Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative”
June 3, 2011
The enthusiastic reception – by Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, doves and hawks – to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s May 24, 2011 speech before a joint session of the US Congress reflected the unique relationship between the United States and Israel. The ties between the US and Israel resemble a triple-braided cord, which is not easily broken, consisting of shared values and mutually-beneficial economic and security interests.
The US affinity towards the Jewish State is exceptional in the international relations arena. It is based upon a bottom-up structure, deriving its potency from the American people more than from American politicians.
Most Americans identify the Jewish State with cardinal US domestic values – not just with foreign policy – that reflect the Judeo-Christian roots of American democracy, liberty, morality, justice and the federalist system. Such sentiments have produced systemic and solid support for Jewish sovereignty in Zion, dating back to the 17th century Pilgrims and the 18th century American Founding Fathers. These sentiments are currently echoed by the representatives of the American people in the legislatures of the 50 states and in the US House of Representatives and Senate in Washington, DC. While American presidents play a critical role in shaping US-Israel relations, the American people and their representatives set the foundations, direction and tone, as well as the content of the bilateral relations, sometimes overruling or redirecting White House policies.
The 390 year old infrastructure of shared values between the US and the vision of a Jewish State – since the sermons of William Bradford on the “Mayflower” in 1620AD – has been buttressed in recent years by Israel’s significant contribution to US national security in the face of mutual threats and in the pursuit of joint interests. In addition, Israeli cutting-edge technologies have stimulated the US economy. Moreover, Israel’s role as the only reliable and capable Middle Eastern ally of the US is highlighted by the recent seismic developments destabilizing every Arab country.
Thus, the unique popular affinity towards Israel has produced a robust relationship, benefitting both countries, while facilitating quick healing of occasional tensions and crises between American and Israeli leaders.
Prime Minister Netanyahu received the longest standing ovations, from House Representatives and Senators, when he referred to the return of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel, to the Jewish deed over Judea and Samaria and to the indivisibility of Jerusalem.
The enthusiastic legislators of 2011 adhere to the legacy of the authors of the 1787 US Constitution. The latter were inspired by the Jewish Bible, by the Exodus from Egypt and by the political structure of the 12 Jewish tribes, which were governed by Moses the Executive, Aaron, the tribal governors and the legislature of 70 elders. The US Founding Fathers regarded themselves as “the modern-day People of the Covenant.” Hence, the term “Federalism,” a derivative of the Latin word for “Covenant” – Foedus.
Therefore, a marble replica of Moses – who is perceived by Americans as the chief law giver – is featured, prominently, at the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill, facing the seat of the Speaker of the House, the chief legislator. Two sculptures of Moses welcome visitors at the entrance to the Supreme Court and above the bench of the US Supreme Court Justices. Another sculpture of Moses is displayed in the rotunda of the Library of Congress. The inscription on the Liberty Bell, a corner stone of the American ethos is from the book of Leviticus 25:10: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” It inspired the anti-slavery movement, in general, and Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, in particular.
The Ten Commandments proliferate in US government buildings, under the assumption that they have deeply impacted American civil laws. A granite rock, shaped like the Two Tablets, welcomes visitors to the Texas State Capitol in Austin, and the official seal of Yale University features the Hebrew words, “Urim and Thummim,” which were the power of the High Priest during the Exodus. Furthermore, the map of the US features thousands of sites bearing biblical names, such as Salem (JeruSalem), Zion, Beth El, Bethlehem, Dothan, Ephrata, Hebron, Jericho, Canaan, Pisgah, Carmel, Gilboa, Rehoboth, etc.
American leaders often quote from the Bible, since the US is the most religious Western society, believing in God and in Judeo-Christian values (90% and 80% respectively), with 42% of Christians frequenting Sunday church services. For example, at the conclusion of the 2009 Senate debate on President Obama’s health reform, the very liberal Democratic Senator, Tom Harkin, congratulated the Majority Leader for “displaying the patience of Job, the endurance of Samson and the wisdom of Solomon.” In January 2001, Republican Senator Mitch McConnell introduced President Bush at a nation-wide televised Senate luncheon: “We trust that you shall lead us in the best tradition of Joshua and Caleb.” David’s lamentation featured prominently during the eulogies for Presidents Washington and Lincoln, and President Bush was compared to King David during the 2001 inaugural prayer services at the Washington National Cathedral.
