Who did the chemical attack?

Did the Whitehouse help plan the chemical attack

Atlas Shrugs

Yossef Bodansky’s sources reveal that on August 13 and 14, there was a high-level meeting in Turkey that included the al-Qaeda Syrian rebels, along with U.S., Turkish, and Qatari officials, in which the Obama regime planned a bombing campaign after a “war-changing” moment that was set to occur within days. This “war changing” moment, of course turned out to be the gassing of 1429 people, including hundreds of children, to be blamed on Bashar al-Assad. (thanks to John)

    There is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters — which makes a very strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.

    The extent of US foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation because available data puts the “horror” of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing light.

    On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence [“Mukhabarat Amriki”] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development” which would, in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.

    The opposition forces had to quickly prepare their forces for exploiting the US-led bombing in order to march on Damascus and topple the Bashar al-Assad Government, the senior commanders explained. The Qatari and Turkish intelligence officials assured the Syrian regional commanders that they would be provided with plenty of weapons for the coming offensive.

    Indeed, unprecedented weapons distribution started in all opposition camps in Hatay Province on August 21-23, 2013. In the Reyhanli area alone, opposition forces received well in excess of 400 tons of weapons, mainly anti-aircraft weaponry from shoulder-fired missiles to ammunition for light-guns and machineguns. The weapons were distributed from store-houses controlled by Qatari and Turkish Intelligence under the tight supervision of US Intelligence.

    These weapons were loaded on more than 20 trailer-trucks which crossed into northern Syria and distributed the weapons to several depots. Follow-up weapon shipments, also several hundred tons, took place over the weekend of August 24-25, 2013, and included mainly sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles and rockets. Opposition officials in Hatay said that these weapon shipments were “the biggest” they had received “since the beginning of the turmoil more than two years ago”. The deliveries from Hatay went to all the rebel forces operating in the Idlib-to-Aleppo area, including the al-Qaida affiliated jihadists (who constitute the largest rebel forces in the area).

    Several senior officials from both the Syrian opposition and sponsoring Arab states stressed that these weapon deliveries were specifically in anticipation for exploiting the impact of imminent bombing of Syria by the US and the Western allies. The latest strategy formulation and coordination meetings took place on August 26, 2013. The political coordination meeting took place in Istanbul and was attended by US Amb. Robert Ford.

    More important were the military and operational coordination meetings at the Antakya garrison. Senior Turkish, Qatari, and US Intelligence officials attended in addition to the Syrian senior (opposition) commanders. The Syrians were informed that bombing would start in a few days.

    “The opposition was told in clear terms that action to deter further use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime could come as early as in the next few days,” a Syrian participant in the meeting said. Another Syrian participant said that he was convinced US bombing was scheduled to begin on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Several participants — both Syrian and Arab — stressed that the assurances of forthcoming bombing were most explicit even as formally Obama is still undecided.

    The descriptions of these meetings raise the question of the extent of foreknowledge of US Intelligence, and therefore, the Obama White House. All the sources consulted — both Syrian and Arab — stressed that officials of the “Mukhabarat Amriki” actively participated in the meetings and briefings in Turkey. Therefore, at the very least, they should have known that the opposition leaders were anticipating “a war-changing development”: that is, a dramatic event which would provoke a US-led military intervention.

    The mere fact that weapon storage sites under the tight supervision of US Intelligence were opened up and about a thousand tons of high-quality weapons were distributed to the opposition indicates that US Intelligence anticipated such a provocation and the opportunity for the Syrian opposition to exploit the impact of the ensuing US and allied bombing. Hence, even if the Obama White House did not know in advance of the chemical provocation, they should have concluded, or at the very least suspected, that the chemical attack was most likely the “war-changing development” anticipated by the opposition leaders as provocation of US-led bombing. Under such circumstances, the Obama White House should have refrained from rushing head-on to accuse Assad’s Damascus and threaten retaliation, thus making the Obama White House at the very least complicit after the act.

