Iran’s hero, Late General Mehdi Rahimi‘s body mortuary after his execution. General’s wrist and arms were cut off before he was executed.
Ibrahim Yazdi who ordered the torture and the execution of General Rahimi and many other of the late Shah’s officials after Khomeini was imposed on Iran.
Ibrahim Yazdi, a traitor, a known CIA agent who also had close links with the British intelligence. Yazdi is also known to have worked closely in the 60’s & 70’s with both Ramsey Clark the former US attorney General and George Ball the former Under-secretary of State masterminding the overthrew of the late Shah’s progressive regime.
Mona Mahmoodzaadeh. 16 year old Mona together with 9 other Bahai women executed in June 1983. The primary charge against her was teaching Bahá’à children’s classes.
Because of her youth and conspicuous innocence became a symbol of the group in prison, the 16 year old girl was lashed on the soles of her feet with a cable and forced to walk on bleeding feet. On the day of the execution she asked to be the last in line to be executed so she could pray for the others. All she had to do to avoid execution was to denounce her faith but she refused, and instead when it was her turn, she kissed the rope and put it around her own neck.
1- Professor Hassan Paakravaan. a man of dignity, compatriot, author, philosopher, ambassador to Pakistan and France & General of the Imperial Iranian Army. Executed on April 11th, 1979 at age of 72. General Paakravaan is believed to be the man who sought royal pardon for Khomeini which prevented him from being prosecuted for instigating riots and murder in May 1963.
2- H.I.M. Prince Shahriar Shafigh. Imperial Iranian Navy Captain and a commander of the Persian Gulf fleet of Hovercrafts. He was a patriot who fraught the Mullahs tirelessly. On December 7th, 1979 the Mullahs hunted him down and murdered him in streets of Paris. Prince Shahriar was 34 years old.
3- General Gholaam-Ali Oveisi. Chief of the Imperial Iranian Army. Both the 64 year old General and his brother were murdered on February 7th, 1984 in streets of Paris.
4- Colonel Siyavash Bayaani of the Imperial Army. Executed on August 15th, 1980 for setting up resistance movement inside Iran to free his homeland.. At least 157 brave military officers were executed during that time.
5- General Mehdi Rahimi. Iran’s military General. He was among the first group of the loyal officers to be executed on midnight of February 15th, 1979. Ibrahim Yazdi, Khomeini’s right hand man ordered to have both the General’s wrists and arms to be cut before he was executed.
6- General Ali Neshaat. The exemplary commander of the Imperial Iranian Guards whose brave officers fought a fierce battle against the evil pro-Khomeini forces. He was Executed together with 11 other military and government officials on April, 11th, 1979.
7- General Aayat Mohagheghi of the Imperial Iranian Army. Executed on August 15th, 1980 for setting up resistance movement inside Iran to free his homeland.. At least 157 brave military officers were executed during that time.
8- Dr. Shapour Bakhtiar. Last Prime Minster of Iran under the Pahalavi’s. He was stabbed to death in his home in Paris on August 6th, 1991. His dismembered body was found at his home in Paris by the French police.
9- Amir Abbaass Hoveida. Soldier, senior diplomat, Scholar and Prim Minster of Iran for 13 years. He was executed on April 7th, 1979. In order to prolong his agony they shot him in his groin leaving him to suffer before he was given coup de grace.
10- Dr. Farrokhrou Paarsa. An exemplary Iranian scholar who became Iran’s Minister of Education. Islamic Republic executed a woman whose only crime was educating her compatriots and setting an example for so many who gained their rightful place in our society. She was to face the firing squad for having provided the opportunity so that Iranians could study, train and therefore, render their expertise for the betterment of our people’s lives and society. She was covered in a bag before her execution took place on May 8th, 1980.
11- Zahra Kazemi. Iranian-Canadian freelance photographer. Arrested while visiting Iran, beaten, tortured, raped and killed on July 11th, 2003. Shahram Azam, a former military staff physician who left Iran and sought asylum in Canada in 2004, has stated that he examined Kazemi’s body and observed evidence of rape and torture, including a skull fracture, broken nose. Her body was not returned to her family in Canada.
12- Dr. Fereydoon Farrokhzaad. A political scientist with PHD from the university of Munich, poet, singer, TV personality and opposition figure. He was stabbed and was beheaded with a kitchen knife on August, 8th, 1992. His dismembered body was found in his home in Bonn by the German police.