Unlike European Parliamentarians, US legislators did not hold their breath, expecting Netanyahu to announce further concessions to the Palestinians. In fact, the vast majority of US legislators – just like their constituents – do not trust the Palestinians.
Netanyahu should not have focused on the Palestinian issue, and certainly should not have offered further concessions. He should have focused on the larger context of US-Israel relations, which benefits America on the federal, state and district levels. He should have proposed specific job-creating, export-increasing and security-enhancing bilateral programs, similar to the mutually-beneficial existing programs. He should have offered the US expanded access to the ports of Haifa and Ashdod, and to dramatically enlarge and diversify the prepositioning of American military systems in Israel, for use by the US upon regional emergencies.
The larger context of the US-Israel relationship extends beyond the foundations of shared-values and transcends the Arab-Israeli conflict. It leverages Israel’s unique capabilities in order to advance both regional and global American interests. It is not a one-way-street relationship – with the US giving and Israel receiving; it is a mutually-beneficial two-way-street.
For example, Senator Daniel Inouye, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and its Subcommittee on Defense, and former Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, contends that “Israel’s contribution to US military intelligence is greater than all NATO countries combined.” General Keegan, former chief of US Air Force Intelligence, asserted that “the scope of intelligence gained by the US from Israel is equal to five CIAs.”
Currently, US special operations forces are trained in Israel, on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan, leveraging Israeli battle tactics and counter-terrorism experience in the face of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), car bombs, booby-traps, suicide bombers and anti-tank missiles. According to Brig. General Michael Vane, Deputy Chief of Staff at the US Army Training and Doctrine Command, the Israeli experience played a role in defeating terrorists in Iraq’s “Sunni Triangle.”
In September 2007, Israel demolished a nuclear plant in Syria, dealing a blow to the anti-Western Syria-Iran-North Korea axis, while upgrading the posture of deterrence and the joint interests of the US and Israel.
In 1982, Israel devastated 23 most advanced Soviet surface-to-air missile batteries, employed by Syria and considered impregnable. Israel’s battle tactics and electronic warfare were shared with the US, thus tilting the global balance of power in favor of the US and delivering to the US defense industries sensitive and rare knowhow.
In 1981, Israel decimated Iraq’s nuclear reactor, in defiance of US and international pressure. This provided the US with the conventional option during the 1991 war against Iraq, sparing the US a traumatic nuclear confrontation.
In 1970, Syria, invaded Jordan, aiming to topple the Hashemite regime and activate a pro-Soviet domino scenario into the Gulf States. US forces were over-stretched in Vietnam, but Israel mobilized its military, forcing Syria into a swift evacuation of Jordan, thus avoiding a dramatic setback to US national security and economy. Israel’s capability of snatching roasting chestnuts out of the fire – without US involvement – vindicated enhanced US-Israel strategic cooperation, irrespective of severe US-Israel disagreements over the Arab-Israeli conflict. The US is determined to avoid cutting off its nose to spite its face.
Israel’s unique contribution to US national security was summed up by the late General Alexander Haig, who was the Supreme Commander of NATO and US Secretary of State: “Israel is the largest, most battle-tested and cost-effective US aircraft carrier, which does not require even one American soldier, cannot be sunk and is located in a critical region for American national security and economic interests. If Israel did not exist – the US would have to deploy a few additional aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean, along with tens of thousands of military personnel, costing the US taxpayers $20BN annually and dragging the US into additional regional and international confrontations.”
Israel constitutes a bonanza for the US defense industries, advancing US national security, employment, research & development and exports. In addition, Israel is a battle-proven laboratory, which has upgraded and refurbished hundreds of US military systems and technologies. It shares with the US most of these improvements, enhancing the competitive edge of the US defense industries, thus saving many US lives and mega billions of dollars in terms of new jobs, research and development. For instance, the current generation of the F-16 includes over 600 modifications introduced by Israel. Also, during the Cold War, Israel transferred to the US captured Soviet combat aircraft, radar and other military systems, which afforded the US a crucial advantage over the USSR, operationally and industrially.
