Dershowitz argues that Obama made a mistake when he failed to demand the abandonment of the so called right of return. Or was it that he called for borders similar to the ’67 lines subject only to land swaps, whereas as he notes, it undercuts Resolution 242. Dershowitz advises that “It also contemplated that Israel would hold onto the Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the access roads to Hebrew University, without the need for any land swaps”. What? No where in 242 does it say anything remotely close to that. It is silent on Jerusalem and silent on the need for swaps. It does call for a “just settlement of the refugee issue” and the set up of “demilitarized zones”. An unbelieveable error on his part. It also called for “termination of all claims and states of belligerency”. On this both Obama and Dershowitz were silent. Furthermore it is understood that by “refugees” the resolution was referring to both Arab and Jewish refugees.
Unfortunately Dershowitz compounds his mistake. He knows that Resolution 242 entitles Israel to “secure borders”. Obviously such borders would go way beyond the “Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the access roads to Hebrew University”, yet he ignores this and writes “The Israelis also know that they will have to end their occupation of most of the West Bank (as they ended their occupation of Gaza) if they want real peace.” In effect this great defense attorney doesn’t defend out right to secure borders. How is he any different than Obama? They both ignore Res 242. They differ only on tactics. Dershowitz expects Israel to negotiate based on ’67 lines rather than Res 242, providing the Arabs give up their alleged right of retun.
In effect, Dershowitz is saying to Israel that she can have secure borders or peace but not both. Ted Belman
Obama’s Mistake
by Alan M. Dershowitz, HUDSON NY
President Obama should be commended for his emphasis on Israel’s security and his concern about Hamas joining the Palestinian Authority without renouncing its violent charter. But he made one serious mistake that tilts the balance against Israel in any future negotiations. Without insisting that the Palestinians give up their absurd claim to have millions of supposed refugees “return” to Israel as a matter of right, he insisted that Israel must surrender all of the areas captured in its defensive war of 1967, subject only to land swaps. This formulation undercuts Security Council Resolution 242 (which I played a very small role in helping to draft). Resolution 242, passed unanimously by the Security Council in the wake of Israel’s 1967 victory, contemplated some territorial adjustments necessary to assure Israel’s security against future attacks. It also contemplated that Israel would hold onto the Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the access roads to Hebrew University, without the need for any land swaps. Land swaps would only be required to make up for any areas beyond those contemplated by Resolution 242. The Obama formulation would seem to require land swaps even for the Western Wall.
Any proposed peace agreement will require the Palestinians to give up the so-called right of return, which is designed not for family reunification, but rather to turn Israel into another Palestinian state with an Arab majority. As all reasonable people know, the right of return is a non-starter. It is used as a “card” by the Palestinian leadership who fully understand that they will have to give it up if they want real peace. The Israelis also know that they will have to end their occupation of most of the West Bank (as they ended their occupation of Gaza) if they want real peace. Obama’s mistake was to insist that Israel give up its card without demanding that the Palestinians give up theirs.
Obama’s mistake is a continuation of a serious mistake he made early in his administration. That first mistake was to demand that Israel freeze all settlements. The Palestinian Authority had not demanded that as a condition to negotiations. But once the President of the United States issued such a demand, the Palestinian leadership could not be seen by its followers as being less Palestinian than the President. In other words, President Obama made it more difficult for the Palestinian leadership to be reasonable. Most objective observers now recognize Obama’s serious mistake in this regard. What is shocking is that he has done it again. By demanding that Israel surrender all the territories it captured in the 1967 war (subject only to land swaps) without insisting that the Palestinians surrender their right of return, the President has gone further than Palestinian negotiators had during various prior negotiations. This makes it more difficult for the Palestinian leadership to be reasonable in their negotiations with the Israelis.
It is not too late for the President to “clarify” his remarks so that all sides understand that there must be quid for quo—that the Palestinians must surrender any right to return if the Israelis are expected to seriously consider going back to the 1967 lines (which Abba Eban called “the Auschwitz lines” because they denied Israel real security).
