What propels Christian Zionists? Why do they love Israel so much? CBS reporter Bob Simon, in a 1992 “60 Minutes” program found the answer: Because the return of the Jews to their ancient homeland is seen by Evangelicals as a precondition for the Second Coming of Christ.
Somehow I don’t see the Jews as the winners from all this love. The Jews have given their blood in more wars since 1948 than I care to remember in order to keep this Jewish homeland Jewish, yet they aren’t the principle winners in this vision.
I want to introduce you to Canadian Wayne Hilsden, living in Israel since 1983. He is cofounder of King of Kings Community Jerusalem (KKCJ) a congregation located in the heart of Jerusalem. All made possible with the help of the Lord as he is wont to say.
“The vision of King of Kings Community is ‘to be a compelling, Messiah-centered, Spirit-empowered, disciple-making community that reveals the true face of Yeshua (Jesus) to Israel and to the nations.’”
Hilsden believes God recently gave him a mandate to “get Israel back into biblical theology.” He sought the Lord for a fresh vision for the future and came to see that KKCJ “should be identified even more closely with the local, messianic Jewish Body in Jerusalem and Israel and be rooted more deeply in the soil of Israel.” He then formed FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) in 2014. Its mission: “to unite a global fellowship of biblically sound believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that work to bless the inhabitants of Israel and the worldwide Jewish community.”
And at the same time offering as proof of its support for Palestinian human rights, FIRM enlisted Jerusalem-based attorney and activist, Calev Myers, in forming its board of directors. The same Calev Myers, about whom I have written extensively who declared “We believe the day is coming, friends, when Jesus once again will reveal himself to Israel, to the Jewish people.”
Hilsden (KKCJ) and Calev Myers are also affiliated with ICEJ-The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem which has 70 chapters world-wide. ICEJ’s Envision conferences in Jerusalem bring together Evangelical pastors and Israeli messianic missionary leadership including Myers and Hilsden and Tel Aviv born Avi Mizrachi of Israel’s Dugit Messianic Outreach Center and Adonai Roi Congregation
Hilsden said “A sense of urgency came into my spirit that there is a force, primarily spiritual in nature, that is seeking to destroy the people of Israel. God is calling us to have a special plan for Israel that reaches well into the future and culminating at the time when the Lord returns.”
I find this all rather confusing. I wrote a piece on Messianics that included Hilsden. I received a gmail admonishing me that Hilsden is not a Messianic. He’s a gentile. OK. He must have a large department that watches all media to have found my article and then me.
Hilsden has established parameters for the development of local Messianic Congregations. There would need to be:
a greater emphasis on the Jewish/Old Testament roots of our faith; a worship-style more suited to Jewish-Israeli culture; an expression of our message of Yeshua (Jesus) in terms Israelis could relate to and understand; a commitment to stand alongside the nation of Israel through prayer and practical support; a deeper level of communication and cooperation with other Messianic communities in Israel and abroad.
And then there was a concerted effort to raise up Messianic believers to join the leadership team for planting congregations. So far, two other congregations have been planted.
Hilsden is thrilled with the expansion of the ministry and property. They are located in the Clal Building with a view from the 14th floor, the highest floor of The Jerusalem Prayer Tower “strategically located so that you can see almost all the way around Jerusalem!”
They have established a Hebrew-speaking fellowship along with their English services; a Bible College; the Kings School of Media which opened in 2009 to” raise up believers in the land to take forward God’s Word through media.” They have a Messianic school of music and arts in Jerusalem and a branch in Tel Aviv.
“Over the years, God has allowed us, by His grace, to catch His vision and see it come to pass step by step. But of course, we are not about to just sit back and be nostalgic. We’re called to ‘press on’ (Phil 3:12). There is so much more that God wants to accomplish in and through us.”
Over the Shavuot holiday there will be another massive missionary event. “Among the prominent missionary leaders scheduled to take part, according to Yad L’Achim, are Avi Mizrachi of a missionary congregation in Tel Aviv, Avner Bursky, Shira Sorko Ram of Tiferet Yeshua and Maoz Israel, Koby Ferguson, and others.” The four-day extravaganza will be open to the public, free of charge and takes place in the newly-built Orna Hall in the Malha complex in southern Jerusalem. Room for 11,600 spectators.
Gershom Gorenberg, author of “The End of Days,” said “The Jews die or convert. As a Jew, I can’t feel very comfortable with the affections of somebody who looks forward to that scenario… They don’t love the real Jewish people. They love us as characters in their story, in their play, and that’s not who we are. And we never auditioned for that part, and the play is not one that ends up good for us… If you listen to the drama that they are describing, essentially, it’s a five-act play in which the Jews disappear in the fourth act.”
I thought it might be worth commenting on this conversation even though I am a few days late. I am a Christian and a friend of Messianic Jews. I have been teaching Israel and advocating for Israel for fifteen years. I write about Christian theology and Christian anti-Semitism.. Just to let you all know. There is a lot of misinformation in this article about Messianics and Christians.
First, Messianic Judaism is a primary issue in the New Testament. It just isn’t called that. It is called “The Way”. Unless you are among those who refuse to read the New Testament, you may be able to find in those historical pages, that all of the New Testament writers were Jewish
(except perhaps Luke).
The movement ( called “The Way”) was considered a Jewish sect by both Jews and Romans until at least 135 CE when Jerusalem was plowed under and everyone scattered. The Jews who were not part of “The Way” started their religion without a temple in Yavneh and “The Way” went elsewhere. The Apostle Paul (a Pharisaic Jew and member of the Sanhedrin) took the “Jewish gospel” message to the Mediterranean area until he died in about 67 CE still a Jew till his dying day.
All of the followers of Jesus were never anything but Jews. No one converted to anything called Christianity since it did not exist at the time.
The fact that the gentile’s who became later followers (during Paul’s travels between 30-60CE) were pagan Romans. It was they who created the Christian monstrosity we see today between 130 CE and under Constantine ( 325C.E.). Messianic Judaism is just a contemporary title for those contemporary followers who don’t call it ” The Way”. But they are authentic Jews who follow Yeshua as a Messiah just like the Chabad who follow Schneerson as the Messiah. You may not agree with them but they are still very much Jewish.
Did you know that there have been hundreds of people who claimed to be Messiah in the Jewish traditions? Look it up on Wikipedia or on the Jewish Virtual Library. Just saying.
How would you know who is a true Messiah unless you studied Hebrew scripture to determine what was said about a coming Messiah? You wouldn’t. That is what Yeshua’s disciples did. And came to their own conclusions.
This article by Diane Bederman is a sham as is the Bob Simon 60 Minutes show to which she refers in the opening of the article. The idea that all followers of Yeshua think that the Messiah can’t come until all Jews live in Israel or all Jews are “converted” is as stupid at the Extreme Orthodox who hate Israel because they say Israel is invalid until Messiah comes. The bible says nothing of the sort….
N-O-T-H-I-N-G. You can reach me with comments at israelolivetree@yahoo.com
yeshol Said:
I didn’t write that. Someone else did.
I can’t believe how much commentary this article has generated. I think it’s somewhat trivial. I’m not concerned about messianics or evangelicals. I’m more concerned about the leftist mainstream media, anti-Semitic NGOs, the leftist super-blog sites, like Huffington Post, etc. I consider them much more dangerous to our people.
dove Said:
OK I will stop caring what happens to you….You are a grown up and can make your own choices but then accept full responsibility good or bad for outcomes. If that’s your reaction then I don’t care not my problem is it? 🙂
@ yeshol:
I wrote that.
Jews in Israel think it important that our Arab and Muslim enemies recognize us as a Jewish State…. Me I don’t care if they do or not but it seems to be very important to some Jews here. Christianty is a negation of Judaism fine I don’t care but some act on that denial and those are our enemies even if they say they love us to pieces. Some may be sincere in their love and devotion to Israel but they despise Judaism and believe that Jews are holding up their big show and Fin. Why are not the same standards and demands made of fundamentalists as we make for Islamists? Recognition and respect as Jews as Jews following our own traditions devoid of their deity. You will never get it because for them it’s a theological impossibility.
yeshol Said:
Hmmm How’s that worked out ???? 80% intermarriage in the states in under 40 age group? Interfaith is anti Jewish and all of our sages agreed… Rav Kook was an idealist, and I agree with many of his positions but he was a fool on others… as for you all I can say is:
According to the Rambam and Rmban no christion should be allowed on the soil of Israel (Avoda Zarah) Rambam says on second thought they can pass through but not settle or purchase any real estate not even rent. With all respect to Rav Kook he was no Ramban or Rambam and if he had lived today I think he would recant his opinion if it in fact was his opinion as you state?
@ yeshol:
You are either a fool or a knave…but probably just an ignoramus.
