France Says Ma’aleh Adumim is ‘Occupied Palestine’
French citizen who lives in Ma’aleh Adumim surprised that his passport says he lives in “Occupied Palestine.”
France will stand side by side with Israel to oppose Iranian threat, Sarkozy tells WJC leaders
A delegation of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) led by WJC President Ronald S. Lauder and the president of the French Jewish community umbrella organization CRIF, Richard Prasquier, have had a frank discussion at the Elysée Palace in Paris with France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, which lasted 90 minutes.
“France will always stand side by side with Israel to oppose an Iran that threatens it by developing nuclear weapons,”
Sarkozy said at the meeting after the WJC delegation had raised the looming threat of a nuclear-armed Iran. He added that Israel had no better security partner than his government and warned of unilateral actions against the regime in Tehran.
Sarkozy also tried to reassure the Jewish leaders of his unconditional commitment to Israel’s well-being, which throughout his political career had always been close to his heart. He called on Israelis and Palestinians to resume direct negotiations immediately. Asked by the WJC leadership, Sarkozy said that the Palestinian leadership had to fully endorse the principle of ‘two states for two peoples’ and accept that Israel was the nation-state of the Jewish people just as Israel had accepted the right of Palestinians to live in their own nation-state.
Lauder, Prasquier and WJC Vice-President Roger Cukierman also raised the issue of Jerusalem, which they said is the “eternal capital of Israel and the Jewish people” and should not be considered an Israeli ‘settlement’. President Sarkozy said he understood this well.
WJC Secretary-General Dan Diker raised the issue of Palestinian unilateralism at the United Nations with the French president. He warned of the dangers which the Palestinians’ strategy posed, as witnessed by their acceptance as a new member of UNESCO, and said that PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas in his recent UN speech had even denied that Israel is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. “UNESCO could become a platform to uproot the 3,000-year-old Jewish connection to Israel with a new, fabricated Palestinian narrative,” Diker warned.
Sarkozy explained that the French vote in favor of Palestinian UNESCO membership had been the lesser of two evils but he reiterated that his government would not support the Palestinian move a the UN Security Council.
You should read some of Mark Twain’s quotes about the French. There are quite few of them.
Two come to mind immediately:
“In certain public indicencies the difference between the dog and a Frenchman is not perceptible”
“France has usually been governed by prostitutes”
“A dead Frenchman has many good qualities, many things to recommend him; many attractions–even innocencies. Why cannot we have more of these?”
And the punchline by Jackie Mason:
“The French won only one war ever – when they fought each other during the French revolution”
It seem to me that Israel is making the same mistake again, getting itself dependent on just one country’s whims, this time USA.
Israel should be buying some of its air-crafts from Russia. Should be producing others jointly together with India.
Israel should also buy Russian rockets. Russian weapons are excellently designed, though not always well mass-produced (due to drunk workers i their factories.) They are about 3 times cheaper than American. The excellent and relatively cheap Russian plains could be equip with Israeli electronics.
Actually these were 50 Mirage 5 fighter bombers, engineered according to Israeli specifications. These aircraft were a step function improvement over the original junky Mirage 3 jets. They were all paid for by Israel. later on France sold them off to Libya.
Another French embargo involved 12 Saar-3 class missile boats, built for Israel by the French in the Cherbourg docks, based on a German design. Five boats were snatched by the Israelis under the noses of the French and brought to Israel, the other ones eventually found their way to Israel through third parties. All were fully refitted in israel with indigenous sea to sea Gabriel missiles, radar, and electronic warfare gear. Later on these boats made mincemeat out of the Syrian and Egyptian navies during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Actually they sank the entire Syrian missile boat fleet provided to them by the Russians.
So far for French perfidity and Israely ingenuity.
You can use it a much as you need.
Sam G
and as to ‘fraternité’… they’ve shown us what their brotherhood means in the french revolution, slaughtering the whole aristocracy. Could it be why noblesse is missing ever since? …
and as to ‘fraternité’… they’ve shown us what their brotherhood means in the french revolution, slaughtering the whole aristocracy. Could it be why noblesse is missing for good ever since? …
There are some people I would just as soon not stand beside in battle. In the case of the French, “Now you see them, now you don’t” Vichy soise, anyone?
Some French monarchs looked like absolute dolls in their French cuffs. Isn’t that being civilized? At any rate, you have to deal with them every day; so you should know best.
“and warned of unilateral actions against the regime in Tehran.” Same old same old, Jews mustn’t fight back.
Brilliant, you’ve summed up the french in four words. Well one actually. The last one.
I hope you don’t mind if I use that line?
I remember that in June 1967, when Israel urgently needed them General De Gaulle decided at the very last minute to cancel Israel’s order for 50 Mystere fighter aircraft, in spite of Israel having already paid in full for them.
(And, supreme irony,it was a Frenchman who called Britain “Perfidious Albion” ) Tout ca change …..!!!
With friends like these…
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, Perfidite…
absolutely right! We Italians have known our ‘cousins’ the French!… for quite a time, ‘Omnia Gallia divisa est in 3 partes…as De Bello Gallico begins, ‘and, as Caesar told us, its tribes from the 3 parts were just ‘bárbari’, which meant non-Romans,read non-civilized . The’ve hardly ceased to be such. Who can they claim as remarkable citizens? Napoleon? Not really : he was born from an entirely italian family just 1 year after Corsica was ‘turned’ to France… and he never lost his native italian accent, in spite of his efforts in studying french. 🙂
Crystal K.
Sarkozy is a liar.
That sounds like France just being France. Frogs, hopping from bed to bed, with whomever they think will benefit them the most at that time. It’s the dance of all nations; they don’t do anything because it’s morally right so much as doing something out of self interest. I don’t see that changing anytime soon, do you?
Yea, I am sure we can count on France, just like Poland did in 1939.
French idiots first forced Czechs to surrender Sudetens to Hitler, then missed the chance to destroy Hitler by joining Poland and soon were destroyed themselves.
Nothing indicates that they have changed since then.
Correct me if I’m wrong…but didn’t France supply much of Iran’s nuclear technology(like they did Saddam’s Osirak reactor). French support to both Israel and the US has always hinged on the premise that they don’t find a profitable reason to stab us in the back!