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  1. Peskin, you must be the only fool in the world that has not blocked in some way those emails, no less saved them? That said you are doing it again by ignoring or refusing to accept any information, fact and established truths that fly against your warped fantasy world bubble. You are quintessential man in denial. You are a very dangerous part of mass groupyism;Who would never let fact nor truth effect the way they think and believe.

    British Muslims:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1_SIEBb0WE&feature=related 1 of 8 parts find the rest on youtube

  2. Mr. Dubrovnik: That fart you discern is more likely blow back from your last post, whichis very much appreciated.

    However the statistics you provide is as reliable as the following:

    – Attn: beneficiary this is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract/inheritance file and found out that why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled the obligations given to you in respect of your contract / inheritance payment. Secondly we have been informed that you are still dealing with none officials in the bank all your attempt to secure the release of the fund to you. we wish to advice you that such an illegal act like this have to stop if you wishes to receive your payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem.Right now we have arranged your payment through our swift card payments Asia pacific that is the latest instruction by the new elected president federal republic of Nigeria. President Umaru yar’adua on his speech when chief olusegun obasanjo (gcfr) sword in him in as the president federal republic of Nigeria. this card center will send you an ATM card which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is one thousand dollar per day, so if you like to receive your fund this way please let us know by contacting the card payment center and also send the following information:1.your full name 2. phone and fax number,3. address were you want them to send the ATM CARD 4. Your age and current occupation5. a copy of your identity attached to e-mail the ATM CARD payment center has been mandated to issue out$3.5million USD as part payment for this fiscal year 2007.also for your information you have to stop any further communication any other person(s) or office(s). This is to avoid any hitches in finalizing your payment. for further direction in this regards and also update me on any development from the above mentioned office. Note: that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (133) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the card center. Chief auditor to the president on ATM cared payment federal republic of Nigeria ATM card payment for fund beneficiaries Rev: peter osisioma group managing director

  3. martel:

    lived in the UK for 11 years. The number of Pakistani and Bengladeshi Muslims (their multiple wives and stable of kids) unemployed, on the dole, and sucking the lifeblood out of the UK staggers the imagination.

    Yo are providing statistics that are outdated- early 2000-For your information we are almost in 2009. The majority of the immigrant population is working and doing work that is not being done by others, which means they are not displacing other workers.

    You are not citing the economics benefits, cited by Herzberg, derived by Britain resulting from their heading the Commonwealth, which we all know is considerable.

    The very same situation applies to France and the economic concessions provided by Algeria.

    Any way you slice it, you are still an ignorant, bigotted twit, with a polished vocabulary.

  4. I lived in the UK for 11 years. The number of Pakistani and Bengladeshi Muslims (their multiple wives and stable of kids) unemployed, on the dole, and sucking the lifeblood out of the UK staggers the imagination.

    Now be a nice little dimwitted dhimmi, herzberg, and piss off.

  5. Charles Martel:

    Notice that those who oppose the creeping Islamization of Europe are “xenophobic”, “Islam-bashing”, “play on fears”, “stage noisy protests”, engage in “suspicious talk”, are “rude” (in suggesting Islam is “anti-women, anti-democratic and anti-Semitic”), “Islamophobic”, “pick fights”, and “fatalistic”.

    The British Gov’t. is doing no favors to the Moslem immigrants by allowing them into the country.The sad fact is that without their labor The British economy would be grinding to a halt because of massive manpower shortages. In addition easing immigration rules to citizens of former British colonies enables Britain to mantain the Commonweath system, an arrangement highly beneficial to Great Britain.


  6. Uh, that’s “groomed and anesticized by the media for conquest and subjugation”.

    Dangling participles, my bad.

  7. This piece by an (as always) anonymous writer for The Economist reflects the degeneracy of the British elite who are leading Europe towards its inevitable destination: Eurabia.

    Notice that those who oppose the creeping Islamization of Europe are “xenophobic”, “Islam-bashing”, “play on fears”, “stage noisy protests”, engage in “suspicious talk”, are “rude” (in suggesting Islam is “anti-women, anti-democratic and anti-Semitic”), “Islamophobic”, “pick fights”, and “fatalistic”.

    The Muslims and their European enablers on the other hand, are “compromising”, “sensitive to their host communities”, “tolerant”, “practical”, “pragmatic”, “mitigate poverty”, and are at worst, “controversial” (Yusuf al-Qaradawi).

    When the history of the Islamization of Europe is written in the next century, social scientists will be awestruck at how the indigenous population was groomed and anesticized for conquest and subjugation by the media.

    That is, assuming any social scientists remain.

  8. (Did not open document.)

    For anyone wishing to visit the world’s largest naval base – actually a collection of several facilities – fly into Norfolk Int’l Airport or drive by Interstate.

    The main gate of Naval Station Norfolk is accessed by Taussig Blvd.

    RADM Edward D. Taussig was Jewish.

    Kol tuv,

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