Cruz slams Trump for being ‘neutral’ in Israel-Palestinian conflict

By Ben Kamisar, THE HILL

Ted Cruz blasted Donald Trump on Friday for saying he wouldn’t wade into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Just this week, Donald Trump said on a TV program that he would be neutral between Israel and the Palestinians,” Cruz said at a town hall in South Carolina.

“Let me tell you this: As president, I have no intention of being neutral. As president, I will be unapologetically alongside the nation of Israel.

Cruz said “left-wingers” believe in staying neutral in the conflict because “they buy into the media’s false moral equivalency.”

“There is a different between right and wrong. There is a difference between terrorists who strap nails around their chests and go into a mall to murder women and children and the armed forces protecting the innocents in Israel,” Cruz said.

“I am not neutral at home between murderers and the innocent citizens murderers are targeting. I am not neutral at home or abroad between radical Islamic terrorists and the targets of their terror.”

This week, Trump said he wants to be a “neutral guy” in the decades-long strife between the Israelis and Palestinians. While he warned that making a deal between the two sides may not be possible, he promised to “give it one hell of a shot.”

Late last year, Trump drew boos from a group of prominent Jewish conservatives for refusing to take a side on whether America should recognize Jerusalem as the nation’s capital. For decades, the White House has remained neutral on the issue by considering Jerusalem an international city and housing its embassy in Tel Aviv, drawing the ire of many who say America should side with Israel and move that embassy to Jerusalem.

Trump later told The Hill that he believes Jerusalem to be Israel’s capital.

February 20, 2016 | 45 Comments »

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45 Comments / 45 Comments

  1. babushka Said:

    those who profess neutrality are the enemies of Israel

    you are losing it, I am not neutral in regard to Israel or Jews.babushka Said:

    You are not even to the right of Woody Allen

    hilarious video… you are completely forgiven for your sudden loss of emotional control. 🙂

  2. babushka Said:

    Now you are plagiarizing J Street. That comment is stolen from their playbook.

    LOL, you are grasping about everywhere for straws you put me in an ideological category so that you can call me names. fact is, I never read anything from Jstreet, have always ridiculed them and accused them of being a Soros created stooge org.
    babushka Said:

    Such nonsense is the refuge of liberal Jews

    LOL, everyone here should know that I am very far from that label… when it comes to Israel and Jews…and how to deal with the enemies….. I may be to the right of Kahane and Gengis. You must take control of your emotions as you are beginning to wig out.

  3. oldjerry Said:

    I believe what Trump means is hands off, let the Israelis and Pals settle it between themselves. This is what I consider really PRO ISRAEL.

    I agree, he may take a shot at brokering a deal but I suspect he already knows it cannot be brokered and has basically stated that viewpoint.

  4. not at all, your opinion of what is pro Israel is not accurate so there is no need to equate your poor judgment with fact.

    Now you are plagiarizing J Street. That comment is stolen from their playbook. Such nonsense is the refuge of liberal Jews.

  5. babushka Said:

    A Trump presidency would represent the ultimate achievement of the American corporate oligarchy

    NO, that’s the rest who are in their donors pockets who approved TPP and the HB1 visascam.
    babushka Said:

    Trump, who has also spent his entire life funding policies to impoverish the middle class for the benefit of the super rich. A Trump presidency would represent the ultimate achievement of the American corporate oligarchy:

    therefore my support of Trump is support for the corporate oligarchy but you just accused me of singing the communist national anthem. Are you confused……perhaps you can choose a third ideology to accuse me of supporting…….. the Pope perhaps?

  6. babushka Said:

    You and jerry and Outspeaker have decided that Trump is more important than Israel.

    not at all, your opinion of what is pro Israel is not accurate so there is no need to equate your poor judgment with fact.

  7. Bear Klein Said:

    Trump actually said a funny line which I actually admire (the line anyway). ” Obama would have gone to Judge Scalia’s funeral if it were at a Mosque”

    good catch…. not only funny but in a nutshell shows the power and motive of simple “Trumpisms”.