If President Obama is to play a positive role in bringing the Palestinians and the Israelis to the negotiating table, he should insist that there be no preconditions to negotiation. This would mean the Palestinians no longer insisting on a settlement freeze before they will even sit down to try to negotiate realistic borders. The President did not even ask the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table. Nor did he ask them to drop the condition that he, in effect, made them adopt when he earlier insisted on the freeze.
The President missed an important opportunity in delivering his highly anticipated speech. We are no closer to negotiations now than we were before the speech. My fear is that we may be a bit further away as a result of the President’s one-sided insistence that Israel surrender territories without the Palestinians giving up the right of return. I hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Washington may increase the chances of meaningful negotiations. I wish I could be more optimistic but the President’s speech gave no cause for optimism. I wish it had been different because I strongly support a two-state solution based on a willingness by Israel to surrender territories captured in 1967 coupled with a willingness of the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, to renounce the use of violence and terrorism and to give up any right of return.
Don’t let his professorship at Harvard fool you. Dershowitz may be a savant on legal matters, but he is an idiot on political matters. Outside the courthouse Dershowitz is a pathetic, dissembling moron. In 2008 he said that Obama was a strong supporter of Israel and would encourage more liberals to support Israel. If this doesn’t prove my point nothing will.
How do you prove someone’s “intent”? Sufficeth to say his ACTIONS are destructive.
Dershowitz’s column proves you are wrong when it comes to liberal American Jews. If you don’t believe me, read this and weep:
One top Democratic fund-raiser, Miami developer Michael Adler, said he urged Obama campaign manager Jim Messina to be “extremely proactive” in countering the perception in the Jewish community that Mr. Obama is too critical of Israel.
The Obama campaign has asked Penny Pritzker, Mr. Obama’s 2008 national finance chairwoman, to talk with Jewish leaders about their concerns, Ms. Pritzker said. So far, she said, she’s met with about a half dozen people. She said the campaign is in the process of assembling a larger team for similar outreach.
“I do think there’s an education job to be done, because there’s lots of myths that abound and misunderstandings of the administration’s record,” she said. “The campaign is aggressively getting the information out there.”
Based on the results they produce, on the domestic economy as well as in world affairs, liberals are the stupidest people on the planet – ranking only behind Marxists and socialists.
He is a leader among the liberal American Jews you have been defending for helping elect Imam Obama.
I agree with Melanie Phillips opinion of Deshowitz but would add He is a liberal Democrat before he is a Jew and is a supporter of an Israel that performs according to his Liberal Democratic norms and philosophy.
He can now take all of his pro Israel defense advocacy and dumb them in file 13 as when push came to shove he made his choice of being a Liberal American Über Alles!!!!
I hate Dershowitz and always have.
Only a ZERO like Hussein O could make BB look Presidential. Nothing I can see could make you seem almost Human.
Ted your question reminds me of: Jack Benny: Your Money or Your Life
Isael should state that no peace processes or treaties will be considered until the smoke clears on the “democratic” upheavals in the arab/muslim world. The final outcome as to who governs the “neighbors”, including Jordan will decide much not only directly but also indirectly, because the same neighbors rn Hamas, hezbullah and fatah.
Obama’s speech, and everything Obama does, it seems, has as it objective the generation of Twitter hits (Read the link — I’m not kidding). Bill Clinton used to follow the polls, to see what his conviction of the day should be. Obama seems to think that hits = “good”, in a truly mindless approach toward governing the country. We are as close as we have ever been, to having a robot as President.
You’re right Rongrand. It is Obama that is hurt by his speech. He shot himself in the the foot. He’ll rue the day he made this speech.
Laura your right Obama was motivated by malicious intent
All comments so far from conservatives is PM Netanyahu was scolding Obama. He told him outright at they would not return to the 67 lines.
Let’s face it, the ball is in the Arabs court. 1. They have to recognize Israel as a Jewish State 2. Israel will not negotiate with the Palestinians as long as Hamas is their partner.
Those two (2) things will not occur and Israel should go on and continue to build communities. take complete control of Jerusalem the capital of Israel including all the religious sites.
I must admit I was concerned about the meeting as I believed Obama would try to throw the PM under the bus. As it turned out Obama was thrown under the bus. Amen.
Why does Dershowitz insist the Obama demands are a “mistake” rather than being motivated by malicious intent?