By Ted Belman
David Shafir, a Toronto student, wrote to me of his despair.
I’m a student at York University in your hometown of Toronto. The number of arab youth on campus is staggering and growing by day. As you well know, they are not passive folks. They are VERY active in EVERY possible charitable and political cause on campus, and of course, in every anti-Israel event too. They are voted in as leaders of many if not most organizations on campus. Nonmuslim folks are young, impressionable,impulsive, with tons of energy and passion for doing good. They don’t have time and patience to investigate all aspects of Isr-Pal issues. They jump on the bandwagon bcs they are emphatically told by anti-israel folks what’s going on.
Ted, i can’t describe to you how widespread the anti-israelism is becoming on a daily basis. The issues are so complicated and convoluted that no one has patience and will to figure them out. All they see is “poor oppressed palestinians” and “israeli ruthless oppression” . THIS IS A DISASTER. JEWS, HILLEL, etc, ARE 100% HELPLESS AGAINST THIS, pathetically helpless. As long as israeli government doesn’t talk straight, honestly, about their plans for palistinians, things will be going downhill only. Folks here consider israeli gov an embodiment of the antisemitic stereotype of crafty, cunning, selfish, immoral jew. As long as israeli government continues building in areas that are deemed illegal by US and EU, the things will go from bad to worse. Those youth are future voters, their kids will be voters.
I can’t believe that israeli gov and diaspora leaders is so oblivious of what’s going on among gentile youth. Hillel is pathetic in dealing with this, bcs what can they do if israeli gov constantly violates the agreements made with eu and even US? Hillel have appeal only to christian students whose number on campus you can count on your fingers. Organized religion is disappearing from the youth anyway, so even this appeal is disappearing. Even many jewish youth are angry that they have to defend the indefensible, so they join the anti-israel crowd bcs the anti-israel activists are very clear about what’s going on.
Today’s youth are cynical, skeptical, impulsive, not having any respect for any authority. They immediately take on the cause of pal’s bcs it’s so similar to other oppressions, such as native americans, south africans, etc etc etc. I can’t describe to you how pathetic hillel actions look against the powerful anti-israel sentiment here.
How can i defend israel if israeli gov continues shamelessly lying to the international community and doing things deemed illegal by US and EU? It’s mission impossible! We are totally helpless; when will jewish establishment wake up? Not to mention that the number of jews is rapidly decreasing due to assimilation. Will jewish leaders wake up only when jews will be pogrom’ed here? This oblivion is beyond me!
I replied:
You obviously know a lot about what is going on on campus but little about what is going on in the conflict.
But first, I was intrigued and surprised by this sentence.
“They are VERY active in EVERY possible charitable and political cause on campus,”
I do not believe that their activity is motivated by their desire to do good or be progressive. If it was, why don’t they take on their own religion which is the biggest violator of human rights.
Instead its done in pursuance of directives from above to ingratiate themselves to and to infiltrate into the progressive communities so that they can work to get their communities to join with them in their anti Israel activities.
You are right about this,
“All they see is “poor oppressed palestinians” and “israeli ruthless oppression”
but these images are not a reflection of reality but of incessant propaganda and repetition of “the big lie”.
Folks here consider Israeli gov an embodiment of the antisemitic stereotype of crafty, cunning, selfish, immoral jew”
reflects lies and propaganda and not reality. The same was the case in the thirties leading up to the holocaust.
You have been affected by this propaganda and so has Hillel. Both of you refuse to take a pro Israel stand and prefer to be fair minded and progressive. You are open to opinions on both sides especially Hillel. When you do this you are not advocates but judges, judges that are ideologically progressive and ignorant.
You complain,
“As long as israeli government doesn’t talk straight, honestly, about their plans for palistinians, things will be going downhill only. Folks here consider israeli gov an embodiment of the antisemitic stereotype of crafty, cunning, selfish, immoral Jew.
You wouldn’t say this if you didn’t think it was true.
I too have complaints about what the Israeli government is saying and doing but totally disagree with what you have written. How would it help Israel to be candid in a world that couldn’t care less about facts and law, that is ready to pounce no matter what Israel does, short of capitulating. The deck is stacked against Israel and they are facing a lynch mob.
The vast majority of non Arab Israelis are against the two state solution based on the ’67 lines plus swaps or dividing Jerusalem or leaving the Jordan valley. So rather than say “no” to the international demands that they negotiate on this basis, it prefers to say “yes, but” which is a time honoured diplomatic tradition.
