Netanyahu continues to pussyfoot around

Israeli Leaders Need to Stop Covering Up Palestinian Intransigence
Evelyn Gordon, Contentions

Earlier, I cited a new poll showing two-thirds of Palestinians reject any two-state solution that entails recognizing Israel as the Jewish homeland, while the same majority sees a two-state solution as a mere stepping-stone toward Israel’s eradication. It also showed 72 percent deny Jewish history in Jerusalem, 53 percent support educating schoolchildren to hate Jews, and 73 percent support the Hamas charter’s call for killing Jews behind every “rock and tree.”

But perhaps even scarier than the poll itself was the delusional response of Israeli leaders when briefed on it by pollster Stanley Greenberg and Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi of The Israel Project, which commissioned it. According to the Jerusalem Post, Israeli leaders said “they were encouraged by Palestinian support for talks.” Indeed, 65 percent of respondents preferred talks to violence as a tactic for achieving their goals. But what good is that if there’s nothing to talk about – which there isn’t as long as Palestinians deny the Jewish state’s right to exist?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sounded much more sensible in an interview with author Etgar Keret last month: He said forthrightly the conflict is “not about territory,” but about the Jewish state’s right to exist, and will therefore remain unsolvable until Palestinians recognize “Israel as a Jewish state.” Keret then asked what, if so, could be done to further peace:

Netanyahu told me right away that the practical plan for advancing the peace process is to reiterate this at every opportunity.

“You have to see the effect it has on people,” he said, smiling. “You say it and they just remain slack-jawed.”

Just that day, he said, during a conversation with local politicians, he saw it happening before his eyes. Another writer at the table pointed out that we’ve said it more than once and it hasn’t convinced most countries. Netanyahu nodded and said the Palestinians have been spreading their lies for more than 40 years, and lies that have become so deeply entrenched cannot be uprooted quickly.

Netanyahu is dead right: The only way to make progress is for Israel to keep explaining the conflict’s real cause until the world finally internalizes it and begins addressing it. For Palestinians will never accept a Jewish state unless convinced it’s necessary, and the only way to so convince them is for the world to make clear that it won’t support Palestinian statehood absent such acceptance.

For that reason, Netanyahu was also right when he told Bulgaria’s foreign minister a few days later peace would come faster if Europe stopped treating Palestinians “like a spoiled child” and instead began to “tell the Palestinians the truth” about the concessions they will need to make for any agreement – like recognizing Israel as a Jewish state and dropping their demand to resettle Palestinian refugees in Israel – instead of only spelling out the concessions it wants Israel to make. For again, as long as the international community refuses to say otherwise, Palestinian will keep thinking they can secure Israel’s retreat from the territories without having to give up their quest for its destruction.

The problem is even Netanyahu himself rarely follows his own advice. Instead, he and other Israelis leaders endlessly declare the Palestinians really want peace, and thereby allow the world to maintain this fiction. Indeed, had Israel not actively assisted the Palestinians in spreading this lie, it never would have “become so deeply entrenched.”

Nobody will defend Israel’s interests if Israel’s own leaders don’t. Thus, until they start telling the truth, consistently and unanimously, the world will keep upholding the convenient fiction that peace is achievable if only Israel would concede a little bit more. And peace itself will remain an unattainable dream.

July 15, 2011 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. Michael Ejercito wrote:
    [B]ythe influence of the increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with more equable and better climates,”(emphasis added)

    Not to mention better fruits and vegetables which depend on CO2 as a plant food.

  2. Originally Posted By AmericanEagleI am listing below a series of 10 links that shows in great detail how the climate change hoax blaming human activity evolved and why:

    In the immortal words of Svante Arrhenius:

    [B]ythe influence of the increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with more equable and better climates,”(emphasis added)

  3. Lee Fish writes:
    Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu, you can not make peace with these PA people> BE POSITIVE and demand recognition of the Jewish State before any further meetings with these Muslems.

    Lee, not to worry. Bibi is way ahead of you on recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. I have suggested he also add a renunciation of violence and a demand that they publicly amend their charters to reflect these changes of heart before he wastes his time on talking to them even about the weather in Ramallah. That should kill any talks until hell freezes over.

