while a great opener to her show, I’m surprised she didn’t mention Obama’s henchmen in IL trying to influence the Israeli election.
This is a great opening statement!
Thing is that Hussein Obama and his cadre support and that includes guided financial support, Livni or course and Hertzog… The further support is for the controlled transfer of voters from Gal On to the above trio.
I mean, a plain electoral conspiracy.
Then again Livni is an underhanded, repeat party jumping political prostitute. And Hertzog specializes as a
front man for illegal money transfers to his associates
People still vote for that? Incredible.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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while a great opener to her show, I’m surprised she didn’t mention Obama’s henchmen in IL trying to influence the Israeli election.
This is a great opening statement!
Thing is that Hussein Obama and his cadre support and that includes guided financial support, Livni or course and Hertzog… The further support is for the controlled transfer of voters from Gal On to the above trio.
I mean, a plain electoral conspiracy.
Then again Livni is an underhanded, repeat party jumping political prostitute. And Hertzog specializes as a
front man for illegal money transfers to his associates
People still vote for that? Incredible.