“Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria”

I also attended this conference and had a hand in making it a big success. Spurred on by Caroline Glick, I began a political action group, that has everyone very excited about it. I’ll report on what its all about in a few days.. Ted Belman

By Arlene Kushner

Last night I attended a mini-conference at the Israel Center in Jerusalem on the topic of “The Preferred Option: Israeli Sovereignty Over Judea & Samaria.”

Organized privately by Yoel Meltzer, it was intended to be a kick-off for a process that, it is hoped, in time will significantly change perceptions regarding our situation here in Israel. It was not intended to be a definitive statement on that process, but a beginning.

Some 250 people attended the event. In the course of a few days, a video will be up on the Internet and I will share the URL. Here I provide a summary of what was said by four speakers.


Yoram Ettinger
A consultant on US affairs, Ettinger served as Israeli Embassy Liaison for Congressional Affairs, with the title of Ambassador, and as General Consul in Houston. Author of The EttingerReport.com, he has devoted much attention in the last few years to the issue of Israeli demographics.

Ettinger maintains that the argument that Israel must agree to a two-state solution because of the demographic threat to a Jewish majority is fallacious. There is a problem to be dealt with, but not a time bomb.

Figures that have been provided — which supposedly “prove” that in the course of some years the Jews will be swallowed up by a Palestinian Arab population if all the land between the river and the sea is kept under Israeli control — are inaccurate, Ettinger maintains.

In point of fact, there are approximately 1.25 million fewer Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza than is commonly claimed. He says there are several ways in which there are inaccuracies:

There are discrepancies in the PA census figures upon which estimates are based. Some 400,000 Palestinians Arabs who “could return” are counted in the census although they should not be (demographic statistical norms do not provide for this); the PA claims a net immigration into PA areas, when in fact there is a net emigration out of these areas; Palestinian Arabs who marry Israeli Arabs and receive Israeli identity cards end up being counted twice, as are Jerusalem Arabs with identity cards.

In addition, projections are wrong because the Palestinian Arab population, which has become more highly urbanized and educated, is undergoing a decrease in birth rate, while the Jewish population — notably the secular population — is undergoing an increased birth rate.

You can see an article on this here:


If you want additional information, please let me know.


Danny Dayan
Chairman of the Yesha Council — the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria.

Dayan argues that Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is the only just, vital and feasible solution:

It is our land.
Repeatedly, proposals supported by Jews to share the land are rejected by Arabs who claim ‘winner takes all.’ In their wars against us their intention was to take everything. It would not be fair to us to return to a two-state vision after these. The Arab behavior has cancelled the validity of a two-state solution. Now the party that was the victim of the aggression and the party that accepted the idea of compromise is the winner.

Vital for the existence of Israel.
This is, first, for security reasons, as defensible borders are necessary. There must be control of the heights of Judea and Samaria to protect the population and industry and airport along the Mediterranean from being shelled or attacked by rockets. Additionally, there must be a buffer against attack from incursions by radical from the east, from the Muslim world.
Vital from a Jewish perspective.
Our spiritual essence is in Judea and Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem. We would have a shallow society if we were to surrender Hevron, Shilo, Beit El and part of Jerusalem.

We must have determination and be self-confident. There are now 350,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria, 650,000 if eastern Jerusalem is counted. We need a million.

Dayan read an extraordinary resolution passed unanimously by the S. Carolina House of Representatives that supports a United Israel, and Israel’s God-given right to the land. The point is that we have more support outside of Israel than we sometimes realize.


Dr. Mordecai (Moti) Kedar
Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence — as a Lt. Col. — specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, and Islamic groups. He is a lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan University. and an expert on Israeli Arabs.

Dr. Kedar brought to the discussion a different idea. There are two concerns we have, he said: One is to prevent a Palestinian Arab state from coming into existence, as it would be severely problematic. On the other hand, we want to ensure a very large Jewish majority. Whatever Ettinger’s optimism about the demographics, there is a possibility of a risk of increased Arab population.

What he proposes is a sociological/anthropological solution: an Eight-state Solution. There are different Arab clans that are alive and well in this area. The problem is when there are multiple clans or tribes — multiple ethnic and religious groups — inside one political entity. This is the problem in Iraq, and if there were a Palestinian state, we would see a situation like that of Iraq.

Quiet is possible when a political entity is controlled by one clan or tribe only. This is the way it is in the Arab Emirates.

What Kedar suggests is that emirates based on individual clans or tribes be established in Judea and Samaria: they would be city-states. Each major Palestinian Arab city is controlled by a clan or tribe. The leaders of these clans know what to do, and what not to do, and it is this indigenous leadership and not PLO leadership that we should be dealing with. There wouldn’t be formal peace agreements, but rather understandings that generate a condition of quiet — a modus vivendi.

The city-states Kedar envisions are Jenin, Tulkarem, Shechem, Kalkilya, Jericho, Ramallah, and the Arab part of Hevron. Such small states do exist now, he says, in places like the Vatican and Gibraltar. He sees this as viable if some area for industrial development is included.

Israel would still have sovereignty from the river to the sea, and would surround each of these city-states. Rural Arabs would live under Israeli sovereignty and have citizenship. Israel would then have separated out 70% to 80% of the Palestinian Arab population, while avoiding the creation of a Palestinian state.

Kedar believes Israel can sell this if Israelis believe it can be done.

He would start with the Hevron tribes, as they have their own leaders and their own agenda; no outside Arab clan ruler is able to penetrate their area.


Caroline Glick
Journalist, deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post, the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC, and originator of the Latma satirical videos.

Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is the only viable strategic option. To permit a terror state to be established is to incite Israeli Arabs and generate a threat from within.

Israelis understand that a PA state is not a solution, but don’t yet recognize the viability of Israeli annexation.

The issue is not what the world thinks but what Israelis think. Our sovereignty in Jerusalem is not recognized by the world, but so what?

We need to devise tactics for moving Israelis to recognize this.

Media here are controlled by the left. Ideas planted by the media become policy within 10 years. We need to devise other methods for raising public awareness on the issue.

We need forums and to push a public debate, now, before the September UN vote. It’s time to tell everyone what our rights are, and empower ourselves. We must also work to expose the true nature of Palestinian Arab society.

There is huge Israeli latent support that must be aroused. We must actively embrace the big ideas of Jewish peoplehood and the ingathering, Jewish destiny, etc. Must provide the Israeli people with a concept of what we can be if we embrace these inspirational concepts. We have a compelling case to make.

We should start political campaigns in the government and the Knesset. Back ministers willing to speak out. Force the issues on to the agenda and push for building in Judea and Samaria.

The “settlement” issue pits people against each other: those “settlers” vs. those in places such as Tel Aviv. We should couch the issue in terms of land. The land that the “settlers” live on belongs to all of us. Our claim to it should unite us, not divide us.

June 21, 2011 | 29 Comments »

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29 Comments / 29 Comments

  1. At the present time, the main issue for those of us who support Jewish Yehuda and Shomron is not transfer or expulsion of Arabs, but how and when to extend Israeli civil control over these territories either all at once, or in planned sequential stages, as seems more likely.

    I think that the first step should be to allow Jewish settlement anywhere in the territories other than in the seven or eight large Arab municipalities that should be targeted for for or less complete local civil autonomy under general control of the Israeli government. This should be done irrespective of anything the

    After that should come Israeli annexation of at least those parts of the territories designated as Area C lands under the Oslo Accords some 17-18 years ago. That action in itself, enforced by the government of Israel, will serve to break up the el-Fatah administered parts of the territories as a de-facto block against any implementation of statehood.

    Next should come large scale Israeli residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural development in the newly-annexed lands, along with serious discussions with the separate leadership elements of each of the large Arab municipalities for which autonomous rule shall be intended. The combined effect of all the steps taken to this point may well serve to convince those local Arab leadership elements that they have much to gain from negotiating separate autonomy arrangements with the Israeli government, which the leadership of Abbas and his gang cannot stop. Will some of them be assassinated by the Fatah leadership and their police? Hopefully yes, because that will spur blood feuds between them, which is precisely what we should want. If this is all done skillfully, the local leaderships themselves will move to dump the Fatah gang — which is all Arafat’s bunch ever were — and smooth the process of getting the local Arab municipal leaderships to cooperate with Israel in setting up these autonomous local governments.

    Above all, each of these suggested steps are incremental, small, and can be accomplished by Israel without spurring a major war. And if the process is carried out smoothly, the chances are that the US government will cautiously choose the path of non-interference.

    As part of any process of creeping annexation, which is exactly what I am proposing here, the Israeli administrative authority should move to shut down what is left of the UNRWA refugee camps left over from 1948. No UNO officialdom or any other foreigners should be allowed any authority over anything or anybody in any lands under military or civil control of the State of Israel.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  2. The Arabs will never accept a second class status to Jews. As long as they are Muslims, they will do whatever they can to dominate and try to destroy us. So we really have only two choices. We can annihilate them or expel them. There are two ways to expel them. They can be expelled quickly or slowly.

    When most people think of “Transfer” they see it as a quick expulsion but there is another way and one that has been in place for some time. There has been a constant emigration of Arabs from Israel for generations. The ones who leave are overwhelmingly the educated ones with valued skills. The model for this has been the East Jerusalem Electric Company. An Arab trains to be an engineer, works for the EJEC for a few years and then emigrates to a lucrative job in an Arab country. As we all know the Arab countries have high illiteracy and no quality education to speak of. All their critical technical people are educated elsewhere. So whether by design or heavenly intervention, there is already a slow transfer mechanism in place.

    What needs doing is to up the pace of this process and expand it to include the uneducated Arabs as well. This can be done by Jews surreptitiously buying undeveloped land and hiring our local Arabs to develop it. Entire families or even villages could be transfered in this manner and no one would really notice.

  3. Polls: Israeli Public Opinion on Land and Population Swaps for Peace

    Peace Index, may 2011, The Peace Index:
    January 2011

    And what will happen in the territories? A large majority (Jews – 70%, Arabs – 62%) thinks that following the declaration of an independent Palestinian state and its recognition by the UN, the chances are high that an intifada will erupt in the territories. Fifty-eight percent of the Jews (50% of the Arabs) also believe the Palestinian leadership will encourage such an intifada.

