Terrorist shot after second stabbing attack in under six hours; two others wounded, one in serious condition.
A young woman was stabbed to death and two other people were wounded in a terrorist attack at a hitchhiking station outside the town of Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion Monday evening – the second such attack in less than 12 hours.
The 25-year-old woman died of neck wounds, according to paramedics.
A 26-year-old man who was also stabbed is in light to moderate condition and a 50-year-old was hurt in the jaw and is in light condition.
Witnesses say the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.
The guard at the gate of the community of Alon Shvut came running to the scene of the rampage and shot the terrorist in the chest several times.
Police said the terrorist was evacuated to hospital with serious injuries but died en-route. He has since been identified as Maher Hamdi al-Hashalmoun, a resident of Hevron.
The bus station where the attack took place is the same one at which Israeli teens Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha’ar and Naftali Frenkel were abducted earlier this year before being brutally murdered.
The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv.
The 20-year-old victim of that attack is currently in critical condition after being stabbed numerous times, including in the upper body and waist, as he tried to fight off his attacker.
His attacker was chased down and by police, and has been identified as Nur al-Din Abu Hashiya, an 18-year-old from Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria who had illegally entered into sovereign Israeli territory – one of countless other illegal Palestinian workers.
Photos: ZAKA
@ mar55:
Knowing as I know my sex, most of us do not play much attention to faces while… well… exploring.
I met with Livni at the Likud’s branch office in my town and we spoke frequently during her webbing with Sharon to split and steal mandates into “kadima”.
At that time she preferred snake skin shoes, purses, belts. Quite a match I thought.
Incidentally I was in close contact with Ezra, now deceased, he attended our daughters wedding as did Uzi Landau and Hanegbi. I knew well in advance the real intent of Livni and dropped her at the primaries, hard.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
With that cold calculating cynical face I do not think she was a very successful professional.
@ mar55:
Interesting question, will check into that.
As a rule, the unJews, represented well by “rag face” Shelob and she is the ministress of da justice, will shriek “rule of law” if we do detain their degenerate creeps. Followed by a chorus of the same by all of her little Shelobs in waiting.
The “laws” they talk about are either Mandate Era translations to Hebrew or Roman, Greek, British, etc, concoctions.
Rag face’s job for the Mosad, it is rumored to have been “apartment sitter” in Paris… Ahem… The names they invent for that profession… amazing.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
SHmel. do you have as in the US a citizens arrest law?
There is someone with the bemoles to make a “citizens arrest”
of CARA DE TRAPO (rag face) Livni?
Can’t stand the bitch’s sight.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
Numerous comments were posted on arutz sheva by parents that URGE their children who are now serving TO USE their weapons (aka SHOOT TO KILL), they write that they would rather come and visit their children in jail, than in the cemetery…
This is pathetic, maddening, enraging and it MUST STOP!
Two of our own slaughtered, several wounded. Some assaulted in the South, North and overseas.
NO REACTION by the people.
That is why we are labeled chickens..t.
Unless if we join in self defense and act to stop the islamic beasts, we are done. Who wants to join such self defense?
The so called “security” forces, which are led by political excrement are there only to attack Jews.
Again. Either the people prepares self defense of we will be decimated while Netanyahu speeches and “urgently” meets with his Livni, Lapid and them commanders under the influence of bourbon and cigars.
Jews are being murdered in cold blood and the politicians pretend it isn’t an intifada.
Its different – Israeli Arabs have joined the disturbances and they are spreading.
It will not end well.
Science, apparently, has found the cause for the way leftists behave:
They’re infected.
This sort of murderous, crazed violence is what is going to happen not only around St. Louis, but in numerous cities across America, when they announce the acquittal of Darren Wilson.
@ Viiit: Precisely. Good point. Kerry, that ugly no good bastard is guilty of incitement to murder. Obama bears overall responsibility of course.
What leaders? Oh, you mean the politicians, sure. There used to be huge protests in Israel when terrorism was allowed to go unchecked. Where is the outrage amongst the people. Whoever was responsible for security in that place should be sacked. There should be IDF troops heavily armed and visible, not eating donuts someplace. Israelis do not have to take this. What could be more important. It is learned helplessness, DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
This is John Kerry intifada.
This asshole has threatened that unless Israel agrees to his demands the Palis would make an intifada.
So their leaders heard Kerry’s message.
Why we expect any different? We will only be harmed more and more because we keep garbage as leaders.