RJC Rejects ADL/AJC Pledge:

“We will not be silenced” on Israel

Washington, D.C. (October 24, 2011) — The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) responded today to a call from the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee, asking Jewish groups to pledge not to use Israel as a “political wedge issue” or, in the words of ADL’s Abe Foxman, to “avoid polarizing debates” and refrain from questioning “the current administration’s foreign policy approach vis-à-vis Israel”.

RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks stated in response:

    “An open and vigorous debate on the questions confronting our country is the cornerstone of the American electoral process. Allowing the American people to see where candidates stand, pro and con on critical issues, is the hallmark of our free and democratic political system. For this reason, the RJC will not be a signer to this pledge.

    “This effort to stifle debate on U.S. policy toward Israel runs counter to this American tradition. Accordingly, the RJC will not be silenced on this or any issue.”


October 25, 2011 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. I wonder who the GOP will run against the DNC (Debbie W-S) and DCCC (Steve Israel) chairs?

    the DNC and DCCC must really be scared that they are going to lose four more NYCDs from Queens to Montauk in addition to the two being lost to population.

    It would also be helpful if the RJC stopped their blatant support for Romney the Waffler.

    Jerusalem is NOT a settlement!

  2. Wow, nice to see Matt Brooks grow a pair! Now lets see if the RJC can endorse anyone to the Right of Romney…

    (here’s a hint, RJC, the palies really DO want to destroy Israel, its not just a rumor from the Jewish Press!)

  3. Abe Foxman probably thinks he has good reasons for his despicable behavior and I for one would like to hear what they are.

  4. The “keep quiet” policy is what was used in the 1940-45 period by many mainstream Jewish leaders to turn a blind eye as to what was happening in Europe—namely, the Holocaust! This must not be allowed to happen again. Reject the calls from the ADL, the AJC and exercise your freedom of speech. Do not be silent as Israel is sacrificed for the sake of political expediency! Silence is acquiescence! PLEASE FORWARD.
    Dr. Steven Carol
    Prof. of History (retired)
    Official Historian and
    Associate Producer of
    Middle East Radio Forum

  5. Sol says:
    October 25, 2011 at 11:30 pm

    Abe Foxman has done nothing for the Jewish community.

    Absolutely not true!

    Over the years, Foxman has done tons of harm.

  6. Noah Pollak writes.
    This seems aimed squarely at ECI — and it is ludicrous. The quote from Abe Foxman in particular is remarkably illiberal and undemocratic. Thus, ECI has responded. I hope that the bloggers and reporters on this list will treat this attempt at controlling the political debate about Israel with the skepticism it deserves. Here’s ECI’s response:

    The Emergency Committee for Israel will not sign the pledge. ECI’s chairman, William Kristol, issued the following statement:

    “Here’s the Emergency Committee for Israel’s answer to Directors Abe Foxman and David Harris: You must be kidding.

    “Indeed, this attempt to silence those of us who have ‘questioned the current administration’s foreign policy approach vis-a-vis Israel’ will re-energize us. Nor, incidentally, should those who support the administration’s approach to Israel be bashful about making their case.

    Directors Harris and Foxman need a refresher course on the virtues of free speech and robust debate in a democracy. Their effort to stifle discussion and debate is unworthy of the best traditions of America, and of Israel.”

  7. Abe Foxman is the poster boy for a spineless traitor who would sell his own mother. How much income has he received pretending to be a Jewish “leader” while sticking a knife in the backs of other Jews? He can be accurately described as George Soros light.