Pamela Geller knows her stuff and expresses herself well. The interviewer was bent on smearing her, and defending Muslims. Jihad and CAIR. CNN cut out half the interview starting with Geller’s attack on CAIR.
When you’re done with CNN please come to South Africa!!!
Our press is totally controlled by the African Nation Corruption Party – and just as biased.
Pamela Geller is my hero.
CNN continued to misquote, accuse thru innuendo, and besmirch Pamela Geller repeatedly. These interviews demonstrate clearly how unprofessional and unethical CNN is…..without even mentioning it censoring Mrs Geller half way through the interview.
CNN needs to either raise their bar on professionalism or interview quests with a comparable I.Q. Having brilliant quests makes them look like clowns.
Of course if the interviewer was raped it would be her own fault for not wearing a sheet over her head.
Pam Geller acquitted herself admirably. Too bad the same cannot be said of her interviewer and CNN. How can the truth hurt if nobody can learn what it is? Let Pam explain CAIR for the whole world to see.
@ Max:
Max, I see anger here.
No reason to be angry with us.
I expressed no anger, that is your projection. I stopped caring about lost souls a long time ago.
In actual fact the koolaid and the official version of reality is owned by the Superclass. Here’s a simple test check the party lines and propaganda of the Dems or Republicans – if the majority of your ideas are the same ideas that are in there then you have drunk the koolaid.
American Wealth, 95 percent of it and thus the ability to make wealth is owned by a very small group of people – that is an incontrovertible fact and that is economic fascism. In a system of economic fascism there can be no ‘democracy’ and no capitalism ,no free media and no freedom of speech, Everything is owned by the fascists. Democracy is a enemy of fascism and is denounced by the fascists as ‘communism’ or ‘hooliganism’ or ‘insert ad Hominem here’ – whatever.
It’s a common story: the people here have an enemy — Islamofascism. In order for help against their enemy they submit to the authority and service another group of fascists which is the American and the Western superclass often through their foremost Mandarins in the Republican Party. In doing so they also sell out every other human being in the Western world.
It is the Faustian story of humankind – the morally weak and the avaricious sell themselves and their ‘souls’ to evil.
It’s a short term gain for the privileged class but an absolute loss for them and everyone else in the long term.
You reap what you sow, you sell yourselves to evil you will reap evil.
You can mock others drown out the voices of logic and reason with endless propaganda and ad Hominem attack but it is simply self destruction.
You, yourselves are the first losers.
If the answer to Islamic Fascism is American or Western Fascism they it simply doesn’t matter which of you survive. It’s better for the common person or for humanity if you all kill each other off and maybe a few of us ordinary persons can survive to build a better world.
So, you spilled your drink at Jonestown and didn’t get to leave with Jim Jones.
So, you went to the wrong address when your buddies from Heaven’s Gate decided to leave this world and meet up with the alien space ship with Marshall Applewhite.
Laura, don’t waste your good time on Max.
If the people take back their wealth from them, this will restore capitalism and democracy
By force or redistribution??
Max is another example of the characters like hymie who infiltrate this site.
The great conspiracy theories.
No, of course don’t waste your time. If you want American fascism to triumph and a totalitarian state to be entrenched certainly run from the truth.
There is only one way to get change and that is to get control or to bypass the propounded system. The fascists own the propaganda system and so long as they have that they can make the people believe anything. Everything you know and understand about politics and economics Ron, comes from the propaganda system owned by the the power elite. You have no identity of your own, you are merely the extension of the will of the rich and powerful shilling for your own enslavement.
There is freedom. You don’t know what it is yet but it is there if only you can break the hypnosis the MSM has upon you and deprogram yourself.
Otherwise both you and your entire society is lost.
It makes no difference if the Islamists burn you or the economic fascists bury you or lobotomize you. Dead is dead and slavery is slavery.
Max is obviously a shill. Most likely hangs out at Huffington Post or or
They are the ones who are insulting, rude, volatile, incoherent and easily irritable.
They do not know what they want but they want it now.
The Nazis did the same thing as the Republicans. Whenever democracy and Capitalism were threats to their power and fascism they denounced their enemies as ‘Commies”. THe Irony is the the Republicans are the true Stalinists.
Whats’ in a name? Commies, Republicans, Democrats, Islamists. It’s all the same, Fascists are fascists.
I have not been rude of insulting or made ad Hominems that is what Laura, yourself and the others are doing.
Neither am I an Islamist or a leftist or a Marxist or a conspiracist – that is all one dimensional thinking. Nor do I ‘not know what I want’ – those are all the common propaganda tropes of American Fascism.
The American people are under the repression of the economic fascism of the power elite AKA the Super-rich this is an open knowledge. Western Culture is also under attack by Islamism. These are realities which have nothing to do wit the dog and pony show of Romney and Obama. Both those parties are the parties of fascist exploitation and repression.
Max is obviously a shill. Most likely hangs out at Huffington Post or or
They are the ones who are insulting, rude, volatile, incoherent and easily irritable.
They do not know what they want but they want it now.
The economic fascists are the left. Communism is economic fascism.
The economic fascists are those who own America’s wealth. Those are not the people,those are a small group comprising .01 percent. They are neither left nor right.
You are right , Stalinism AKA Communism is economic fascism. If any small group owns the wealth then that is economic fascism and Stalinism. By definition then, America is under the control of Stalinist Communists mostly represented by the Republican Party but also represented by the Democratic Party. Left and Right – they are simply two different arms of the same Stalinist System. Both parties are controlled by Stalinists. The Stalinists have stolen the wealth from the American people. They now make them work as slaves having total ownership and control of their lives and of course giving nothing in return.
The American Stalinist Elite are people who have wealth for nothing, they only earn it by force of arms. They did it mostly by owning the legal and media system but that was all backed by force of arms – they took longer than Stalin to do it this way but their totalitarian system has proved more stable than Stalin’s system.
If people take it the wealth back, this is not communism, this is capitalism. There can be no capitalism unless the wealth or the capital is distributed with the people.
It is the propaganda of the superrich Stalinists that if their wealth was taken from them and taken back to the people they stole the wealth from that this is communism. This is a complete deceit for in fact they are the Communist Stalinists.
The Stalinist Communists in power which own the Republicans are afraid the people will use the Government to take awayy the power and wealth that they have stolen. In fact the superrich are the Government,,Government does not really exist. What the situation is, is that the Republicans are afraid the American people will turn the FAKE government into a real Government and take away the government of America by the Superrich. So the Republican propagandize that any attempt to reform their Stalest control system is ‘communism”.
This is all the system of mind control and propaganda control by which the Superrich that runs America continues to own America and grind Americans into the dust as dogs under their boot heels.
If the people take back their wealth from them, this will restore capitalism and democracy. There can be no democracy under a system of economic fascism. There can be no capitalism unless the population share in the capital.
I’d just add that “the problem” — as clearly demonstrated with the Geller vs CNN’s Erin Burnett interview — the problem is not just Muslims who support Sharia law, jihadism, etc. It is their supportive, clueless, non-Muslim enablers and supporters! It was the same when non-Muslims in Ontario became the champions of Sharia law. It’s the George Galloway (I’m assuming he hasn’t converted to Islam) problem — the powerful non-Muslim enablers, like a Hillary Clinton — many times they are far, far worse, more destructive for the west, than actual Muslims.
@ Max:
The economic fascists are the left. Communism is economic fascism.
I find it incredible that referring to jihadists who slaughter innocents as savages, could possibly be controversial. It should go without saying. But it shows the enemedia to be without a moral compass.
Well, savour it. That’s about all Israpundit’s gonna get this time round. I don’t have the energy or resources to save Americans or Israpundit from a multi-billion dollar propaganda machine.
What a beautiful sentence. “economic fascists” wonderful
A sentence that is obvious and you will never see in the elite-owned MSM in any version whatsoever. The idea in that sentence is so lethal to the current fascist system of economic and political ownership they don’t’ want to even risk the sheeple contemplating it.
TO Max:
To vote for Obama given his record, one must be either and idiot or a moron.
Even I can see that he seeks to destroy the USA and is doing a very good job of it.
I blame this on Bush Sr & Bush Jr and all the RINOs out there who confused their voting block.
Invasion of Iraq not a bad idea but done very badly. This is Republican’s Vietnam.
The USA is already destroyed, there is no American Dream except in the funny papers, all Americans are under the jackboot of economic fascism. You vote for Obama you vote for a faster Islamization, you vote for Romney you vote for Stalinist repression and the worst dictatorship the world has ever seen – worse than any science fiction horror – the hammer is coming down now and you will see it very shortly. When the economic fascism become 100 percent or irrefutably past the tipping point – then you will have the absolutist state. You will recognize it by the total silence that exists while each and every member of the public descends to live the lives of tortured powerless voiceless pack dogs.
Sad watching the USA has become a laughing stock
America has always been a laughing stock ever since the American Military won the Vietnamese War and the American Anti-war Leftists gave away the Victory. The PM of North Vietnam, and dictator of Occupied South Vietnam thanked the American People in Oregon in the late 1990’s for giving them their victory.
We owe our victories in Iraq I and II due to the refinements made to the American military in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam war ,though the victory was given away, it made the American Military supreme and of course it won the cold war by draining the USSR.
Iraq was not a mistake, the downfall of any dictator especially and Islamist one with mega oil wealth resources is never a mistake. The only mistake is the leftist anti-war propaganda which pretends we are not at war with Islam and the foolish idea that it will not cost anything. Iraq was a picnic, the real war is yet to come. It was a mistake not to take out Iran and Nuke Pakistan with a first strike as well. The longer we wait to do the inevitable the worse it will be for us.
You are a chimera, . a strange fish – you are a composite of propaganda forces a composite of anti-war leftist propaganda and pro-fascist totalitarian propaganda. Al the repeated ideas of the MSM news services are propagandas serving the various fascist groups that own the propaganda services. Everything you think you know, your idea of ‘economics’ , the fiction of freedom, the fiction that Americans have prosperity or can have it under economic fascism, even your version of history is nothing but propaganda fiction. You have to throw out all these ideas and start to think for yourself.
Perhaps you need to realize that the Superrich are economic fascists not capitalists and they own all the wealth and the means to make wealth of America which they have stolen from the people and that they oppress all Americans with their wealth and power as well as brainwash them (which seems to include yourself) with the MSM which they dominate and own.
What a beautiful sentence. “economic fascists” wonderful
TO Max:
To vote for Obama given his record, one must be either and idiot or a moron.
Even I can see that he seeks to destroy the USA and is doing a very good job of it.
I blame this on Bush Sr & Bush Jr and all the RINOs out there who confused their voting block.
Invasion of Iraq not a bad idea but done very badly. This is Republican’s Vietnam.
Sad watching the USA has become a laughing stock
Good stuff by Geller. The reporter seemed like a cypher for the whole ignorant, misguided chattering classes in the west.
My question was a rhetorical one. Anyway, if my comment does not sound categorical and appears uncharacteristically moderate (by Otter’s standards) is because I’m training myself for the upcoming world caliphate or police state running the North-American Union, whichever comes first.
This otter is slowly easing herself into the kind of language that won’t raise objections from the Stasi. I have a long, long way to go before I start sounding like CNN or Obama’s Radio Pravda (NPR), but I’m learning.
That CNN woman is vomit worthy- she is an out and out Jihadist Propagandist. She repeated the attack propaganda of every pro-Jihadist group in America, The word ‘savage’ is politically incorrect?
HA! So CNN doesn’t want the american public to know that HAMAS is tied to CAIR or perhaps CNN is too afraid of CAIR. CNN is obviously directly or indirectly under the control of Global Islamic Jihad.
Note: the reporter did not contest Geller’s comments about CAIR in any way- it may have been the first time when was told the this truth and she had not yet prepared a propaganda defense , she meekly responded ‘OK” -then CNN cut them.
CNN did a perfect job of demonstrating that the savages have thoroughly entrenched their lies and deceits in our media and that Israel is all of us- he e, now in North America, the enemy is inside the Gates – we can expect Armageddon at any time.
Given that 45% of American voters apparently support Obama, the OWS movement, I look at America as a place I do not understand.
Perhaps you need to realize that the Superrich are economic fascists not capitalists and they own all the wealth and the means to make wealth of America which they have stolen from the people and that they oppress all Americans with their wealth and power as well as brainwash them (which seems to include yourself) with the MSM which they dominate and own.
If you want to understand you will have to understand yourself and what the propaganda system has done to you. The economic elite are fascists and they struggle the Islamic fascists for control and ownership of us, the people.
It’s demographics, not just creeping sharia. Creeping sharia is the symptom of a much bigger problem.
Some of it is natural growth and conversions, but a good number of them are immigrants. Perhaps freedom advocates could draw attention to this issue as well. Considering that Islam does not separate religion from state, is Islam compatible with American values and laws?
Why cannot Israel have a live program on the net????? Israel is losing the PR war big time.
Frequent guests on RT are Jews ( ash can nazis ) who bash the US, Israel and sing the praises of Islam and speak in such incoherent sentences even hearing it 5 times I cannot figure what makes them tick ( neither can arab muslims).
Good for her but Pamela is doing her best for America that slowly will not allow her to enter the front door.
The USA is now either directly or indirectly the source of Internet Jew hate.
Almost every precious metal web site is linked to a tacit Israel or Bibi hate site. This is occurring as US Ambassadors to ugly muslim countries risk being sodomized.
I have no problem with the USA bombing arab cities. That is the only thing they respect.
Given that 45% of American voters apparently support Obama, the OWS movement, I look at America as a place I do not understand.
Still a great place to get a tattoo.
One other thing. Did she (the interviewer) actually say that a free speech war against savagery “promotes” hate?
Did anyone else want to literally punch the ‘reporter’ as much as I did? What a moron–no wonder no one is watching CNN anymore!
SEMANTICS and the alleged connotations of the word ‘savage’ became the focus of the conversation. That single word diverted much of the interview away from the real problem: the threat of Islam and its growing influence in America. Now the project sponsors have to spend time and effort defending themselves against accusations of racism and incitement instead of educating the public.
Posters need to express the truth with factual statements and photographs that speak for themselves. What else is there to say at the sight of the slaughtered Fogel family? Or the aftermath of any Muslim attack against innocent people? Or the racist and murderous words of ‘Palestinian’ leaders? Or the Nazi origins of the PLO, and the Mufti of Jerusalem’s key part in the instigation and implementation of the Holocaust? How many people still don’t know that?
Pamela Geller is intelligent, dedicated, and a very articulate debater. She is a real treasure and we are very grateful for her efforts and accomplishments. But focusing on creeping Sharia may become a losing battle unless freedom advocates also emphasize proposals for immigration reform. Because at the Muslim rate of growth and influence in America, there may come a time when fighting against sharia and dhimmitude will be impossible. The need for social harmony will prevail over the preservation of traditional and constitutional American principles.
She is fantastic and SMART. She needs to team up with someone like Melanie Phillips and go stumping for Romney, Bachman and other Republicans . It amazes me how when she explains exactly, with complete clarity, the differences between why her defense of free speech is a defense of the civilized world against the blasphemy laws of Islam she is accused of promoting that very same savagery- basically comparing the intent of her ad with the intent of Jihad. Where are the brains of the people like this interviewer who could actually make a claim of moral equivalency. Get ready for an increase in Aliyah from, that’s right, the United States.
Good standing up by Pamela Geller. It’s too bad the American public was denied her exposure of CAIR’s Muslim Brotherhood ties.
Ted Belman
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Pamela – you are a star*****
When you’re done with CNN please come to South Africa!!!
Our press is totally controlled by the African Nation Corruption Party – and just as biased.
Pamela Geller is my hero.
CNN continued to misquote, accuse thru innuendo, and besmirch Pamela Geller repeatedly. These interviews demonstrate clearly how unprofessional and unethical CNN is…..without even mentioning it censoring Mrs Geller half way through the interview.
CNN needs to either raise their bar on professionalism or interview quests with a comparable I.Q. Having brilliant quests makes them look like clowns.
Of course if the interviewer was raped it would be her own fault for not wearing a sheet over her head.
Pam Geller acquitted herself admirably. Too bad the same cannot be said of her interviewer and CNN. How can the truth hurt if nobody can learn what it is? Let Pam explain CAIR for the whole world to see.
@ James B – Canada:
The US must be full of morons,-just in case you did not know, Obama most likely will be re-elected
CNN, you help make for a better world when you report the truth, even when it’s ugly.
Give us the whole truth like you’re supposed to and show the evil of Islam for what it
really is.
rongrand Said:
I expressed no anger, that is your projection. I stopped caring about lost souls a long time ago.
In actual fact the koolaid and the official version of reality is owned by the Superclass. Here’s a simple test check the party lines and propaganda of the Dems or Republicans – if the majority of your ideas are the same ideas that are in there then you have drunk the koolaid.
American Wealth, 95 percent of it and thus the ability to make wealth is owned by a very small group of people – that is an incontrovertible fact and that is economic fascism. In a system of economic fascism there can be no ‘democracy’ and no capitalism ,no free media and no freedom of speech, Everything is owned by the fascists. Democracy is a enemy of fascism and is denounced by the fascists as ‘communism’ or ‘hooliganism’ or ‘insert ad Hominem here’ – whatever.
It’s a common story: the people here have an enemy — Islamofascism. In order for help against their enemy they submit to the authority and service another group of fascists which is the American and the Western superclass often through their foremost Mandarins in the Republican Party. In doing so they also sell out every other human being in the Western world.
It is the Faustian story of humankind – the morally weak and the avaricious sell themselves and their ‘souls’ to evil.
It’s a short term gain for the privileged class but an absolute loss for them and everyone else in the long term.
You reap what you sow, you sell yourselves to evil you will reap evil.
You can mock others drown out the voices of logic and reason with endless propaganda and ad Hominem attack but it is simply self destruction.
You, yourselves are the first losers.
If the answer to Islamic Fascism is American or Western Fascism they it simply doesn’t matter which of you survive. It’s better for the common person or for humanity if you all kill each other off and maybe a few of us ordinary persons can survive to build a better world.
@ Max:
Max, I see anger here.
No reason to be angry with us.
So, you spilled your drink at Jonestown and didn’t get to leave with Jim Jones.
So, you went to the wrong address when your buddies from Heaven’s Gate decided to leave this world and meet up with the alien space ship with Marshall Applewhite.
Don’t be angry with us,
as Forrest Gump said “shit happens”
rongrand Said:
No, of course don’t waste your time. If you want American fascism to triumph and a totalitarian state to be entrenched certainly run from the truth.
There is only one way to get change and that is to get control or to bypass the propounded system. The fascists own the propaganda system and so long as they have that they can make the people believe anything. Everything you know and understand about politics and economics Ron, comes from the propaganda system owned by the the power elite. You have no identity of your own, you are merely the extension of the will of the rich and powerful shilling for your own enslavement.
There is freedom. You don’t know what it is yet but it is there if only you can break the hypnosis the MSM has upon you and deprogram yourself.
Otherwise both you and your entire society is lost.
It makes no difference if the Islamists burn you or the economic fascists bury you or lobotomize you. Dead is dead and slavery is slavery.
James B – Montreal Said:
The Nazis did the same thing as the Republicans. Whenever democracy and Capitalism were threats to their power and fascism they denounced their enemies as ‘Commies”. THe Irony is the the Republicans are the true Stalinists.
Whats’ in a name? Commies, Republicans, Democrats, Islamists. It’s all the same, Fascists are fascists.
I have not been rude of insulting or made ad Hominems that is what Laura, yourself and the others are doing.
Neither am I an Islamist or a leftist or a Marxist or a conspiracist – that is all one dimensional thinking. Nor do I ‘not know what I want’ – those are all the common propaganda tropes of American Fascism.
The American people are under the repression of the economic fascism of the power elite AKA the Super-rich this is an open knowledge. Western Culture is also under attack by Islamism. These are realities which have nothing to do wit the dog and pony show of Romney and Obama. Both those parties are the parties of fascist exploitation and repression.
Max is obviously a shill. Most likely hangs out at Huffington Post or or
They are the ones who are insulting, rude, volatile, incoherent and easily irritable.
They do not know what they want but they want it now.
@ Laura:
Laura, don’t waste your good time on Max.
By force or redistribution??
Max is another example of the characters like hymie who infiltrate this site.
The great conspiracy theories.
Laura Said:
The economic fascists are those who own America’s wealth. Those are not the people,those are a small group comprising .01 percent. They are neither left nor right.
You are right , Stalinism AKA Communism is economic fascism. If any small group owns the wealth then that is economic fascism and Stalinism. By definition then, America is under the control of Stalinist Communists mostly represented by the Republican Party but also represented by the Democratic Party. Left and Right – they are simply two different arms of the same Stalinist System. Both parties are controlled by Stalinists. The Stalinists have stolen the wealth from the American people. They now make them work as slaves having total ownership and control of their lives and of course giving nothing in return.
The American Stalinist Elite are people who have wealth for nothing, they only earn it by force of arms. They did it mostly by owning the legal and media system but that was all backed by force of arms – they took longer than Stalin to do it this way but their totalitarian system has proved more stable than Stalin’s system.
If people take it the wealth back, this is not communism, this is capitalism. There can be no capitalism unless the wealth or the capital is distributed with the people.
It is the propaganda of the superrich Stalinists that if their wealth was taken from them and taken back to the people they stole the wealth from that this is communism. This is a complete deceit for in fact they are the Communist Stalinists.
The Stalinist Communists in power which own the Republicans are afraid the people will use the Government to take awayy the power and wealth that they have stolen. In fact the superrich are the Government,,Government does not really exist. What the situation is, is that the Republicans are afraid the American people will turn the FAKE government into a real Government and take away the government of America by the Superrich. So the Republican propagandize that any attempt to reform their Stalest control system is ‘communism”.
This is all the system of mind control and propaganda control by which the Superrich that runs America continues to own America and grind Americans into the dust as dogs under their boot heels.
If the people take back their wealth from them, this will restore capitalism and democracy. There can be no democracy under a system of economic fascism. There can be no capitalism unless the population share in the capital.
I’d just add that “the problem” — as clearly demonstrated with the Geller vs CNN’s Erin Burnett interview — the problem is not just Muslims who support Sharia law, jihadism, etc. It is their supportive, clueless, non-Muslim enablers and supporters! It was the same when non-Muslims in Ontario became the champions of Sharia law. It’s the George Galloway (I’m assuming he hasn’t converted to Islam) problem — the powerful non-Muslim enablers, like a Hillary Clinton — many times they are far, far worse, more destructive for the west, than actual Muslims.
@ Max:
The economic fascists are the left. Communism is economic fascism.
I find it incredible that referring to jihadists who slaughter innocents as savages, could possibly be controversial. It should go without saying. But it shows the enemedia to be without a moral compass.
@ Bob:
Well, savour it. That’s about all Israpundit’s gonna get this time round. I don’t have the energy or resources to save Americans or Israpundit from a multi-billion dollar propaganda machine.