If there had been an Israel-like nation in the Persian Gulf, there would not be a need to dispatch hundreds of thousands of US military personnel to the region!
The upheaval in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Syria and other Arab countries highlight Israel’s unique qualities as an ally of the US. The 2011 turmoil has removed “the Middle East screensaver,” exposing the real Arab Street: No “Arab Spring,” but the exacerbation of tribal-ethnic-religious-geographic-ideological rivalries, animosities, splits and power struggles; the intensification of domestic and intra-Arab fragmentation; the escalation of intolerance, violence and hate-culture; the absence of stability and the deepening of uncertainty, which exposes the tenuous nature of Arab regimes and their agreements and alliances; the ruthless submission of democracy-seeking elements and the perpetuation of atrocious tyrannies.
Egypt – a beneficiary of billions of dollars and state of the art US military systems – maintains close ties with North Korea, Russia and China, agitates the Horn of Africa and Sudan, consistently votes against the US in the UN, collaborates with Hamas’ smuggling of missiles and explosives into Gaza and institutionalizes hate-education.
Iran had access to the most advanced US military systems when the Shah was at the helm. However, the Shah was toppled, and Iran was transformed from a staunch US ally into the most anti-US regime in the world.
Libya granted the US, in 1954, the use of Wheelus Air Base, which became the largest US Air Force base outside the USA. In 1969, Colonel Qaddafi overthrew King Idris and Wheelus serviced the Soviet Air Force. Libya became a terrorist state, responsible for the murder of 270 people during the 1988 PanAm-103 bombing, as well as for the 1986 LaBelle Discotheque bombing.
Iraq was pro-Western until the1958 anti-Western coup. Saddam Hussein – who ruled Iraq since 1979 – gained the confidence of the US and benefitted from a shared-intelligence agreement, the transfer of sensitive dual-use American technologies and $5BN loan guarantees until his 1990 invasion of Kuwait. The US evacuation of Iraq could trigger a volcanic-like eruption, which could consume Iraq itself, as well as neighboring countries.
Saudi Arabia depends on the US for its survival in the face of lethal regional threats. The 1991 and 2003 US Gulf Wars were largely induced by the concern for a Saddam takeover of Saudi Arabia. However, Riyad bankrolls the operations of anti-US Islamic organizations in the US and anti-US Islamic terrorists worldwide.
Israel’s strategic added-value is underlined by the gathering conventional and non-conventional Arab storms, by the increasing vulnerability of pro-US Arab regimes, by the intensified threats of Islamic terrorism and Iran’s nuclearization, by the deepening penetration of the Arab Middle East by Russia and China, by the recent erosion of the US posture of deterrence and by the expected US evacuation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel’s reliability, capability, credibility, stability, democracy and unconditional alliance with the USA are anomalous in the Middle East.
US-Israel cooperation, in defiance of mutual threats, should not be undermined by US-Israel disagreements over the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian issue. Recent Arab havoc has reaffirmed that the Palestinian issue has never been the root cause of Middle East turbulence or the crown jewel of Arab policy-making. In fact, regional turbulence is unrelated to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Palestinian issue, Israel’s policies or Israel’s existence.
In February, 2011, Gallup poll ranked Israel (68%) among the seven most popular countries in the USA, which include Canada, Britain, Germany, Japan, India and France, dramatically ahead of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt (37%, 50% and 40% respectively). The Palestinian Authority (19%) was at the bottom of the list, along with Iran and North Korea.
On February 25, 2011, the Rasmussen Report determined that most Americans would stop foreign aid to Arab countries, but support foreign aid to Israel. 61% do not expect the current Middle East upheaval to advance democracy or peace in Arab countries.
In April 2010, “The Quinnipiac Institute” – often quoted by The New York Time, The Washington Post and CNN – documented a 66%:19% majority, expecting President Obama to upgrade his support of Israel.
