Israel is releasing 5,000 acres in Area C

By Ted Belman

Kerry is in town. I don’t believe a word he’s saying.

Maariv reported on Wednesday said that 2,000 hectares (about 5,000 acres) of West Bank land that is privately owned by Palestinians — but is in areas where Israel exercises military and civilian control — will be given to Palestinians in the next 90 days for agriculture and commerce.

Apparently, Israel had bowed to a U.S. request to hand over the land to show that it is prepared to allow Palestinian projects to be advanced in these areas. There was no official Israeli comment on the report.

I know what “agriculture” means but what does “commerce” mean. Commerce can only mean “construction”. Thus we are giving it to them permanently. The fact that it is privately owned eases the pain and the betrayal but will the owners have to prove ownership or are they being given a pass? Finally these lands are probably not in a large block but are dispersed. Such a proposal had to be worked on for a long time is is no doubt where Kerry’s $4 billion is to be spent.

Strange that it didn’t identify this land as being in Area C. No wonder Israel is silent about it. She keeps making concessions for nothing in return.

December 5, 2013 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    Thank you for the music,much appriated on a cold dark day. I was listening to “The Five on Fox”, some woman political from the Crown Heights was blaming the Jews for the attacks on the Jews. Seems the Jews are much to properous and it makes others envious. The Jews need to arm theselves with that money.
    My late and much beloved Uncle Ben ran an army surpluss store in LA, his neighbor and fellow shopowner was Herb Albert’s father. Uncle Ben said Mr Albert conplained that his son Herb had recieved a trumpet for his Bar Mitzvah,” and all he wants to do is play the damn thing”!

  2. @ mar55:

    “Thus declared HaShem, Master of Legions, saying, ‘This [Jewish] people has said: “The time has not yet come!” [But I say:] “It is time for the Temple of HaShem to be rebuilt!”‘” (Haggai 1:2)
    Preparations for a Third Jewish Temple

    Number 20 of the 613 commandments in the Torah (according to Maimonides) calls for the building of a Temple building in Jerusalem if one does not exist or orders the maintenance of a Temple if it exists. Orthodox Jews during the diaspora call for the eventual building of the Temple in Jerusalem.

    The question arises as to the incentives the Jewish people would have for constructing a new Temple. Why would they want to rebuild it? Two reasons come to mind. (1) The fulfillment of a national dream of the Jewish people. (2) A rallying point for the nation’s religious and cultural heritage.

    For centuries the Jews did not possess their homeland—they forced to wander as strangers and vagabonds across the face of the earth. Deep within the Jewish heart has been a longing for a return to the land and a rebuilding of the Temple. The temple is also a symbol of prosperity granted them from heaven, and a reminder of better days that the nation had in the days of David and Solomon. Desire for the restoration of the Temple has been the prayer of the Orthodox Jew since the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70.

    A rebuilt temple could also be a unifying force for this small beleaguered nation. During their relatively new existence as a reborn nation Israel has experience a series of major wars. A house of worship, especially a house of prayer for all the peoples as they First and Second Temples had been, could serve as a rallying point for Jews worldwide. Not only would this help unify the many Jewish factions that exist in Israel today, but the Jewish people feel deeply that the redemption of all mankind is tied to the redemption of their land. When Messiah comes, he will be the King and Savior of all the nations.

    The biggest obstacle are the religious orthodox rabbanim. They are mistakenly waiting for The Messiah to restore the temple which is in direct opposition to what the Torah demands.

    When the Jews received the Torah at Mt. Sinai, they were commanded to build a Holy Sanctuary for G-d, called in Hebrew, a Mikdosh. The purpose of the Mikdash [Temple] is to provide G-d with a place to dwell in this world, a House to which offerings may be brought. The command has never been rescinded or abrogated.

    “A generation in which the Temple is not built is considered to be one in which it was destroyed”(Yerushalmi, Yoma 1:10). Since the Talmud makes a strong connection between the sin of the Spies, and Tisha B’Av itself (Ta’anis 29a), it is as good a place as any to get to the bottom of the matter. Understanding the essence of their sin will reveal to us the essence of our sin, and why the Temple has not returned until this very day.
    Orthodox Jews and the Temple Mount

    In their attempts to minimize tensions between Jew and Arab concerning the Temple Mount a ban on Jewish entry was formally posted at the entrance gate by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.


    Entrance to the area of the Temple Mount is forbidden to everyone
    by Jewish Law owing to the sacredness of the place.
    —-The Chief Rabbinate of Israel..

    Other devout Jews have disputed the reasons for the Rabbinical ban claiming that the Temple Mount foundations are indeed defiled and must be ceremonially cleansed. Until the new temple is completed and ready to be placed into service it is permissible for unclean persons to visit there and even to work on the building of the Third Temple. First the temple must be cleansed – then the people – is their argument.