  4. Ethnic Cleansing and Israel
    The Ultimate Aim is the Transfer of Arab-Israelis
    by Conn Hallinan, Counterpunch

    One of the more disturbing developments in the Middle East is a growing consensus among Israelis that it would acceptable to expel-in the words of advocates “transfer”-its Arab citizens to either a yet as unformed Palestinian state or the neighboring countries of Jordan and Egypt.
    Such sentiment is hardly new among Israeli extremists, and it has long been advocated by racist Jewish organizations like Kach, the party of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, as well as groups like the National Union, which doubled its Knesset representation in the last election.
    But “transfer” is no longer the exclusive policy of extremists, as it has increasingly become a part of mainstream political dialogue. “My solution for maintaining a Jewish and democratic state of Israel is to have two nation-states with certain concessions and with clear red lines,” Kadima leader and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told a group of Tel Aviv high school students last December, “and among other things, I will be able to approach the Palestinian residents of Israel, those whom we call Israeli Arabs, and tell them, ‘ your national solution lies elsewhere.’”
    Such talk has consequences.
    According to the Israeli Association for Civil Rights, anti-Arab incidents have risen sharply. “Israeli society is reaching new heights of racism that damages freedom of expression and privacy,” says Sami Michael, the organization’s president. Among the Association’s findings:
    * Some 55 percent of Jewish Israelis say that the state should encourage Arab emigration;
    * 78 percent of Jewish Israelis oppose including Arab parties in the government;
    * 56 percent agree with the statement that “Arabs cannot attain the Jewish level of cultural development”;
    * 75 percent agree that Arabs are inclined to be violent. Among Arab-Israelis, 54 percent feel the same way about Jews.
    * 75 percent of Israeli Jews say they would not live in the same building as Arabs.m ++
    Read More

  5. Palestinian Survey of Jewish Israeli attitudes. Interesting read!!

    Analysis of Israeli public opinion
    Dr. Mahmoud Muhareb

    The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

    The survey shows, regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, that the Israeli society is drifting towards further intransigence, aggressiveness, and extremism in all matters relating to the conflict and covered by the survey: the concept of land for peace, the future of Palestinian lands occupied in 1967, settlements in their varying definitions, unilateral withdrawal, and the Palestinian state.

    Land for Peace

    The survey shows that opposition to the concept of swapping land in exchange for peace has increased among the Israeli public. In the 2009 poll, 60% opposed the concept of “land for peace” while 28% approved of it and 12% expressed neutrality. In 2005, by contrast, 38% opposed, 48% favored, and 12% took no position, which means that opposition to the concept of land for peace has increased by 22%, a very elevated rate by any standard, while support for this concept has dwindled by 20%.

    The Future of Occupied Palestinian Territories

    The survey shows a weakening of support for Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and an increase in opposition to such proposals among the Israeli public. Those polled were asked to answer a question on the topic and were presented by four choices: only 13% supported the option of “major territorial concessions,” while another 13% favored a unilateral disengagement including “territorial concessions,” and 29% opted for a partial solution including “minimal territorial concession,” and 45% of respondents rejected all the above solutions. This hardening and extremism in Israeli public opinion is clear in the second question: If Israel reaches a permanent solution with the Palestinians that would end the Israel-Palestinian conflict, would you favour Israel returning the following territories, or should Israel retain them even if that does not lead to reaching a permanent solution? The responses were as follows:

    Only 13% support withdrawal from the Jordan Valley, as opposed to 24.1% in 2005.
    17.5% are in favour of withdrawal from al-Aqsa mosque (with the exception of the Wailing Wall), compared to 27.8% in 2005.
    14.8% support withdrawal from Gush Etzion, situated between Bethlehem and Jericho, compared to 28.8% in 2005.
    46% favour withdrawal from the Eastern part of “Samaria,” which includes a few small and isolated settlements, as opposed to 66.5% in the 2005 survey.
    26.1% are in favour of withdrawal from “Western Samaria” compared to 38.1% in 2005.
    40% approve of withdrawal from the Arab neighborhoods of occupied East Jerusalem, as opposed to 46.3% in 2005.

    The Settlements

    The survey also revealed that the Israeli public’s stance on settlements has hardened and grown more extreme compared to recent years. The responses to a question regarding the possible evacuation of settlements in the West Bank (except for those in East Jerusalem) in the context of a permanent solution were as follows:

    42% stood against evacuating settlements under any circumstances, compared to 28% in 2005.
    Only 43% approved of dismantling small and isolated settlements, as opposed to 52% in 2005.
    Only 15% supported the complete dismantling of settlements in the entire West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem) compared to 20% in 2005
    Read more

  6. Poll: Russian Immigrants Tougher on Arabs, Stronger on Yesha

    A new survey conducted by Israel Democracy Institute reveals that a whopping 77 percent of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) support the transfer of Arabs out of the Jewish State.

    The 2009 Democracy Index, carried out in March 2009 in Hebrew, Arabic, and Russian languages, was given to President Shimon Peres on Monday.

    While 53 percent of Israeli Jews support encouraging Arabs to emigrate from Israel, an overshelming 77 percent of immigrants said they favor the idea, compared with 47 percent of veteran Israelis. Likewise, only 23 percent of immigrant Russians believe in including Arab parties in the government, compared with 33 percent of veteran Israelis. Read More

    Unlike 2nd and 3rd generation Israelis, Russian Jews don’t look forward to being 2nd class citizens again. The memories are still fresh.

  7. Poll: Israelis favor Arab transfer to Palestine
    JPost.com Staff
    03/31/2008 17:33

    Poll: 76% of Israelis favor relocating Arab citizens as part of agreement to form a Palestinian state.

