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  1. @ Ted Belman:

    I first saw Governor Palin when she was introduced by John McCain as his running mate. It took me about two minutes to fall in love with her. I could not believe that old Johnny Mac had made such a great choice. I still believe that if the GOP ticket had been turned upside down Obama never would have become president.

  2. Starting to believe Trump has an excellent chance to win the GOP nomination. He changed his negatives completely around quite an achievement. Sincerely worried though that he has alienated the Hispanics and will be unable to win Florida, Nevada, New Mexico or Colorado in a general election. This leaving Hillary or Joe Biden if Hillary has to drop out of the race to be the next President.

  3. What does that say about Palin power.

    That she is greatly respected for her patriotism and courage, qualities that are most uncommon among public figures.

  4. @ Ted Belman:
    Okay, Ted. Only because you mentioned it, I chose to spend 25 minutes of my otherwise very busy time watching Judge Jeanine Piro interviewing Donald Trump. I guess that makes me watcher number 2501.

    Frankly, I cannot recall ever reading about or hearing about Judge Jeanine Pirro. But I can think of very few people in the USA have not heard of Sarah Palin, who had the fortitude to run for Vice President of the USA on a ticket with Senator John McCain, who was sanctified as an accredited war hero almost solely based on having ejected from his crippled aircraft, and then was caught and served hard time as a prisoner of war in Viet Nam. All things considered, the Republican Party in 2008 would have stood a better chance of whipping Senator Change You Can Believe In if she had been nominated for the presidency and him relegated to the vice presidency.

    By the way: Judge Jeanine Pirro could teach a lot of new media big shots how to conduct an interview so that their listeners and viewers get to hear and see what the candidate has in mind rather than how sexy their legs and butts look. After watching Megyn Kelly trying to pin Donald Trump to the wall, followed by him all but hammering her into the ground like a fence post and seeing his polls skyrocket partly because of that, I don’t take Fox News as seriously as I once might have done. Clearly, they are in the entertainment industry as much as they are in the news industry.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  5. After your comments about Hillary Clinton (with which I do no disagree),I hop you have some security when you are out and about.

    Sam, King City, Ontario

  6. There are scores of millions of reasons why Donald Trump’s public support is all but running away from the 16 other candidates for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States in 2016. All those scores of millions of reasons are very likely to vote in next year’s election, and I, along with all the other members of our family, will be supporting him.

    What’s behind all this? It’s because we all sense that Trump is authentic, and not just another grinning monkey face of a politician supporting stances on important public issues which they think will help them win an election. He doesn’t have to use prepared speeches written for him by some squad of campaign flunkies. He’s wealthy enough to tell the big money political fixers to go screw themselves. He tells would-be news media people what he thinks and why, and allows none of them to shove him around on or off camera. He’s not afraid to look for direct solutions to problems that are threatening the future of this once-great country.

    Above all, his candidacy threatens the two-party political system that has held the USA in its deadlock since before the American Civil War of the 1860s. He doesn’t give a damn about political parties, and neither do most Americans, which includes so many people who are so turned off by partisan politics that they no longer vote.

    I made up my mind some time ago that no matter what they claim to support, I would never again vote for some presidential political family; which, this time, means absolutely no more Bushes and no more Clintons. In any case, I, along with a majority of likely voters polled on this topic, regard Hillary Clinton as lying, devious, power-hungry, and dishonest. And I regard Jeb Bush as a formless, faceless political blob, who, if he were elected to the presidency, would be just another tool of the wire-pullers who financed his father and elder brother in their presidencies.

    I am now reasonably certain that Trump will dominate the Republican candidate selection process and will be nominated. Whether or not Trump will be able to beat his Democrat opponent is hard to say at this point in time. On the other hand, it is equally hard to say if Hillary Clinton’s campaign will be able to stop it’s downward slide.

    So stay tuned.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker