Bloody Battle for Israel at Oxford University
Rabbi Shmuley and Dennis Prager Face Ferocious Anti-Israel Advocacy at the Oxford Union Debating Society
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, THE OBSERVER, • 11/28/14
Oxford, England, 5 am – I’m trying to get two hours sleep tonight prior to my flight back to America, but cannot. I am supercharged from tonight’s debate at the Oxford Union on Israel versus Hamas. It was easily the most hard-fought debate on Israel I have ever participated in. It was ferocious, exhilarating, vicious, electrifying, and disturbing.
When I first called my close friend Dennis Prager, the celebrated American radio host, to join me at the Oxford Union for their premier Middle East debate of the season, Dennis was at first reluctant to come. He has to broadcast his national show every day.
I told him it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to defend Israel at the world’s most prestigious debating society. Europe was turning against Israel. Oxford was the world’s most famous University, educating future world leaders. The scars to Israel’s reputation from the war in Gaza was still fresh. Now was the time.
He agreed to come.
Dennis, like me, is a veteran of debates on Israel. But I informed him that nothing could prepare him for the ferocity of the attacks on Israel that we were likely to endure.
Indeed, as the debate began before a capacity audience, Dennis seemed stunned at what was being said. Israel is an apartheid regime. Israel is slaughtering the Palestinians and is guilty of genocide. Israel is doing to the Palestinians exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews. What the Jews experienced in the Holocaust is exactly what the Palestinians are enduring at Israel’s hand. Israel in its six-decade history has had one goal: the theft of Palestinian land and the eradication of the Palestinian people. America is like ISIS. ISIS beheads only a few prisoners, but America annihilates innocents in Pakistan each and every day with drone strikes. There is no real difference. Israel is guilty of war crimes. Israel’s security fence is an apartheid wall that is built mostly through the gardens and property of innocent Palestinians. Hamas does some bad things. But it’s all Israel’s fault. Hamas is a bonafide resistance movement to Israel’s occupation. Terrorism directed at Israelis is an organic response to Israeli colonial rule
Many of the arguments came from world-renowned Israeli academic Avi Shlaim, with whom I always had a warm relationship in the eleven years I served as Rabbi to the students at Oxford. The other arguments came from a highly intelligent female Oxford doctoral candidate, with whom I interacted warmly at the pre-debate dinner, and from a Berkeley-Oxford female Professor who was likewise pleasant. The rest of the attacks came from Oxford students in the floor debate segment of the program.
I had heard all these things before. But never from some of the most highly educated people in Europe. And never with such ferocity and vehemence.
Facing an onslaught that included charges that Israel is an apartheid regime that is slaughtering the Palestinians, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Dennis Prager defended the Jewish State.
Facing an onslaught that included charges that Israel is an apartheid regime that is slaughtering the Palestinians, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Dennis Prager defended the Jewish State.
Dennis and I fought back with every fiber of our being. Hamas is a genocidal organization that proudly touts its charter calling on the annihilation of Jews utterly unconnected to any conflict. It seeks the murder of all Jews, including those sitting in the Oxford Union chamber. It aids and abets honor killings of Palestinian women, shoots gay Palestinians in the head on false chargers of collaboration, machine-guns all Palestinian protesters who dare to defy its rule, violently punishes any form of criticism, engages in daily forms of deadly incitement against Jews, celebrates when Westerners, including in Britain, are blown up by bombs, ended any vestige of democratic rule once it was elected, and builds its military installations under hospitals and nurseries so that the infirm and the vulnerable can serve as human shields to its cowardly terrorists. Israel has tried since its creation to make peace with Arab states and has endangered its security with repeated territorial concessions that were met with nothing but terror attacks. Arabs in Israel live with greater freedoms and human rights than any Muslim country on earth. There is no excuse for terror. Jews even under the horrors of Hitler didn’t turn to blowing up German children. The justifications for terrorism that were being offered were an affront and an abomination to Islam which, just like Judaism, abides by the commandment not to murder.
The debate was electrifying and deeply felt on all sides. Rather than being dispirited, the small but defiant pro-Israel lobby that sat behind Dennis and me threw a barrage of ‘points of information’ at the Israeli-attacking academics. The full video of the debate will be available on the Oxford Union website in a few days.
When the debate was over the President of the Union invited all to drinks. I sat with my opponents. I discussed their trips to Israel. The wounds of the debate were raw but the Union tradition is one of courtesy and mutual respect, whatever the disagreements.
And rather than feel at all dispirited, I was energized and alive. I knew from the moment I accepted the debate invitation a few months back that we would lose the vote. Indeed, hearing the jeers against Israel from the vast majority of those in attendance was painful. But we would fight with all our might. We would enter the lion’s den for Israel. We would defiantly tell the truth of the noble and majestic democracy that is the Jewish State of Israel. We would strike a blow for the Jewish state in an extraordinarily hostile environment.