In fact, while support for Israel is consistently in the high 60%, President Obama has already lost his “Bin Laden bump,” falling back to 45%-50% approval rating.
However, the “Super Poll” is conducted daily on Capitol Hill, where support of Israel constitutes a rare bi-partisan common denominator. House Members (about 75%) and Senators (about 80%) – who are extremely sensitive to the worldview of constituents – overwhelmingly support pro-Israel legislation and resolutions, even in opposition to the President. Most legislators and constituents identify the Jewish State with their own values: faith, religion, tradition, patriotism, democracy-liberty, military and counter-terrorism, while suspecting Arabs and opposing the UN. Under the American political system, Congress is equal in power to the President, and the constituent holds a big stick over the head of legislators and presidents, who fear the bi-annual battle cry: “We shall remember in November.”
The solid foundation of shared US-Israel values, the recent volcanic eruptions in the Middle East and Israel’s proven-capabilities and reliability, have transformed the US into a sustained bastion of support for the Jewish State, notwithstanding brief and transient tensions between the leaders of both countries.
The congressional response to the May 24, 2011 Netanyahu speech reaffirmed the unique ties between the leader of the Free World and its sole soul ally in the Middle East. It underlined the limit to the White House pressure on Israel and clarified that Washington was not going to embrace the Palestinian position.
In fact, the Netanyahu speech, and the exhilarated reaction by Congress test Palestinian intentions: Will they repeat past mistakes by intensifying terrorism? Or, will they reduce expectations, moderate radicalism, abandon terrorism and uproot hate education, thus advancing the cause of peace?
Ted this is the article that introduced me to Caroline Glick and I have been a fan ever since. “Your abortion or your lives”
It was after Jewish groups disinvited Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin from Monday’s anti-Iran rally in Manhattan – bumping her after Hillary Rodham Clinton pulled the plug on her own appearance.
I wanted to get the reaction from the Jewish community and I landed on the JP and there was her article (Sept. 23, 2008) Thats where it all began.
Whether Palin had the story right or only partly right, is irrelevant to her ability to govern which has been proved beyond a doubt. Its not worth an extended debate. The only question is, is she electable. From what I have been reading the the ability to get out the vote is a huge asset which she posses in spades.
OK, I’m convinced, let’s find someone who doesn’t love Israel as much. You’re right, Yamit. Only a total fool would be willing to staunchly stand with Israel against the world…
“I wonder, though, if every media outlet joined in a 24/7 non-stop humiliation campaign”; Against Palin? YES, and every Blog I’ve seen. She talks too much, is seen too much and she is the worst off the cuff, totally incoherent. You can’t blame the media on this she handed it to them. Her ego seems to be larger than her brain.
She did seem tired and it was certainly not her best interview statement. Truthfully, I cringed when I saw it. I wonder, though, if every media outlet joined in a 24/7 non-stop humiliation campaign for every gaffe that Obama made, as ANY human is wont to do, like writing 2008 when signing in to Buckingham Palace, would you consider him too stupid to be worthy of consideration? I believe so.
I do apologize for the conversation getting so far off topic by making the statement that Palin would lead the most loyal American Admin to Israel in history. Despite whether she was right or wrong about Revere, I stand by that assertion.
Long Live Israel…
Jacobson is a right wing partisan fanatic.I have quoted from his blog a few times in the past. I agree with a lot of his ideas and disagree with others. The question, Is the ref to the British and what she really meant through knowledge or was luck that a seeming gaff was not totally incorrect. besides naming the British connection everything else she said was inaccurate.
Palin said, “He who warned uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed.”
Okay, there is a little problem with Palin’s story. Paul Revere’s historic ride occurred in 1775, the constitutional convention did not even convene until 1787. Sarah Palin thinks Paul Revere’s ride was about the Second Amendment.