    Trump says exactly what NO other candidate, and most politicians, would say. In this statement he reflects the majority as opposed to the squeaking PC minority…. thus he also deals a blow to the whole culture of PC doublespeak. His simple statements are usually iconoclastic and devastating of PC, at the same time speaking for the concerns of the majority…….. who do we know who wins by uttering those things which every butt licking politician and celebrity will never bring themselves to utter…. why?…… because they are all subject to the ensuing destruction of the PC police. Trump deserves the presidency by dint of his single handed destruction of PC over and over again…. that alone is a contribution of global impact.

    albert Einstein
    If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough…..
    “When the solution is simple, God is answering.”

    he shows his character, his ability, his competency over and over, every time he opens his simplistic mouth and blows them all away with shock and truth…. producing jaw dropping awe (oh no he din’t)

    Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere…. same guy:A.E.

  8. he did not want to divulge his position…

    So for all you know he is anti-Israel.
    There are two states of being when it comes to Israel.
    Explicitly pro-Israel.
    Or unacceptable.

    You and jerry and Outspeaker have decided that Trump is more important than Israel. It is a new kind of Zionism. I like the old kind better.

  9. @ bernard ross:
    To most in this country, including the liberal Jews, being pro Israel means pushing Israel into the suicidal two state solution.I believe what Trump means is hands off, let the Israelis and Pals settle it between themselves. This is what I consider really PRO ISRAEL.

  10. babushka Said:

    Congratulations to bernard ross and everyone else who is neutral on Israel. What a glorious night for you!

    you misinterpreted: Trump is NOT neutral on Israel….he did not want to divulge his position so as to not hinder his effectiveness as a broker….

  11. If my name were Bernie Sanders, I would agree with Trump (and you) on the issues. As it is, I unequivocally support Israel, so I strongly disagree with all three of you.

  12. If there is any justice, Bush voters will support Trump, who has also spent his entire life funding policies to impoverish the middle class for the benefit of the super rich. A Trump presidency would represent the ultimate achievement of the American corporate oligarchy: convincing gullible peons that a brazenly corrupt billionaire elitist is their working class savior. Give Madison Avenue credit. It could sell condoms to eunuchs, or in this case to mental eunuchs.

  13. What happens next is a learning where the 7% of the votes that Bush has attracted will wind up as the Nevada Republican Caucus and Super Tuesday come up like a thunderstorm.

    I think that mild and often meaningless GOP voter bloc which was the epitome of Jeb’s support could well go to Kasich, who has been sounding like an appealing little Croatian-American version of the Bush dynasty. That will absolutely positively complicate the lives of the Republican Party puppet-masters who want a single puppet whom they think they can control. We shall see. But one my instincts about politics and rainwater is that mud-puddles coalesce but freshwater torrents shove them downslope.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  14. @ ArnoldHarris:
    Arnold congrats to you. In South Carolina the Fat Lady has sung Trump loudly.

    Trump actually said a funny line which I actually admire (the line anyway). ” Obama would have gone to Judge Scalia’s funeral if it were at a Mosque”

    So we will see what happens next.

  15. @ babushka:
    Never meant to imply boorishness, on the contrary, probably one of the most articulate and humorous??? (mildly funny is closer to the truth) What is more, could be correct on Cruz. Could be wrong too. Trump and Cruz could make the winning ticket, if they can forgive each other, I think yes, but I am beginning to think Trump has other people in mind.
    Trump’s win tonight is good news. Trump is pro Israel, despite his talk of “neutrality”. Obviously he was advised to take this position….I wonder by whom…..because this is the only issue Trump has declared neutrality on for as long as he has lived, so, who put him up to it?
    Cruz is in there and poor Jeb, guess Trump won’t have any more Bushes in which to play hide and seek or to kick around. I am proud I never voted for a Bush.
    Too bad none of the candidates asked Jeb whether he respected his dad so much because he never leveled with the public as to his role in The JFK assassination, or what Nixon termed, “The Bay of Pigs, thing”. If Jeb had come clean, he may have had a chance. Good Riddance. Bushes destroyed this country. Of course they are loved in CiA.

  16. @ Bear Klein:
    It looks more or less like the fat lady is almost finished singing. At least according to Drudge Report and the South Carolina official vote tabulation agency.

    Unless, or course, you may have some additional song for her to warble onstage…

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  17. Boy, are you slow on the uptake. I have been exhibiting my ignorance and boorishness for a long time. woolymammoth picked up on it months ago. Where have you been?

  18. @ Bear Klein:
    babushka Said:

    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Albert Einstein

    more albert:

    If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

  19. The only real problem with democracy is that people are scary stupid. Get a load of this:

    First-time voter Megan Baker said she was as motivated to vote against real estate mogul Donald Trump as she was to vote for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

    “First of all, most of all, I just didn’t want Donald Trump to win,” Baker, 19, said. “Otherwise, (Carson) is a really smart person.”

    Read more here:

    She doesn’t want Trump to win, so she voted for the last place guy.

    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Albert Einstein

  20. babushka Said:

    I am afraid, dearest Klein, that Our Man Ross now has that otherworldly gleam in his eyes generally associated people who just started selling Amway products. “Trump uber alles!”

    😛 😛 😛
    In other words, you are out of rebuttals?
    babushka Said:

    And yet, we love Bernard nonetheless.

    thank you, and I enjoyed the song

  21. babushka Said:

    Trump keeps threatening to sue.
    Yet he doesn’t.
    Why might that be?

    he does not need to … others are suing…. he gets more mileage in the campaign by raising the issue than actually having it resolved. Its like abbas and the pals clamoring for a state but who know that they would be dead if a state happened. Apparently he is not as foolish as he sounds and looks in his campaign. It reminds me of a saying in the Caribbean: “playing fool to catch wise”.

  22. If Trump said he were going to nuke Tel Aviv, his bobbysoxers would passionately insist that given his extensive business experience this gambit constituted a brilliant strategic move. It is 2008 all over again, when the Jewish Obamabots were adamant that – his unavoidably obvious anti-Semitism notwithstanding – their hero would be (remember this?) THE BEST FRIEND ISRAEL EVER HAD!

    Once people have partaken of the Kool Aid, you might as well flush the facts down the crapper. I am afraid, dearest Klein, that Our Man Ross now has that otherworldly gleam in his eyes generally associated with people who just started selling Amway products. “Trump uber alles!”

    And yet, we love Bernard nonetheless.

  23. Bear Klein Said:

    One has started in Illinois on this subject and I will to wager big time. 10K or so that Cruz will be ruled a natural born citizen.

    and one in New York. I agree with Donald that this issue should be brought to the supreme court and ended once and for all or even better that congress amend the constitution with a clear definition of “natural born citizen” The nation needs to have this properly and legally resolved.

  24. oldjerry Said:

    The question which will arise in the courts is Cruz committed to the USA.

    I doubt that this “commitment” will have any bearing in a court decision.

  25. Bear Klein Said:

    What I will say positive for Trump is many of his fans are deeply devoted.

    I am not. I started out as in the past viewing Trump as an irrelevant clown… it is only through analysis that he has risen in my estimation. I have no problem dumping him in a flash, but so far, oddly, all the criticisms I read have not affected my position, they dont stand up to my independent analysis. I am issue oriented, ideology is umimportant and even repellent to me in the analysis, I could vote for sanders if he satisfied my criteria.

  26. Bear Klein Said:

    Cruz nailed it!!

    but has cruz been able to accomplish anything substantial for israel? being committed verbally is not as important as being able to achieve and accomplish ones goals. I haven’t read about any law submitted by cruz and enacted by congress which has made a significant impact on Israels situation.

  27. Bear Klein Said:

    Trump replied: “It will when it’s appropriate. I will know more about it than you know, and believe me, it won’t take me long.”

    he has already proven that with his last 9 months of trouncing the establishment and their bought “experts”. I completely understand his position, I have done it myself and I suspect any experienced businessman who has run real businesses can say the same.
    Bear Klein Said:

    The faithful will stick with Trump anyway. They will attack you and anything they believe is important to you as a defense of Trump. Duck incoming!!!

    LOL, quoting the source which is famous for its lies about Israel?

  28. babushka Said:

    @ babushka:
    The question which will arise in the courts is Cruz committed to the USA. In other words Cruz being born in Canada of only one American parent may not be a natural born citizen and ineligible for the presidency.

    Trump keeps threatening to sue.
    Yet he doesn’t.
    Why might that be?


