Obama legitimates assassination.

By Ted Belman

The killing of Anwar al-Awlaki Friday is result of military operation by U.S. forces. And he was an American citizen. In fact with the greater availability of drones these assassination have increased four fold. What is interesting is that liberals, Obama included, didn’t like administrative detention and instead turned to assassination to avoid detention. Ironic, no?

Remember that Israel’s policy of assassination always drew pious condemnation from the world. Still does. And Israel is still not permitted to assassinate Hamas leaders.

Also the liberal High Court in Israel has gone so far as to hold soldiers accountable for killing terrorists rather than arresting them.

What an upside down world.

October 1, 2011 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. I feel Obama did the right thing for the security of the U.S. The man asked for it with his attempts to bomb America. He was a serious enemy of the U.S.

    You’ve probably read about the demonstrations on Wall Street by people who are accusing Wall Street and bankers of bringing about the downfall of the U.S. economy through their greed and devious dealings. Now various unions are joining in this week, and it has spread to other U.S. cities. It looks like the big financiers have jinxed themselves. The government is going after the big shots civilly and not criminally to get some money back. It is also investigating Standard and Poors, not for degrading our credit rating but for authorizing mortgage investments that were risky, and of which some of their employees held interests. Good.

    Speaking of being jinxed, the sports teams of Minneapolis/St. Paul are doing horribly. The Twins baseball team had a very bad season even with a new quality-built stadium to play in. One player after another went on the disabled list. The Vikings football team are winless after 4 games, and its owners are threatening to move to Los Angeles if Minnesotans don’t build them a new football stadium. In these dire times it doesn’t look like Minnesotans will go for it, especially after just building the Twins a baseball stadium. The University of Minnesota football team just played one of the worst games in its history, 58-0, despite having been built a new stadium a couple of years ago. Their coach has had repeated hospitalizations for seizures.

    I would love to see professional sports teams in the U.S. have to drop their players salaries and ticket prices because prices are so absurd a family can’t afford them. But with TV rights the money to be made is sky high. As for the jinxes, there is just too much upheaval going on here. Plus the Republicans closed down state government for 3 weeks this summer. These negative events eat on our subconscious.

    The Arab Palestinians better watch out or they may jinx themselves too.

  2. The more Israel cowers and listens to the anti-semetic world the worse it will be for ALL jewish people.
    The left regardless where they live are complete %^$& morons. Leaders like Eskol and Begin would have
    told the world to fuck off.

  3. Israel must rid them self of the leftist in their government, they harm the Israelis greatly, they lack common sense and have no love for their own people.

    Terrorist are criminals with no regard for human life therefore they must be killed before they murder more innocents.

    Nazis were criminals, thieves, who stole everything from their victims. They killed jews who were vulnerable, for money to start WWII.

    Remember they had no money after WWI ended. WWII was created with Jewish blood. If someone threatens you in a war you kill them first.

    To negotiate with criminals is an absurdity.

    Eva Deutsch Costabel, holocaust survivor, author and artist, solder in the resistance of Yugoslavia

  4. The world to Israel. You are NOT ALLOWED to use the same tactics as the rest us. Dont ask for an explanation just do as your told OR we WILL react! We must stay the course and in our minds thumb our nose at these idiots!! We WILL get the last laugh! It will be DELICIOUS! I havent eaten an Arab for breakfast in a long time and I am GETTING HUNGRY!!