    A total of 76 percent of Israeli Jews give some degree of support to transferring Israeli Arabs to a future Palestinian state, a poll commissioned by the Knesset Channel revealed, Monday. The poll, conducted over the Internet, included 668 adult Israeli Jews representing the entire political spectrum, cites a 3.7% margin of error. The poll asked participants whether as part of an agreement to establish a Palestinian state there would be justification to demand that Arabs with Israeli citizenship relocate to Palestinian territory. Only 24% were totally against the idea. Of the remaining 76%, 29% said all Israeli Arabs should relocate. An additional 19% said only Arabs living in close proximity to the Palestinian state should relocate, and 28% said transfer should be decided based on loyalty or disloyalty to the State of Israel. The data reflects Jewish Israelis’ distrust of Arabs national priorities. A total of 50% said Arabs identify first and foremost with the Palestinian cause and see their Israeli loyalty as secondary, while 40% said Arabs identify solely with Palestinians, and only a single percent thought Arabs identify wholly with their Israeli identity. Despite their belief that Arabs’ right to retain their property was not obvious, 52% thought Israeli Arabs were not discriminated against by the state, while 43% said they were discriminated against and 1% remained undecided. Hadash Chairman MK Muhammad Barakei was furious that the Knesset Channel initiated such a poll. “The Knesset Channel should express Israeli democracy and cannot act as a private company advancing insane and racist ideology,” he said

  8. More Israeli Jews favor transfer of Palestinians, Israeli Arabs – poll finds

    By Amnon Barzilai

    10/04/05 “Haaretz” — — Some 46 percent of Israel’s Jewish citizens favor transferring Palestinians out of the territories, while 31 percent favor transferring Israeli Arabs out of the country, according to the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies’ annual national security public opinion poll.

    In 1991, 38 percent of Israel’s Jewish population was in favor of transferring the Palestinians out of the territories while 24 percent supported transferring Israeli Arabs.

    When the question of transfer was posed in a more roundabout way, 60 percent of respondents said that they were in favor of encouraging Israeli Arabs to leave the country. The results of the survey also reveal that 24 percent of Israel’s Jewish citizens believe that Israeli Arabs are not loyal to the state, compared to 38 percent who think the Arabs were loyal to the state at the beginning of the intifada.

    The poll, overseen by Prof. Asher Arian, also finds that Jewish public opinion is Israel has become more extreme on issues of foreign affairs and defense as well as on possible concessions by Israel during peace talks in particular.

    A representative sample of 1,264 Jewish residents of Israel were polled for the survey last month in face-to-face interviews.

    Israeli-Arabs pose a threat to Israel’s security, according to 61 percent of the Jewish population, while around 80 percent are opposed to Israeli-Arabs being involved in important decisions, such as delineating the country’s borders, up from 75 percent last year and 67 percent in 2000.

    Some 72 percent of Jewish Israelis are opposed to Arab parties being part of a coalition government, compared to 67 percent last year and 50 percent in 1999.

    This overall shift to the right has been coupled by a significant fall in support for the Oslo process; down from 58 percent last year, to 35 percent this year. Support for the establishment of a Palestinian state has also dropped from 57 percent last year to 49 percent this year.

    Only 40 percent of Jewish Israelis support transfering control of Arab areas of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians as part of a peace agreement, compared with 51 percent last year. There has also been a fall in the number of people willing to leave the settlements as part of an agreement with the Palestinians: 49 percent are in favor of Israel leaving the settlements, apart from large blocs, under a permanent status agreement, compared to 55 percent last year.

    Around 41 percent of those polled said that the acts of Palestinian violence have made them less open to compromise, while just 10 percent said that the on-going violence has had the opposite effect.

  9. I wonder who really organized this conference?

    Also, as Yamit pointed out, simply use democracy to make the Arabs – both in Israel and in J&S – to understand that Israel is not their home. Additionally, with the funds being spent annually by Israel to maintain the charade of the “peace process” and the funds that will be saved by not giving welfare to the Arabs anymore, Israel can pay each Arab family between $200,000-250,000 over a ten year period as incentives to leave.

  10. I like Yamit’s solution. I’ve always thought that transfer was the only way, not a forced transfer. But make all people sign a loyalty oath. Any not signing it or anyone convicted of terrorism should be kicked out of the country. Let them go to Jordan. There should be pressure to get Arabs to move to Arab countries. Pay them if necessary. We should also engage in massive Hasbara to teach people what really happened in Israel and that this solution is actually the most humane way for the Palestinians as well as Israelis. It is amazing to me that people, including politicians, still think a “two-state solution” could work. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.

  11. Yamit’s proposals are common sense. If we remove Arabs to city states we make them responsible for their problems, not Israel. This means no Israeli taxpayer assistance, no government subvention, etc. A Jewish State should not be in the position of financing its enemies. The Arabs hate the Jews and Israel and there is no reason in the world for Israel to integrate them as citizens. They can have 15-20 independent little countries. That won’t pose a threat to Israel as a Palestinian state would since they would all be surrounded by Israel. If they don’t become productive, that is not Israel’s problem. Build walls around these city states and let the Arabs rot. I’m betting through that they will find it too confining and decide to immigrate elsewhere. Israel should not stand in their way and under no circumstances should it allow any one who leaves their “country” voluntarily to move back to it. The Arab problem can be reduced to a manageable one since they will elect their own leaders and run their own lives. Therefore there is no reason for them to be Israeli citizens and be represented in the Knesset. Israel in short, can be a Jewish country for the Jewish people.

  12. Shy Guy, Jordan IS Palestine. The only difference between the Jordanian and Palestinian flags is the latter has removed the star from the canton. The two peoples are identical in everything but name. Israel has been coerced to created a second Palestinian Arab state. In what world is that just and fair?

  13. Yamit82, that is exactly why the two-state solution will never work. The Arabs can’t agree on a functioning government, a stable currency and upholding previous international commitments. If they can’t do the basic work of setting up a viable state, what the Israeli Left has been selling for two decades is nothing but a pipe dream. Israel has two choices: complete separation from the Arabs or expelling them. There is no third option that will work. Israel can’t digest the Arabs and Israel can’t get rid of them. That is the trap Oslo created for Israel.

