Assimilation-Resistant Muslims Are the Real Refugee Problem

T. Belman. If ever there was a Trojan Horse, the mass influx of Muslims into the US will be its undoing just as it is in Europe. Not only are they assimilation resistant, they are anti American law and values and want to replace them with Sharia and Islamic values.

The Left including the Jewish establishment paint this as an humanitarian issue. Even the aspirants to the Republican nomination for President, focus on the vetting problem or the jobs problem or even the crime problem but they do not focus on the fifth column that would be created dedicated to replacing the constitution with Sharia law. Considering the extend to which the Muslims keep getting their way in America, thereby changing America, doubling their numbers in America will accelerate the process.

America should not allow Muslim immigration. These people are not refugees entitled to asylum. The can go to Jordan or Turkey where millions are now situate or they can go to 60 plus Islamic states that share their values.

The 11 million illegal aliens who are mainly Christian can easily be assimilated and present no insurmountable problems whereas one million legal Muslim immigrants would present a serious challenge to American values.

By Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review Online

The jihad is raging in Paris. President Hollande repeatedly declares that France is at war, and press reporting has highlighted the French military’s combat operations against ISIS in Syria. But what the French are most worried about — and what the Obama-friendly media are happy to gloss over while the president is pushing to import thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims into our country — is fifth-column activity, meaning French Islamists supportive of violent jihadists.



Perhaps most alarmingly, more than a thousand French Muslims, more than from any other Western country, are estimated to have traveled to Syria to fight for ISIS. That means many will return to the country as trained, battle-hardened jihadists — just as one of last Friday’s attackers is suspected of having done.

Now, let’s move beyond direct ISIS participants and consider the ISIS support system. Recent polling found that 16 percent of French citizens express some degree of support for ISIS. That is alarming, but how surprised should we be to hear it? Nearly a decade ago, when the Muslim population was significantly smaller than it is now, Pew polling indicated that 35 percent of French Muslims believed suicide bombings of civilian targets to defend Islam could be justified at least some of the time (16 percent said “often or sometimes,” and 19 percent said “rarely”).

This last is the point to bear in mind as President Obama continues to demagogue opponents of his plan to keep importing thousands of refugees from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Many Beltway Republicans miniaturize the problem this plan presents. Stating the obvious, they argue that our government cannot conceivably vet these immigrants. Therefore, the argument goes, we cannot figure out who is a legitimate refugee and who is an ISIS terrorist — like the suicide jihadist, believed to be from Syria, who recently entered Europe with the tide of immigrants and helped carry out last week’s attacks in Paris.

But identifying terrorists is not the half of it. The bigger challenge is the infiltration of a population of people schooled to resist assimilation. As I’ve explained a number of times, including in Islam and Free Speech (a Broadside published by Encounter Books after the Charlie Hebdo massacre), highly influential Islamic leaders are embarked on a conquest strategy referred to as “voluntary apartheid”: the establishment of sharia enclaves that would eventually merge into an Islamic state that dominates Europe and the United States.

Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, regarded by many, including the Muslim Brotherhood, as the world’s most respected sharia jurist, instructs Muslims that the “quest for an Islamic state” calls for integrating into Europe and then pressuring Western leaders to accept a Muslim “right to live according to our faith — ideologically, legislatively, and ethically.” The Organization of Islamic Cooperation — a bloc of 56 Muslim countries (plus the Palestinian Authority) — has decreed that “Muslims should not be marginalized or attempted to be assimilated, but should be accommodated.” Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Islamist president of Turkey who has systematically dismantled that country’s secular, pro-Western system, similarly pronounces that pressuring Muslims to assimilate in the West “is a crime against humanity.”

On immigration, our national-security challenge is not limited to keeping Islamist terrorists out. It demands the exclusion of populations that breed, encourage, aid, abet, and materially support Islamist terrorism, particularly Islamists themselves: Muslims who adhere to an interpretation of Islam that promotes the sharia system of governance. That interpretation is mainstream in the places from which Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other Washington politicians want us to accept immigrants by the thousand.

Like us, France has a big problem in Syria. Unlike us, France has a bigger problem in Saint-Denis. When we can see how that problem is rending French society, why would we voluntarily replicate it here?

November 22, 2015 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Trump Versus Hilary 2016.
    Showdown with the leftists.
    I agree – it doesn’t matter if there were or there weren’t -there could easily have been and that brings attention to the fact that there are a lot more in America NOW that would cheer any attack on America.

    According to that blog link posted by Ted there are many eyewitnesses that corroborate Trump – they wrote their accoutns there.

  2. Anti-Muslim comments buoy Trump in Republican race

    Billionaire presidential hopeful says he saw Jersey City Muslims celebrating 9/11…………….

    “It did happen. I saw it,” said Trump. “It was on television. I saw it.”……………………

    “Trump is plain wrong, and he is shamefully politicizing an emotionally charged issue,” said Fulop………

    Trump needs to understand that Jersey City will not be part of his hate campaign,” …………………

    GovernorPataki Not sure what luxury spider-hole @DonaldTrump was hiding in on Sept11 but I saw Americans come together that day….

    “I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it,” he added, “but there were people cheering as that building came down, as those buildings came down. And that tells you something.”

    when the interviewer questioned him he repeated it even more confidently. Looks like everyone is freaked out about the donald talking about the fact of muslim terror.

    Even if donald is lying or exaggerating it is elating to see those who daily lie about isreal playing the victim of “lies”

    Footage of Muslims in Middle Eastern countries cheering news of the attacks were broadcast often on television, but there is no evidence in news archives of mass celebrations by Muslims in Jersey City,

    LOL, the religion of peace caught in taqiyya???????

    I loved the way he handled it in the video, he doubled down on the claim when questioned… nobody beleive those who everyone knows told lies that muslims were practicing a religion of peace. Its nice to see them squirm… he just got my vote…. its a war and i dont care if its true of false. If he lied he is merely demonstrating that he know who the enemy is and what it takes to defeat the enemy, catching them in their own game.