    We know from history that when the Herodian Temple stood, stone plaques, some in Latin, others in Greek, were placed in the Court of the Gentiles warning any Gentile not to enter the precincts of the Temple at the risk of losing his life.

    No Gentile is to be approach within the balustrade round the Temple and the peribolos.

    Whosoever is caught will be guilty of his own death which will follow.

    Men and women must help to build the Temple. It is a mitzvah to build it as beautifully as possible. If money is available, one should even cover the whole structure with gold! We do not build the Temple on Shabbat or on Yom Tov. A Jew is meant to go to the Temple three times a year, to celebrate the Festivals of Pesach, Shavuot, and Succot.

  3. fmecklenburg Said:

    It is ever so dangerous to give away God’s land to the Muslims or the Canaanites. There will be consequences for sure. I support the land in my book, The Face of Samaria.

    I agree Frank but you limited the danger of giving the land away to the ” Muslims or the Canaanites”. Since there are no Canaanites alive anymore you limit giveaways to only Muslims. If you read our scriptures which I know you have the prohibition relates to any non-Jew. Matter of fact most gentiles were not allowed to even pass through the country no less live in it. Goes to Jewish Law and concepts of purity both of the Land and of the individual.

    G-d’s plan for the Jewish people : “Behold! It is a nation that will dwell in solitude and not be reckoned among the nations.”(Num. 23:9)

    [It is] G-d’s decree that the Jewish People must remain apart, separate from the nations, so as to be cut off from their abominations, and their alien culture. Toward that end, G-d established for the Jewish People a special land of their own, the Land of Israel. There and there alone they would live lives of G-dliness and build a perfect state and society based on Torah and holiness. The concept of a Jewish People alone is tied to the concept that G-d is alone. G-d is alone and cannot be compared or equated to anything else. He is One and Unique, as it says (Deut. 4:35), “You are the ones who have been shown, so that you will know that the L-rd is G-d and there is none besides Him”; and, “To Him Who alone does great wonders” (Ps. 136:4). Just so, the Jewish People are alone, set apart from all the nations, as it says (Lev. 20:26), “I have separated you from the nations,” and, “It is a people that shall dwell alone and shall not be reckoned among the nations” (Num. 23:9).

  4. It is ever so dangerous to give away God’s land to the Muslims or the Canaanites. There will be consequences for sure. I support the land in my book, The Face of Samaria.

  5. Sweet old Netanyahu, the coward and traitor goes on. The idiotic pompous ass speeches all over and betrays at the same time.
    And Jews keep swaying in pretend prayer and just as meek supplication.
    Temple Mount, King David’s Mausoleum and all the Land of Israel is being parceled out.
    What is not reported is that under the Land being given away are our shale oil and water supplies! Iran is allowed to continue to build bombs. Netanyahu keeps prancing and we keep silent.

  6. @ bernard ross:
    The Temple: To rebuild or not to rebuild? The arguments pro are political; the arguments contra are religious.

    The Temple is a political institution. It asserts the Jewish character of the state, limits the authority of secular rulers, and unifies the Jewish nation.
    “The Ninth of Av mourning is an apotheosis of Jewish hypocrisy. Jews, victorious in six wars against the Arabs, keep praying at the Wailing Wall. Actually, they do not. It is the Arabs who pray nearby, while the victorious Jews wail at the wall. Jews even welcome tourists to see how assiduously they wail. Tourists are banned from Mecca and from the inside of the Vatican, and they are severely restricted from Al Aqsa, but the Jews bring busloads of tourists to watch them wail.

    The Western Wall is a Jewish hall of shame. The shame is that for the last forty years we have failed to tear down that wall. Jerusalem is ours. The Temple Mount is ours. Jews don’t have to wail at the remains anymore. Forty years is time enough to build the real thing, the Temple.

    We have won. Get used to it. Israeli victories might not usher in the messianic era, but so long as Jews possess Jerusalem, we should rejoice rather than weep.

    The Jews keep praying, “Next year, in Jerusalem!” instead of taking the next flight to Israel. We’re the happiest Jews to have lived for the last two thousand years because we securely possess our country, but blind Jewish leaders want to share it with our Arab enemies. We conquered the Temple Mount, a place of immeasurable sanctity and immeasurable national importance, and still we wail at the remnants below.

    The Israeli government bans Jews from praying at the Temple Mount lest the Arabs be offended. The government misses that we have already offended the Arabs by establishing a Jewish state in their midst and by winning every one of the wars they started. The Arabs fought us over statehood and over our borders; okay, let them fight us over the Temple Mount. In fact, they won’t. Muslims worldwide did not riot when the Jews took over Jerusalem. The Muslims expected the victorious Jews to assert their religious and nationalist jurisdiction over the most important place in the world, and shook their heads in disbelief when Moshe Dayan returned to them the Temple Mount.