Bob Said:
A sentence that is obvious and you will never see in the elite-owned MSM in any version whatsoever. The idea in that sentence is so lethal to the current fascist system of economic and political ownership they don’t’ want to even risk the sheeple contemplating it.
James B – Canada Said:
The USA is already destroyed, there is no American Dream except in the funny papers, all Americans are under the jackboot of economic fascism. You vote for Obama you vote for a faster Islamization, you vote for Romney you vote for Stalinist repression and the worst dictatorship the world has ever seen – worse than any science fiction horror – the hammer is coming down now and you will see it very shortly. When the economic fascism become 100 percent or irrefutably past the tipping point – then you will have the absolutist state. You will recognize it by the total silence that exists while each and every member of the public descends to live the lives of tortured powerless voiceless pack dogs.
America has always been a laughing stock ever since the American Military won the Vietnamese War and the American Anti-war Leftists gave away the Victory. The PM of North Vietnam, and dictator of Occupied South Vietnam thanked the American People in Oregon in the late 1990’s for giving them their victory.
We owe our victories in Iraq I and II due to the refinements made to the American military in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam war ,though the victory was given away, it made the American Military supreme and of course it won the cold war by draining the USSR.
Iraq was not a mistake, the downfall of any dictator especially and Islamist one with mega oil wealth resources is never a mistake. The only mistake is the leftist anti-war propaganda which pretends we are not at war with Islam and the foolish idea that it will not cost anything. Iraq was a picnic, the real war is yet to come. It was a mistake not to take out Iran and Nuke Pakistan with a first strike as well. The longer we wait to do the inevitable the worse it will be for us.
You are a chimera, . a strange fish – you are a composite of propaganda forces a composite of anti-war leftist propaganda and pro-fascist totalitarian propaganda. Al the repeated ideas of the MSM news services are propagandas serving the various fascist groups that own the propaganda services. Everything you think you know, your idea of ‘economics’ , the fiction of freedom, the fiction that Americans have prosperity or can have it under economic fascism, even your version of history is nothing but propaganda fiction. You have to throw out all these ideas and start to think for yourself.
Max Said:
What a beautiful sentence. “economic fascists” wonderful
TO Max:
To vote for Obama given his record, one must be either and idiot or a moron.
Even I can see that he seeks to destroy the USA and is doing a very good job of it.
I blame this on Bush Sr & Bush Jr and all the RINOs out there who confused their voting block.
Invasion of Iraq not a bad idea but done very badly. This is Republican’s Vietnam.
Sad watching the USA has become a laughing stock
Good stuff by Geller. The reporter seemed like a cypher for the whole ignorant, misguided chattering classes in the west.
@ yamit82:
Don’t call me Shirley!
My question was a rhetorical one. Anyway, if my comment does not sound categorical and appears uncharacteristically moderate (by Otter’s standards) is because I’m training myself for the upcoming world caliphate or police state running the North-American Union, whichever comes first.
This otter is slowly easing herself into the kind of language that won’t raise objections from the Stasi. I have a long, long way to go before I start sounding like CNN or Obama’s Radio Pravda (NPR), but I’m learning.
That CNN woman is vomit worthy- she is an out and out Jihadist Propagandist. She repeated the attack propaganda of every pro-Jihadist group in America, The word ‘savage’ is politically incorrect?
HA! So CNN doesn’t want the american public to know that HAMAS is tied to CAIR or perhaps CNN is too afraid of CAIR. CNN is obviously directly or indirectly under the control of Global Islamic Jihad.
Note: the reporter did not contest Geller’s comments about CAIR in any way- it may have been the first time when was told the this truth and she had not yet prepared a propaganda defense , she meekly responded ‘OK” -then CNN cut them.
CNN did a perfect job of demonstrating that the savages have thoroughly entrenched their lies and deceits in our media and that Israel is all of us- he e, now in North America, the enemy is inside the Gates – we can expect Armageddon at any time.
