By David Warren, The Ottawa Citizen
There was a moment this week in which I felt very proud to be Canadian. There could be moments like that in any week, but this one was unusual for its cause. It was something done by the government, that invoked principle, and required courage. That made it something rare, to be savoured.
Pride is not always a sin, incidentally. Vainglory is sinful; conceited arrogance, very bad; the kind of pride that attempts to diminish God, downright satanic. The Greeks knew hubris as the deadliest of moral errors; Saints Gregory and Thomas rightly identified self-exalting pride as the “queen bee in the hive” of human depravities. And its vices are manifest in every kind of presumption, down to the most venial claim to be able to do something not within one’s competence. (Modern politicians make their livings on such claims.)
But a certain satisfaction in a job well done — we can wink at that. And when the satisfaction is in a job well done by someone we usually regard as a duffer, well, there might even be something holy in it.
So let us not miss this opportunity to praise the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper. He cost Canada a coveted seat on the UN Security Council, by refusing to sell out Israel. He withdrew our candidacy when it became apparent that the bloc vote of Arab and Islamic states (about a third of the UN membership) had been turned against us; thereby conceding the seat to Portugal, with her more flexible policy of moral appeasement.
In the course of scotching our bid, Harper allowed the announcement of an important trading agreement between Canada and Israel to go ahead, the very day before the vote. This could easily have been disguised or elided.
He likewise demurred on an attempt by the United Arab Emirates to link landing rights for commercial aviation to foreign policy positions.
In addition to organizing opposition to Canada’s Security Council bid, the Emirates have now unilaterally withdrawn Canadian access to Camp Mirage, which we have been using through the last decade in the deployment of our troops to Afghanistan.
In a further move as characteristically petty and childish as it was shoddy, the UAE refused overflight permission to a plane carrying our defence minister home from a visit to Afghanistan.
Among all western nations — not excluding the United States — Canada has taken the clearest stand in defence of Israel’s legitimate rights and interests. We have paid, and we will continue to pay for this. And we should take genuine pride in paying for our defiance of efforts by the Arab and Muslim bloc at the UN to isolate Israel, and make her a pariah.
Words cannot express my contempt for Michael Ignatieff, and other opposition members, who have tried to cloud what they know is a stand on principle.
Canada is not “tilting to Israel.”
Our government is rather maintaining a policy that has been consistent for more than six decades, since the state of Israel was created by the same United Nations after the Second World War.
We have affirmed and continue to affirm Israel’s right to exist, as a Jewish nation — just as she was from the beginning. And in a region where there are many squalid governments, and almost all formally claim to be “Islamic states” — where all except Israel belong to the only explicitly religious international bloc (the Organization of the Islamic Conference) — we rightly refuse to dignify objections to what they call “Zionism.”
The most abhorrent suggestion is that, by refusing to abandon our obligations to Israel, the Harper government is dabbling in “Islamophobia.” This term, through frequent repetition, has become the standard Left-Islamist smear against anyone who contradicts them.
As A. Barton Hinkle, sage of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, was reminding us this week, the term is fraudulent in every possible way. Far from designating some “fear of Islam,” or of Muslims, it is applied exclusively to people who have the courage to oppose their most unreasonable demands. Moreover, it is used as cover for very obvious fear of Islamist reprisals, in the media and elsewhere. The term is thus an Orwellian inversion.
As Hinkle and several others have argued, the perfect example of real “Islamophobia” was provided by prominent newspaper editors across the U.S. the Sunday before last, who pulled an inoffensive syndicated cartoon by Wiley Miller, which merely raised the subject of cowardly self-censorship. (See Internet.)
Our own freedom depends, now and always, upon the refusal to scare so easily; and conversely, on a willingness to pay the price for principled stands.
It depends on unambiguous displays of solidarity against those who advance their cause by intimidation. It depends on “manning up.”
Neither western nor any other civilization was built or nurtured on bedwetting fear.
David Warren’s column appears Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Because they came to the US voluntarily, which they wouldn’t have done if they liked the Canadian system so much.
Before the bill was passed, 85% of our people said they liked our system, but Obama and the Democrats rammed the bill through anyway. 70% now say they want Obamacare repealed.
The Canadian health care system in 100% socialist which is precisely why it’s so screwed up for anything serious.
We want them the hell out of anything to do with our health care system, except impose the law if someone breaks it.
What doctor and patient for the MILLIONS who are on waiting lists for surgery or do not have a primary care physician?
Damn right. We are your safety net for everything. That is why you don’t want our system becoming like yours. Now, you can have the best of both worlds.
