Yisrael Beytenu leader harshly criticizes Netanyahu for his handling of the terror wave.
Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Liberman on Saturday came out swinging at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying his handling of the wave of terror that Israel is facing was “catastrophic.”
At a cultural event in Tel Aviv, Liberman said that in order to extinguish terror, its sources that incite it, its finance and its commanders must be dealt with. He said that when these elements have immunity there is no chance to stamp out the terror.
“Without a shadow of doubt targeted assassinations must be renewed because they are effective. The terrorists are continuing to dig tunnels and manufacture long-range missiles.”
On the Hamas ruled Gaza Strip, Liberman said there was no need to conquer the territory but that Israel must disturb the routine of terrorists there.
Liberman also said that Israel was the largest financier of Palestinian terror.
“Every family of a Palestinian terrorist who is killed, receives from Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] 14-15 thousand shekels a month that the Palestinian Authority gets from Netanyahu.
Liberman said that the money transferred to the PA comes from taxes that Israel collects for it, and that there was no reason to continue transferring the funds because the Palestinians were in breach of agreements regarding their use.
Last month a Channel 2 News survey found that Liberman was best-equipped to fight Palestinian terrorism.
According to the poll, 73 percent of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to the current wave of terrorism. He came only in third place in answers as to who would fight terrorism best and take care of security problems, with only 15% choosing Netanya hu.
Liberman came in first place, with 22% of the respondents choosing him, and Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) was in second, with 17%. Former IDF chief of staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi got 10%, 5% of those polled chose opposition leader Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union), and 4% Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid.
Liberman has also recently called for the government to deny residency to those living in east Jerusalem who are involved in terrorist activity.
Israel should also “begin using emergency law and institute a military government everywhere it is necessary to eradicate terrorism,” he said.
“I remind the prime minister and cabinet members: words do not stop terrorists. Security is gained through an iron fist.”
Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.
Start by first jailing terrorists. Destroying family home or whole building if they are in an apartment building.
Deport all the relatives or supporters of any terrorist to Syria.
It is past time for dealing with the types of terrorism Israel is suffering from. The only thing the terrorists will respect is strength and reprisal. Start with stopping all financial benefits to any and all Muslims. Then immediately stop all electricity to Gaza. Do not assist the Muslims in any way. Remove your velvet glove and get tough and serious. You live in the midst of Islam and yet you act as if you do not understand it. They want to KILL you – damn, get a clue.
Everything Liberman said in this article appears accurate and makes sense.
SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:
LOL, the DM responsible for security appears ignorant in security matters. Everyone knows the terror wave can be squashed with harsh counterattacks except the one responsible. and yet this same unknowing fellow, unknowledgeable in security matters, was extremely knowledgeable when it came to inciting a lynch mob against settlers without evidence…. he showed no lack of confidence in his knowledge then.
It appears that a lack of knowledge in security is now an important qualification for the post of DM. Most folks are too humble to boast about their lack of knowledge but apparently the DM’s lack is a subject for news.
Israel is NOT a democracy. If it were, the will of the people would manifest in the removal of appeaser Netanyahu and his replacement with a REAL Jew. The Israeli public suffers greatly but remains too well behaved to rise up against their corrupt and suicidal government. Perhaps they have not suffered enough.
What to do? I do not support Lieberman but, as the majority now, he called it.
Netanyahu pretenses of leading while systematically sabotaging our most vital interests are widely exposed. His gesticulating admonitions to the “world” mean not a thing.
A. Iran. What did the cardboard prop pro accomplish with his grotesque “speeching” all over the place?
B. Is JEWISH construction being allowed in Judea and Samaria? NO! The item keeps authorizing… in neutral if not reverse.
C. Security. What? 13 years old little beasts run circles around that slap stick comedy clown passing as general Ya’alon.
We can go on but what for? Har Habait? supreme courtiers?
A veritable and dangerous self serving klum… trailing a nothing ensemble. I would not doubt for a second him “uniting” with his darling Livni soon enough.
Moderation again. Why is this triggered Ted? Is there not a way to disable this?
Lieberman is as usual just being his natural bombastic self in trying to appeal to voters. That said he has some good points expelling those who are involved in terror but not just East Jerusalem as he states.
Since the supreme court continuously gets in the way of fighting terrorists a state of emergency should be called to fight terrorism! Then it actually needs to fought. Demolish the PA. Kill all the terror leaders.
Take the money going that was going to the PA to assist Arabs who wish to emigrate. Those Arabs who demonstrate loyalty to the state (such as the Druze and some Bedouin) by IDF or national service will have full civil rights. Israel needs to annex all Jewish Towns in Judah/Samaria and all open areas including the Jordan Valley.
The IDF should be provided goals to accomplish to meet the above aims and let loose to achieve those goals.
Netanyahu is the largest financial backer of Palestinian terror. But look at how much worldwide good will it has bought! And when you see the gratitude in the earnest faces of all those friendly Palis, well, you can’t help but have a warm feeling. Or is that just my bladder failing me?