The international lynch mob is building a head of steam

By Ted Belman

Haaretz published an article today which they have summarized as follows,

    26 former top EU officials, including ex EU chief Solana and former German President Richard von Weizsacker, urge world powers to confront Jerusalem over its refusal to obey international law.

This is what they want.

    They also propose that the EU announce that it will not accept any unilateral changes to the 1967 border that Israel carried out against international law, and that the Palestinian state would cover an area the same size as the area occupied in 1967. This would also include the establishment of a capital in East Jerusalem.

    The leaders recommend that the EU support only minor land swaps on which the two sides agree.

The only trouble is, Israel is not in contravention of international law. Furthermore there is no such thing as “1967 borders”. This line is only an armistace line agreed to in 1949, which agreement specifically said that the line was not a border.

As per usual, the international bodies, distort international law and use it as a club on Israel without regard for the actual law.

Ultimately this will end up in the UNSC and Israel will have to rely on the veto of the US. Even if the US doesn’t veto a Chap VI resolution recognizing such borders, nothing will happen unless they are asked to approve a Ch VII resolution approving sanctions or military force. Of coarse there is nothing to stop the nations of the world agreeing to sanctions among themselves or war for that matter.

Israel has a better chance to survive resisting this pressure, no matter what, then to cave into it.

Remember there is no downside to refusing as the Europeans and Latin Americans are demanding the samething as the Palestinians. So we can’t be worse off by refusing. To get our agreement, they must compromise.

December 10, 2010 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. rongrand,

    I watch FOX most of the time, too. Can you do me a favor and help out by protesting to them, as I often do, about their own Et tu, Brute? treatment of Israel since 2006?

    Sure, they’ve got pro-Israel opinion commentators like Hannity, Beck, and O’Reilly, but even they hardly ever mention Israel. When Bibi made a rare display of balls back in October, for instance, by offering to extend the freeze in exchange for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state – an act on his part which marked the beginning of the end of this stupid “settlement freeze” crap (at least this round, anyway) – this got practically NO coverage on FOX or anywhere else, and not even a mention by the “pro-Israel” opinion commentators listed above. Here was a great opportunity to talk up Netanyahu’s perfectly reasonable, commmon sense position in this case as opposed to Obama’s outright perfidy, and they say NOTHING, as if it didn’t even happen. It is as if they are under orders from their bosses, “If you don’t have anything BAD to say about Israel, don’t say anything at all!”

    As to their straight news reportage, ever since the aftermath of the 2006 war (when, you might recall, two of their journalists were kidnapped in Gaza…wonder what deal transpired….), they are really no better than CNN, ABC, CBS, ad nauseum.

    Ever look closely at their news crawl? Any time Israel comes up, might as well be Al Jazeera, the way it reads.

    Anymore, I no longer consider FOX to be a “pro-Israel” news source. Instead, I consider them the “least hostile” to Israel. Outside of Israeli or Jewish sources, the only major media outlet where Israel gets a fair shake at all anymore is on the Christian Broadcasting Network….the one place I guess Arab/Moslem petrodollars haven’t gotten to yet.

  2. Bedrock says:

    Yamit-Oatmeal: You are both clearly in breech of a standing Israpundit regulation- Absolutely no theological disputations allowed.

    If we had provision for a citizen arrest, I would have you led away in cuffs and leg irons, in orange jumpsuits and you would be cooling of in a correctional facility.

    Whats your choice, dominos, chess or parchesee?

    Hymie if anyone is in breach of ethics , criminal fraud it is you. Besides using 500 different screen names on the same blog, you have impersonated me and others on blogs and talkbacks. How is your favorite cardiologist? At your age…….

  3. Yamit-Oatmeal: You are both clearly in breech of a standing Israpundit regulation- Absolutely no theological disputations allowed.

    If we had provision for a citizen arrest, I would have you led away in cuffs and leg irons, in orange jumpsuits and you would be cooling of in a correctional facility.

    Whats your choice, dominos, chess or parchesee?

  4. Yamit, learn some history. Esau became the country of Edom,

    You are part of Edom and Amalek: Check out your ancestry back 3000 years. I can!

    Edom morphed into Rome, then the Catholic Church, the all Christendom-The West and Now Led by America. America is Edom and Obama is Gog?

    The descendants of Abraham can’t help but be great; even if they don’t become Jews they become people who have a huge impact on the world. Indeed, the greatest enemies of the Jews come from within the family.

    Who is the ultimate enemy of the Jewish people in history? The nation of Amalek. This is the people that epitomize evil and rebellion against God. There is a commandment in the Bible to wipe them off the face of the earth. With Amalek there is no compromise. It’s a fight to the finish. This is a nation whose pathological hatred for Jews is so great that they will show no mercy. Given the have a chance they will wipe the Jews off the face of the earth.