Because the US does not do anything proactive to bring them here. They come voluntarily.
85% of Americans said they liked their old system. 70% want Obamacare repealed. Whatever problems existed could have been fixed without making our system as broken as Canada’s and Britain’s.
It is 100% socialist – it doesn’t even allow a private alternative to co-exist with the government run system.
What about those TWO MILLION waiting to see a surgeon or for surgery and the FIVE MILLION who don’t have a primary care physician, according to Dr. Brian Day?
They can come now – but what if Obama had succeeded in making our system like Canada’s?
AE, you are wrong in your take on my views and in some of your views on the Canadian health care system.
1. You say,
You know this how?
2. I don’t dispute our health care system is in serious trouble in a number of ways. Like your system isn’t?
Most of the problems with our medicare system have to do with rising medicare costs.
3. It seems, your country is experiencing the same stresses to your system, but so far at least for those who can afford decent health care insurance, have better access to health care. Those who cannot afford health care insurance always have state hospitals, which are considered as providing a much lesser standard of health care.
4. You are wrong to claim that our medical system is socialism, though it does have socialist aspects.
It is funded by taxes. Tax monies are distributed to regional health authorities to use as they deem necessary, but within the ambit of what is legislated and regulated as being a basic health care standard for all Canadians. Most Canadians already feel taxed far too much and are wanting to stretch the tax dollar for medicare further by reducing inefficiencies rather then being taxed more.
Then again, I expect the US Federal and state governments also legislate and regulate regarding standards of medical care.
Primary basic health care is extended to all Canadian citizens, rich and poor alike.
Private extended health care benefits can be purchased in Canada from insurance companies. This insurance covers for instance things like semi or private rooms, and certain treatment modes such as physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy over and above what amount of treatment, might be covered or contributed to by medicare.
4. As to care and treatment, generally speaking that is between doctor and patient. There are some infrequent exceptions. For example medicare will not pay for certain elective treatment or treatment taken in the States beyond what medicare would pay for such treatment in Canada. If however, a patient required treatment, surgical or otherwise and that treatment was not available in Canada, Medicare would pay the costs.
5. You are correct that those Canadians who do not want to wait for surgery, diagnostic tests and treatment, if they can afford it, can and do go to the States to receive whatever medical attention they require on a timely and in many cases a far more timely basis. Medicare may pay for some of those costs in accord with what it would pay in Canada. That amount would be less then the cost of such treatment in the States.
Retreating from a fight to be on the UNSC is similar to Canada’s “principled” decision to not join in bringing Saddam Hussein to book and liberating Iraq.
America is drawing Canadian doctors is like saying America made Israel withdraw from Gaza and how America elected Hamas in Gaza. Intellectually vapid. The doctors came on their own because they cannot stand the Canadian socialist health care system.
Your stirring defense of the Canadian socialist health care system, which BTW, is imploding just like socialism did wherever it has been tried, was rubbished by the current and previous presidents of the Canadian Medical Associations. The former, Ann Doig, said the system was imploding. The latter, Brian Day, said there were ONE MILLION Canadians on waiting lists for surgery and ANOTHER MILLION waiting to see a surgeon to get on a waiting list for surgery. he also said that there were FIVE MILLION Canadians who did not have a primary care physician. He sad that the system would bankrupt Canada if reforms were not instituted.
This is shameful for a population of some 34 million. With such a small population a free market system should have been better than what we have in the US. Instead, it is the US system where most of the new developments in medicines and procedures are developed, and it is the US where Canadians come for tests and treatments when they want to live, and it is the US where the Saudi kings and princes come for treatment when they could go anywhere they wanted.
No one goes to Canada for health care by choice.
Wise up. Socialism hasn’t worked anywhere and it is not working in Canada either, except to bring everyone down towards the least common denominator.
BTW, Obamacare, which tries to make the US system like Canada’s will be repealed before it is implemented. Then we will build a system that makes more sense for all Americans based on free market principles and special programs for those who cannot help themselves.
I just posted a further comment that is gone.
AE saying Canada put its tail between its legs is a euphemism for cowardice. To the contrary, Harper would not back off or compromise his positions vis a vis supporting Israel to get the votes needed to win a seat at the UN Security Council. That to me is bravery.
I could go on in that regard, but I noted a number of other points in that regard in another post or two.
As for taking a shot at America, that is not so. I have however, taken issue with certain positions of Obama and presidents before him.
As for the waiting lines in Canada for surgery, that is a concern, but not so much as American conservatives/Republicans made out. Canada for instance priorizes surgeries according to the severity of the condition. They are sometimes wrong and a relative few people waiting for surgery either die or suffer more permanent conditions that surgery can no longer fix.