    @ babushka:
    babushka Said:

    @ babushka:
    The question which will arise in the courts is Cruz committed to the USA. In other words Cruz being born in Canada of only one American parent may not be a natural born citizen and ineligible for the presidency.

    Trump keeps threatening to sue.
    Yet he doesn’t.
    Why might that be?


    Trump doesn’t have to sue Cruz on this issue. Others are already doing so.

  29. @ babushka:
    The question which will arise in the courts is Cruz committed to the USA. In other words Cruz being born in Canada of only one American parent may not be a natural born citizen and ineligible for the presidency.

    Trump keeps threatening to sue.
    Yet he doesn’t.
    Why might that be?

  30. Jerry there will be some court cases soon. One has started in Illinois on this subject and I will to wager big time. 10K or so that Cruz will be ruled a natural born citizen.

  31. @ babushka:
    The question which will arise in the courts is Cruz committed to the USA. In other words Cruz being born in Canada of only one American parent may not be a natural born citizen and ineligible for the presidency.

  32. What I will say positive for Trump is many of his fans are deeply devoted.

    This actually makes him the presumptive favorite in the GOP nomination at this time assuming he wins South Carolina, which is likely.

    Oh well it is not until the Fat Lady Sings.

  33. Just this week, Donald Trump said on a TV program that he would be neutral between Israel and the Palestinians,” Cruz said at a town hall in South Carolina.

    “Let me tell you this: As president, I have no intention of being neutral. As president, I will be unapologetically alongside the nation of Israel.”

    Cruz said “left-wingers” believe in staying neutral in the conflict because “they buy into the media’s false moral equivalency.”

    Cruz nailed it!! This is why on Israel Trump is not trust-able!! Assuming he knows who Hamas is yet or anything else. Yep he will learn it all in five minutes after elected!

  34. Donald Trump: I will know the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah ‘when it’s appropriate’
    Republican presidential candidate tells radio host it ‘won’t take me long’ to get up to speed on Middle East, but gets in a muddle over Kurds and Quds

    Donald Trump is quizzed by conservative talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt on US foreign policy – link to audio
    Amanda Holpuch in New York and agencies
    Friday 4 September 2015 08.37 EDT Last modified on Friday 4 September 2015 20.40 EDT
    Share on Pinterest Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ This article is 6 months old
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    Donald Trump has proved that a presidential candidate does not need many of the attributes conventionally thought necessary to lead the pack in the Republican race for the White House, blithely offending Latinos, women and his fellow candidates, all the while rising in the polls. Now he has proved he considers foreign policy knowledge largely optional, too.

    In a discussion about Islamist extremism with the conservative talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday, Trump was asked to identify the leaders of major militant groups, including General Qassem Suleimani of Iran’s Quds Force, Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah, al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, Nusra Front leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani, and Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    Trump admitted he could not, and the discussion ended with Hewitt pushing the candidate on the topic, asking him: “So the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas does not matter to you yet, but it will?”

    Trump replied: “It will when it’s appropriate. I will know more about it than you know, and believe me, it won’t take me long.”

    Donald Trump signs pledge not to run as independent
    Read more
    Hewitt is set to co-moderate the next official Republican presidential debate on 16 September at the Ronald Reagan presidential library in California. He warned that this subject might be discussed in the debate, despite Trump’s prediction that the 16 other Republicans running for president would also be unable to explain the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas, except “maybe one who studied it”.

    The faithful will stick with Trump anyway. They will attack you and anything they believe is important to you as a defense of Trump. Duck incoming!!!

  35. So What? Even Obama claims to be a friend of Israel and has Israel’s back. Our embassy is still in Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem despite the Congressional mandate that it be in Jerusalem. At least Trump is not whoring after the rich Jewish liberal vote. As most politicians. Give him credit for that.

  36. “I will be unapologetically alongside the nation of Israel.”

    Vile bastard!
    How right wing!!
    How extreme!!!
    How contemptibly dishonest!!!!
    And how unelectable!!!!!!
    Now I understand why so many Jews – including those on this site – revile this “man” as the despicable fiend he so obviously is!!!!!!!
    “Unapologetically alongside Israel!!!!!!!!
    The intolerable depravity of it all!!!!!!!!!!
    Die, Cruz, die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!