    Assimilated Israeli leaders resent having to pose as barbaric religious Jews before their Gentile friends. The Third Temple would embarrass the likes of Olmert; it’s hard to talk peace and modernity in Washington while back in your capital a high priest in a golden breastplate burns sheep in a sin offering.

    Rabbinical leaders don’t want the Temple either. For all the superficial rites they observe, they are atheists. They pushed God from real life into a transcendent realm. Their God is concerned with driving on Sabbath rather than the Temple or the Land of Israel. The rabbis fear government, not God, and concur with the political establishment about Arab control of the Temple Mount, disengagement from Judea, and the Arab presence in Israel. The rabbis ban Jews from the Temple Mount for fear of desecrating the remains of the Holy of Holies while the Arabs build lavatories there. Just like Pompeius, the high priest of the Third Temple will see the Holy of Holies as an empty room.

    If you don’t rebuild the Temple when every possibility to do so exists, stop hypocritically mourning its destruction”.

  7. OBAMA PUTTING SQUEEZE ON TEMPLE MOUNT. Seeks Palestinian rule over Judaism’s most sacred site –

    IMHO this is the fault of those “religious” Jews who can get 750k to rabbi yosefs funeral and hundreds to protest any cutting of their perks, welfare benefits and privileges. Apparently the excuse is that Halacha states that the Mount must not be ascended by Jews due to impurity. However, what prevents them from visiting the entrance weekly in the hundreds of thousands of their numbers to get the Mount closed to all or muslims? How can they be an example to Jews of rightousness? If sovereignty is given to the muslims then the religious sector is to blame for diluting Jewish unity and not defending jewish religious sites.

  8. On the other hand this is a disquieting offer: Israeli negotiators offered in October to transfer sovereignty of the Jordan Valley to the Palestinian Authority, which would in turn lease it back to Israel.
    Land for peace with the Palestinians: Essential or suicidal? One can see why Israel is so confused when reading this. The endless self delusion of the jews.
    Israel agreed to absorb 200,000 refugees, ex-Fatah leader says(dunces rule Israel)

  9. The excuse to cave in to Obama/Kerry demands before, had to do with Iran. But now that they have stabbed Israel in the back and will allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, why is Israel still caving? Bibi is spineless despite his undeserved reputation as a “hard liner”.

  10. Finally these lands are probably not in a large block but are dispersed. Such a proposal had to be worked on for a long time is is no doubt where Kerry’s $4 billion is to be spent.

    Are you sure? Could this be part of the same land discussed before near Jericho? I would be very interested in where, and how disposed, the land is.
    It strikes me that there could be a scenario to develop magnet areas near current arab population centers to avoid their settling in areas wanted under Israeli control and future sovereignty.
    Once Israel repudiates transfer the options narrow. It means that regardless of sovereign structures of the future the goal would be to limit pal expansion over large areas of land. Therefore, creating developed magnet areas can restrict development to smaller areas and in desired locations. Under this approach it makes sense to mold the future disposition of arab areas. Also, if you accept that they will remain then it does not make sense that they will be a perpetual thorn in the side but rather a pacified economically developing area that grows but under restrictions. Keeping pal development restricted and stalling final agreements can be a policy based on status quos becoming the final defacto reality at a future point where war is not considered feasible for them and self-destruction becomes an unpalatable option.
    If this is the scenario then this would align with my prior suspicions that the current talks outcomes are pre determined and will result in an agreed failure that kicks the can down the road. If this is the case then it would also explain the need to give abbas certain quid pro quos to collude in the stalling agreement. When it “fails”, in order not to be assassinated, Abbas must elucidate the gains he made to his constituency: the prisoners, some more land, a faux state, dignity, etc. This can also be an explanation for why the prisoners were released from BB perspective. they will likely leave in a self righteous huff after the 9 months boasting of their gains.
    Once it is decided that the arabs will not be transferred then it is important that their area is restricted, controlled, economically successful and that a defacto state of affairs erodes Israel the least.
    Basically there are only two main roads: the road of transfer and of non transfer. Once non transfer is decided upon, as I believe it has,then it follows that arabs will remain in Israel and the question becomes where and under what systems of control. I think it is an attempt to influence future situations through facts on the ground without agreement. It appears to be giving but perhaps it is an attempt to retain control over future possibilities.
    Abbas knows how to make deals with Israelis, personal or not.

  11. Israeli leadership is continuing it policy of creating facts on the grounds, so that the so-called Area C becomes more and more populated by Arabs, which will inevitably result in a process of Jewish exodus and depopulation of the area.

    Israeli leadership is continuing it policy of repudiating the rights of the Jewish People on their Land, even though these rights are inalienable and may not be forfeited, in accordance with international law.

    In addition, by removing areas from the sovereignty of the State, Israeli leadership continue to contravene its own laws, ie the provisions of Section 97, Israel’s Penal Code.

    An information and education campaign should be undertaken with the general public with respect to all these malpractices before the situation becomes irreversible.