One of the reasons for waiting lines for surgery however, is because America is drawing doctors from Canada with offers of greater remuneration. Doctors make a lot more in the U.S. than Canada, not that doctors in Canada would be considered poor.
The amount of money doctors make in the States of course contributes to the higher costs of medical care.
In fact, America’s much admired ingenuity, industriousness and inventiveness has contributed to higher medical costs in a number of ways.
Americans have come to feel it is their right to have the best care in as timely a manner as possible. Trying to meet American’s expectations, adds to medical costs.
The drug and bio-medical engineering companies invest a fortune in research and development to improve on the new drugs, diagnostic therapy machines every year. That too contributes greatly to the cost of medical care.
Insurance companies have to fix premiums according to risk assessed, the cost of diagnotics, treatment and care and of course to allow for profits to satisfy their shareholders.
There are many factors contributing to the rising cost of health care in the States that spill over and impact Canada.
That Canada is a nation of about 34 million, it does not have the advantage that America should have with economies of scale given your population is almost 10 times Canada.
It strikes me however, given the health care costs being such a problem in the States, I suspect that economies of scale are not taken full advantage of because of a number of factors, including political considerations.
OK, OK! Simmer down. I did not say that Canada showed cowardice – just that there are some things worth fighting for. What the hell does it mean when you guarantee a result by withdrawing and taking your ball and running home? They should have known Susan Rice by now, and used more pressure on her to support them. Now thay have to wait two more years before she will be gone.
No AE, I am not being irritable. I pointed out just how wrong you were to accuse me of inventing some report out of whole cloth.
I did not mention America’s lack of support for Canada’s candidacy to state it was right, wrong, advisable or that the report I read told the whole story. I merely stated I had read a report on that issue.
You are of course free to state that you don’t care what Avni, Frum and others reported in that vein or that America may have been justified in not supporting Canada.
That is quite a separate and distinct issue from the one you made an issue, being your accusation that I had invented such report and that it was mythical.
I did not take issue with you in that respect to gloat over a “gotcha moment”, though on that matter I did get you. I simply would not let pass your falsely accusing me.
As for your statement that Canada showed cowardice, I disagree with you. The issue is not great enough for me to take you to task on that. I have previously noted some reasons for Canada’s actions on that score.
Bill Narvey,
I see you are becoming irritable when cornered like Yamit and Max do.
Why would I care what Benny Avni and David Frum have opined. That’s just their opinion.
The current anti-Israel US administration is one I oppose, so whatever they choose to do doesn’t surprise me.
However, the fact is that Canada put its tail between its legs and withdrew without putting up a fight and pressuring the US to support their candidacy.
AE, get stuffed. Here is one of the articles I had read, but could not find when I posted my comment #28.
Support for Israel Costs Canada Seat on U.N. Security Council – America All But Disappeared in Maneuvering by Portugal, Brazil, and Cuba,
Here is another article by David Frum:
If you are going to accuse me of inventing things, it would be prudent to do your homework first and make sure you have a case to make.
Bill Narvey,
You musn’t be much into sports. Regardless of what the armchair experts think, you still don’t know the outcome without playing the game. What Canada did was to guarantee it would not be elected.
I suggest you look up your backside where you may find this mythical report.
You make up this “evidence’ out of whole cloth and then use it to take a cheap shot at the country that will help you live if they put you on one of those MILLION man waiting lists for surgery because Canada cannot afford any better.
Thanks for confirming that in Canada the loonies run the asylum. This explains Max’s Mad Max movie scripts. He must belong to the Canadian “superclass”:-))
A.E. You have it all bass ackwards. In Canada its the insane that lock up the sane. Dont expect any Reeeeal loonies to be locked up for toooo long here.
Bill Narvey,
What about the following excerpt by Max, who may be auditioning for script writer for future Mad Max movies, produced by Harvey Weinstein, Jewish member of the superclass but one who doesn’t run Hollywood, and starring Mel Gibson, one of Max’s favorite anti-Semitic actors.
Would this insightful excerpt not qualify him to be put on a waiting list to see a psychiatrist in Canuckistan?
They have enough wealth and capital to provide health care for all for the next thousand years or forever. They throw a few scraps of their profits to workers and they say to fight amoung yourselves over these scraps like wild animals – and people do – and they help the Superclass murder the Innocent.
The superclass simply wishes to get rid of and murder all those who they cannot use to make a profit. But first for those who are sick they will take from them everything they may have personally accumulated before they abandon them to die. For those who have nothing , they get nothing.
