By Ted Belman
Except for the NYT and some other rags, who continue to support the “peace process” no matter what, many voices in the US are being raised which see through the spin and false hopes.
Cal Thomas, TownHall, in Diminished Capacity, sees the situation clearly.
“Any negotiation that does not lead to the weakening of Israel on the road to its eventual annihilation is of no interest to the Palestinian leadership”.
“There can be no “peace negotiations” unless the Palestinian side is prepared to compromise on its demands. But since those demands include the acquisition of all the land — including those 1949 boundaries that in today’s world would be indefensible against Israel’s numerous enemies — the very word “negotiate” is meaningless.
“The United States is sending another $150 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority on top of the $400 million President Obama promised to send in June. Caroline Glick ( writes about what our money is buying us: “the death penalty for any Palestinian who sells land to Jews, the confiscation of an estimated $1 million in Israeli products, including foods, cosmetics and hardware from Palestinian stores.” This is the equivalent of “protection money” in the days of Al Capone, but it protects nothing except the fiction that propping up the mischaracterized “moderate” Palestinian leadership of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is going to magically deliver peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians.
Before again forcing Israel into concessions, several fundamental questions should be posed to the Palestinians: (1) If your goal is to live in peace with Israel, why does Israel not appear on your maps? (2) In your school textbooks and on TV, why do you continue to denigrate Jews and compare them to pigs and monkeys? (3) Why are young children portrayed in videos as future “martyrs,” dressed in suicide garb, guns in hand, with mock bombs strapped to their chests? (4) What agreements have you made with Israel in the past that you have kept (answer: none) and why should any future concessions by Israel be sufficient to cause you to make peace with the Jewish state, which you won’t even acknowledge as a Jewish state?
All of this posturing is a fiction and, to borrow a phrase from Ecclesiastes, nothing more than “chasing after the wind.” It is not — nor has it ever been — what Israel does or doesn’t do that threatens peace in the region. It is Israel’s existence that riles the Palestinians and every Muslim state. Any negotiation that does not lead to the weakening of Israel on the road to its eventual annihilation is of no interest to the Palestinian leadership. Can anyone prove that statement wrong?
The United States is playing mind games with itself and with Israel’s future. This country thinks people who believe their god has ordered them to kill Jews and others they regard as “infidels” (that would be all Americans and anyone else who don’t embrace Islam) can somehow be persuaded by infidel diplomats, like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (and previous secretaries of state) and politicians like President Obama (and previous presidents) to act in ways that are opposed to what they believe their god has commanded them to do. One might as well believe staunch Southern Baptists can be persuaded to drink alcohol.
A lot must change before anything approaching “peace” between Palestinians and Israelis occurs. Israel has changed and given enough. It is long past time for serious reciprocity from the Palestinian Authority. If none is forthcoming, Israel should keep building and agree to no new concessions.
Ben Smith of Politico, says Obama is a problem
The political peace process to which Obama committed so much energy is considered a failure so far. And in the world’s most pro-American state, the public and its leaders have lost any faith in Obama and — increasingly — even in the notion of a politically negotiated peace.
The Peace Process….aka Jihad.
Unlike the rest of you bloviators, Bibi has to actually run the country. He is probably the best political tap dancer in all of Israel and is keeping everyone confused and driving Yamit nuts who is still working hard to drive a wedge between Israel and its only real ally, the USA.
We saw the fiasco in Canada recently when Stephen Harper went before a Jewish audience to beat his chest and proclaim that he would confront anti-Semitism “no matter what the cost”, which caused several Israpundits to swoon in orgasmic ecstasy, then ran and hid under his desk when he had the opportunity to actually do so at York University. What kind of support can Israel expect from such politically weak-kneed “leadership” when push comes to shove?
On the other hand, Obama has made no secret that he is pro-Muslim and we conservative Americans are working hard to boot him back to Chicago ASAP. I hope the American Jews will help us do this instead of sabotaging the effort with the kind of bogus “reasons” for supporting Obama that we saw from the likes of Alan Dershowitz, Mort Zuckerman, Ed Koch and others.
Bibi will make sure nothing bad happens while Obama is in power – and he will get help from the Palestinians who are determined to sabotage any serious negotiations with Israel because of their unacceptable demands.
The good news is that American aid to Israel continues unabated and even Obama cannot change the overwhelming support for Israel among the American public.
If you want to compare Bibi’s actions to his words, you may conclude that he has gone from Isreali patriot to a craven commie sell out.
Not to me!
Here is a clip of BB after he graduated M.I.T,
His debating points which then were mainstream Labor and Mapai. There was nothing right wing in his debating points. If anything he has moved left of those points today and is no different than Livni,Sharon or Olmeret, The only difference is he still has a hard core of right wing ideologues still in the Likud and that mitigates and restrains somewhat his prerogatives.
In the video clip he ins known as Ben Nitay:
See the Clip Here:”>See the Clip Here:
I have to agree with this. No one can be so stupid and naive at this point in time not to understand the true aim of Israel’s enemies, which of course is the obliteration of the Jewish state.
The Jerusalem Freeze:
1. Obama and Clinton are not naive. They do not want to force Jewish Israel to make a peace treaty with the muslim savages because they believe Israel will be more secure. Rather, like the muslims, they see it as a step which weakens Jewish Israel and leads to its ultimate destruction.
2. Their latest freeze proposal seems pretty dumb. One week before, Obama and Clinton condemned more Jewish building in the Jewish neighborhood of Gilo in “arab east Jerusalem”. Then Netanyahu returns from America saying they (incredibly) agreed that east Jerusalem was “not included in the new freeze”. That was a non-starter with the muslims, and Obama and Clinton now refuse to put it in writing, ending the freeze proposal (for the time being, at least).
3. Netanyahu remains an enigma. It looks like he truly wanted a freeze as well as a solution imposed by Obama and Clinton, yet here he is again emerging unscathed, with his right wing coalition still in control.
4. Tzipi Livni and Kadima voted against the popular referendum on surrendering Jerusalem and the Golan. She said the “elected government” of Jewish Israel has the right to conduct secret negotiations determining the fate of Jewish Israel, accept them in the name of the State of Israel no matter how slim the majority and how strong the opposition, and the Jewish people have no say, but must accept it. That’s how she and Olmert behaved when Kadima previously had power.
5. Livni has now finished her transition from original Likudnik to current post-Zionist leftist. And Kadima has finished its transtion from a “centrist” party to the core of the Israeli left. Labor and Meretz may as well unite with Kadima now, for they are all indistinguishable.
6. However uncertain Netanyahu is, Tzipi Livni and Kadima are frankly dangerous to the continued existence of Jewish Israel.
7. Obama and Clinton will never give up. They will soon be back for more, and Netanyahu will eventually be forced to come out of the closet one way or the other.
8. If the Republicnas cannot save them, then Jewish Israel may have to abandon America (and unfortunately, with no good alternative).