  14. Shy Guy and Yamit82, there are mixed cities of Jews and Arabs already. It needs to be reversed. But you don’t say how your transfer is going to be accomplished? In your words, the Arabs will never agree, the Israeli Left will never agree and the world will never agree. There are things that Israel has to do for survival and Israel has been constrained from annexing Yesha because it didn’t want to take the dowry – the Arabs along with the bride – the land. The idea of city states may seem to be an academic proposition but it doesn’t have been an either/or proposition. I want Israel to get rid of looking after the Arabs, even the Arabs in Israel. Let them look after themselves and let the Jews do the same thing. My point being there are no good options only a realistic one. If Israel can’t expel the Arabs, it should separate from them and quickly. For the record, the two state solution is not separation as policy since Jews would be ethnically cleansed from Yesha and Jerusalem but huge numbers of Arabs still get to be Israeli citizens. That is suicidal nonsense. The sooner Israel scraps the Oslo noose, the better off the country will be.

  15. All Set to Be a Failed State

    Not to put too fine a point on it: if you can’t finish drafting your constitution; if your “president” is in the seventh year of his four-year term; if you have no functioning legislature and cannot hold parliamentary elections; if half your putative state is occupied by terrorists; if your education system is a cesspool of anti-Semitism; if you insist upon dedicating public squares to those who massacred civilians; if your ruling party is corroded by corruption; if you have no free press or independent judiciary; if you cannot implement anything in negotiations that you refuse to conduct in any event; and if you haven’t finished Phase I of the Roadmap . . . well, you might not be ready for a state.

  16. Yonatan says:
    June 22, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    Yamit wrote:

    There are several ways to accomplish TRANSFER that will not, at least at first, terribly upset the nations of the world.

    Care to elaborate? I’m interested in reading your ideas.

    Israeli Arabs:

    A campaign by private citizens should be coordinated to encourage jews from hiring Arabs either Israeli citizens or from the territories.
    A law should be passed where any citizen not signing and orally swearing to a loyalty oath will forfeit all privileges of citizenship including any and all government employment. They will not be eligible for any social benefits from NII. Including child allowances.

    All child allowances to everyone will be discontinued except those who are over 50 yrs of age or have served in any of the Israeli state security services or have done compulsory national service. Legal ways of compensating Jews will be found to the exclusion of the Arabs.
    Arabic will be discontinued as an official language in Israel.

    The Bedouin in the Negev will be removes from all areas they have squatted illegally and removed to Egypt and Gaza if they resist violently.

    Child allowances to Arabs is anti Jewish and anti Zionist.It’s absurd to pay Arabs to have many children and then compalin about the deomographic threats from the same Arabs.

    All illegal Arab construction will be demolished just like the Jews. The laws of Israel will be applied equally. Hundreds of thousands of dwelling built illegally will be destroyed or they will be confiscated by the state and a fair sum will be paid the Arabs who can show legal ownership if they agree to leave israel for anywhere.

    All Arabs criminals will be offered a similar deal sit in prison or leave israel terrorist serving long terms or life will be offered the same deal freedom for vacating Israel.

    Arabs will be forced to pay all taxes municipal and state or spend 7-10 years in prison or freedom for leaving Israel for good. Arabs who leave Israel will draw friends and relatives to follow them to their new places of residency. The most educated and most skilled will be the first to leave the young before the elderly but in a few years of equal law enforcement and some modifications to existing laws, there will be few Arab happy campers.

    Changing our political system to constituencies will reduce both the power of the Arabs and the haredim in the Knesset.

    I would create a reverse Jewish agency whose main purpose would be to encourage the Arabs to leave, they would offer assistance in finding countries willing to accept them and help in finding them jobs and legal visas etc. A fund would be set up to purchase any legal assets at a fair market price to help them leave smoothly with money in their pockets.

    All Israeli Arabs convicted of terrorism will be given life sentences( at hard but productive labor) or hanged if there is Jewish blood on their hands, their families deported and their properties attached by the state to be resold to Jews.

    Believe me they will leave, maybe a trickle at first but a tsuami in a short period of time. All legal

    Arabs from the Territories:

    End all employment by jews in or out of Israel’s Green line.

    End all tax rebate transfers to the PA.

    End all VIP passes to Arab Leaders and businessmen.

    Revoke all Israeli residence status from all non citizens of Jerusalem barring them entry to any part of Israel Including western Jerusalem. Hard to enforce today but I am sure some practical ways will be found.

    All PA symbols and PLO presence in East Jerusalem will be shut down.

    All check points revoved by Israel in the past few years by BB will be restored.

    Israeli medical and higher educational facilities and institutions will be barred to all Arabs from the territories. Exceptions on a case by case review.

    Hebron will be the first target of IDF reconquesta. They will certainly provide the excuses for our actions.

    Billions will be allocated for building massively in all areas controlled by Israel with a min of red tape.

    Israel collects more than one billion dollars per year on behalf of the PA, comprising sometwo-thirds of the entity’s annual budget.

    Unity Fallout: PA to Ask UN to Intervene in Israeli Tax Freeze

    Stop all services free or otherwise to areas held by the PA. That could include all financial services and support by the Bank of Israel, water electric, telecommunications, Israeli ports and international entry and exit airports. End all sales and transfers of petrol and LNG. All Israeli made or imported products sold to the Arabs of the PA. They can purchase through Jordan and Egypt. Ban all international NGO’s aiding the PA from Israel including all UN organs.