    Meanwhile, additional data from Damascus about the actual chemical attack increases the doubts about Washington’s version of events. Immediately after the attack, three hospitals of Doctors Without Borders (MSF: médecins sans frontières) in the greater Damascus area treated more than 3,600 Syrians affected by the chemical attack, and 355 of them died. MSF performed tests on the vast majority of those treated.

    MSF director of operations Bart Janssens summed up the findings: “MSF can neither scientifically confirm the cause of these symptoms nor establish who is responsible for the attack. However, the reported symptoms of the patients, in addition to the epidemiological pattern of the events — characterized by the massive influx of patients in a short period of time, the origin of the patients, and the contamination of medical and first aid workers — strongly indicate mass exposure to a neurotoxic agent.” Simply put, even after testing some 3,600 patients, MSF failed to confirm that sarin was the cause of the injuries. According to MSF, the cause could have been nerve agents like sarin, concentrated riot control gas, or even high-concentration pesticides. Moreover, opposition reports that there was distinct stench during the attack suggest that it could have come from the “kitchen sarin” used by jihadist groups (as distinct from the odorless military-type sarin) or improvised agents like pesticides.

    Some of the evidence touted by the Obama White House is questionable at best.

    A small incident in Beirut raises big questions. A day after the chemical attack, Lebanese fixers working for the “Mukhabarat Amriki” succeeded to convince a Syrian male who claimed to have been injured in the chemical attack to seek medical aid in Beirut in return for a hefty sum that would effectively settle him for life. The man was put into an ambulance and transferred overnight to the Farhat Hospital in Jib Janine, Beirut. The Obama White House immediately leaked friendly media that “the Lebanese Red Cross announced that test results found traces of sarin gas in his blood.” However, this was news to Lebanese intelligence and Red Cross officials.

    According to senior intelligence officials, “Red Cross Operations Director George Kettaneh told [them] that the injured Syrian fled the hospital before doctors were able to test for traces of toxic gas in his blood.” Apparently, the patient declared that he had recovered from his nausea and no longer needed medical treatment. The Lebanese security forces are still searching for the Syrian patient and his honorarium.

    On August 24, 2013, Syrian Commando forces acted on intelligence about the possible perpetrators of the chemical attack and raided a cluster of rebel tunnels in the Damascus suburb of Jobar. Canisters of toxic material were hit in the fierce fire-fight as several Syrian soldiers suffered from suffocation and “some of the injured are in a critical condition”.

    The Commando eventually seized an opposition warehouse containing barrels full of chemicals required for mixing “kitchen sarin”, laboratory equipment, as well as a large number of protective masks. The Syrian Commando also captured several improvised explosive devices, RPG rounds, and mortar shells. The same day, at least four HizbAllah fighters operating in Damascus near Ghouta were hit by chemical agents at the very same time the Syrian Commando unit was hit while searching a group of rebel tunnels in Jobar. Both the Syrian and the HizbAllah forces were acting on intelligence information about the real perpetrators of the chemical attack. Damascus told Moscow the Syrian troops were hit by some form of a nerve agent and sent samples (blood, tissues, and soil) and captured equipment to Russia.

    Several Syrian leaders, many of whom are not Bashar al-Assad supporters and are even his sworn enemies, are now convinced that the Syrian opposition is responsible for the August 21, 2013, chemical attack in the Damascus area in order to provoke the US and the allies into bombing Assad’s Syria. Most explicit and eloquent is Saleh Muslim, the head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) which has been fighting the Syrian Government. Muslim doubts Assad would have used chemical weapons when he was winning the civil war.

    “The regime in Syria … has chemical weapons, but they wouldn’t use them around Damascus, five km from the [UN] committee which is investigating chemical weapons. Of course they are not so stupid as to do so,” Muslim told Reuters on August 27, 2013. He believes the attack was “aimed at framing Assad and provoking an international reaction”. Muslim is convinced that “some other sides who want to blame the Syrian regime, who want to show them as guilty and then see action” is responsible for the chemical attack. The US was exploiting the attack to further its own anti-Assad policies and should the UN inspectors find evidence that the rebels were behind the attack, then “everybody would forget it”, Muslim shrugged. “Who is the side who would be punished? Are they are going to punish the Emir of Qatar or the King of Saudi Arabia, or Mr Erdo?an of Turkey?”