    Amalek is Esau’s grandson through his son Eliphaz. (See Genesis 36:1-15) From this individual named Amalek will ultimately emerge the Amalekite nation-the arch-nemesis of the Jewish people.

    Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who wrote the chief work of the Kabbalah, the Zohar, some 2,000 years, said that “It’s a known law that Esau hates Jacob.” These are the spiritual laws of reality, so to speak, that describe the interaction between the Jews and descendants of Esau. This deep-seated hatred is deeply embedded in the collective conscience of the descendants of Esau and especially concentrated in the descendants of Amalek. As we will see later, the nation of Amalek is no longer identifiable, but his spirit lives on. To understand the relationship and rivalry between Jacob and Esau is understand the deeply-rooted anti-Semitism of those nations that emerged from Rome. No matter what happens, the descendants of Esau are going to hate the Jews.

  5. We Jews know that all of history revolves around the conflict of “Esau hates Jacob”

    — Yamit

    Yamit, learn some history. Esau became the country of Edom, which was annexed by Judea during the time of the Maccabees and forcibly converted. ESAU IS YOUR ANCESTOR.

  6. What’s next, the recognition of Rome, Babylon, Babel?

    Why not? As long as the world allows fantasy to rule over sanity. Looking objectively at history, it seems the world has always favored Fantasy over rationality. We Jews know that all of history revolves around the conflict of “Esau hates Jacob”… All the rest is commentary.

  7. Javier Solana and Mary Robinson calling for Israel’s orderly liquidation? Quelle surprise.

    The Israeli government has no one but itself to blame for European incitement when it remains utterly silent as the Palestinians continue to reject Partition, i.e., a Jewish state in the original Mandate, 63 years after the UN ordered it.

    This point should be front and center every day in every official government statement, publication, and interview. That it isn’t reflects the GOIs fundamental incompetence in controlling the narrative.

  8. Exactly. And as I said yesterday, there is no legal, historical or religious grounds for “palestinian” sovereignty over eastern Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria

    Laura your right on, as usual.

    I have mentioned a number of times the Palestinians are nothing more than an anti-Semite tool used by the Muslim/Arab terrorist world who want to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

    As you know I am a Fox News junkie and it irritates me to see all the liberal American Jewish democratic strategist who support the community organizing pamphlet distributor anti-Semite, pretending to be a Christian incompetent president Barry H O. who embraces Islam.

    They need to get on board and support Israel..

    They should be ashamed. G-d led His people back to the Holy Land and they just don’t get it.

  9. Then Israel should “recognize” Portugal and Spain based on their 1800 borders–which would of course make Brazil and Argentina part of Spain.

    What’s next, the recognition of Rome, Babylon, Babel?

  10. Bill,

    You’re a little late to plan give-backs in that part of Europe. Poland took back Silesia from Germany 55 years ago, in the closing days of World War II in Europe. Austria today is little more than an independent Bavaria, with an imperial city that has largely been devoid of any such functions since 1918. I wouldn’t be surprised if some day they formally request a 21st century anschluss with Germany.

    (Well, maybe not, depending on how the economies of the two countries grow. Also this way, the Germans get two UN seats, as I think they had back in the era of DDR before the wall came tunbling down.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  11. First Brazil, Argentina has followed, and Uruguay has said in 2011 they too will recognize Palestine based on ’67 borders.

    Israel wishes just to be left alone. That will not happen and the Jews will find themselves thrust into the epicenter of global conflict—freedom vs. one world tyranny.

  12. The only trouble is, Israel is not in contravention of international law. Furthermore there is no such thing as “1967 borders”. This line is only an armistace line agreed to in 1949, which agreement specifically said that the line was not a border.

    Exactly. And as I said yesterday, there is no legal, historical or religious grounds for “palestinian” sovereignty over eastern Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria. As for the “settlements”, the very architects of resolution 242, the resolution the anti-Israel crowd likes to cite to claim “settlements” are illegal, have said in their own words that Jews have the legal right to settle.

    None of this has anything to do with legalities but rather the feckless europeans attempting to appease the muslims by sacrificing Israel. They believe this will buy them security but they will find out that appeasing evil will bring greater pain to them down the road. Europe fails to learn from its own history. It will pay a steep price for turning against a great nation with enormous contributions to humanity in favor of barbarians. Israel MUST resist the pressure.

  13. Ted, in the long run, haAaretz is everything; “Haaretz” is nothing.

    As for the European Union, it will wind up being a new German empire. Actually, the German leadership shows signs of being much friendlier to Israel than many of their (economic) satellite states. Will it in fact be a new German empire? As they say, “the hand that signs the paychecks is the hand that rules the world”.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb wI