Obama embraces the Saudi Plan

By Ted Belman

Today Obama came out in support of negotiations based on ’67 lines and security for Israel.

He wants borders and security to be finalized before refugees and Jerusalem are negotiated.

He has long supported this approach and the ’67 lines.

Netanyahu in his speech this week demanded the settlment blocs and an undivided Jerusalem. So publically he will restate his position. But it is conceivable that he would keep the blocs by swapping other Israel land in exchange. He has always rejected that borders should be decided first. He doesn’t want to negotiate borders unless their is agreement on no return of refugees and Jerusalem. So the differences are significant. His government will fall before Israel accepts Obama’s terms or the ’67 lines.

Very early on in Obama’s Presidency, Obama said he supported the Saudi Plan. Now he has fully embraced it.

I should point out that Obama’s plan is in violation of Resolution 242 which provided for secure borders and the withdrawal from less than all the land. It also violated the Roadmap and Oslo which are based on it.

Obama also said

    “For the Palestinians, efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure. Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won’t create an independent state,” Obama said.

    “Palestinian leaders will not achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and rejection. And Palestinians will never realize their independence by denying the right of Israel to exist.”

Obama wants to keep Israel shackled by Oslo and the Roadmap.

May 19, 2011 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. I am not surprised by this anti-jewish SOB; I knew all long that he would go that route. He undercut Mubarek, pissed of the Saudis, and now attempts to get back into their good side.
    He said before the 2010 elections; ‘let me get this election over with, and then I’ll take on the jews’!
    Anyone in their right mind supporting him is as sick as he is. Let’s just hope that we make it to 2012 without WWIII!

  2. What is particularly disgusting is that American Jews are with Obama 100 per cent. Easily the most putrid gang of no-goodniks on the face of the earth. They,(the scum of the earth) have given our President Carte Blance. Especially the Jewish establihment such as Bnai-Brith and most Zionist American organizations.

  3. Ted, early this AM I told Caroline Glick and later told Yamit that the PM should not meet with Obama as he cannot and should not be trusted.

    We learned from his speech I was correct.

    PM Netanyahu should not meet with him now, meet with the conservative members of congress and seek their support, returning to Israel.

    If he insist on meeting with the SOB, he should tell him with no uncertain term to shove the plan up his keister (if I misspelled it, I mean up his ass).

    This is proof he is an anti-Semite pretending to be a Christian [for political reasons] who embraces Islam.

    I pray the Israel leadership stands tall and tells hem to f**k off.

    He is disgusting to say the least.

    If this doesn’t wake up the liberal American Jews who drank the Obama kool-aid, they are brain dead.

    I can’t wait to hear Mark Levin tonight. He will rip him a new ass.

  4. You all knew this was coming. So don’t even begin to act surprised. The current president of the United States is on the side of Israel’s enemies, no matter what he says in front of the television cameras. That doesn’t imply that the American people are on their side. But now you know for a fact that this African-Indonesian-Moslem-pretending-to-be-a-Christian south-side Chicago ward healer with an Ivy League law degree is on their side. And if so, why were any of you dumb enough even to imagine it would be different with this man?

    His re-election comes up on the first Tuesday of November 2012. If you care about the State of Israel, if you care about the future of the Jewish nation, then do everything possible to cause that man to be beaten in the next election. That’s really the long and short of it. Mike Huckabee would have been perfect. But Mike Romney would do just fine. So would Sarah Palin. As a matter of fact, almost any Republican candidate capable of getting elected president would be a good replacement for Barack Hussein Obama II. Just remember; you cannot change the policy without changing the government. And for that, you must change sides in American politics. Maybe you will lose anyway. If you can’t even dump the political party that put this scheming snake in power, then you will lose for sure. And even worse, you will have contributed to your own defeat. Which means you will have deserved it. And maybe too, think about quitting the UNO. Let the Pals have your seat in the general assembly. They never have and never will let you take a turn sitting on the Security Council, so what in hell difference does any of that make?

    Real life is unforgiving, implacable and remorseless. You must at long last learn to live by life’s unforgiving, implacable and remorseless rules. There is no substitute for strength and power. And these are achievable only at the expense of somebody else, or in this case, a lot of somebodies.

    So drop all the usual Jewish liberal bullshit. Stop agonizing over why the enemies of the Jewish nation and the Jewish state cannot be converted into friends. Maybe even stop wondering whether or not ha-Shem shortly will float down from outer space and save the Jewish nation, sort of like a cosmos version of the Golem of medieval Bohemia. Maybe things don’t really work the way the comforting legends would have you believe. And for the religious believers among you, think about how ha-Shem may just want to see how well Israel handles this on its own. After all, he left the Jewish nation alone while they were being whipped into line to feed the gas chambers of central Poland.

    But then, you had no country. You had no army. You had no air force. And above all, you had no nuclear and thermonuclear weaponry, and no means for delivering them precisely on target even if you had them.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI