’s defenders worldwide. Israeli jews must unite around one course of action…
Bear Klein Said:
so explain why BB has never been able to say to all those foreign govs who call Jews thieves:
Remember, he also commissioned Levy…. then shelved it.
If only you would spend your energy trying to get BB to do his duty to those who voted him in.
Bear Klein Said:
Trump said it in one sentence:
“Its probably impossible to make peace because one side [guess who?] teaches their children hatred”
Once you know that and peace is impossible then you either give part of your home to the jew killers hoping they wont kill you or you transfer them out of Israel. Trump is the sort of simple person who understands that you cannot reward terrorists by giving them your land. Very few leaders in Israel have come to that conclusion in spite of the fact that they have so much knowledge about the issues. Trump knows its because of Islam which he already recognizes is a problem worth banning.
Bear Klein Said:
LOL,, hilarious…. buried on a website where no one looks.
A PM of seven years needs action not words which he contradicts with his actions. If that website were meaningful we would have seen Levy implemented. The only place where words would be manaingful is in his public speeches, his meetings with leaders, his FM dealings with diplomats, his communications with the UN…
the only place that words would have effect he never says those words, here they are, surprise, surprise:
Gosh, so interesting that where words actually have effect he NEVER, NEVER NEVER in all the seven years has said those words.
You spend your time defending his despicable behavior instead you should be contacting him and demanding that he says these few taboo, iconoclastic, incredible, unbeleivable, forbidden… words…… guess what they are, so simple, just rolling off the tongue…. those words will not damage your heroe’s larynx…
are you satisfied with the website, is that enough for you from your PM? Why do you daily wail for annexation, transfer, sovereignty when your PM whom you defend cant even get close to any of those goals because your government does not beleive this:
Call up BB, ask him to say the words, call up Bennett and ask him to corner BB on the words…. and then you can demand action.
Since the 1920s the Jewish – Arab middle-east conflict has continued because the Arabs (now called Palestinians) do NOT accept the presence of Jews in the area. Before the state of Israel was recreated in 1948 the Arabs were killing Jews and inciting via falsehoods that the Jews are planning to destroy or defile the Mosque on The Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In 1929 the Palestinian Riots occurred for these same lies. This resulted in 100s of dead Jews including 68 in Hebron. The Arabs drove the Jews out of Hebron. Jews had lived in Hebron for 100s of years (at least). They killed Jews all over what was then called Palestine.
Rather than accept a Jewish State and a Palestinian Arab State as proposed by the UN in the late 1940s the Arabs tried to drive the Jews into the Sea. They killed 1% of the Jewish population but lost the war. Since then the Jewish population has risen from 600,000 to about 7 million. The Jewish State of Israel is growing population wise, and economically. The state is highly advanced in technology, medical science and water resources.
Yet the Palestinians still refuse to accept the reality of the Jewish State and constantly are finding ways to kill Jews and try and drive them out.
Israel has two rational choices to the conflict. No one is not a two state solution for two people as the Palestinians do not accept the permanence of the Jews.
One is try and minimize damage caused by the Palestinians and keep fighting with one hand tied behind its back when the Palestinians try their various forms of attack periodically as advocated by Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ya’alon.
The second option is drive out forcibly all terrorists and their supporters. Allow Arabs who demonstrate loyalty (such as the Druze and many Bedouin) to keep enjoying full civil rights. Palestinian polls say 78% of the population of East Jerusalem, Gaza and Judah/Samaria (West Bank) would like to emigrate to the west. Assistance (including financial) to these people should be extended to fulfill their desire to emigrate. This would allow for actual peace between Israel and the remaining Arabs.
@ 1DavidKA:
OFFICIAL ISRAELI POLICY on its WEBSITE Below. Now the world agrees and will go along with Israel? Glad to hear that. The EU and Obama now agree? I am for annexing Area C. The world will go along with that no questions asked? Good to hear! No more issues!
@ bernard ross:
“the GOI and the people of Israel need to sort out their goals becuase the world is only reflecting the will of the people of israel as expressed by their elected gov.”
Can’t agree more! The status quo of ambiguity, contradiction, and confusion is not sustainable. It weakens the Israel defenders significantly. Either make sure the world knows that Y&S is part of Israel and all of MO in foreign relations and domestic policy are based on that premise; or accept what the world basically sees as a fact today — that the WB, along with Gaza, is a land given to Pals for their own state — and remove all settlements beyond the green line or at least those outside the blocs, and do land swaps for the blocs.
Official current position of the State of Israel is described above.
Israpundit is boring? You must mean, lsatenstein, that nobody here agrees with you. Sometimes I wonder what planet you’re living on. I’m reminded of something Reagan said: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
Not as long as you are here, Izzy. You are very special:
@ babushka:
Once again Bababa blacksheep, you are to be commended for your lack of contents and quality of insults.
You remind me of Shakespeares man
Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
If you have facts to backup your comments, then present them. Insults are just facts about you, the messenger.
This ispundant is so boring. It has one good posting a week, and the rest of the time is regurgitation of the same old same old.
actually its the Soros doctrine… president hussein has no doctrines other than being a puppet and visiting the bath house. the establishment has decided that its best to have a pres who is simply a mouthpiece who is told what to say by those “advisors” who are actually just a link to the puppeteers… both parties have them…cheney was the Bush link. In such a scenario they decided that the less they know the better, and the more corrupt they are the more easily they are manipulated. They know that paradigm is out the window with Trump… like with the kennedy’s… perhaps they will give him the same fate?
@ Bear Klein:
its interesting, that with so many opportunities that Bibi NEVER said:
“Jewish settlement in YS is legal and legitimate”
according to BB the only issue is security, not the Jewish homeland.
Therefore, foreigners rightly ask: if its only security then solve that issue and get out of the palestinian homeland.
BB has morphed Israel and the Jews into being land thieves using security as an excuse to occupy the palestinian homeland.
the GOI and the people of Israel need to sort out their goals becuase the world is only reflecting the will of the people of israel as expressed by their elected gov.
How about writing the long list of everything BB has done to obstruct all your goals of annexation, sovereignty, etc etc… why always point elsewhere when there is nothing that occurs outside which is not first mouthed in Israel.. including apartheid, child killing, land theiving, etc… paid israeli whore foreign moles daily feed the foreigners lies. Livni and Herzog have elected themselves into gov and are now conducting foreign policy diplomacy with the anti semitic swedish FM.
At least the USA has an
intelligent presidentanti-Semitic putz.Goldberg is the quintessential court Jew, a loathsome sycophant groveling before his Hebrew-hating hero.
A most interesting article about Obama. At least the USA has an intelligent president.
That article will give credence to the expression “Great minds think alike, small minds seldom differ”.
A most interesting read where the comments to the article. It shows that the USA is moving away from being a global power to being “Our world is us and we are for us. Others can look after themselves.”