    And there remain the questions: Given the extent of the involvement of the “Mukhabarat Amriki” in opposition activities, how is that US Intelligence did not know in advance about the opposition’s planned use of chemical weapons in Damascus?

    It is a colossal failure.

    And if they did know and warned the Obama White House, why then the sanctimonious rush to blame the Assad Administration?

    Moreover, how can the Obama Administration continue to support and seek to empower the opposition which had just intentionally killed some 1,300 innocent civilians in order to provoke a US military intervention?

Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs

September 7, 2013 | 109 Comments »

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9 Comments / 109 Comments

  1. @ honeybee:

    Hey Babe. I’m sure you can come up with more productive and rewarding things to do than find video links for me.

    Maybe you can find one for Yamit. He might even open it. He considers you entertaining. I don’t.


  2. @ yamit82:

    Ah, a more substantive response from you finally showed up. OK.

    For my part, infantry lieutenant in the U.S. Army, during the 80s, pursuant to an ROTC scholarship at U of M Ann Arbor, where I majored in Russian Studies, plus a lot of national security-related history and polisci. After the army, MA degree in Int’l Relations, U Chicago, specializing in Security Studies. Never got work in my field due to the end of the Cold War, but I keep busy, talk to a lot of people, get involved in my spare time, learn a lot from a wide variety of sources, try to keep an open mind. I even learned a few interesting things from you, against all odds.

    Obama’s caving to Russia renders our argument about Syria vs. Iran moot for the time being. Iran recently said that the time for negotiations on their nuke program is “very short”. I take this to mean that they are getting pretty close to their bomb.

    Before we leave the topic, however, where various authoritative sources are on the Syria first versus Iran first question is all over the map. I don’t see a preponderance of commentary in support of your position. The WSJ editorial page is on your side, even if not explicitly for the end-game reasons you cite. Daniel Pipes is on my side of this, for example, as is one Vic Rosenthal who publishes a very good blog, FresnoZionism (you ought to check this out). Vic fought in the ’82 Lebanon war, has two kids living in Israel now, one of whom is an MP in the IDF, and Vic himself is now getting ready to move back to Israel, having just got himself a flat.

    You miss the point of my more recent posts.

    You criticize my “track record”. OK, I was wrong about the ’12 election. Ya got me there. Sue me.

    But all along, you’ve been establishing a “track record” of predicting that Obama would actually be “good” for Israel in a “boy named Sue” sort of way. He’d force Israel to assert her independence, so you’ve been saying, by means of her considerable economic and military capabilities, which you’ve described at length in past posts. Most interesting, those.

    Up to now, your track record in terms of this prediction you’ve been making about the dynamic between Israel and the U.S. under Obama stinks big time. Bad. Hasn’t happened yet. Again and again, Israel seems to give ground to him.

    I have no reason to doubt your claims concerning Israeli capabilities. So, if Israel has these capabilities, but does not use them, then it must be a matter of national will, which means it is a matter of politics.

    This is the time, then, for people with a better vision of Israel’s future, to get involved and either become leaders themselves, or make a convincing case to existing leadership, to take the kind of bold steps that lead to this future. It is time to come up with a game plan for this, and to make it happen.

    So, I ask again, what the hell are YOU doing about this, Yamit? We disagree on specifics, but we agree in a broader sense. I too would like to see a stronger and more independent Israel.

    We have a common enemy. The same people who are raising a lynch mob around Israel, have corrupted our political system here to the core. Obama is their crowning achievement.

    I can help support Israel politically from here in the face of Obama. But over there, you have the opportunity to influence people in their policies. I won’t go into specifics, but even as I’m not some “big shot”, I’ve managed to get some things done.

    You don’t need to be a “big shot”; you just have to have knowledge, patience, and determination. Talking trash doesn’t count.

    So, prove me wrong. Improve your “track record”. Do something to put some steel in the spine of your leaders. I’m not bullshitting you, so stop bullshitting me. The clock is ticking.

