Indictments filed in Duma attack

T. Belman. The question remains. Do the ends (obtaining enough info to lay charges) justify the suspension of civil liberties and rights for Israeli citizens.

Two Jewish youths suspected of involvement in deadly Duma arson indicted on murder charges Sunday morning.

By Uzi Baruch, INN

Israeli police inspect site of Duma arson

Indictments were filed on Sunday morning at the Lod District Court against two Jewish youths suspected of involvement in the deadly arson attack in Duma five months ago.

They have been identified as 21-year-old Amiram Ben-Uliel from Jerusalem and an unnamed 17-year-old from Samaria. Ben-Uliel was charged with three counts of murder, while the minor was charged as an accessory to murder.

According to the indictment, the two defendants decided in July 2015 to conduct a revenge attack for the murder of Malachi Rosenfeld, which occurred near Duma.

Ben-Ulliel and the minor met at the Geulat Hatzion outpost several times to discuss targets, eventually settling on a double attack in Duma and the neighboring Majdal village.

They agreed to meet at the Yishuv Hada’at outpost on the night between July 30 and 31 to carry out an attack in Duma “with the intention of killing people in their houses.”

Armed with two bottles filled of flammable liquid, rags, a lighter, a matchbook, gloves and black spray paint, Ben-Ulliel arrived at the designated spot at 11:00 p.m. on July 30.

When the minor failed to arrive at the designated meeting place before the attack, Ben-Ulliel, after waiting an hour, set off to conduct the attack on his own.

Ben-Ulliel tied one of his shirts around his face and crept into Duma. In an effort to increase the damage, he chose two houses in the center of the village – both belonging to different members of the Dawabshe family.

After using the flammable material with him to create the firebombs, Ben-Uliel threw them through unlocked windows in both of the houses. He also spray-painted a Star of David and the words “revenge” and “long live the Messiah” on a wall near the houses.

When the fires broke out, Ben-Uliel quickly fled.

Eighteen-month-old Ali Saad Dawabshe was killed in the ensuing blaze and his parents were fatally injured. His four-year-old brother was the sole survivor from the immediate family.

Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, who is representing one of the suspects, slammed the indictments, asserting the case was far from over and that the Shin Bet had “opened a Pandora’s box.”

“I suggest the Shin Bet not rush to celebrate,” he added, noting several different high-profile cases in which “the system did everything to prove a crime even at the price of criminalizing innocent people.”

“My clients are innocent, my clients have not confessed to the police! Only through torture did they break during Shin Bet interrogations,” Ben-Gvir stressed, noting the abuse he clients underwent made their confessions inadmissible.

January 3, 2016 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. I do not know what the full truth is. But Israeli authorities appear to be acting in a high-handed manner. There are prior instances of the Israeli government seeking to improperly accuse and punish Jews to advance their own political agenda. If it can be shown that the Israeli government framed innocent Jews and also tortured them the entire government should fall. I do not trust Bibi or Bennett or most of the current leadership. I would trust Moshe Feiglin but unfortunately he is not prime minster.

  2. Watch: Arab girl curses ‘deceitful Jews’ on PA TV

    ‘Treachery has been inherent in (Jews) from the days of Moses until today,’ says little girl on official PA TV

    PMW has reported on much of the PA-sponsored propaganda, including anti-Semitic teachings coming directly from their leadership.

    Abbas’ adviser on Islamic Affairs and Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash recently taught in a televised sermon that Jews represent “evil,” and that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is better described as “Allah’s project vs. Satan’s project.”

    Why aren’t these anti semites brought to detention and torture by shabak? why is BB wasting resources chasing Jews who present little threat to Jews when the whole leadership and hundreds of thousands of arab anti semites are a much bigger danger to jews and Israel… they should be arming the settlers to help. Every day jews die due to the incitement of their leaders and their leaders should be assassinated or deported. Looks like BB and the left have fingered zionist Jews settling Judea rather than liquidating the enemies. Every day we should see dead anti semites but instead every day we see dead Jews.

  3. Video emerges of Jewish extremist reenacting deadly Duma firebombing

    Ben-Uliel went to Duma to carry out the attack by himself, the security service said, contradicting Palestinian claims made earlier in the investigation that two people were seen fleeing the village soon after the attack.

    Ben-Uliel arrived at the Palestinian village on foot and began searching for a house deep within it.[lolroflmao]

    He located two homes and allegedly sat down…

    “In one of the houses, the Dawabsha family was present at the time of the attack. The second house was empty of people,” …..

    Ben-Uliel then allegedly lobbed his firebombs into the two houses and fled the scene on foot, bound for his home in Jerusalem.

    they thought they had 2 jews to stand in for the 2 arabs seen fleeing but they cant fabricate the evidence on the second.

    They did not tell us that BOTH HOUSES belonged to the Dewabshes so what are the chances of a jew deciding to go deep into the village and picking two houses from the same family

    I beleive they say he went to jerusalem because they cannot show anyone going to the nearest settlement and have no trace of him to there. He was probably somewhere else where they can link it into the route to jerusalem. six months can put together a story but this one is a cartoon.
    this story is ludicrous which explains why they needed 6 months to fabricate evidence.

  4. Shabak sources: Duma case may not have been completely solved

    According to the charges filed Sunday, 21-year-old Ben Uliel from Jerusalem was the sole perpetrator of the triple murder at Duma, and an unnamed 17-year-old from elsewhere in Samaria was charged as an accessory to murder for helping to plan the attack.

    However, sources in the ISA admitted Sunday to Maariv that it is still possible that Ben Uliel did not carry out the attack alone. “….

    As the real scenario is probably at least 2 arabs carring out their family feud against the dewabshe family, as 2 were struck that night and another Dewabshe house the next week which went quiet,… as the evidence shows more than one they will need to round up more Jews to fill those spots.

    Interesting how the “gag order” allows the state to state its case and to continue te repeat like goebbels the non evidence which defames the “suspects”. Is that the behavior of a fair justicce system or is it the behavior of those who immediately declare guilt and torture without evidence?

    The ISA sources said that Ben Uliel was part of an underground called the Giv’onim, which sought to bring about the appointment of a king to rule over Israel, and to expel all gentiles from the Land of Israel, by murdering men, women and children, among other things. A religious regime was to be forced upon Israel by means of a mutiny, and through terror attacks against key installations that would be carried out by use of barrels filled with explosives.

    even if this were true it is obvious that they needed such a “conspiracy” to justify their torture under the law which requires a credible threat to the state… but this sounds like a cuckoo non threat and notice that their has been no such prior case of a serious threat and the Duma case represents simply a crime of arson and murder… no threat to the state that justifies torture. However, it did serve to demonize settlers and dissenters and create a law quickly to incarcerate dissidents.

    The ISA has presented a document it says was written by Moshe Orbach

    documents and conspiracies with no evidence linked to duma.

    I am wondering why no one demands to see when and what they did to investigate the arab arson and to answer to allegations that the security cams were wiped clean by Duma arabs. If they waited to assess the evidence and the waiting resulted in destroyed evidence which may have pointed to arabs then negligence and obstruction of justice need to be investigated.

  5. ‘Who is investigating Weinstein’s Duma torture orders?’

    Non-profit write to Attorney General asking which government body is investigating his conduct in Duma case, in light of torture revelation.

    Meshilut noted that Weinstein allegedly authorized the use of torture against the suspects, despite the lack of “concrete events justifying such measures.” In such a case, “use of any such physical measures would be illegal and in violation of a ruling by the Supreme Court on this matter.”

    there must be a serious inquiry into all aspects of the conduct of the gov from their blood libeling initial irresponsible declarations of jewish guilt without evidence knowing it would lead to todays revenge murdeers and stabbing TO the AG torture instructions apparently given with no basis in factual evidence… a very suspicious gov MO reminiscent of the UK appeasement sacrifice of “Breaker Morant” in the Boer war.

  6. In an effort to increase the damage, he chose two houses in the center of the village – both belonging to different members of the Dawabshe family.

    Notice how there has been no new evidence or revelation which has made this ludicrous narrative of idiotic jews searching for 2, not one, Dewabshe houses IN THE CENTER OF THE VILLAGE. the only details mentioned which can be evidence are:

    Armed with two bottles filled of flammable liquid, rags, a lighter, a matchbook, gloves and black spray paint, Ben-Ulliel arrived at the designated spot at 11:00 p.m. on July 30.

    I expect that this “evidence” can be easily planted as they held the DNA of the “suspects” even before they admitted they had NO EVIDENCE. This case should be approached by the public and the Judges as a frame up because all the actions of the gov and shabak point towards a need to turn their error or false flag into a credible, indictible narrative.
    As the gov, shin bet and weinstein controlled all the evidence, and as they clearly intended to lynch jews, the most sensible conclusion is that they colluded to frame the boys. Weinstein is proven to have ordered the torture after weeks of investigation produced no evidence. Israelis should investigate weinstein and demand the basis for instructing torture without even a shred of evidence. they are not to be trusted even though I hear all the parrots declare their trust… because the whole nation is in their hands…. the whole nation is in the hands of those who immediately declared to the world that Jews burned baby’s without any evidence.

    In a choice between the 4 who frantically needed to blame Jews admittedly without evidence and their AG who instructed torture becuase after weeks of questioning he had nothing else….. between those tainted witnesses and the lawyers and families of the suspects… I choose the later. But in the end only hard evidence which is impossible of fabrication by the gov is what should govern.

    “I would like to remind you all that for over 40 days our client was accused of being guilty of direct involvement in a murder, and today, after 40 days it was revealed that these accusations had no connection to reality.”

    “In the written indictment he is not accused of murder at all,” Keidar charged. “I think that this is a day of soul searching for the Israel Security Agency (ISA) and for the prosecution

    the public should remain aware of what events transpire while this case marches on and takes up the headlines. It is possible that even a failed case with not guilty verdicts can be a fig leaf for other events: the daily stabbings, the likud leadership race, the iran deal failure without a plan, the illegal euro building without prosecution, the labeling of settlers by euros with no plan, the non reaction to the vatican recognizing pal soveriegnty over areas they “control”, etc etc etc