13- Bijan Faazeli. Son of Reza Faazeli, the former Iranian actor. Bijan was killed as Mullahs targeted both himself and his father for their opposition to the Tehran regime. On August 19th, 1986, The Embassy of the Islamic republic of Iran in London set a bomb in their Kensington shop killing the 22 year old Bijan instantly. His father was not inside the shop at the time.
15- Ali Tabaatabaai. Former Press attache of the Iranian Embassy in Washington who opposed the Mullahs tyranny in Iran was murdered on July 22nd, 1980 by David Theodore Belfield alias Dawud Salahuddin, a 29-year-old African American Muslim who had been paid five thousand dollars for the job. Dawud Salahudin posed as a post man delivering a certified mail to Tabatabai at his home in Bethesda Washington D.C. Dawud Salahudin lives freely in Iran.
16- Nader Tavakoli. A selfless Iranian patriot who used to speak at Hyde Park’s Speakers Corner to oppose the tyranny of the Islamic regime. Both Nader and his father Ali Tavakoli, an Iranian Architect were brutally murdered in cold blood in their apartment in north London on October 2nd, 1987. Nader was 24 years old.
17- Atefeh Rajabi Salaaheh was a sixteen year-old Iranian girl who was executed in Iran after being sentenced to death by an Islamic judge for allegedly having committed “acts incompatible with chastity” (having sexual intercourse with an older man), and for removing her HIJAAB, (Islamic cover) while arguing with her judge in court. Atefeh had no access to legal counsel during the trial and was allegedly not believed to be mentally competent. Her death sentence was upheld by a Supreme Court of the terrorist mullahs. Atefeh was hanged in public on August 15th, 2004 in northern city of Neka. Atefeh was a fun loving innocent girl.
For the attention of the EU appeasers of the terrorist regime in Iran
There are not enough pages to bring the names and the chilling stories of all the victims of Mullahs regime in Iran. Over 400.000 people were murdered so far and the killing continues in Iran.
So is the appeasement by the Europeans.
I only pray that the world’s Muslims experience the hell they have brought upon others around the globe. All because they follow commands to murderous jihad from their “holy” scriptures.
Islam is a cancer upon humanity. And like cancer it and its adherents (tumors) must be destroyed, slowly and painfully. Anyone who refers to himself as a Muslim follows the Qur’an. In the Qur’an civilization is separated into two parts, “Dar al Islam”, the Ummah (Muslims) and “Dar al Harb”, the world of war – A/K/A we infidels.
Why do you think they refer to it as the world of war? Because they are at war to conquer us. That is the foundation of the Jihad.
We must destroy Islam or be destroyed by it. Take your choice, infidels.
Nigel is right here.
Nothing good or progressive about the Shah.
He put down just about everybody except for the Mullahs. It was a dictatorship.
But the dictatorship of the Islamists has got this Fascist element based on Islam. That does make it different.
But please, it is not a choice here. We do not have to make a choice. We did not create the Shah and we did not create the Islamofascists.
We can examine reality without having to take these positions, so therefore the info from Ted is useful to us and good to have it.
It is not just a list of victims – it makes contradictory assertions.
What is also curious is that out of the “Over 400.000 people [who] were murdered so far…”, most of those listed are former members of the Shah’s establishment.
It would be interesting to know what this Iranian dissident’s views on the 1953 US/British coup which installed the Shah by removing an Iranian patriot are.
This article, which is really just a list of some victims, was drawn up and sent to me by an Iranian dissident living in London since the Islamist revolution in Iran.
This article has a glaring contradiction embedded.
and then….
Err. The first part of the article tells us that “Khomeini’s right hand man” was “a traitor, a known CIA agent who also had close links with the British intelligence.” who “worked closely in the 60’s & 70’s with both Ramsey Clark the former US attorney General and George Ball the former Under-secretary of State masterminding the overthrew of the late Shah’s progressive[!!] regime.” and then goes on to implicitly blame “EU appeasers of the terrorist regime in Iran”. Putting aside the fact that the Shah’s regime was not in any meaningful way “progressive”, and that Khomeini adopted his CIA created torture happy security service SAVAK, why is this article attempting to pin the blame on Europeans for appeasing a regime which the US and British Establishments imposed on the Iranians in the first place? This is particularly bizarre considering that the US Establishment just allowed the leader of this “terrorist regime” to speak at Columbia University – with the Islam-aware being encouraged to blame the affair on Columbia’s president, and then being encouraged to think that Bollinger’s clichéd criticisms of Ahmedinejad somehow made up for his “error”.
War is peace, freedom is slavery, and European appeasers are to blame for stopping us from destroying a terrorist regime which we created and whos president we allowed to speak at one of our prestigious Universities.
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