INSS, left of center, makes a Strategic Assessment

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Strategic Assessment, Volume 17, No. 3  is now available on line.

In this issue:

The “Special Relationship” in the Test of Time: US Policy during Operation Protective Edge
Zaki Shalom

This article reviews and analyzes the Obama administration’s positions and policy toward Israel during Operation Protective Edge.

Hizbollah and the Next War with Israel: Experience from Syria and Gaza
Benedetta Berti and Yoram Schweitzer

This article explores the question of a possible “next war” between Israel and Hizbollah, highlighting relevant lessons the Shiite organization might draw from Operation Protective Edge and its own ongoing involvement in Syria.

The Weight of the Demographic Factor in Israel’s Strategic Considerations on the Palestinian Issue
Kobi Michael

This essay examines the importance of demography in Israel’s overall strategic considerations on the Palestinian issue and concludes that demographic shifts do not fundamentally change either Israel’s essential strategic position or the motivation of those seeking to delegitimize it.

The Rise of the Islamic State Organization
Ephraim Kam

Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Islamic State, the article assesses the prospects of further success by the organization and the way it might be thwarted by an international coalition.

The End of the Syrian Revolution: Between Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s

Islamic Caliphate and Bashar al-Assad’s Baath Regime
Eyal Zisser

The regime of Bashar al-Assad has managed  to survive more than three and a half years of civil war in Syria, but the establishment of an Islamic caliphate by ISIS has helped maintain the bloody standoff, thereby in effect dividing Syria into small sub-states.

Between Ankara and Tehran: How the Scramble for Kurdistan Can Reshape Regional Relations
Micha’el Tanchum

This article analyzes whether and to what extent Turkey and Iran can leverage their relations with the rivals of the Kurdish Democratic Party to prevent Kurdish independence or to constrain an independent Kurdish government from exercising autonomy in its foreign relations.

Shifts in Israel-Africa Relations
Herman Butime

Africa has presented Israel with both opportunities and constraints for surviving and thriving in the international system. This article examines the evolution of Israel-Africa relations.

Changing Direction? Updating Israel’s Nuclear Doctrine
Louis René Beres

Examining Israel’s nuclear strategy, this article urges Israel to advance beyond deliberate nuclear ambiguity and adopt a coherent and codified national strategic doctrine guided by analytic rather than political standards of judgment

Editor of Strategic Assessment: Mark A. Heller

November 30, 2014 | 1 Comment »

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  1. The Western world is progressing, but very slowly. It wasn’t long ago that Jews were not allowed, unable and incapable to defend themselves. Now they are ALLOWED but only allowed to defend themselves. They have demonstrated that they are capable of defending themselves. In the next phase, the West expects the Jews to wait for their permission to not only defend themselves but to also eliminate the ENEMY. IL can’t play that stupid game. Does anybody else ask the West the permission to commit atrocities left and right against INNOCENTS? NO.
    It looks like the West is not interested in assuming its responsibilities. Don’t ask IL to commit suicide because you want to commit suicide. This would be fatal hutzpah.