The kidnapping of three Jewish teenagers in Judea Thursday brings home a fact that might not stand out in abstract discussions about the significance of the Palestinian Unity Government, or the various 2-state, 1-state, or any-number-state plans.
This is the fact that the Palestinian Arabs — they want to be a nation, so call them the Palestinian Nation — is the deadly enemy of the Jewish state and individual Jews.
Palestinian sources are quiet now about the kidnapping, although there are reportsthat prisoners in Israel are ‘celebrating’, in the hope that there will soon be yet another “prisoner exchange” like the one that freed 1024 Arab prisoners in return for Gilad Shalit.
They understand that their Jewish enemies are upset and angry and they would prefer not to provoke them at this point. The jubilation will have to wait for the ultimate outcome, which, if everything goes their way, will be yet another instance of Jewish submission to Arab strength. They’ll shoot in the air and give out candy, and another thousand or so murderers will go home (it’s too painful to speculate about the condition the boys will be in, if they survive).
We could have coexisted with them peacefully and profitably for both peoples. But starting with al-Husseini, they chose a different path, the path of rejection. Yes —they chose. And it didn’t turn out well for them. But even when it was possible to go a different way, they were resolute. They made their choices and then they doubled down. They bear the responsibility for the consequences.
This kidnapping is a casus belli. Those who quote Rabin’s remark that “peace is made with enemies” leave out something important. Peace is made with defeatedenemies, because undefeated ones are trying to kill you, or worse, your children. That’s what an enemy is.
Those who think that the whole idea of enmity is outdated and atavistic, an ugly remnant of tribalism that the human race should leave behind may be right, but if you have to deal with people who live in that world, you can’t ignore them. You can’t unilaterally disarm, physically and psychologically. If they are trying to kill you, you can’t stand above it and look down tolerantly on those people who are not as advanced as you are.
You have to fight them and kill them. When you have killed enough of them, they’ll give up. Then you can start making peace.
@ Bear Klein:
Did you expect anything less ?????????
@ honeybee:Spurs won bigtime!! Congrats to the Alamo crowd!
@ dove:
I hope this psalm goes through:
@ dove:
it would interfere with his golf game
@ honeybee:
Trust me, Jews are better off without Obama’s “help
Your missing the point. I was not asking for ‘help’ from obama. We don’t need or want his ‘help’ or interference. However, he should still be publicly condemning the kidnappings as he selectively condemns other atrocities.
@ dove:
Trust me, Jews are better off without Obama’s “help”. Convincing USA Jews of this fact has been one of the failures of my life.
@ honeybee:
Ah yes, it was his wife who condemned the Nigeria kidnappings. Where is she now? I understand one of the Jewish kidnapped students is American. Where is the condemnation?
the phoenix Said:
Yawl [ Texans say Yawl, Southerner say y’all ] don’t get lawst so yawls havta call the law to find yawls to tarred to finds yawls way out. Ya her
honeybee Said:
Ahm’ on mah wayyy yall
@ the phoenix:
Go out to the woods!!!!!!!
@ dove:
He didn’t lift a finger to aid the Nigerian girls, he just doesn’t give a damn about anyone or anything.
It is the chief job of the nation’s leaders to protect from without and within. My mother taught me that to be a doormat, you had to lay down first. If this new act of war against the nations children is not enough to cause the leaders to act, then no other nation will respect your nation, nor will do it for you. The Israeli people need to march on the Knesset. The leaders ALLOWED thousands of rockets to fall on the people, are they now going to ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN TO BE ATTACKED.
He is being loyal to his ‘own kind’. Weak, spineless. Would he have said at least something if they were not Jews that had been kidnapped??? Probably.
Canada Condemns PA Terror Kidnapping, But Obama’s Silent
I truly have no words to accurately describe the visceral hatred towards this phony, black sob BASTARD….
I would LOVE to see him hung, but even that is too good for him.
And when you read the article…and you see those UGLY mean muslimas handing out baklawahs….
Why God, oh, WHY, do they get to live and pollute this beautiful blue planet?
WHEN will the wrath of God be poured upon these MISERABLE SHPOSES ??
CuriousAmerican Said:
Insult !!!!!!!! It’s like we [Texans] say , ” Jump all over your a**”.
yamit82 Said:
Especially with that new Stetson and those “penetrating blue-eyes”.
yamit82 Said:
Don’t get angry !!!!! Get even !!!!!!
CuriousAmerican Said:
I don’t go out of my way to insult anybody except maybe you and dweller my two favorite Jew haters on this site.
I never misinterpret a slight.
I hardly ever get angry.
I am a charmer.
At least you got one right. 😉
@ CuriousAmerican:
Bibi’s worthless words – “We will hold the PA responsible”. YAH RIGHT!
An orthodox rabbi I spoke with at the Schvitz gave me the solution to the problem of the kidnapped teenagers. Israel
“arrest” 1000 Palestinians and hold them until the boys are released.
This is an extension of a new enemy policy of kidnapping children as an act of war. Israel needs to act as a sovereign state and respond with strength and anger. Netanyahu said these were the doing of the Palestinian leaders. So be it.
Ain’t dense. Explain what you meant.
You like to insult others, but get angry at the least misinterpreted slight.
You are a charmer.
CuriousAmerican Said:
Texans are, you just dense. Must go make a Coconut cream Pie for TX for Father’s Day cause he’s my Daddy.
CuriousAmerican Said:
There are no innocent Arabs.
Just like there were no innocent Germans in Dresden or in Tokyo and Hiroshima.
Didn’t your General Sherman say “War Is Hell”? Or was that Dante?? Or Paul of Tarsus??? 🙂
Depopulation, Transfer or ethnic cleansing is most Humane (choose your term),because the alternative is that we kill them and they us.
For most rag heads the trip is less than 20-30 miles, hardly a big move and they will end up with their relatives who are culturally and religiously the same not to mention language.
There are after-all many many historical precedents, all successful even in the 20th century. Why keep pursuing failed policies when the successful one is staring us in the face? You can send your missionaries to Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt if you got the balls to do it, which I doubt….
Stealing souls for yeshu I see has it’s limits when your own head is weighed in the balance. 🙂 Not very committed Huh?
I do see the Muslims are on to something the Jews should learn from and emulate. I even coined a slogan: Off a missionary for yeshu!!! 😛
America still has the Sioux, and by your logic, Israel still has the Palestinians.
Your comment made no sense.
I thought Texans were logical as well as clear and to the point.
I know you want the Palestinians to leave; but until a war with Syria or Jordan occurs, you are stuck with them.
Even then, if you cleanse out the innocent Palestinians, Israel will get flack.
Sure. Are we ever going to internalize how putrid our so called GoI is? The repugnant garbage in uniform much rather ambush, torture and persecute Jews than act to defend us.
CuriousAmerican Said:
Tell it to Sitting Bull.
I suppose so, but until you can find Jordan or Syria behind it, you really cannot move the Palestinians out of there, which is what you want.
All you can do is re-invigorate the military rule to a greater degree. There is already military rule.
Ted Belman and Martin Sherman’s plan is the best. The humanitarian solution – which is to pay them to leave. It is what I said, but if I mention Ted or Dr. Sherman, you may not resist the idea as much.