    All illegal buildings in areas under Israeli control will be demolished just like we do with the Jews.

    All acts of terror and violence will be dealt with like it always should have: disproportionally and collectively targeting the leadership of the PLO and PA first.

    Our borders will be maned and protected including Gaza where will will retake the crossing points from Egypt into Gaza. All dwellings within a km from the border will be demolished.

    For every missile mortar or rocket fired from Gaza a neighborhood will be leveled and Hamas leadership targeted. They can be supplied with all their necessities from Egypt, subject to Israeli inspection. UNWRA will not have access through Israel but only through Egypt.

    Thee territories will revert to anarchy and civil war and our reaction to the inevitable terror should be to push them nudge them into both Jordan and Egypt.

    They will GO!!!

    Let them go to the UN in Sept. let them declare again a Palis State. We have all the aces but BB and our leaders never learned political poker. They fold even before they look at their own hands.

  17. Yonatan says:
    June 22, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    Yamit wrote:

    There are several ways to accomplish TRANSFER that will not, at least at first, terribly upset the nations of the world.

    Care to elaborate? I’m interested in reading your ideas.

    Israeli Arabs:

    A campaign by private citizens should be coordinated to encourage jews from hiring Arabs either Israeli citizens or from the territories.
    A law should be passed where any citizen not signing and orally swearing to a loyalty oath will forfeit all privileges of citizenship including any and all government employment. They will not be eligible for any social benefits from NII. Including child allowances.

    All child allowances to everyone will be discontinued except those who are over 50 yrs of age or have served in any of the Israeli state security services or have done compulsory national service. Legal ways of compensating Jews will be found to the exclusion of the Arabs.
    Arabic will be discontinued as an official language in Israel.

    The Bedouin in the Negev will be removes from all areas they have squatted illegally and removed to Egypt and Gaza if they resist violently.

    Child allowances to Arabs is anti Jewish and anti Zionist.It’s absurd to pay Arabs to have many children and then compalin about the deomographic threats from the same Arabs.

    All illegal Arab construction will be demolished just like the Jews. The laws of Israel will be applied equally. Hundreds of thousands of dwelling built illegally will be destroyed or they will be confiscated by the state and a fair sum will be paid the Arabs who can show legal ownership if they agree to leave israel for anywhere.

    All Arabs criminals will be offered a similar deal sit in prison or leave israel terrorist serving long terms or life will be offered the same deal freedom for vacating Israel.

    Arabs will be forced to pay all taxes municipal and state or spend 7-10 years in prison or freedom for leaving Israel for good. Arabs who leave Israel will draw friends and relatives to follow them to their new places of residency. The most educated and most skilled will be the first to leave the young before the elderly but in a few years of equal law enforcement and some modifications to existing laws, there will be few Arab happy campers.

    Changing our political system to constituencies will reduce both the power of the Arabs and the haredim in the Knesset.

    I would create a reverse Jewish agency whose main purpose would be to encourage the Arabs to leave, they would offer assistance in finding countries willing to accept them and help in finding them jobs and legal visas etc. A fund would be set up to purchase any legal assets at a fair market price to help them leave smoothly with money in their pockets.

    All Israeli Arabs convicted of terrorism will be given life sentences( at hard but productive labor) or hanged if there is Jewish blood on their hands, their families deported and their properties attached by the state to be resold to Jews.

    Believe me they will leave, maybe a trickle at first but a tsuami in a short period of time. All legal

    Arabs from the Territories:

    End all employment by jews in or out of Israel’s Green line.

    End all tax rebate transfers to the PA.

    End all VIP passes to Arab Leaders and businessmen.

    Revoke all Israeli residence status from all non citizens of Jerusalem barring them entry to any part of Israel Including western Jerusalem. Hard to enforce today but I am sure some practical ways will be found.

    All PA symbols and PLO presence in East Jerusalem will be shut down.

    All check points revoved by Israel in the past few years by BB will be restored.

    Israeli medical and higher educational facilities and institutions will be barred to all Arabs from the territories. Exceptions on a case by case review.

    Hebron will be the first target of IDF reconquesta. They will certainly provide the excuses for our actions.

    Billions will be allocated for building massively in all areas controlled by Israel with a min of red tape.

    Israel collects more than one billion dollars per year on behalf of the PA, comprising sometwo-thirds of the entity’s annual budget.

    Unity Fallout: PA to Ask UN to Intervene in Israeli Tax Freeze

    Stop all services free or otherwise to areas held by the PA. That could include all financial services and support by the Bank of Israel, water electric, telecommunications, Israeli ports and international entry and exit airports. End all sales and transfers of petrol and LNG. All Israeli made or imported products sold to the Arabs of the PA. They can purchase through Jordan and Egypt. Ban all international NGO’s aiding the PA from Israel including all UN organs.

    All illegal buildings in areas under Israeli control will be demolished just like we do with the Jews.

    All acts of terror and violence will be dealt with like it always should have: disproportionally and collectively targeting the leadership of the PLO and PA first.

    Our borders will be maned and protected including Gaza where will will retake the crossing points from Egypt into Gaza. All dwellings within a km from the border will be demolished.

    For every missile mortar or rocket fired from Gaza a neighborhood will be leveled and Hamas leadership targeted. They can be supplied with all their necessities from Egypt, subject to Israeli inspection. UNWRA will not have access through Israel but only through Egypt.

    Thee territories will revert to anarchy and civil war and our reaction to the inevitable terror should be to push them nudge them into both Jordan and Egypt.

    They will GO!!!