Israel’s basic position is “make me a better offer”. From a negotiating point of view. Israel has no obligation to make a counter offer. In fact it would be a big mistake to do so.
As long as israeli government continues building in areas that are deemed illegal by US and EU, the things will go from bad to worse.
So what if they are deemed illegal by the US, or illegal by the EU and the UN. That does not make it so. Whenever these bodies say that what Israel is doing is contrary to international law or a war crime, they are wrong. Its all about deligitimating and demonizing Israel.
Israel has every right to build in the settlements and in Jerusalem. There is no law or agreement signed by Israel that proscribes such building. It would be a big mistake to stop building because that is the only thing that puts pressure on the Arabs to compromise. Otherwise the Arabs will simply continue to live off the international teat and continue their violence and resistance for ever. By building we make time on our side.
Furthermore we have every right to build. So why shouldn’t we.
The Arabs will never agree to the existence of Israel. They want us destroyed. How would you deal with this reality?
Judea and Samaria are not “occupied Palestinian land” (OPL) no matter how many times this mantra is repeated. Not only is the land not “occupied”, it is not Palestinian and never was.
I find it easy to defend Israel because Israel is in the right. I believe that with all of my being but you don’t.
Israel must fight for their rights rather than abandon them because the international community demands it.“
Hillel is pathetic in dealing with this, bcs what can they do if israeli gov constantly violates the agreements made with eu and even US?”
Yes Hillel is pathetic but you are totally wrong about Israel being a violator or agreements. The converse is the truth but it would take a full article to show you the ways in which the great powers have violated Israel and their commitments to her.
“Even many jewish youth are angry that they have to defend the indefesible, so they join the antisrael crowd bcs the antiisrael activists are very clear about what’s going on.”
The problem is that they think Israel’s policies are “indefensible”. They and you are wrong in this. Totally wrong. You, and they, come to such conclusion because you prefer to go along to get along. You give the Arabs the benefit of the doubt. You cannot believe that the Arabs are totally in the wrong. You reflect the consensus rather than think independently. You have been brainwashed to be progressive and universal rather than conservative and particular.
“How can i defend israel if israeli gov continues shamelessly lying to the international community “.
You can’t but who says that the “Israeli government continues shamelessly lying”. Once again you have accepted the lie as the truth. Nothing could be further from the truth.
And remember, “things deemed illegal by US and EU?” are not necessarily illegal. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.
Where the Government of Israel has failed, is to win over the youth to their cause. Your letter amply shows this. The answer lies in changing the perception rather than yielding to it as you suggest.
Thank you for taking the time to write. You obviously care about Israel but are too ready to believe the worst about Israel.
yamit82 Said:
Always!!!!!!!!!!! Adios y Buenas noches
honeybee Said:
Don’t know, should they be???
@ yamit82:
Are the beans radiated??????????
@ honeybee:
We have 2 Mexican take out places in Dimona.
But no Tacos yet for some reason.
@ yamit82:
Usually tiny tacos with various filling, in Mexico
@ honeybee:
Sweedish meatballs, knishes ,pigs in a blanket, I can’t say what’s on my mind for the rest. Family oriented blog,>>
yamit82 Said:
Tapas are appetizers >.
honeybee Said:
What’s tapas??? >>>
Irving Weisdorf Said:
I thought I agreed with your comment, even offered to make tapas.
@ Irving Weisdorf:
I have your email ask Ted to delete it if you don’t want trouble.
@ Yamit
yamit82 Said:
Yamit, I insulted you how–by joking about your Spanish and suggesting that it would be nice for all of us who read and post comments to actually get together face to face and enjoy each other’s company. I’m surprised you read that as an insult. In any event, you can reach me at if you really want to straighten this out. I’d be happy to correspond directly and privately with you.
Warm regards!
honeybee Said:
Don’t like my funny faces??? >>>
yamit82 Said:
Now that’s childless, Sugar>>> Funny faces.
Ted Belman Said:
No argument from me!!!
dweller Said:
I agree.
Thanks, Dweller! I was initially taken aback by the comment, and then I remembered who wrote it. No surprise. Can you imagine what Yamit might achieve for his favorite causes if he actually did something useful. Such genius going to waste! Maybe one day!