Only the Superclass gets everything they need and want. They fool the middle class into thinking they will get something but they abandon them as well as soon as they become a liability.
Every normal person will be possibly murdered by them in one way or another, the Serf class simply never gets the care and medication they need – for instance not even simple allergy medications – they must suffer their whole live simply for the crime of being ordinary human beings and yet the superclass get whatever they want or need.
They are all murderers as equally evil as every fascist Imam , and Nazi. Anyone who helps them or assists them with propaganda etc is equally guilty of murder and crimes against humanity. There is a special place in H— reserved for all of these “people”
Max, I disagree with AE’s characterization of your writing only because I don’t see how he, like all others at Israpundit, can get enough out of it to figure out what you are talking about and to what purpose.
AE, you are splitting hairs to suggest that Canada withdrew and therefore was not rejected. It was the certainty of rejection that led to Canada withdrawing.
Both you and Yamit are making a mountain of a debate over a semantical molehill.
What I do find disturbing however, is how some of the Canadian media are portraying the situation. The following summarizes some of those Canadian media reports:
It is not PM Harper who should be humiliated, for having stood on principle and not backed down in spite of the resounding rejection of his principles by a UN run by a collection of antisemites and nations who refuse to denounce them out of fear that their own interests will be compromised.
Those Canadian media that put this humiliation spin on PM Harper’s stand on principle, humiliate themselves.
Incidentally there was a report, I could not quickly locate that stated that while all this rejection of Canada was going on, American UN representatives sat with their thumbs up their behinds and and their mouths closed tight.
Some friend America is to Canada. This is just one more instance where American declarations of friendship ring hollow.
Re. your request for corroboration that Canada withdrew from consideration, therefore could not have been rejected, please first provide us with corroboration that you understand English. Without this any corroboration I provide will make no sense to you.
Also, I have no way to corroborate that Israel did not desperately need the BILLIONS in cash and kind we have been GIVING them all these years, other than the common sense that you seem devoid of.
I have no idea how Harper can be as conservative as he may like to be within the context of running minority government. Yet narrow-minded cheap shot artists like Warren can blithely dismiss him as a duffer. This illogic makes Warren the real duffer kin my never humble opinion. If Warren were a true conservative he would have been helping Harper, not his political enemies.
This is like Laura, Max and Yamit, who profess to be conservative supporters of Israel but called me, a REAL conservative supporter of Israel, an Islamofascist sympathiser because I had the nerve to observe that all one billion plus Muslims around the world were not rabid jihadis. These geniuses don’t even seem to know that the primary victims of Islamic terrorists are innocent Muslims who get in their way.
I have no idea what Max is other than a potential writer of creative and imaginative movie scripts in the Mad Max genre about a mythical superclass and their plans to murder every American so that they can then have the entire country to themselves – all 10 of them.
If Harper is a duffer, using the same standard, his predecessors must have been complete dithering morons by comparison.
-Harper is running a minority government, which so far has been less common than majorities in Canada. He reasonably sees Canadian public opinion as being essentially centrist, with a leftist bias; and it seems he is more interested in staying in power than being a conservative. Understandable, but for those who judge him on his earlier-professed conservatism, he is a duffer, now running, for example, the largest deficit (in dollars, if not as a percentage of the GDP) in Canadian history, and now refusing to do anything about the anti-free speech provisions in the “human rights” code that he in an earlier life declared to be tyrannical. There are other examples.
All I want to say to Max is that he shows the signs of Gnosticism. When I was younger, someone pointed out the same to me and, upon study of what that meant, it was a great help in growing intellectually. For an intro to Gnosticism, I would recommend, for starters, the various web-published essays of Thomas Bertonneau.
Your opinion is worthless and just BS without corroboration. I gave you just that and you contest it’s veracity but don’t come up with something other than your opinion which we have found wanting in the accuracy and truth dept. QED. (I don’t mean here Quick Easy Dirty either. 😉 )
If Harper is a duffer, using the same standard, his predecessors must have been complete dithering morons by comparison.
You have far too much common sense to keep up with the outer-worldly insights of SuperMax, who would make a fortune if he really wrote scripts for Mad max movies about what the world would be like after his mythical superclass got done with murdering all of them. Karl Marx must be smiling in his mausoleum about such incisive insights by one of his best disciples as shown below.
In No. 12 Max tried to deny all this, until I outed him.
Canada withdrew, ipso facto, it could not have been rejected. QED.
Wise up.
PROVE IT. I showed you mine, show yours, that is if yours is not another….
