A focus on the injustice done to Meir Kahane “zl” by the State of Israel

The  Jewish  Press   Jan 5, 2001

MK  Calls  For  Re-Examination  Of  Kach   And   Kahane   Chai   Classification

Following is the translation of a letter from MK Kleiner to Attorney General Rubenstein calling for a re-examination of the classification of Kach and Kahane Chai as terror organization

December 31, 2000

Mr. Elyakim  Rubenstein  Attorney  General

Re: Re-examination of classification of the organiza­tions “Kach” and “Kahane Chai” as terrorist organi­zations.

In the past, the organizations “Kach” and “Kahane Chai” were classified as terrorist organiza­tion, among other things, as an extension of the de­cision of the Supreme Court that confirmed the in­validation of the “Kach” list headed by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.

At the same time, the Supreme Court decided with a majority of three against two not to invali­date the list of MK Mohammed Miari. An examina­tion of the explanation of the majority finds that all the red lines set by the Supreme Court regarding what an Arab list may and may not do have been crossed by the parties and MKs who are now openly acting for the end of the Jewish character of the State of Israel.

One can no longer accept the fact that those who act for the destruction of the Jewish state are accept­able while someone acting for the strengthening of the Jewishness of the state is barred from partici­pating in the political game.

There is no justification for the fact that the Fatah organization, which sends murderers to attack civil­ians, among them Rabbi Kahane and his son who fell as a victim of terrorists, should be off of the list of terrorist organizations, while the comrades of Meir and Binyamin Ze’ev Kahane are classified as a ter­rorist organization without having ever been caught organizing, instigating or carrying out a terror ac­tion.

Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would re­consider the terror organization status attached to the “Kach” and “Kahane Chai” movements and can­cel it.

     Best regards,

MK Michael Kleiner


Efim Maidanik sent this article and his comments which follow.



It has been always the same – when Rabbi Kahane was alive and after his tragic death.

LIKUD with its team began with Sinai and ended with Madrid. Part of its way Likud made in the company of the LABOR in the “National Unity” governments. Only such government could ban the R. Kahane’s KACH party in 1988 and two parties – KACH and “KAHANE CHAI” – at the next elections in 1992.

ANY government including the leaders who have never stopped their extermination war against the R. Kahane’s followers – unavoidably chooses ARAFAT. The only difference between the “left” and “right” is the speed of their approaching the creation of an Arafat’s state (which can, not to forget, turn into a state of Homeini or Jordan, Syria etc. any moment!). Do you need proofs? Here they are: the banning of the Kach party in the 1988 election was the result of a plot based on the Likud-Labor agreement. The Progressive List – an Arab party hostile to Jews – remained, Kach – not. If not for the plot, the Labor would have been interested in Kach weakening Likud while the latter would not like its reputation being damaged, for Kach would always give its support to the “right” and never to the “left.” The same happened in 1992: Arabs and communists participated in the election while Kach and “Kahane Chai” were banned.

What is Binyamin Netanyahu fighting for now? At best, for a delay, i.e. the “return to Madrid.” At worst (it’s, probably, more likely case), he waits for the invitation to join a “national unity” government the idea of which has been reappearing now and then.

So, whom should we support? NONE of those who will not declare publicly:

1.NEVER AGAIN — we will not allow any Jewish party to be banned.

2.NEVER AGAIN — we will never join those who strived or strive to ban Kach and “Kahane Chai.”


  1. MAIDANIK October 1993/January 2013

Email  maidanik77@gmail.com


  To all Knesset factions presenting themselves as “national”   and/or “religious”

  and allegedly opposing the “peace” plans of the ruling coalition

YOU feel unhappy about what is going on. WHY?

You have already won, for neither of the two movements representing the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane o.b.m. is sitting in your Knesset and is able to oppose the biggest sell­out in the whole history of Israel. KAHANE CHAI and KACH are out – and under constant threat of prosecution and total banning.

YOU have all contributed to such a situation. The Likud sat in national unity governments with the Labor, and all the others had either done or contemplated doing the same. WHO WILL EVER TRUST YOU?

Mr. NETANYAHU, your party colleagues, one after another, suggest  the idea of such a government. For all your statements to the contrary, when have you last considered it? Have you shared your ideas with the potential allies among the “national” parties?

RABBIS from the so called “religious” camp, what do you think – and do -about the followers of R. Kahane? Do you still consider them “racists?”


Don’t be afraid. No harm will be done to the “common cause.” Your followers who replace you in your parties will do what should be done now.

1.They  will proclaim: NEVER AGAIN will we agree to the banishment of any Jewish party.

2.They  will persuade the electorate that they do not intend to create another national unity government with the traitors.

THEN – and only THEN – there will be a chance to avoid the national disaster.

So think of all that and do what is necessary. But whatever your decision is, do remember that: YOU WILL NEVER BUILD ANYTHING ON THE RABBI KAHANE’S GRAVE.

  1. Maidanik    Jerusalem  January 1994/January 2013



Remember Kahane!  (not published)

  1. 1 Aug. 1932 (28 Tamuz 5692) Rabbi Meir Kahane obm. was born.
  2. FROM OUR ARCHIVES (The Jerusalem Post, 2 Aug. 2009, p. 14)
    25 Years Ago  “The US government announced that it would strip Knesset-member elect Meir Kahane of his US citizenship as soon as he took  his oath of office.

Informed Israeli legal sources added that if he lost  his US citizenship he might well be not admitted to the US any more.

– Alexander Zvielli

  1. We have just marked the three weeks of mourning the destruction of our Holy Temples and said a lot of words about Kamtza and Bar Kamtza.

Do you think that the hatred of Rabbi Meir Kahane obm and his Jewish Idea has any connection to the story of old?

  1. Isi Leibler has his column in The Jerusalem Post and also his own site on Internet. He at  least wrote a couple of words to correct

the tremendous unjustice done to the memory of Rabbi M. Kahane.


October 17, 2014 | 1 Comment »

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  1. The Rav is still persecuted in death in Israel in a way that Israel never fights its enemies in life.

    The UnJews in Israel cannot face him and admit they were wrong and he was right all along.

    And the reason for classifying, hounding and jailing good Jews as enemies no one can really explain. Israel’s choice of Arafat has led the country to no good end.

    Even as Kahane is still reviled by Israel’s elites, the world hates and reviles Israel – which I suppose is altogether fitting.