Poll: Palestinians support an intifada to end all intifadas

Judea-Samaria-Gaza survey: 72% support terror wave, 44% want shooting attacks, and 48% term goal as destruction of Israel.

By Dalit Halevy, Arutz Sheva

A new public opinion poll among the Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza found that an overwhelming majority supports continuing the ongoing terror wave to the bitter end.

The poll was conducted by the Watan Research Center between November 14-21 and included 1,167 Arab respondents.

A full 72% said they support continuing the “Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Intifada,” as it has been termed, until it achieves its “goals,” which they were later asked to define.

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No less than 44% of the Arab public expressed support for an armed intifada terror war using guns, 18% gave support to stabbing attacks, and 14% supported attacks throwing rocks at Israelis.

The goal of the intifada terror war according to 48% of the Arabs is the “liberation of Palestine,” indicating the conquest and occupation of all of Israel.

According to 15.2% the goal is the dismantling of the “settlements,” 12.8% defined the goal as the release of the terrorists jailed in Israel, to 11.7%, the goal is to “liberate” only the territory over the 1949 Armistice lines, and 11.9% indicated other goals.

A full 67% think the most important step that the Palestinian leadership needs to take is the establishment of a unified leadership, in an evident call for the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas unity agreement sealed in April 2014 torpedoing peace talks with Israel to be implemented.

Another 21% called for the leadership to adopt a strategy based on an agreed upon goal, and 10.4% demanded that the Palestinian Arab organizations start launching “military” activities.

November 29, 2015 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Assuming the poll is accurate, I ask rhetorically; how can any country tolerate the situation Israel is in? Israel must take over radio stations, take over the schools, including the “universities”, harshly punish terrorists with the death penalty, block rewards the terrorists’ families receive, blow up their homes, if the terrorist is sentenced to imprisonment instead of death block any rewards, and not allow one Fakestinian who isn’t a citizen of Israel to work anywhere near Jews. They must take away any power this vile beast Abbas has over the occupying Arabs aka Fakestinians. Israel must also not allow the Euro-Nazis associated with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic groups into Israel, Judea, and Samaria since their only reason to enter is to make trouble for Israel. I know Netanyahu is criticized for not being tougher, but given the treatment Israel from the US, and the EU, he must receive threats from Heinrich Kerry, and the EU which are NOT made public. However, he can implement most of the controls I have mentioned without much publicity such blocking rewards for terrorists, controlling the Fakestinian media, not allowing any Arab who is not a citizen to work in Israel.