Shapiro does it again

By Ted Belman

Amb Shapiro refused to apologize for his remarks or change a word in them, but he did manage an apology of sorts for its timing.

The offending words were:

“oo many attacks on Palestinians lack a vigorous investigation or response by Israeli authorities; too much vigilantism goes unchecked; and at times there seem to be two standards of adherence to the rule of law: one for Israelis and another for Palestinians.””

Today, he issued “regrets”, not apologies:

“There were just one or two lines that caused disagreement, but if this, God forbid, hurt the Meir family or anyone else mourning Dafna’s death, may her memory be a blessing, then of course I regret it.””

But he couldn’t stop there and said:

“We encourage Israel to continue all investigations of different violent incidents, because it’s very important to show commitment to the rule of law.”

He should shove his condescension and holier than thou attitude and constant preaching where the sun don’t shine. Israel doesn’t need the lawless Obama Administration to tell her the importance of the rule of law.

January 25, 2016 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. @ woolymammoth:Shapiro represents Obama and those Jews that twice voted for Obama, do you not think so?

    Shapiro still a Court Jew and not highly respected in Israel after he doubled down on his arrogant remarks!

  2. Shapiro comes from a Washington DC ‘conservative’ community where ‘law’ means eating “vegetarian with hechsher” meals certified by female rabbis. That is, law is negotiable to fit the need.

    In case of US foreign policy towards Israel, the need is to impose American values and standards on Israel (a ‘he’ unlike other nations). The same values and standards that most Muslim ‘palestinians’ hate, and would kill Americans for.

    No amount of education can ever repair the moral compass set on cultural relativism and egaliterianism.

  3. It is okay my friends to vent at Shapiro because what does represent?

    Spiritual guidance? NO!

    Tactical guidance in the Conflict? NO!

    Assistance to Israel or Jews of any constructive nature? NO!

    He represents Obama in its mission to try and De-legitimize Israel in it ancient homeland. Is this based on law? NO! Is this based on making peace? NO!

    This is based on the fact that Shapiro is another self righteous arrogant asshole working proudly for Obama with the title Obama’s Ambassador to Israel. Otherwise known as the court Jew for Obama.

  4. why not write to Jewish leadership like AIPAC, Jewish Federations and the like

    How charmingly naive.
    Why not write to Michelle Obama?
    She has been considerably less servile towards BO than those you cite, which explains the Obamas’ custom of vacationing separately.
    Conversely, BO genuinely seems to enjoy the companionship of his Jewish lapdogs.

  5. Bill Narvey Said:

    Instead of venting on Israpundit

    to whom are you addressing your post? You are a long time poster, have you not learned how to use the “reply” and “highlight and quote” button? Then folks would know to whom you address your commentBill Narvey Said:

    why not write to Jewish leadership like AIPAC,

    it is not aipac or congress but Israel who must simply issue a Persona Non grata… which is what nations do when they dont want the ambassador…… writing to aipac or congress will do nothing.

  6. Instead of venting on Israpundit, why not write to Jewish leadership like AIPAC, Jewish Federations and the like as well as your representatives if you are American to express your anger with Shapiro and the Obama administration and urge them all to call for the firing of Shapiro. Then post your letter to Israpundit.

  7. shapiro should be declared Persona Non Grata which is the normal way of dealing in diplomacy with such shiite. Send him back to president Hussein with a note stuck on his back saying “kick me”. This worthless piece of shiite is not worth more than my daily bowel movement and makes less sense. I have seen much less powerful govs than Israel declare US ambassadors Persona Non Grata.

    He should STFU because every time he opens his fool mouth his foot finds it’s way in. Ear pollution.

  8. He should shove his condescension and holier than thou attitude and constant preaching where the sun don’t shine.


  9. An excellent response to Obama and his lackeys by Ted Belman. I would extend that to the Europeans also.It’s interesting that Russia who so many perceive as an enemy doesn’t engaged in anti Israel rants and behavior while our so called European friends can’t seem to get over their anti-Semitism. Add China as another country not as abusive toward Israel as the Europeans or as Obama.