Bill Narvey,
It is well known that the UN is a useless body when it comes to solving conflicts or even being an unbiased arbiter. The one-sided way way in which they deal with Israel, the way they dealt with Iraq between 1991 and 2003, when Bush 43 basically told them to go screw themselves, their refusal to accept a US resolution declaring the killings in Darfur a genocide, are all recent examples of this.
The reason for this is that banana republics and communist and Islamic tyrants have basically the same power in the General Assembly, and UNSC is a little better but only because the US has a veto. This is why we needed Canada on the UNSC. India is now a member and we will just have to see how they operate, especially since recent polls show that a far higher percentage of Indians support Israel than even the US and certainly Canada. Since they are also a jihadi target like Israel and the US I would hope they will insist that Palestinian aggression and intransigence be condemned when some anti-Israeli resolution is being considered, or join the US in voting against it.
I have no idea how you know what Harper saw, all of which he should have known going in. What did Canada gain by withdrawing? They should have stayed in and fought for the seat, and shown up those who voted against them for the anti-Semites they may be. Withdrawing got those countries off the hook while not benefitting Israel one bit.
BTW, I hope you are seeing what a good script-writer Max would be for the next Mad Max movie starring Mel Gibson. Like a good liberal, in No. 12 above, Max tried denying what he had written before about some mythical American superclass plotting to murder everyone else in America, which would leave the US with a population of about 10 people to twiddle their thumbs. Then, when I made him eat his own words, he has now changed course again and pulled out a list of the biggest looney tunes in the universe, who have all reached positions of eminence among the far left wing fringe without ever once being right about anything. Of course Noam Chomsky is at the head of the list, I’m sure every Jew in the world looks up to old Noam along with George Soros as shining examples of superior intelligence.
If anyone researches the most affluent ethnic communities in America since about 1980, the top three when ranked by family income are Indians, Japanese and Filipinos. Either Max’s superclass are asleep at the switch, or they will murder these three communities first.
The article posted by Yamit is bogus because it says that Canada was rejected, which is clearly false.
Canada Punished in UN for Backing Israel
AE, Canada did not concede the UNSC seat to Portugal, but rather conceded to reality.
The OIC, comprising about one third of the UN votes, was against Canada being part of the UNSC. That opposition was due to their fury at Canada’s stance regarding Israel, which for them goes way beyond what they will tolerate. They will of course not tolerate much when it comes to anyone speaking out in support of Israel.
Then there are the many UN member 3rd world and developing nations who sympathize with the Palestinians and thus are against Israel. Add to that the EU that is anti-Israel for reasons that have been canvassed here.
Portugal, hardly the model of an economically and politically successful society, had their hat in the ring for the position on the UNSC.
PM Harper saw that it was his government’s Mid East policies and in particular those policies vis a vis the Israel vs. Palestinian conflict that were losing Canada votes for election to a seat on the UNSC.
PM Harper saw that the votes Canada was losing were going to the innocuous and weak state of Portugal, also vying for a seat at the UNSC table.
Harper was not prepared to compromise his principles that led him to establish his Mid East policies, just to get a seat on the UNSC.
Seeing support for Canada’s being elected to the UNSC gone in favour of Portugal, there was no point in letting Canada’s name stand for election.
Consider however, how the UN elects people to the position of UN Secretary General. Its pretty much a foregone conclusion that the only candidates who are elected to that office are ones who are decent administrators and diplomats who exemplify and speak for the unprincipled principle of the UN that the might of the majority UN votes makes right.
Sorry about the typo…
..They left you off
Best Regards
I know what you are. It would be more impressaive if you used your talents in a more constructive way rather than trying to impress us.
BTW….check the super list…you off
The Superclass is not a secret or a conspiracy , it is an open book to anyone who wants to read it. You will simply never see any organ of the MSM that wants to discuss this or want anyone else to understand this.
To ignore Ethe superclass is to all social reality.
You cannot understand international and domestic politics without understanding how the Superclass rules and what they are their motivations and what kind of a world they are making. You can’t even understand such a simple thing as Harper without understanding the Superclass.
The experts disagree as to how they function, but nobody believes they are “Mythical”.
The time to understand this is now, not when you are looking into the Soylent vat.
AE – now you have quoted me correctly, thanks for reposting it. Maybe the message will get across to someone.
It is not the cartoon statement, taken out of context that you previously posted.
New ideas and insights unfamiliar to the masses and the ignorant must be presented in whole, in entirety or they cannot be understood.
As for yourself, apparently you still do not understand what I wrote.
