Rubio: Election by itself will reset U.S.-Israel relationship

T. Belman. Til now I have preferred Ted Cruz. But then I saw an article explaining that the Israeli right prefer Rubia because they saw him as a Neocon, who would keep the US engaged in the ME compared to Cruz who was considered an isolationist. Isolationist he maty be but his support of Israel is right on.

by Jacob Kornbluh, JEWISH JOURNAL via Jewish Insider

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio in Nashua, N.H., on Feb. 8. Photo by Carlo Allegri/Reuters

The relationship between the U.S. and Israel will be reset by itself with the election of a Republican president in the fall, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said on Monday.

Addressing national security at BAE Systems Inc., an aerospace company headquartered in Nashua, N.H., Rubio was asked what he would do to reestablish warm relations with Israel if elected as president.

“I believe my election or the election of someone like me, in and by itself will help reset that relationship in the eyes of the world,” Rubio stated.

The Republican presidential hopeful repeated the line with which he got attacked during Saturday night’s debate, saying Obama knows what he is doing in wanting to change America by, among other things, sacrificing the relationship with Israel.

“One of the ways Obama has tried to change America in a negative way was in our relationship with Israel,” Rubio asserted. “There is a thought process among many on the left that the reason America has less than ideal relations in the Islamic world is because we are too close to Israel. And so, the notion has always been if we can create some separation from Israel, it will make Islamic countries more open to us. So I believe they’ve [Obama administration] done this in a deliberate way. I believe that some of the differences and conflict that exist between this administration and the Israeli government has been done on purpose in an effort to improve our standing and our view in the Muslim world. It’s been a disaster.”

In explaining the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship, Rubio said, “Number one, Israel is the only pro-American free enterprise democracy in the entire Middle East. Number two, I believe we have a strong moral obligation to the state of Israel. It was a nation that was created in the aftermath of the Holocaust to ensure that there would always be a homeland for the Jewish people, particularly if they face discrimination or, in the case of the Holocaust, genocide. And so, we have a strong commitment. What does Israel ask of America? It doesn’t ask us to invade any countries. It doesn’t ask us to station troops in Israel. Here is the only thing they ask: if they run out of weapons, run out of bullets or run out of rockets to resupply them. They will pay for it. And the second thing they ask is if there are any efforts to legitimize Israel at the United Nations – that, basically, happens every second day – to sanction Israel or to hurt Israel, that we use our veto power in the security council to stop it.”

According to the Florida Senator, “For the first time in a long time, both of those assurances are questioned.” Rubio went on to blast the administration for suspending military sales for a number of days “when Israel came under assault two years ago because they were concerned about the way Israel was responding to those attacks. And there was an implied threat that we would not use our veto power at the Security Council to veto an effort to recognize a Palestinian State outside of a settlement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.” He also mentioned Israel’s opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, “and this president proceeded forward in a way that ended up having him treat the Ayatollah of Iran with more respect than sometimes he’s given the Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu].”

February 9, 2016 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. He is still very young but he learned a big lesson. If push comes to shove, shove back! Can’t play nice when dealing with the “Mafia”!

  2. @ ArnoldHarris:
    Kasich actual is the most ready day one candidate. He has very specific 100 day plan from when he would walk into the White House. He has the best and most prepared background to be the President, business exec, Congressman and successful governor.

    By making government smaller, less costly and more responsive to our needs we can get our economy going again and have the resources to secure our nation, strengthen our families and communities, and reach our God-given potential.

    In his first 100 days as President, John Kasich will send Congress a comprehensive plan that creates the climate for job creation by balancing the budget in eight years, cutting taxes for families and businesses, reining in federal regulations, tearing down barriers to increased energy production, and returning major federal responsibilities back to our states and communities where they can be performed more efficiently and responsively to serve Americans.

    Yes he is too moderate on some issues for some on the right wing of the GOP and he is not a great entertainer. When he speaks he certainly does not fill the bill of a name caller and make people laugh while sounding like a overgrown sixth grader.

    He will probably not last too long in the race because he will probably run out of money. If he can somehow last past the southern states, he would win Ohio, a winner take all state. He could do well in the Northeast and maybe Northwest and possibly California.

    The race unless Rubio gets resurrected somehow or Kasich finds his entertainer in chief switch will probably boil down to Cruz and Trump. Trump being the clear front runner. Kasich unlike Trump actually has a real plan and would not need on the job training. This probably will not matter as the Presidential race is sort of a strange beauty contest / screen test. Trump is clearly doing well in the screen test and has pushed the correct emotional buttons on a lot of people.

  3. @ CuriousAmerican:
    Neither Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, or any other of the Republican candidates have the overwhelming political attractiveness borne by Donald J Trump. Without that, nobody captures 35% of the vote, competing against seven other candidates, in a state such as New Hampshire, with its hard-core individualists who make up their minds only after strong consideration and sifting.

    Bernie Sanders may be 50 years behind the times, CA. Or maybe he isn’t. But in terms of this election year, you are eight months behind the times. And in these particular times, that counts for a century.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  4. I fear that Trump is a spoiler.

    I have one very right wing female relative, who despises Trump.

    If Trump gets nominated, a lot of Republican women will not vote.

    You may end up with Bernie Sanders — fifty years behind times.

    Me, I think Cruz is the best option for the USA. If not Cruz, then Rubio.

  5. This is making abstraction of the powerful antisemites and orientalists who are parasites at the St.Dept.; Foreign Office and Quai d’Orsay.

  6. Trump is the apparent winner of the New Hampshire primary — the first real election of this presidential year — with an overwhelming vote lead.

    Second place among the Republicans goes to Kasich, the Ohio governor and mild-mannered Mr Little Nice Guy, and presumably the next darling of the Republican establishment. Unfortunately, he has provided almost no specifics about what he would do to solve the mounting problems of the United States of America, other than to keep repeating: “Why can’t we all learn to get along with one another?”.

    As for Senators Cruz and Rubio, along with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, you may as well forget about them.

    On the Democratic Party side, Hillary Clinton is being wiped out by Senator Bernie Sanders, who, by the way, is the first Jewish presidential candidate and the first one to win the all-important New Hampshire primary election. Dick Morris writes that both Bill and Hillary spend a lot of their time cursing Bernie. I can just imagine what they say after after they down a couple of evening highballs.

    Stay tuned, just in case later vote counting reverses much or all of the above.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  7. Rubio is a nice guy, but does not have the smarts or the cojones to take on the real opponent of the GOP in this election – the leftist MSM. He should stay in Florida and in the Senate. He will do more good there.

    Three guys can take them on: Trump by speaking past them; Cruz by smacking them down with facts and quick thinking, and actually, Chris Christie, with his in-your-face style. While Christie has been a good governor here in NJ (I fear what happens when a Democrat replaces him in 2017), he is still not sufficiently conservative on guns and immigration to win, or even be attorney general.

    Any GOP candidate will be a vast improvement over Obama and far better than the two Marxists vying for the Democratic nomination.

  8. Til now I have preferred Ted Cruz.

    Stay the course.
    Cruz is religiously committed to Israel.
    Rubio is religiously committed to Rubio.

  9. the Israeli right prefer Rubia because they saw him as a Neocon,….

    FYI… in the picture upper right you see the beginning of the Phrase “a new american century”….. the report in the 1990’s putting forward the neocon prescription was entitled “Project for a new American century”.