Jewish Israel’s Videos
Take your pick….There is hardly a politician or Jewish charity in Israel that is not on the take of funds given by missionaries. Of course there is a quid pro quo and they are slowly step by step taking over the country from the inside. All of your fears re: creeping Shariah Law in America are what’s happening here but it’s not Islam it’s christianity. They already have 3-4 missionary channels on cable TV one in Russian Language. Their so called political support for Israel is not a free lunch they want land, media. permissions never considered to be given to any christians in the Jewish State. We even have stupid Rabbis (orthodox) on the take of their largesse!!! They justify taking there money by the use they put to the funds but making Jewish religious institutions and charities dependent of christian missionaries is a very slippery slope that can not end well for us or for good relations with christians as at some point it must be stopped and their reactions will not be friendly.
A sampling of missionary Don Finto’s teachings regarding Jews and Judaism
And, I must add, that in interaction with non-Jews, according to Rav Kook and others, we will discover ways to improve our own understandings.
The issues of the relations with Christians – of Jews and of the State of Israel – has many facets, not all of which were represented thus far in the comments.
I take it for granted that all Christians would like to see all Jews “accept Jesus”, for various reasons:
The least imposing upon us is the idea that belief in Jesus is necessary to keep us out of eternal perdition. To this I respond: thank you for your concern, we have our own way of handling this issue. One Christian acquaintance, having been in contact with Jews who are descendants of holocaust survivors, told me that these meetings brought him to think that that idea can not be right: being killed without that belief should not bring a person to “eternal perdition”.
Another reason is the idea that this will bring the Messiah. I wrote about that above.
Some Christians feel insecure in their belief that the Church is the true Israel, and they need Jews to confirm their belief.
Whatever the reason, as long as they don’t try to convert Jews – I don’t really care about their beliefs or reasons. But those who do try to missionize Jews are not merely “friends” but also enemies. Maybe they are political friends, but they are endangering us spiritually, and we have to combat this danger.
I do not believe we CAN – or should – do this by severing relations, but we MUST put great effort in the education of young Jews, and be VERY careful about exposing them to the missionaries.
We can not – no government would support getting rid of thwe support of Christians by alienating them;
We SHOULD not, because only through contact with Jews will they drop the mistakes in their religion. Part of our mission as Jews is to be available to non-Jews in order to help them advance to a better religion.
@ dove:
@ yeshol:
John Hagee exposes all on Aish HaTorah’s Old City rooftop overlooking Temple Mount (March 2012)
Pastor John Hagee of CUFI uses Aish HaTorah’s Jerusalem facilities overlooking the Kotel (Western Wall) and Har Habayit (Temple Mount) to declare that all will bow to and acknowledge jesus as lord and savior.
This is Hagee’s other job when he isn’t moonlighting as the Messiah to the Jews and savior of Israel
Bethesdadog wrote: “A friend is someone you can count on to help in time of need without reciprocal considerations.”
Very nice, but a departure form the Ethics of the Fathers, Ch.1: Make yourself a rabbi, and purchase a friend” – friendship is a reciprocal relationship.
@ rongrand:
By the time Yamit weeds out all of those who wouldn’t qualify his numbers would probably be less than the 144,000 the JW’s claim enter heaven.
Think about it. According to him all Jews in the Diaspora are doomed – if any of us are tortured or killed we deserve it. You won’t hear much compassion from him. You don’t even here much compassion for Jewish Israelis who are killed.
Most goyim are bad. Most Diaspora Jews are doomed. I have even heard some Jews on this site say women deserve rape. Remember this one?
Yamit can be just as dangerous as those he calls the enemy of the Jewish people. I don’t need to learn from people like Yamit. There are so many other much better resources.
Rongrand, you are a good friend of the Jewish people and much more of a gentleman than many posters here – and you care about our homeland. You do not represent the Messianics.
I once watched an interview with Pastor John Hagee and a Jew who complained that Christians were trying to convert Jews. Hagee responded that if Jewish parents properly educated their Jewish children as Jews there would be no problem and I agree. Meanwhile Hagee established Christians United for Israel CUFI.org which has grown to over two million members. They are the foremost organization in America exclusively in support of Israel.
As more and more Christians get involved with Israel some of them will learn about Judaism which some joining the Noahide movement or even becoming Jewish. I believe that Judaism has power to attract many non-Jews from many backgrounds if given a chance.
@ yamit82:
Yes! I call them spiritual terrorists… Worse than phjysical terrorists…
My friend I hope I will never be included in that term.
Fortunately I grew up in an area with our Jewish brothers & sisters and anti-Semitism wasn’t thought of.
I am active on twitter and I find more & more Christians supporting Israel.
BTW the Jews did not kill Jesus. Any fool who believes they did are either nuts or an anti-Semites.
It was political. Same holds true today, some things never change.
Unfortunately the liberal left of the world promote the Jews kill Jesus theory as a means to divide all of us and we can’t allow that to happen.