(Interestingly enough, Naomi Wolf was there, having just given a lecture attacking Israel for human rights abuses three hours before our debate. All this was curious, given that Naomi had withdrawn from our planned debate on Israel in New York with the excuse that she was going to speak at Oxford. She never mentioned that we would be there on the exact same day).
And we made tremendous progress.
As soon as the debate was over a group of students asked me for an immediate meeting, that night, to start up the Oxford L’Chaim Society once again to defend the honor of Israel. The student who offered to be President was not Jewish. He told me that as of March of this year he was an active member of Pal Soc (the Palestinian Society) at Oxford. He endorsed and fought for boycotts of Israel. But then he heard me speak at the Union in the debate in Iran. It changed him, he said. He left Pal Soc and joined the tiny but courageous pro-Israel lobby.
Sure enough, at the debate the Israel side lost the vote. But we gained our adversaries’ respect.
The author faced unrelenting anti-Israel attacks at the hallowed halls of Oxford Union.
The author faced unrelenting anti-Israel attacks at the hallowed halls of Oxford Union.
And to be fair to the Union, we were not jeered, interrupted, or heckled. Amid the ferocious battle for Israel and the hundreds of students poised against us, we made our case with passion and each side respected the other’s right to speak. That’s why I love the Oxford Union, and why I did countless joint events with the Union when I was Rabbi in Oxford.
I believe with all my heart that Israel can and will win arguments in the marketplace of ideas. If not today, then tomorrow. It ultimately will happen. The truth will prove victorious. We dare not shun debates. We must welcome and engage them.
Conclusions: First, Israel is under siege on European campuses. It has determined and active adversaries who are clobbering the more timid Jewish opposition. Second, if we stepped up our game on campus we can begin to reverse the tide of defamation and fraudulence to which the Jewish state is being constantly subjected.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “America’s Rabbi,” is the international best-selling author of 30 books, winner of The London Times Preacher of the Year Competition, and recipient of the American Jewish Press Association’s Highest Award for Excellence in Commentary. He has just published Kosher Lust: Love is Not the Answer. Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.
In all debates about Israel, we should always draw attention to the Koran because the Koran is the root of the evil and very few people are talking about it. Shmuley was right to call attention to the Hamas Charter which calls for gtenocide against the Jews, but he was totally remiss when he did not say that the Hamas Charter is based on Islamic sacred texts and that Hamas, itself, is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
vivarto Said:
No it isn’t beccause all those quotes he relied on to argue Islam is a nice religion were all abrogated and no longer apply.
@ vivarto:
Not mentioning abrogation is a small thing.
He referred to Qranic verses that that don’t exist in Meccan Quran either.
And his hypocrisy here STINKS. Listen to him say that he is really worried about his “Muslim brothers and sisters”. Like all liars he prefaces this like with “to be honest”.
But the worst part is here: The pig claims that ISIS cutting off people’s head is violation if Islam.
This pig must know that Muhammad oversaw as many as 900 unarmed Jewish prisoners beheaded. He watched this spectacle whole day, together with his 12 year old “wife”.
And then the pig says
“The Quran says that hatred of any religious entity is a sin”
Finally he ends up talking about “his fellow Muslims” and the “glorious tradition” of Islam.
Ted Belman Said:
And the Israeli side failed to mention that the Islamics there were not there to have an abstract debate. They were there to practice Jihad and their purpose was to stir up hatred and incite anyone that would listen to engage in violence against Israel and Israelis and help them destroy the Jews.
The whole “debate” was spurious. This needs to be mentioned by the debaters.
@ vivarto: I agree. He lied about Islam. He failed to mention the doctrine of abrogation.
Boteach is a lying pig.
Without a shred of integrity.
He was inventing likes about Islam the “great religion”.
He said that beheading is against Islam.
He said that Islam commands their faithful to respect all religions. And all other such lies.
Really shameless.
I cannot believe that a pig like this can be invited to a serious debate!
Zero respect for such liars, I could spit him in the face.
Here is the link for Boteach at Oxford U
Prager is excellent — except for one thing. He utterly fails to understand the nature of Islam and the role of Islamic sacred doctrine in the war against Israel and the Jews. The Hamas Charter make it all perfectly clear, and one has to wonder whether Prager has ever bothered to read it. When the anti-Semitic pro-Hamas woman asked him why he named only Arab and Moslem countries, he answered without any reference to Islamic doctrine which is the only explanation for the hostility of Arab and Moslem countries to Israel.