You can also add to the above that the Superclass have murdered millions of human beings simply by withholding their fair share of the wealth and maintaining fascist control over the such that they have forced the masses to live in conditions that result in poverty, suffering, misery and premature death – in effect withholding their evolutionary birthright as human beings and turning their lives into the lives of disposable animals.
Mythical? They have names, addresses, wealth statistics holdings, families Go to any listing in the library or Internet and you will see who they are and who they aren’t.
Obama and Harper are not members of the Superclass, though the Bushes are.. They have nowhere near the wealth and power to qualify, they serve as Mandarins to the Superclass. Every decision of Government is made to assist the superclass both politically and economically.
They would like to be, after a few generations their descendent’s may become part of the nobility.
AE is condemned to the effects of his own ignorance. His ignorance is self-willed and self-inflected. Without any knowledge of who controls society he cannot set himself free.
If the superclass or power elite is so mythical why have so many sociologists studied it for the last century?
What is it that you know, AE that all those great sociological minds did not?
Or is it simply that you are their self-appointed propagandist engaging in political denial as a method of supporting them and their various agendas?
Of course it is. That is the way it works. You have been indoctrinated to support the system, not knowing what tit is and not understanding it and indoctrinated not to challenge, confront or investigate it.
This is part of your identity disease. You think you are “America” you think you are the Superclass.. The reality is that the real America is not you or any of the 99.9 percent of the population that live in it. The Superclass is America they are the wealth and power, the rest of you are disposable units of production.
I love it when Yamit and Max are brought face to face with their previous comments and then try to deny what they wrote and run and hide:
In the comments section of the post titled, “It’s official: Israel stands alone!” a clearly disoriented Max wrote on October 15, 2010 at 8:38:43 pm
Speaking of some mythical American “superclass”:
They have enough wealth and capital to provide health care for all for the next thousand years or forever. They throw a few scraps of their profits to workers and they say to fight amoung yourselves over these scraps like wild animals – and people do – and they help the Superclass murder the Innocent.
The superclass simply wishes to get rid of and murder all those who they cannot use to make a profit. But first for those who are sick they will take from them everything they may have personally accumulated before they abandon them to die. For those who have nothing , they get nothing.
Only the Superclass gets everything they need and want. They fool the middle class into thinking they will get something but they abandon them as well as soon as they become a liability.
Every normal person will be possibly murdered by them in one way or another, the Serf class simply never gets the care and medication they need – for instance not even simple allergy medications – they must suffer their whole live simply for the crime of being ordinary human beings and yet the superclass get whatever they want or need.
They are all murderers as equally evil as every fascist Imam , and Nazi. Anyone who helps them or assists them with propaganda etc is equally guilty of murder and crimes against humanity. There is a special place in H— reserved for all of these “people”
While the risk of neo-feudalism is real enough given current trends, Max nonetheless reads like a Gnostic who pathetically tells us we are not at the level to grasp his special insight. One might go back and reflect on Warren’s take on humility.
Warren, by the way, is no liberal. He calls Harper a duffer because on all issues of concern to conservatives he is, the one exception being Israel, which is something of a mystery and hence probably indeed a question of faith or principle. Harper shows on almost every issue what Canadian politicians I’ve known have told me personally: they are totally obsessed with public opinion. And indeed, anthropologically, it seems to me there can be no society, including elitist tyranies, in which power is not dependent on a trade in opinion.
Of course, there is an economic elite but they hardly have the power of life and death in their hands and anyone familiar with the laws governing financing of Candian political parties would not make grand statements about how easy it is for a few to buy politicians. The political class are not incapable of taking care of their own.
Canada and North America have some billionaires. But in a world where government budgets and deficits dwarf even the largest collection of private wealth, it is silly to suggest it is the economic elites and not the bureaucratic classes who collectively, if not individually, have the most power.
I said no such cartoon statement.
Not a word of which you understood or care to understand. It’s not wasted, I write to clarify my own thoughts and develop my research , not for trolls – it goes into the files and eventfully refined and polished will be published elsewhere where it will have a more effective result.
I not only can backup all my research I can use it to explore the social world and provide information, answers nd investigations – all of which can be used to stop and reform the fascism of the existing power elite.
There is a point, a purpose to social analysis. Social analysis without intent is meaningless.
Just such as AE’s intent is to support superclass fascism and the American way of the Superclass Insurance Companies profiting on death and suffering.
Bill Narvey,
Where have you been, man? Did you miss the Mad Max-style movie scripts that Max has been writing where a “superclass” rules America and are going to MURDER everyone else, ostensibly by withholding health care from them. That will drop America’s population from 320 million odd now, give or take 12 to 20 million illegal aliens, down to about 10 “super-citizens”. I’m not kidding. He actually wrote a lengthy hypothesis on this subject.