@Yamit: Thanks for the good music suggestions. Did you google Irving or was this all from memory? Very flattered, whichever!
@ yamit82:
If it’s not for his eyes, then don’t put it in front of them.
This is a public blogsite, not a private pen-pal exchange.
— You have plenty of other outlets for that.
Irving Weisdorf Said:
You supply the Margaritas and I’ ll bring the tapas and we’re good to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Methinks it’s time to have an Israpundit conference and week on the beach. Then we can do away with this moaning in gringo Spanish 🙂
Breaking: Young Woman Stabbed to Death at Gush Etzion Junction
Terrorist shot after the second stabbing attack in under six hours. He wounded two others, one is in serious condition.
I know this has nothing to do with the conversation, but I just had to post this. “It’s our game.”
@ yamit82:
Not thru the forehead (too much bone, front & back, for any driver less heavy [& unwieldy] than a 9-lb sledge)
— but thru the temples [b’rakato].
If it were the ‘forehead,’ text would read b’mitzcho.
Cf: David/Goliath — 1 Sam 17:49.
Sis’ra was evidently lying on his side, not his back, when he received his death blow.
@ yamit82:
Wonderful music.
@ honeybee:
@ honeybee:
Deberías haberme dicho que iba loco por la preocupación.
TX Lee mis mensajes ???
@ yamit82:
Flea Market silly !!!!!!!! It’s Sunday and worship at the ” hall of commerce” . TX read your post about the 5 Arab you dispatched . He said the only he would have done differently would be to throw a match in their gas tank. Shoot- shovel- shut-up !!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to eat and then rest. Next week my computer may be down as a ” howling blue norther” is expected all the was to the coast. Power usually goes out and disruptions of internet service.
HB dónde estás estoy muy preocupada ????@
honeybee Said:
She did and the lesson it seems needs to be relearned >>>
@ yamit82:
What’s that got to do w/ the price of bananas?
Cite me the text that says any of those 6 days was “24 hours” — let alone, the one which says ‘EVERY’ one of them was 24 hours.
Well, yes, I guess I DO have a problem with it.
Look, when we speak of a “day,” we usually mean a single rotation of the earth on its axis in the presence of the sun, about which the earth revolves
— as well as the time it takes to DO that; yes?
But the scripture says the earth was created on the First Day. Says it was void and formless. Doesn’t say it was ‘spherical’ at the time, so we don’t know that it had an ‘axis’ to rotate on at that juncture. First thing Elohim does after calling light into being is to separate it from the darkness, so the light was initially a scattered light mixed in w/ the darkness. That light is not from the sun. There is no sun yet. That’s all Day One; okay?
The celestial bodies — sun, moon & stars — don’t show up till Day Four.
So there was neither rotation of the earth on any axis nor revolution of any rotating sphere around the sun — at least — till the fourth day.
If there was no earthly rotation till Day Four, how long were the first three days?
It’s not a trick question. I don’t know the answer, and I don’t know that anybody else does either.
“Sent me”? — how? What are you talking about?
yamit82 Said:
Out of your league
honeybee Said:
What do you think?
@ yamit82:
But are you up for the combination of the two.
@ honeybee:
Yael got credit for the Kill!!!!! Hebrew broads were once a tough lot not like today. Give the Viking broads a run for it too. I do like blonds though so it’s a tough one…>>>>>
yamit82 Said:
But it was Deborah who chased him to ground like a fox on the run >>>>
When Sisera approaches her tent, Yael greets him, invites him in, covers him with a blanket, and, at his request for a little water, gives him milk. He then tells her to stand at the entrance to her tent and respond negatively to whoever asks whether anyone is inside (4:18-20). As he lies asleep, exhausted from the battle, Yael takes a tent peg and drives it through his forehead into the ground and then shows his dead body to Barak, who has come in pursuit of the enemy general (4:21-22).
The notion that being killed by a woman shames both the dead general and the live Israelite general, who had not slain him himself.
My hero Yael!!!!!
Don’t go getting any ideas!!! I like my head just where it is.
Is this going to take a long time???
Just curious. 🙁
@ bernard ross:I too am suspicious. No where does this student praise Israel. He just keeps accusing Israel. He doesn’t even ask if Israel is lying. No where does he show an interest in learning. Its all about condemning Israel. He sounds like a self hating Jew. He identifies with all the haters. No where does he ask if they are lying.
@ Irving Weisdorf: