Israel is not that smart or diabolical

By Ted Belman

Al Jazeera posted an article in May in which Jeff Halper, long time Israeli peace activist, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and author of numerous books smeared Israel. He claimed that she was forcing Palestinians out of Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley so that the Arabs would be moved to Area A and B. The article is entitled We’ve gone way beyond Apartheid.

Halper made liberal use of the words apartheid, pogroms and Judaizing in its denunciation of Israel.

Furthermore, he charged that Israel is intent on annexing Area C and “warehousing” the Arabs in Area A. According to him the plan has the agreement of Fayyad. I wish it were so but it isn’t.

This article is a smear job of Israel. The answer is otherwise. The UN and the EU are supporting the Palestinians to build and -plant in Area C and Israel does nothing.

July 15, 2012 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. I watched the video imbedded in the article. I am sorry to say that the Israeli only representative, Mr. Greenstein of the Reut Institute, proved incompetent to participate in the debate. He was shamelessly and constantly interrupted by both oponents and by the moderator, without once, just once, demanding to be allowed to finish his thoughts in the time he was officially allowed. Never were the interrupting bullies requested to abide by the civilized norms of debate by the Al-Jazeera “moderator”. None of Mr. Greenstein’s points thus came accross. How can such a weak individual have been put in charge of representing the Israeli and Jewish position in a half hour long debate on Al-Jazeera? Shame, shame.

  2. I read the article and what I saw was a pathetic Jewish Kapo peace activist bemoaning the failure of his kapo activities and his disappointment at the growing alienation of the Israeli left from the palestinian left, that the israeli left must be part of an “inclusive” front. According to him the apartheid approach is failing and the colonialism approach is recommended.
    The settler colonialism approach and in fact all other approaches will not bring any results to the enemies of Israel if the Govt of Israel and the Israeli public accept and execute the following policies:

    1) Israel, and Jews, will accept no double standards on any issues of discussion or in any negotiations. Further, any nation or organization that exhibits double standards will not be honored as having credibility on the relevant issues and their declarations will be automatically ignored and their actions considered to be as hostile enemies.,
    2) Israel will “encourage” the settlement of Jews west of the Jordan River as mandated in the San Remo Treaties, the League of Nations Palestine mandate trust declarations and the UN Charter which obligated its members., further, Israel expects that all signatories, who are guarantors to the treaties, honor and fulfill their treaty obligations to support Jewish settlement west of the Jordan River
    3)(Jordan is Palestine)Although Israel has a treaty with Jordan and thus recognizes the state it also recognizes that Jordan occupies 77% of the original Palestine mandate territory, that Jordan was created as JEW FREE and that Jews, who were previously allowed to settle all the mandate were then banned. As it must be assumed that any subdivision of the original palestine mandate territory must accrue to its arab residents and returning Jews then the banning of Jews from the majority eastern portion coupled with the exclusivity to arab/muslims therein gives legal precedent to the notion of exclusivity of Jewish residence west of the Jordan. Therefore, in order to avoid double standards, it must be assumed that the JEW FREE Jordan was created to be the exclusive home of the arab muslim residents of the former palestine mandate territory and west of the Jordan to be the exclusive home of the returning Jews.
    4)(Arab political rights west of Jordan river) Due to the creation of Jew free Jordan, where Jews enjoy neither civil or political rights, and due to the omission of arab political rights, in the aforementioned relevant documents, there is no obligation upon Israel to create an entity where arab political rights are given. Therefore there is no obligation for Israel to create another arab muslim state with sovereignty in any area west of the Jordan river. Civil and religious rights, but not political, are guaranteed to the remaining arab muslim residents the area west of the Jordan river only if the rest of the declarations are observed(no double standards),
    5)Jewish refugees- The issue of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from arab lands, the stealing of their properties, the need and cost of resettling those Jews must be addressed prior to any discussion of “palestinian” refugees (again no double standards). Furthermore, if these are not satisfactorily negotiated then Israel will proceed, to restore justice and remove double standards, as if the ethnic cleansing was a population exchange which now must be completed with the belligerents of the various wars against Israel. The existing west bankers will be transferred in the same manner as the Jews were transferred(refusal of double standards)
    To summarize the principles:
    1) no double standards will be accepted
    2) Jewish settlement will proceed west of Jordan River according to International Law and the west bank will be annexed.
    3) Jordan was created by British to be Palestine. NO need for further partition which was prohibited from Palestine Mandate.
    4) No guarantee of arab political rights west of Jordan river (according to international law and creation of Jordan). Any remaining arab muslim residents may be given a form of autonomy only as part of a viable agreement to Israels satisfaction and only in relation to a revising of Jordanian laws regarding Jews(again, no double standard accepted).
    5)Jewish refugees from arab lands create precedent for transfer. However, a negotiated agreement may allow some arab muslim west bankers to remain at Israels discretion.

    If the GOI embarks to claim internationally guaranteed legal rights of Jews and refuses any double standards then all else proceeds automatically. In fact, it is only the principle of “no doubles standards are acceptable” from which the claiming of Jewish legal rights emanate(why shouldn’t jews be given all their legal rights?). Therefore, there is actually one principle only, as all precedence is set by applying it, which GOI must adopt to achieve everything else: “NO DOUBLE STANDARDS ARE ACCEPTABLE” Can GOI, Israelis, Jews, nations and global organizations accept the principle of NO double standards for Jews???

  3. An Arab media outlet posts an article falsely accusing Israel of apartheid. Arab countries actually practice religious, racial and gender apartheid. It apparently doesn’t phase Jewish leftists like Halper to go to the Arab media and throw red meat to Israel’s enemies with these lies.

  4. I thought we has reached the absolute bottom with Olmert as PM, BB has proved me wrong.

    Nothing will change till BB is replaced. IMHO he is the worst PM we have ever had and we have had some very bad PM’s.

  5. A SCAM?

    Or should we just call it Disengagement Part 2, The Sequel?


    Both Fatah and the Israeli government have apparently agreed to partition land that belongs to the Jewish people.

    They think that they’re being smart because it allows them to compromise and still retain their power.

    That’s what they think.


    Fayyad is saying to Israel, we don’t need territory. If you give us economic space, to do business, and our business class can do okay and we can trickle down to our working classes, it’s good enough. So we don’t need Area C.

    As a matter of a fact what the European Counsel General said in its report is that the Palestinian Authority has given up Area C. Completely.

    When government or agencies come to the Palestinian Authority for investments, the PA tell them invest only in Area A and Area B. Do not invest in Area C. They’ve given up C.


    This is moribund Fatah you’re talking about ….

    What about the Arab population itself?

    Has the Arab population renounced to Area C and the rest of Israel?

    I don’t think so.


    And what’s so smart about Disengagement?

    The people of Israel have been manipulated into thinking that they can give up part of their heritage and still retain the rest of Israel.

    Not so.

    Unlike Gaza at the present, the Islamic Nazi State of Palestine would be for all practical purposes free to attack the Jewish population across the border and be immune to retaliation.

    Just as the US and NATO hesitate to go against Syria, Israel won’t be able to retaliate against them unless there is massive carnage inflicted on the Jewish population. A few thousands Jewish casualties won’t count.


    The Arabs have given Israel something that no money could ever buy: proof that the two alternatives to annexation – a Peace Treaty and Disengagement – just DON’T WORK for the Jews.

    What has the government done with such valuable proof? Absolutely nothing. It has completely ignored it.

    So it half-heartedly pursues a treaty with Fatah, just to show that it’s trying. But as insurance against certain failure, the Israeli government helps the PA to rapidly establish Facts on the Ground and infrastructure aimed at the creation of a terror state on Jewish land.

    All this quite openly in front of millions of Israelis.

    This is a very destructive and misleading policy being perpetrated on the Jews of Israel.

    Fatah is being kept on life support so as to maintain the illusion that there is someone over there to do business with.

    But both know that once Fatah is out of power the whole arrangement will collapse.

    Once PA Arabs get to vote for their next government you’ll see virulent Islamic factions winning by a landslide.

    Good bye tacit agreement between Fatah and the Israeli Coalition.

    Arabs will vociferously demand the rest of occupied Palestine – or else.

    And Israel will be smaller, weaker, its population more vulnerable, and terrorists and kidnappers will be completely out of reach.

    And some years from now every Muslim state will have its nukes.


    So, have the proponents of partial annexation of Area C reflected on what the picture will be a year, or ten years after Disengagement from Judea and Samaria?

    Once land is voluntarily surrendered, it’s lost for good. The damage will be irreversible and will precipitate further losses of Jewish land.


    Annex all the land, annex it now.