If the conservative P.M. of Canada, Stephen Harper, supports Israel strongly in tangible terms, it is about time and to be commended. Canada may have always suported Israel’s right to exist, but has done little else in tangible terms. So, good for Harper. Yet the obviously liberal author, David Warren, does not lose an opportunity to abuse Harper as a duffer.
However, can someone please explain to me how conceding a UNSC seat to Portugal, which is more likely to appease the Arab block, helps Israel?
Among the many dictatorships at the UN we now have TWO huge democracies where the vast majority of citizens are supportive of Israel in the UNSC, America and India, but we sure could have used a pro-Israeli Canada in the UNSC as well.
To you it is “cynicism” because you have an identity disease, to me it is just critical analysis. You can only hear positive things about some label “Canada” you have in your mind or else your ego suffers annihilation. That label means so many things it has no meaning as a singular entity in terms of social analysis, yet to your ego it is a simple cartoon.
You need to feel important so you attach your identity to an illusion which you dare not investigate with critical analysis. You have no way to genuinely empower yourself except to try to believe you are some illusion outside of yourself. So you will accept any lie or distortion to try to maintain your illusion, This identity disease was induced in you through propaganda and socialization in your education all directed by the Superclass or Power Elite.
Incredible! What a statement of absolute ignorance, But I do believe you. That is how the fascists maintain power by creating ignorance in the population. You have to have an attitude of blind unquestioning obedience to authority or “the system” to have have such ignorance.
Go to the library , go to the bookstore, go to the University go to the internet and search. Go anywhere but the MSM where you will only find obfuscation and fairy tales about the nature of power in your society. To a nation propagandized about “truth” through the MSM , if something is not mentioned in the MSM , if it is not on TV,it doesn’t exist – This is the primary method of social control by the MSM – it is their mission – to define reality for the masses.
It’s your responsibility, no one can show you what you don’t want to know, I m not going to try to enlighten anyone of your type someone who is living in hostile denial.
My post is only a fishing line in the wind addressed to those who have gone beyond your level.
I’ve told you before , this is beyond your level, you needn’t read my posts, it’s better for you if you don’t.
you, not anyone like yourself could not possibly understand it. It is not a matter of intelligence, it is a matter of social conditioning and culture,
You will only know that the information upsets you and makes you angry all the while your own denial prevents you from “understanding” it, Your emotion and hostility reveal that you do “understand” and feel threatened by these ideas it on a deeper level , the level that you vigorously try to suppress.
And what I write is enough of a threat to you that you must try to vigorously condemn them as “incomprehensible” which is your deceit. You understand perfectly and you feel intensely threatened by these ideas. You do not want clarification, it is so threatening to you you want to obfuscate it for any others that might read it.
My posts are perfectly clear, well though out and logical. It is your mind that is unclear and that is not my responsibility. You have an identity disease that you can’t understand and don’t want to understand, you are incapable of critical analysis of your own society.
Critical investigation means asking critical confrontative questions of the process and structures which you you revere and have placed on an untouchable pedestal, When you can do it you will lose your illusions and delusions will have to give up your security in felling good about these illusions but you will come into the world of normal reality where things can be seen in a simple blasé way for what they are.
Until you can so this you will never understand anything but the simple MSM fairy tales that you want to hear.
This is also the key to our freedom. If citizens groups can get together and start to confront the government and the msm and encourage people to look at and demand answers about the relationships between the Superclass and their political servants we will have the beginning of enormous social change.
If people can become aware of what the Superclass sis dong ,they will demand a government that will change these things. No current government or Party will change these things because they have their existence predicated on the corruption and fascism of the superclass.
For the Narvey’s of the world and all the opponents of freedom an organization ahas to be created so ewe can just point to it and all it’s platforms as Representatives of an entire movement.
This is a new paradigm , old to all sociologists but 100 percent new to the public mind.
It is incredible how the Superclass has manged to prevent the public consciousness from investigating them and deflecting that consciousness to meaningless controversies about politicians. Power is run from money and from those who have virtual control of all the money and wealth, That should be obvious.
But the good thing is now,both Wester Economic Fascism and Islamofascism have reached a tipping point in the public consciousness, It has become so obvious it is getting impossible to deny for both of these things. The opportunity is now for a new political party to appear, one that is based on democracy, openness, accountability and capitalism and will oppose the fascism of the Superclass.