    Re. Imam Obama did you somehow miss when Bibi kicked his ass in the Oval Office? The American people will take care of Obama come November 2012, even if 56% of American Jews still vote for him again for reasons that escape me. Ms. Clinton is plotting with her husband like Cassius and Brutus to Obama’s Julius Caesar, waiting in the wings for the right moment to strike. But she is as unqualified, uninformed, inexperienced and incompetent as Obama is. But her only qualifications are that she put up with Bill after he stained Monica’s blue dress, lied under oath, obstructed justice and lost his law license. And, oh, she messed up every legal deal the Rose Law firm gave her to handle back in Little Rock, Arkansas.

    The Democrats sure know how to pick ’em, don’t they? The more unqualified the better as far as they are concerned. All they have to do is suck up to the Big labor unions and the fat cats on Wall Street.

  4. @ cali:
    Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu, you can not make peace with these PA people> BE POSITIVE and demand recognition of the Jewish State before any further meetings with these Muslems. A written agreement with these people is meaningless and their demands are never ending anyway. Stand tall and proud and do not let Obama and the US State Dept. make you get down on your knees and beg. P.S. when is Obama going to pardon Pollard?????????

  5. Gurza writes:
    According to paul eidelberg, Israel’s foremost political idiologist, Bibi will have to be removed, by force if necessary.

    “By force if necessary”?? Is this what you describe as “Israel’s foremost political idiologist” [sic]?

    So, does this moron want Israel to become like an Arab dictatorship?

    If he is so wise he should run for Bibi’s political office. These morons all know how to talk but governing a civilized democracy cannot be left in the hands of such ideologues.

  6. I am listing below a series of 10 links that shows in great detail how the climate change hoax blaming human activity evolved and why:

  7. Catarin writes:
    What the Jews could not put asunder, global warming will.

    Whew! If they are depending on global warming, the Jews are safe. There has been no “significant” global warming since 1995 and so-called evidence blaming human activity for the less than one degree Celsius warming from 1900 to 1995 has been shown to be a hoax. How can less than one degree Celsius over almost 100 years – which would be within the margin of error of even the information gathering process, be considered credible evidence that warming is taking place.

    One IPCC modeler says there may be global cooling for a few decades before warming may resume. These guys never give up because huge research dollars are at stake which depend on them creating an alarm that then has to be “studied”:

  8. According to paul eidelberg, Israel’s foremost political idiologist, Bibi will have to be removed, by force if necessary.

  9. Catarin Said:

    The Quran teaches that Israel is the Land of the Jews, but this teaching is totally disregarded.

    No. It is abrogated. Same mistake you always make.

  10. To Paul: I don’t think the problem is religous. I think it’s Arab pride and greed and maybe that they can’t accept failure.

    The Quran teaches that Israel is the Land of the Jews, but this teaching is totally disregarded. The Mid-East is politically in turmoil right now, but what will they do when the turmoil is environment related? Not enough water and food, which I’m sure they will expect the West to help them with. What the Jews could not put asunder, global warming will.

  11. Catarin writes:
    I was kicked off the Al Jazeera online site after six weeks because they didn’t like my posts. I posted a few weeks ago that Arabs and Jews must make peace.

    No wonder they kicked you off. Is there anyone left with more than half a brain that still believes that the Palis want any peace that includes Israel? The Hamas Charter as well as those of all the major Pali organizations have made clear that there can be no peace that includes Israel as a Jewish state. Case closed.

    See also and see whether the radical Muslims are interested in peace except on their own terms based on Sharia Law.

    Paul Winter writes:
    Many of the posts imply but never state openly why there can be no peace between Israel and the Arabs.

    Paul, I have said it before and I said it again above – and I’m not even Jewish.

  12. AmericanEagle is right about Netanyahu, but it is also right that Israeli ministers should sing from the same hymnsheet – and that includes hammering away at the true position of the Palestinian hierarchy – that they are determined not to negotiate positively.

  13. Many of the posts imply but never state openly why there can be no peace between Israel and the Arabs. The conflict is not political or territorial, but religious. The mohammedans cannot tolerate Jewish self-determination, because it puts the dhimmi Jew level with the mohammedan. That is a slight to their religion. Further, the gutless Arabs ran away in 1948 in fear that the Jews would be as brutal a vengeful as Arabs are. That humiliation and slighting of their religion – since the superiority of Islam is proven by its military success – can only be wiped away by Jewish blood and Jewish humiliation. Bibi is right in stating that the conflict cannot be resolved and so are those around him. The problem is that by being such a clever diplomatic politician, Bibi is failing to either state the truth – and no peace can be built on lies – or to tell the West that the conflict is ideological and hence soluble only with the defeat of one or the other party. Bibi and all supporters of enlightened Western values need to point out the if Israel goes down, so too does the West as the blood thirst of jihadis will increase with each success accelerated by what has always been the attraction of Islam: prosperity through plunder.