@ Canadian Otter:
Shirley you Jest?
@ David Chase:
The interviewer is a fool and useful idiot of the Marxist democrat party!
Ms. Geller should stand her ground–she is right!
James B – Montreal Said:
Perhaps you need to realize that the Superrich are economic fascists not capitalists and they own all the wealth and the means to make wealth of America which they have stolen from the people and that they oppress all Americans with their wealth and power as well as brainwash them (which seems to include yourself) with the MSM which they dominate and own.
If you want to understand you will have to understand yourself and what the propaganda system has done to you. The economic elite are fascists and they struggle the Islamic fascists for control and ownership of us, the people.
It’s demographics, not just creeping sharia. Creeping sharia is the symptom of a much bigger problem.
Israel National News: A 2010 survey shows that the Muslim population in the US grew from 1 million in the year 2000 to 2.6 million in 2010.
Some of it is natural growth and conversions, but a good number of them are immigrants. Perhaps freedom advocates could draw attention to this issue as well. Considering that Islam does not separate religion from state, is Islam compatible with American values and laws?
A link to the wonderful comments about Jews on
Why cannot Israel have a live program on the net????? Israel is losing the PR war big time.
Frequent guests on RT are Jews ( ash can nazis ) who bash the US, Israel and sing the praises of Islam and speak in such incoherent sentences even hearing it 5 times I cannot figure what makes them tick ( neither can arab muslims).
Good for her but Pamela is doing her best for America that slowly will not allow her to enter the front door.
The USA is now either directly or indirectly the source of Internet Jew hate.
Almost every precious metal web site is linked to a tacit Israel or Bibi hate site. This is occurring as US Ambassadors to ugly muslim countries risk being sodomized.
I have no problem with the USA bombing arab cities. That is the only thing they respect.
Best example is and now a new website
There is a site called All American based and growing in popularity.
Given that 45% of American voters apparently support Obama, the OWS movement, I look at America as a place I do not understand.
Still a great place to get a tattoo.
One other thing. Did she (the interviewer) actually say that a free speech war against savagery “promotes” hate?
Did anyone else want to literally punch the ‘reporter’ as much as I did? What a moron–no wonder no one is watching CNN anymore!
SEMANTICS and the alleged connotations of the word ‘savage’ became the focus of the conversation. That single word diverted much of the interview away from the real problem: the threat of Islam and its growing influence in America. Now the project sponsors have to spend time and effort defending themselves against accusations of racism and incitement instead of educating the public.
Posters need to express the truth with factual statements and photographs that speak for themselves. What else is there to say at the sight of the slaughtered Fogel family? Or the aftermath of any Muslim attack against innocent people? Or the racist and murderous words of ‘Palestinian’ leaders? Or the Nazi origins of the PLO, and the Mufti of Jerusalem’s key part in the instigation and implementation of the Holocaust? How many people still don’t know that?
Pamela Geller is intelligent, dedicated, and a very articulate debater. She is a real treasure and we are very grateful for her efforts and accomplishments. But focusing on creeping Sharia may become a losing battle unless freedom advocates also emphasize proposals for immigration reform. Because at the Muslim rate of growth and influence in America, there may come a time when fighting against sharia and dhimmitude will be impossible. The need for social harmony will prevail over the preservation of traditional and constitutional American principles.
She is fantastic and SMART. She needs to team up with someone like Melanie Phillips and go stumping for Romney, Bachman and other Republicans . It amazes me how when she explains exactly, with complete clarity, the differences between why her defense of free speech is a defense of the civilized world against the blasphemy laws of Islam she is accused of promoting that very same savagery- basically comparing the intent of her ad with the intent of Jihad. Where are the brains of the people like this interviewer who could actually make a claim of moral equivalency. Get ready for an increase in Aliyah from, that’s right, the United States.
Good standing up by Pamela Geller. It’s too bad the American public was denied her exposure of CAIR’s Muslim Brotherhood ties.