Sheik Qaradawi is back in Egypt

Bad Vibrations From Cairo


Professor William Jacobson of Cornell Law School writes that “the yuppie revolution in Egypt is over.” He points to the return to Cairo, in triumph, of Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who had been exiled by Mubarak. al-Qaradawi spoke to a crowd of, reportedly, more than a million Egyptians in Tahrir Square on Friday.

Sheik al-Qaradawi has been whitewashed somewhat in the liberal press, but he is a hard-core radical Muslim. Discover the Networks has the details. Here is al-Qaradawi on the Jews, in January 2009:

Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hands of the believers.

And on the United States and its efforts in Iraq:

All of the Americans in Iraq are combatants, there is no difference between civilians and soldiers, and one should fight them, since the American civilians came to Iraq in order to serve the occupation. The abduction and killing of Americans in Iraq is a [religious] obligation so as to cause them to leave Iraq immediately.

To be fair, al-Qaradawi did include some conciliatory words in his speech on Friday. For example, he included Egypt’s Copts in his greeting. But his audience knows perfectly well what he stands for. Professor Jacobson posted this video, via Israel Matzav. One of the chants you hear translates, “To Jerusalem we go, for us to be the Martyrs? of the Millions.”

To Jerusalem we go? That could be a big problem for both the U.S. and Israel, whose security policies have long rested on the historic peace between Egypt and Israel.

One of the western media’s favorite Egyptian rebels is Google executive Wael Ghonim. No surprise there: if you had to choose among radical clerics like al-Qaradawi, hooligans like those who assaulted Lara Logan, and a suave, Westernized Google exec, whom would you want to interview? Ghonim was present on Friday and intended to address the crowd, but he was barred from the platform by al-Qaradawi’s security. He left the stage in distress, “his face hidden by an Egyptian flag.” Is Ghonim Egypt’s Kerensky? Well, at least Kerensky got to rule for a while.

I very much hope I am wrong, but I am getting a here-we-go-again sense about events in Egypt and, I am afraid, through much of the region.

February 22, 2011 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Tempus fugit! How people change!

    Just 2 weeks ago Sandmonkey was introduced in a favourable lit by Ted on Israpundit and by Pamela on Atlas Shrugs, very favourably

    It seemed that there was uncertainty about te Eyptian Arab and “yuppie” “revolution”

    Uncertainty for them! I never doubted the protesters like Sandmonkey for a split second. I trusted them to be the true agents of Empire, the disciples in the end of none other than George Soros and the communalism of Barack Hussein Obama

    So I quarrelled right there and then with Pamela and Ted

    Please forgive me dear friends!

    But I had read what Sandmonkey actually wrote and took him/her at their word. It is always good to read what people say!

    He wrote, quite precisely, about the Muslim Brotherhood and on the burning question of the hour:

    Now, just in case this isn’t clear: This protest is not one made or sustained by the Muslim Brotherhood, it’s one that had people from all social classes and religious background in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood only showed up on Tuesday, and even then they were not the majority of people there by a long shot. We tolerated them there since we won’t say no to fellow Egyptians who wanted to stand with us, but neither the Muslims Brotherhood not any of the Opposition leaders have the ability to turn out one tenth of the numbers of Protesters that were in Tahrir on Tuesday. This is a revolution without leaders. Three Million individuals choosing hope instead of fear and braving death on hourly basis to keep their dream of freedom alive. Imagine that.

    Focus on the immortal words of Sandmonkey, courtesy of Ted and Pamela

    “We tolerated them”!!!

    “fellow Egyptians”!!!

    “wanting to stand wit us”!!!

    You see the trap that Jews Are always being led into.

    Ted had introduced this geek like this:

    (with the garish headline along the top of Israpundit)

    Sandmonkey: The revolt is bigger than the Muslim Brotherhood

    By Ted Belman

    (followed by)
    A friend of mine, Michael Totten, has knowN an Egyptian blogger, Sandmonkey, for many years. Solomon’s House just posted Sandmonkey’s Feb 3/11 post. I believe it is an accurate account of events. I goes against the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood is behind events or even controlling events. It gives some hope that the MB won’t take over and in the end destroy any semblance of democracy.

  2. We are headed for war and , maybe, a full world war. No way to escape it at this point. If we fight now or a year from now, does it matter?

  3. Al-Qaradawi conjures up a deja vu feeling, when one recalls the return of Khomeini to Iran back in 1979. Will the recent history of Iran’s transformation into an Islamist-Jihadist state repeat in Egypt?