  14. So do we all agree the Arab Palestinian behavior is just plain old Islamic jihad? So why worry about peace? Just convince the Quartet that the pressure Israel is under is jihad, and push them to begin “adopting” Arab Palestinians and moving them to their own countries. There is nothing extraordinary about Israel demanding that they be acknowledged as a Jewish state. After all, the Arab Palestinians will demand that they be recognized. Ah so there will be no peace. What’s new? If there is a third intifada, bar Muslims from Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount.

    I was kicked off the Al Jazeera online site after six weeks because they didn’t like my posts. I posted a few weeks ago that Arabs and Jews must make peace. So now I’m kaput, but we _do_ have to accept there will not be peace. There was an article this week in Al Jazeera that the USA is plagued by an antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs epidemic. This site stinks. I tried to tell them that antidepressants are used because of a mechanical dysfunction in in the brain. I take antidepressants because my brain sucks up the Seratonin before it can be spread where it is supposed to go, and I think these drugs are wonderful. Some lucky patients use them for a short time because in some cases it straightens the brain out. They do not make one feel high but contribute to a sense of well being.

    BTW, there is a heroin epidemic in the West Bank which is being blamed on the Jews and the West. The Arabs wouldn’t recognize the truth if it sat down in front of them. I wonder if publishing a series of articles about the real history of Israel and the Middle East might help?

  15. Mich writes:
    Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I had thought the motivation over Palestinian terrorism was over settlements.

    But a series of terrorist attacks (Khobar Towers, embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, USS Cole, 9/11, Mohammed cartoons, burning of the Quran) enlightened me.

    It is much more ambitious than that if you follow the growing Khilafah Movement which seeks to set up a radical Caliphate from which to spread Sharia law across the world, by force if necessary:

    International political group Hizb ut-Tahrir will be hosting a “Khilafah Conference” in the United Kingdom on July 9th, one that will promote the ideas of a world governed by Islamic law. Now the group just announced that it will host yet another one of those conferences in the Netherlands on July 3rd. The Blaze notes the irony of the conference’s timing, as it will be taking place just days after the acquittal of Geert Wilders, who has been leading the fight against “the Islamization of Europe.”According to Tahrir Organizers, the event will answer all questions regarding Islamic unity and the establishment of a world caliphate.

    For those who are unaware, a caliphate is an Islamic state that draws its authority from Sharia law. In February, The Blaze wrote of a caliphate: “What exactly a caliphate looks like depends on whether you are a Sunni or a Shia Muslim. Sunnis believe a caliphate should be a constitutional republic, whose leaders are elected by Muslims. Shias believe the head of state is divinely chosen via a lineage of religious clerics called Imams. Within Egypt, Sunnis outnumber Shias.”

  16. It is important to understanding their motivations.

    Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I had thought the motivation over Palestinian terrorism was over settlements.

    But a series of terrorist attacks (Khobar Towers, embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, USS Cole, 9/11, Mohammed cartoons, burning of the Quran) enlightened me.

    They will not stop attacking us merely because Israel withdraws the settlements, or even merely because Israel ceases to exist.

    They want all Jews dead, just like David Jakubovic was in 1944. They want all girls and women held captive and repeated beaten and raped, just like Jaycee Lee Dugard was from 1991 to 2009.

    The very fact that we allow Jews to live, instead of herding them into gas chambers, is what incites them to terrorism.

    The very fact that we allow girls and women to walk free, instead of turning them over to nithings like Philip Garrido, is what incites them to terrorism.

  17. Cali writes:
    Netanyahu never seems to disappoint; had high hopes when he was elected.

    C’mon, Cali. Give him a break. He NEEDS to pussyfoot which is the diplomatic game they all play to pretend they are being reasonable. Bibi is one of the smartest politicians around and he learned a lesson from the Gaza withdrawal. The conditions he has imposed ensures that this dance will go on forever because no Palestinian leader who is not in a hurry to meet Allah can accept his conditions, and they have no intentions of any peace that includes Israel as a Jewish state.

    I think this dance will continue until Iran has a nuclear weapon and threatens Israel with it – and then Israel can send them all back to their pre-civilization status so they can start all over again. Like Germany, Japan and Italy, chances are they will be far more civilized the second time around.