Here is the real story from The Paul Revere House,
On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them. After being rowed across the Charles River to Charlestown by two associates, Paul Revere borrowed a horse from his friend Deacon John Larkin. While in Charlestown, he verified that the local “Sons of Liberty” committee had seen his pre-arranged signals. (Two lanterns had been hung briefly in the bell-tower of Christ Church in Boston, indicating that troops would row “by sea” across the Charles River to Cambridge, rather than marching “by land” out Boston Neck. Revere had arranged for these signals the previous weekend, as he was afraid that he might be prevented from leaving Boston).
On the way to Lexington, Revere “alarmed” the country-side, stopping at each house, and arrived in Lexington about midnight. As he approached the house where Adams and Hancock were staying, a sentry asked that he not make so much noise. “Noise!” cried Revere, “You’ll have noise enough before long. The regulars are coming out!” After delivering his message, Revere was joined by a second rider, William Dawes, who had been sent on the same errand by a different route. Deciding on their own to continue on to Concord, Massachusetts, where weapons and supplies were hidden, Revere and Dawes were joined by a third rider, Dr. Samuel Prescott. Soon after, all three were arrested by a British patrol. Prescott escaped almost immediately, and Dawes soon after. Revere was held for some time and then released. Left without a horse, Revere returned to Lexington in time to witness part of the battle on the Lexington Green.
I won’t even comment on her mumbling run on historical discourse that effected me like someone scratching their fingernails on a blackboard.
I’m not an anti Palin fanatic but if it effects me this way just think of all those independents who aren’t crazy about her in any event.
That sound bite might kill any chance of her being nominated if she runs which I highly doubt. Pick an alternative and back them. Palin is a distraction and will hurt other legitimate candidates.
The Boston Herald ran an article today: Palin correct about Revere.
Perhaps YOU should reconsider your propaganda formed opinion.
Here’s a link about Palin being proven correct. It’s actually on my own website. You won’t be surprised by the site 🙂
Yamit, it turns out that Sarah was referring to when Revere was captured by the British and warned them that they were going to be beat if they attempted to take the arms of the Colonists. I’ll post links that verify that she was proven correct. The problem was that Sarah was MORE educated on Revere than the average American OR the average reporter.
And, as is typical for the Leftist Press, they saw a perceived opportunity to humiliate Gov Palin, and ran with it rather than asking her what she was referring to, or researching for themselves.
Unfortunately, their tactic works. As evidenced by the fact that you heard the negative, but haven’t heard of the vindication.
Fortunately, here in America, we’re making the Media more and more irrelevant every day.
Ironic…it’s the very battle that we, here, in America are fighting today. I’ve broken it down to this…2012: Restorers vs Transformers. The Restorers, like the good M.T. Cicero, want the Republic restored to it’s Constitutional roots. Those who wish Fundamental Transformation of America are fighting to do away with the Constitution and create a Centrally Controlled economy and society.
The divide between the two sides seems unbridgeable. I think America is as divided as she has ever been since our great Civil War.
Every one of Cicero’s quotes are applicable to present day America.
“Thanks Yamit. I don’t blame you one bit. Thanks, also, for letting me know a little bit of your background. I know you don’t want to hear this, but if we, here, are able to get Sarah Palin elected, you will see the truest American Admin to Israel in history.” Be careful of what you wish for , you might get it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w&feature=related
Lemon Lime Moon
The Enemy is Within the Gates…
Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman Constitutionalist. One of the greatest orators of all time, he championed a return by Rome to the Republican form of government under a strong constitution that protected the citizen and he championed the disposal of the tyrannical reign of Caesars who trampled the constitution.
While he vacillated from time to time out of his concern for Rome , he stayed true to his anti-empire views.
So deeply opposed to the loss of the Constitution and the Republic was he that he was declared an enemy of the state and murdered in 42 BCE after opposing the tyranny of Mark Antony.
Speaking of Antony, Cicero said, “Hannibal ad portas!”
(Hannibal is at the gates. This is how badly he viewed Antony and the destruction of Rome from within)
Some of his wisdom would be well heeded even today.
Thanks Yamit. I don’t blame you one bit. Thanks, also, for letting me know a little bit of your background. I know you don’t want to hear this, but if we, here, are able to get Sarah Palin elected, you will see the truest American Admin to Israel in history.