    Let them go to the UN in Sept. let them declare again a Palis State. We have all the aces but BB and our leaders never learned political poker. They fold even before they look at their own hands.

    All Set to Be a Failed State

    Not to put too fine a point on it: if you can’t finish drafting your constitution; if your “president” is in the seventh year of his four-year term; if you have no functioning legislature and cannot hold parliamentary elections; if half your putative state is occupied by terrorists; if your education system is a cesspool of anti-Semitism; if you insist upon dedicating public squares to those who massacred civilians; if your ruling party is corroded by corruption; if you have no free press or independent judiciary; if you cannot implement anything in negotiations that you refuse to conduct in any event; and if you haven’t finished Phase I of the Roadmap . . . well, you might not be ready for a state.

  18. Forceable population transfer from Gaza and J & S is not realistic.

    It could be if done efficiently and quickly before the worlds media has time to churn out the videos, pictures and sob stories.

    There have been some recent polls that suggest 45% of Palestinians would move out of Gaza if they could. Not sure about Palestinians in J & S.

    Polls should be directed to the under 30 group of Arabs. Many are educated and have degrees but no work.l Unemployment in the under 30 group of Arabs is around 50%. Primary targets for TRANSFER should be the radicalized young.

    The Arabs, thanks to Israel and donor nations have created a Potemkin Village in the Arab enclaves. The current prosperity is not based on a viable real economy but by outside aid by EU, America, Japan and Israel. 2/3 are stolen by vested interested Arab Mafia and Leadership who own monopolies on all vital goods , services and commodities imported into PA held enclaves.

    The World Bank report says this explicitly:

    “Palestine”: The pyramid-scheme state

    The economic growth observed in WB&G is arguably donor-driven, and sustainable growth remains hampered by Israeli restrictions on access to land, water, a range of raw materials, and export markets, to name a few. WB&G has experienced growth for the third year in a row, including a recent reduction in unemployment. It must be kept in mind, however, that the economy is rebounding from a low base, particularly in Gaza. In addition, the growth is mostly confined to the non-tradable sector and reflects the importance of donor aid in driving the Palestinian economy – though recent easing of restrictions by the Government of Israel has probably had a positive impact as well. Sustainable growth will require the unleashing of the private sector’s potential, including its ability to trade. And while unemployment has declined recently, it remains very high, especially for the youth – a fact inexorably tied with the stifled private sector.

    The Palestinian Arabs aren’t actually producing anything. And what little they produce is mostly going to Israel.

    Thus, growth is mostly confined to the non-tradable sector and probably reflects the importance of donor aid in driving the Palestinian economy. Israel remains WB&G’s largest trading partner, yet in the first three quarters of 2010, exports of goods and services to Israel were only about US$480 million in nominal terms. This is only 6 percent higher than in the same period in 2009 and nearly 22 percent lower than in 2008. Since Gaza has been closed since mid-2007, these figures are not affected by the situation there. Consequently, the fact that growth has taken place recently despite the slowdown in exports to Israel probably reflects the importance of aid in driving growth.

    The budget deficit is over a billion dollars a year, which has been made up by – donors. Read More

    “The entire PA economy is a shell game, where donor money pays for basic needs but nothing is being done to actually build a functioning, independent state. It is wonderful that all the government is apparently not as corrupt as it was a few years ago, but that doesn’t mean that the donor money is doing anything forward-looking. Fayyad’s latest demand makes the PA economy a pyramid scheme as well, as the money coming tomorrow will keep propping up the untenable situation today. Meanwhile, there is no real economy, where people are actually building and growing and discovering and creating products that the world needs.”

  19. Forceable population transfer from Gaza and J & S is not realistic.

    There have been some recent polls that suggest 45% of Palestinians would move out of Gaza if they could. Not sure about Palestinians in J & S.

    Assuming that a sizeable number of Palestinians do want to move out of the territories to places that give them a better chance of realizing their hopes and dreams, the question becomes, what is preventing them from doing so?

    If the impediments to Palestinians leaving the territories for places other than Israel can be identified, then perhaps the strategy would be to find ways to remove those impediments. Obviously the Arab nations that maintain Palestinian refugee camps would be dead set against any mass departure of Palestinians from the territories, for they would lose much of the leverage they have had in using the Palestinians as part of their grand strategy to turn world opinion against Israel.

    Still, finding ways to facilitate Palestinians moving from the territories to other parts of the world, would be a useful objective for those who are forming this new group to advocate Israel extending sovereignty over J & S.

    Further as an adjunct to the overall policy, it would be prudent to push from legislative reforms to toughen up Israel’s treason laws. Polls indicate that a sizeable number of Israeli Arabs while enjoying all the benefits of living in Israel, identify with the Arabs and Palestinians. Problems with Israeli Arabs becoming radical 5th columnists has already manifested. If things heat up between Israel and the Palestinians, those problems likely would accellerate.

  20. Yamit wrote:

    There are several ways to accomplish TRANSFER that will not, at least at first, terribly upset the nations of the world.

    Care to elaborate? I’m interested in reading your ideas.

  21. I am more impressed by this conference that Ted Belman brought to our attention than I have been by much of anything else I have read coming out of Israel in many recent months.

    First, it provides a clear-cut and achievable mechanism for ending the question of Israel being squeezed back into the suicidal old 1948-1967 temporary armistice lines.

    Second, it enhances Israel’s military and civilian control as far east as the lower Jordan River.

