All Things Considered
By Michael Devolin, Magic City Morning Star
“Fidelity to large truths often requires betrayal of small ones.” — Peter De Vries.
A Jewish friend recently listed, in order of priority, the issues facing the State of Israel and the Jewish people. At the top of the list, as you might guess, he placed Iran and the intention of the Muslim madmen ruling that country to “wipe Israel off the map.” Following in second place were various issues concerning those Christian denominations at this very moment unctuously demeaning the State of Israel and her Jews for not only defending themselves against the terrorist threats of her neighbors, but also for their deeming the idea of an independent Palestinian state as imprudently outrageous.
While I agree that Iran’s malefic stratagem for the Jewish people of Israel demands our utmost attention, I also believe that those of the Presbyterian Church in America and the United Church of Canada also demand equal attention as all these issues are tied together into one dangerous conundrum.
No Western power is going to give credence to Israel’s arguments against a two state solution (which would be nothing short of an Islamic “Final Solution” for the Jews of Israel) if they are moved in any measure by the slander and delegitimization being shouted from the rooftops by those Christian propaganda machines I mention above. No purchase of truth will be made regarding this pressing matter so long as Presbyterian and United Church clergy are burrowing underneath to bring down the Torah-prescribed ideal of Zionism.
So long as these Christians berate Zionism with any measure of success, there can be no Jewish cause argued, not even the very survival of the Jewish people, without the same taint affixed to it as now darkens the term ‘Jew’: just as millennia of lies and slander have darkened what should be a proud and dignified title, so, too, the present attempts of these Christian denominations to discredit all Jewish wisdom pertaining to their survival also besmirches the ancient Torah’s promise of an exclusively Jewish right to the Land of Israel.
One always hears from journalists the world over the phrase, “Israel’s right to exist.” I personally wonder why Jews, after over 60 years, are still constricted into using this declaration after fighting for, and becoming, a second sovereign state. Why is the State of Israel’s right to exist still being debated in the Western world? I realize Israel’s right to exist is continually a subject for debate in the Arab-Muslim world, but this is only because the majority of the Arab-Muslim world wants the Jews of Israel dead and thrown into the sea.
But why do Presbyterian and United Church of Canada laity find it necessary to reprove Israel for how she fights Muslim terrorists, or her government’s judicious resistance to the ludicrous idea of a Palestinian state (read: Judenrein state), while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge innumerous human rights violations committed by all Islamic governments like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran?
I believe we must consider all these pressing matters simultaneously when defending Israel and her Jews. We must vigorously contend with those who seek to delegitimize the right of Jewish governments to defend their Jewish citizens against terrorism. We must contend with those who seek to delegitimize the right of Israel’s military to make pre-emptive strikes against any country who audaciously and publicly threatens to “wipe Israel off the map.” And all the while we must contend with those fools in Iran who portray their lust for war with Israel and the Jewish people as a “just war” and not the total genocide the Arab world hopes it becomes.
It is pointless to argue in favor of Israel making a pre-emptive strike against Iran if the entire world believes the lies Israel’s enemies are telling about her. As Confucius wrote, “As you carve and then polish,” so we must deal with every pressing matter simultaneously, hoping our efforts (please G-D) pay off in the end. For with our success in bringing to light the small truths, the larger truths, subsequently, will become efficacious; because truths, whether the larger or the smaller, have always been on the side of the Jewish people. All things considered.
The above post is in reference to Daniel 9:24-27. Thanks.
My responses to you may be in the process of being approved. The names included in the website you referenced above are greek names and not applicable to Yeshua, according to the research I looked to.
@ TTW:
Jesus in the talmud… gil student
The Neturei Karta are more representative of Judaism, than the Presbyterians are of Christianity. Most Christians in this world live in Latin America, Africa and China. How come I never read about THEIR positions on Israel? This whole posting is nothing but Anti-Christian hogwash.
The more Israel has tried to do what the world demands of it, the greater the demands of the world have become.