We need to avoid this trap.
BTW as I mentioned several times on twitter re the earthquake disaster in Nepal. The IDF was there in numbers.
G-d sent his best to aid those in distress. Israel a small nation with the biggest heart.
@ yamit82:
Very good commentary. Very accurate. A friend is someone who you can count on unconditionally and the messianic
Christians are anything but friends. As far as I know we can do without their help. They can stay right where they are. NO need to go to Jerusalem to proselytize.
BethesdaDog Said:
Yes! I call them spiritual terrorists… Worse than phjysical terrorists…
All christian fundamentalism stems from the same ideology…They support Israel for their own eschatological reasons but hate Jews as Jews, and denigrate our beliefs as false and a betrayal and murderer of their deity. They spend over a half billion dollars just for Jew conversion and use dirty methods to advance their cause including corrupting our politicians rabbis and institutions here in Israel. Their political support in the States comes with a price. I can do without their support because A- we don’t need it and B- I am not willing to pay their price. Ban all missionary activity in Israel and see their support turn to hateful opposition. Their I love Israel campaign is tactical not deep seeded support based on true support for Jews we are their useful idiots and stupid Jews have bought into the scam.
Based on your comment it isn’t only Librul Jews that are a problem. In all of Israels modern history there was only one time American Jews came through for us here in Israel and that was before during and just after the 67 war. Been downhill from then till now…In ten years I doubt America will be an important factor for Israel to consider. If we needed American and American Jewish support in the past and I can debate that point, we certainly don’t need them today.
A friend is someone you can count on to help in time of need without reciprocal considerations. I question today whether Americans in general Jews in particular meet that standard but christians make no secret of what they want even though they may at times camouflage their aims and methods but anyone who keeps abreast of their activities will not find it difficult to see it….
For over 8 years I have been fighting a lonesome battle against these Jew haters and they are Jew haters. I have provided a myriad of times countless references as to the threat to us they present. Even for atheist Jews, is it not offensive that Christian tourists with crosses on their necks come here specifically to deny our religion? We detest anti-Zionists like Jimmy Carter coming to Israel, but those tourists reject the foundation of Zionism: Jewish faith.
They go to Golgotha where their deity was executed—and all of them believe he was executed by us, and that we Jews shouted, “Let his blood be on us and our children.” Before feeling sorry about Shulhan Aruch lambasting Christians, ask them first about the decuman wave of Jew-hatred in their own scriptures, which they are coming to our country to venerate. And yes, this is our country, not an “international enclave.” When they could, they razed our synagogues and yeshivas, and it’s unimaginable that now we allow their churches to dot our holy city. Still more obscene, Israelis sing “Jerusalem of Gold” praising the Muslim gold domes and Christian bells’ chime. Even this is nothing compared to welcoming high-ranking Germans with an Israeli military (!) band playing “Deutschland Uber Alles.”
Tourism is a source of income, that’s what you think? Better recall Voltaire, a wise anti-Semite who remarked correctly that should the Jews get their own state, they would sell it.
More Jews were murdered in the name of Jesus than on the orders of Hitler—who was approved by Christian clerics. The Germans only carried the Christian ideas to their logical conclusion. Up to then, royal defenders of Christianity only expelled us, but murder is more logical. It does not matter whether Jesus was a good Jew or the founder of the worst anti-Semitic movement ever. We detest Wagner’s music not on its merits (and it is very bad), but because Hitler loved it. Christianity is not a theoretical discourse to be judged on its merits, but a deadly practical weapon against Jews.
Allowing Christians in Israel and Churches in Jerusalem are a celebration of Auschwitz. I can understand why Muslim countries do not have a problem with Christian Missionaries…Enemies should not be shown tolerance.
Is this really something to be worried about? There is a lot of fundamentalist support for Israel right now, I don’t know whether it stems from the same theology that concerns this writer. I’m not particularly concerned about where they are going with this–I’m just happy to have hundreds of Christians walking the halls of Congress every year asking for support for Israel. With the weakening of support among liberal Jews and the increasing hostility of the mainstream (read “leftwing”) press, I’m not too worried about the messianic Jews.
The Christians I met have not come up with a response to this:
1) Jesus was a Jew.
2) If/when he returns – he will be a Jew.
3) If a Jew comes to the normal Christian world and says that he is Jesus – he will be sent to an insane asylum – unless:
4) unless he can prove he is the messiah.
5) How can he do this? By going to the Sanhedrin of that time, and getting their approval.
So the Messiah will be a Jew, approved by the Sanhedrin.
Great Rabbis agreed that this response to missionaries is proper.