    I’m having a one-on-one with my House rep in Congress tomorrow. I’ve got his direct e-mail, and some things I sent him recently got his attention. I’ll say “hi” for you.

  3. @ yamit82:

    For my part, infantry lieutenant in the U.S. Army, during the 80s, pursant to ROTC scholarship at U Mich, majored in Russian Studies, plus a lot of national security related history and polisci. After the military, MA in Int’l Relations, U Chicago, specialised in security studies. Since then, no work in my field due to the end of the Cold War…but I keep busy and keep up on related matters. Talk with lots of people. Keep an open mind. Learn things from many sources. Have even learned a few interesting things from you, against all odds.

    I see authoritative voices coming from many directions. I get the WSJ and their editorial page is with you on Syria. But many others, such as Daniel Pipes, agree with me. As does, for example, Vic Rosenthal of FresnoZionism, who fought in the ’82 war, has a son in the IDF now; Vic is in the process of moving back to Israel.

    I stand by my position. You can’t expect support from Obama on anything unless and until you capitulate to the Palis, and then what is the point? SO, whatever you do, you have to plan on doing with what you’ve got.

    Iran’s leaders just announced that “the time for negotiations is very short”. I take this to mean that they are indeed close to getting a bomb.

    Anyway, I’m not going to repeat myself. I’ve made my position clear in earlier posts. And you’ve made yours clear, but that is not the point now.

    You talk about my “track record”. OK, ya got me there. I was wrong about the [rigged] election. Sue me.

    But you’ve been saying all along how Obama is actually going to be “good” for Israel because he will force Israel to assert herself and thus gain a much greater measure of independence and prestige in breaking free from U.S. dominance. You’ve cited all of this information in past posts about Israel’s economic and military capabilities with which she can effect this ah, “change”.

    OK, for the sake of argument, I’ll take you at you word on Israel’s capabilities. I have no real reason to doubt you on that. So, it stands to reason that if Israel has these capabilites, yet does not use them, then it is a matter of national will.

    If it is a matter of national will, then it is a matter of politics. If that is the case, I ask you once again, are you DOING anything about this state of affairs besides screwing around on Israpundit?

    Look, put aside for the moment our argument about Syria versus Iran or whatever. In any event, Obama is now caving to the Russians in what was described in Britain’s Telegraph as “the worst day for U.S. and wider Western diplomacy since records began.” Perhaps it is not quite as bad as all of that, but it is pretty bad. I actually consider it something of a blessing in disguise. A bad day for the Islamist-butt-kisser-in-chief is a good day for me.

    It is clear now, for the time being, that there will be no U.S. strike on Syria, and thus no opportunity for Israel to do what you want her to in the case of Syria and Hezbollah, unless you just want to kick things off on your own hook. Very unlikely, that. Our earlier argument is now purely academic, and Iran is still building their bomb.

    Still want to wait for Obama on that one?

    Up to now, your track record on your scenario for how Obama is going to “free” Israel in a ‘boy named Sue’ sort of way stinks big time. We can’t change the election and re-election of Obama. But I can still support Israel politically from here in the face of Obama…as folks like you, over there, convince your leaders – or in the capacity of leaders – come up with a game plan for standing up to Obama, and making your little prediction come true. I’d like to see it happen. In the greater scheme of things, we agree. I’d like to see a strong and independent Israel as much as you do.

    We have a common enemy. The folks raising a lynch mob around you, they have corrupted our political system over here to the core.

    So, what the hell are YOU doing about this, besides talking trash?

    I’m having a one-on-one with my House rep in Congress tomorrow. I’ll say “hi” for you.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    I love cooking except when I have to.

    Amen!!!!!!!! Tex can’t eat hot food anymore since his “stragelated hernia”, I only spent a week with my beloved Jewish Grand-mother,she introduced me to lox and bagel and white fish.and intellectual thought.
    Today I start painting my Xmas angel. I was watching “The Borgias” and fell in love Italian Renassance clothing. Saw a angel decoration at flea market and voila.
    D id you watch Obama,oiy.