And Israel is more isolated and has faced more terrorism since the Oslo process began that it did previously. By legitimizing the “Palestinian” narrative, participating in the phony “peace process” and accepting the framework of the “two-state solution,” Israel essentially told the world that it was guilty and needed to make amends by giving up land in order to get peace. Rather than showing everyone how much Israel wants peace (which hasn’t won the Jews a single friend), perhaps Israel should, when pressed, talk about its legal and historic rights to all of the lands it possesses, while pointing out that no sane person would surrender land for promises of peace from those with no historic record of compromising and a religious doctrine that implores them work for destruction of Israel and incorporation of the Land of Israel into the dar al-Islam.
In Australia, we suffered for a long time with a condition called the “cultural cringe”. Basically it was a belief that nothing worthy came out of Australia – movie, book, idea, product or person, until it was a success in either England or America. Like a little kid we needed validation from a parent or grown up.
Sometimes, Israel seems like it needs validation from the gentile world.
The Israelis should just say – go to hell, we don’t care what you think.
As Lenny Bruce once said:
“We killed him because he didn’t want to become a doctor.”
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
@ Dr. Fay:
Do you also agree that Israel has the right to defend herself from anti-Jewish spiritual threats as well?
@ Dr. Fay:
Michael Devolin says:
September 5, 2010 at 9:09 pm
“Bottom line for the evangelicals is that they believe the Jews rejected their Saviour and unless they come to know Jesus they are enemies of G-d and will perish in hell. THEY TRULY BELIEVE THAT and they are HORRIBLE at being sensitive to the Jew and many have bought into the typical stereotyping. They are much more subtle because I think they have more hope at winning the Jew but the end result can be just as deadly.”
Exactly. Ditto the Mennonites and Amish. Not only do they believe all others will perish in hell, they believe (as is every stripe of Christian taught)they are now the “Chosen People” and the Jews are, consequently, forever rejected by G-D as punishment for rejecting JC.
As for “Christ Killers,” if Jesus did exist, he apparently, even by Christian accounts, was Jewish. If he was condemned by a Jewish court and subsequently “crucified” by the Romans (or the Jews), it was a Jewish matter and no-one elses. Even today (as back then) the non-Jewish world (but especially Christians and Muslims) is still trying to dictate to the Jews of Israel how to rule their country. It’s none of the non-Jewish world’s business. Why should Israel care what the non-Jewish world thinks? The non-Jewish world excoriates their every move and decision.
The Jews have never needed (then or now) Christianity nor Islam as points of reference for Jewish matters: they have their Torah and the Tanach and the Talmud. If Jesus was condemned to death, that doesn’t make the Jews of that period any different than the Jews of today: a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. If the Jews of that time period condemned Jesus to death, then that’s a Jewish matter and to hell (pun not intended) with the non-Jewish world!. Only the non-Jewish world believe he was a “christ”: that’s their problem (and the mountain of bullshit that goes with it) and the only reason Christian and Muslim anti-Jewish bigots refer to Jews as “Christ-killers”. Enough already. Both Islam and Christianity are anti-Jewish religions. That’s all we need to know.
I agreed with Devolin then and still do.
I agree with this statement:
“I believe we must consider all these pressing matters simultaneously when defending Israel and her Jews. We must vigorously contend with those who seek to delegitimize the right of Jewish governments to defend their Jewish citizens against terrorism. We must contend with those who seek to delegitimize the right of Israel’s military to make pre-emptive strikes against any country who audaciously and publicly threatens to “wipe Israel off the map.” And all the while we must contend with those fools in Iran who portray their lust for war with Israel and the Jewish people as a “just war” and not the total genocide the Arab world hopes it becomes.”
It is inconceivable that any Bible-believing Christian would question Israel’s right to their land that was promised to them by God to Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph. Or that they would question that Jerusalem is God’s eternal capital.
Most evangelical Christians are standing solidly with Israel and praying for their protection against their enemies. The churches you named are not correct in their stance, and most Christians do not agree with that stance.