I have a lot of respect for you, your insights, and your opinions, Yamit, you’re a good man.
Bruce O’H:
Look Bruce I was born and grew up in the States, served 3 yrs active duty in fun places like Korea and a short stint in Nam. Graduated USC and masters from BU. I was never into the counterculture movement and stood my ground against them especially when they showed their anti Israel/Jewish agenda.
When I moved to Israel after a time I began to see just how much all American administrations were screwing Israel. Since it takes two to tango I never withheld my criticism of Israel and our leaders. I was shocked into seeing clearly this destructive relationship when the most right-wing government Israel ever had sold us out and ethnically cleansed loyal, patriotic citizens from our homes in the Sinai (Yamit). I have never trusted any Israeli government since and my distrust has not been misplaced based on our history since.
America does not help Israel she bribes Israel for influence both with us and the Arabs, What ever America has given to Israel she has given much more to a combination of our enemies so we are always working to overcome this deficit of comparative strengths. It’s the Americans who have created the arms race in the ME, and Israel can never win such a race.
I don’t really fault the Americans they rightly do what they think is in American interests. I do fault our leaders for willingly being entrapped.
I never said or thought that there are no Americans even Liberal who are pro Israel and support us in varying degrees, but I do question the majority because I don’t see any of that support translated into any actions that change or influence policies not positive to Israel. That includes all previous administrations including of-course the current one. Declarations of support not translated into actions are nice but quite meaningless.
I have never been opposed to real and meaningful support from any source, I’m not that dogmatic or stupid.
Our system is a representative Republic. Unfortunately, over the last 100 years, that has been eroded to the point where Capital Hill actually turns off communications if too many negative incoming messages go against what THEY want to do. Our Reps have turned into our “rulers”. Which has spawned the Tea Party movement.
We replaced a good number of both Dem and Repub Reps in 2010 who chose to vote against the will of the people, and took back the House. We intend to continue those replacements and additionally take the Senate and the White House in 2012. That’s the plan anyway 🙂
Yamit, there really is strong popular support for Israel in America. From two political bases…Conservatives, for political reasons, that’s me, and Evangelical Christians, for religious reasons. While I know you do not appreciate the latter, my contention would be that the reasons would not matter were you in a foxhole with either. And if war comes to Israel, there are many Americans who would volunteer their services to help Israel fight it. Myself included. Though I’m 60 yrs old, I am in excellent physical condition and can drive a truck, if nothing else, to free a soldier up for the front. Some day I’ll tell you the story of my attempt at stowing away on an Israeli freighter moored at the port of Baltimore, when the ’67 war broke out.
America a disinterested observer? I thought that we have continuously stood by with material support, i.e. weapons and funding. Am I wrong about that?
If Israel chooses to stand alone, I would respect that and understand it. I believe if I were an Israeli, I would be of that opinion. In that case, I, personally, would still fight against the evil propaganda of the Left, online, and in my personal circles.
Gee I thought the USA was a Republic where the people rule through their reps. Apparently few of the peoples reps take the peoples will into consideration when it comes to Israel. Therefore the question that comes to mind is 1- What value is such popular support if the POTUS ignores the peoples sentiment?
2- Is there really a strong popular support for Israel, or is it just like saying I prefer Vanilla over Chocolate. I have never seen the American congress block any negative actions by the executive towards Israel. Correct me if I am wrong here.
3-Meaningless nonbinding pro-Israel resolutions by congress cost the members nothing and they might even gain a few Jewish votes and Jewish political donations.
From 1945 to 1967 France was our best friend and Ally. That was at the most critical periods of our history. America was mostly a disinterested bystander during those years.
Here is what the Bible commentator “OHR HACHAAIM”, had to say about the connection between isolation from the gentile and security:
“And Israel dwelleth in safety” – When? When she is isolated. And the word “and dwelleth” is a continuation of what is written above it, that ‘And said: Destroy’, that God commanded Israel to wipe out all the inhabitants of the land, and by so doing, ‘Israel dwelled securely – in isolation’ (Deuteronomy 33:28)
That might well be the understatement of the year.