    Third, it breaks up el-Fatah control over Arab population of Judea and Samaria, replacing it with local autonomy for the clan-based leaderships of the various Arab-populated cities: Jenin, Shchem, Ramallah, Jericho, Tulkarem, Kalkilya, and the Arab parts of Hevron, each of which can be granted greater or lesser degrees of autonomy in return for guarantees of these local clan-based leaderships to peacefully regulate their own municipal affairs.

    Fourth, it puts on the discussion table for the first time Yoram Ettinger’s comparative demographics of Jews and Arabs in the land between Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Based on my own studies of city and regional planning in Israel, and my own impressions of the relative emptiness of the greater part of Judea and Samaria, I never thought the commonly-accepted Arab population figures were anything like those used in recent years to try to frighten the Jews into yet more national retreat.

    Fifth, it excludes the Gaza Arabs from the overall Arab demographic mix of Judea, Samaria and Galil, and treats Gaza and its Hamas leadership as just another foreign country which can be dealt with accordingly.

    Sixth, the leadership of Caroline Glick as a driving force behind this venture is still more impressive, considering that she is deputy managing editor of the English-language Jerusalem Post and the Center for Security Policy in Washington DC. The Jerusalem Post of my 18 months in Israel largely mirrored the “for our own good, we must retreat” arguments of people such as Martin Van Creveld — assuming he is still around and possibly has changed his outlook.

    As for “transferring” all those Arabs — which of course is a euphemism for expelling them, it is obvious that Israel first makes it possible for many of those Arabs to transfer themselves. I think that, one family at a time, that is what they have been doing since 1948, and that this demographic shift will continue as Eretz-Yisrael becomes more Jewish once again.

    Well done, Ted Belman, Arlene Kushner, Yoram Ettinger, Danny Dayan, Mordechai Kedar, Caroline Glick and all the other attendees.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  22. Besides the Arab larger cities there are hundreds of towns, villages, and small hamlets all over Israel and the territories. The Jewish and the Arab populations if not mixed rub up against each other in what are called points of friction. Most roads are used by both Arabs and Jews. Arabs are employed in many if not most Jewish settlements and Arabs shop in Jewish settlements and towns and Jews use the services of neighboring Arabs.

    In Israel proper the Jews are a minority in the Galilee and the Bedouin are stealing large swaths of the Negev. Yaffo and Acco and other Jewish towns are facing rapid growth of Arab populations where these communities are becoming if not already, heavily mixed Jewish Arab populations.

    There is no practical way of population separation and autonomous city states is only worthy of academic debate, if that. The Arabs will never agree, the Israeli left will never agree, the world will never agree and I will never agree.

    There are several ways to accomplish TRANSFER that will not, at least at first, terribly upset the nations of the world. Unfortunately none are on the table for consideration but they are doable. They are certainly preferable to any concept of annexation that keep the Arabs.

    If the world will be upset over annexation what more upset could there be if a transfer accompanies annexation?

    In for a penny in for a dime.

    Norman it’s apparent you’ve never been to Israel and if you have, you hardly ventured out from Tel Aviv.

  23. Nope, Norman. The dance of death, which Ben Gurion thought he could Samba his way through, has to end.

    Jordan is Palestine. Insha’Allah.

  24. I agree Israel would be better off without any Arabs. But Israel would be even better off separating itself from the Arabs and giving them self-rule over their cities while being sovereign in the land. This does not mean giving up parts of Yesha or the Little Triangle. Giving up territory is only giving the Arabs a military advantage. Only a fool would do this. There are lots of city states in Europe surrounded by other more powerful countries and there is no conflict between them. Extending Israeli sovereignty to Yesha does not mean having to annex the Arabs and make them Israeli citizens, just the opposite. And its more practical than a Palestinian Arab state because it builds on present day reality.

  25. Another solution being to give the Arabs a couple of city states each with their own form of native citizenship and make Israel responsible for their security and defense. Israel can then annex the land without the Arabs. It therefore becomes irrelevant how many Arabs Israel has. This model can be applied to both Yesha and the Little Triangle.

    Expulsion sounds good but the world will never allow it. Israel is not Czechoslovakia.

  26. Funny no one speaks of the only real solution. Transfer! Make someone like me PM and there would be no Arab problem, No sovereignty problem, no annexation problem and our security vulnerability much reduced.

    Any talk or plan for annexation which in any form incorporates and leaves in-place the Arab population, is only self delusional and kicking the problem down the road as the Arabs even a small minority will continue with terror.

    If Jews are willing to ethic cleanse between 300-600,000 Jews, then why not 1,5 million Arabs? It’s even cost effective as the Jews removal will cost more. There will never be security with a large number of Arabs living amongst us under anyone’s plan.

    What I advocate for the Arabs of Y & S goes double for Arabs living within Israels Green Line.

    No Arabs no terror and we will all be more secure and prosperous,which also applies the to be removed Arabs.

    Prague Refuses Apology to Sudeten Germans

    Why did Hitler attack the Dutch and the Belgians, Danes, French, Czechoslovakians, Norwegians etc.?

    Germany Wants an Apology

    After World War II, Germans were expelled from Sudetenland, in what was then Czechoslovakia and now the leader of the German Sudeten party, based in Augsburg , Germany, wants a formal apology from the Czechs.
    These demands by Franz Pany and made on the anniversary of the massacre of Lidice, where 340 were murdered by Germans, were met with shock by Czech President Václav Klaus, who called it “extraordinary insensitivity”.
    Other Czechs called it effrontery, provocative and “the height of arrogance”


    The Czechs can provide Israel with many lessons

    Since as early as 2002 there has been talk of Germany retaking parts of Poland and Czech Republic