The question “What power elite? “ has already been answered in many many books, The problem is the masses don’t read the books, they watch TV and are defined by the MSM. The whole problem is to get this concept out to the public mind and drill them in it. This one concept will reform the west.
So an organization dedicated to reform society based on examination of the power methods of the Superclass is needed. It will be a very hard fight, they will use the laws and all their wealth to destroy any such organization. The organization will have to point to various things int the Superclass control and demand answers. The Superclass and the Politicians will counter attack with lawsuits protesting invasion of privacy conducting smear campaigns labeling (people “conspiracy theorists”) etc. They virtually own the laws and have created them to maintain their power and and they will use their wealth to suppress all public awareness of what they are doing,
Private awareness and sociologist’s books don’t matter to them, for now, what matters is if the masses should become aware or investigate them,For that they will use their full power to oppose. I don’t like Noam Chomsky as a leftist but he understands everything that I do. He told a University newspaper that they thought they were free, but if they become a threat to the power elite , they will be annihilated. It is true, but let’s not hope it is completely true. There is always hope.
And that fact there, the refusal to be open with the public reveals the utter fascist nature of the North American Superclass and predicts the absolute Dystopian H__ they are creating and will create for all their serfs.
A critic may call me “Cynical” , but by understanding the nature of power in society , I see hope, real hope. I have said to people many times, if you can simply understand the society you live in the solutions to the problems will become blindingly obvious and you wil simply implement them as a person gulps for air – they will immediately make their civilization into a paradise. Superclass propaganda says over and over again why things can’t be solved and why the Serf class must be created and live in misery. simple awareness of what they are doing can make the answers blindingly clear and the board can be cleared of the evil mess they have made.
It is natural to breathe and it is natural to correct a problem once it is seen.
For those such as Narvey who are living in denial, there can be no solutions, What he calls cynicism is hope and what he pretends is optimism is a condemnation to misery, suffering and totalitarianism.
The Narvey’s of this world are the created products of the Superclass whose existence they feign ignorance. The Narvey’s of this world will conduct propaganda to “guard” the existing system of fascism against reform. They will use every tactic and smear possible to try to prevent the public from understanding the true mechanisms and nature of power in their society. They will pretend not to “understand” descriptions of the nature and the existence the power elite at the same time vigorously attacking those descriptions hoping that the audience wil not understand nor think about what they deny.
The fascists who rule North America have no shortage of System dogs willing to defend them while at the same time denying their existence.
Max, your cynicism knows no bounds. You speak of missing the big picture. It may be a big picture to you, but frankly it is so out of focus that all sense is lost.
What superclass or power elites are you speaking of that Harper is subservient to?
You ask those who challenge you on your theory of Canadian realpolitik or at least the realpolitik that applies to the Harper government, to provide investigative research to prove you wrong.
Its kind of difficult to do that Max when no one can make heads nor tails about what you are talking about and you fail to provide your own investigative research that presumably will more coherently make whatever point your are trying without success to make.
So Max while you can’t make your point comprehensible, make at least a bit of an effort to provide us with research that clearly makes the point you are trying in vain to make and which backs that point up.
I am nowhere near off base, you are simply not seeing the bigger picture. I didn’t say it was a vote getting stand. What you say is true, only within the smaller picture which doesn’t have a totally comprehensive foundation.
The men who runs society and their groomed mandarins like Harper think they are moral, but they always have a self-serving exclusionary morality. So they are not “moral” at all.
He works for the Superclass and that is not off base. All else is subservient to his higher authorities. Nobody who works for the Superclass has “principles”.
North America is ruled by Economic fascists who have control of the Government and the MSM. The Superclass sponsors the parties with their corporate donations and groom and vete each candidate.Without their approval they simply do not get into the political establishment. Everything comes from those who have the power.
Harper is nothing, he is only the servant of those who have the power, he was chosen for his attitudes and encouraged to have them . He will defer to and heed the back room suggestions and telephone calls of his true backers who are not the Canadian people but the members of the power elite. He will continue to serve the power elite in and out of office. When he is not PM he will simply move to executive management of one of the power elites corporations. All of these people have their future in lock step with the Superclass , not the Canadian people.
Every politician in the establishment has been sponsored and supported by the Superclass. That is the only way they can get into the political Establishment. None of thems serves the interests of anyone else except the Superclass.
If Nor ht Americans ever want freedom they must demand that all personal connections between the Superclass and the Establishment politicians be severed and be publicly monitored. Watchdogs must guard all communications between the Power elite and the Politicians,and watchdogs must inspect all personal financial records of the politicians. No politician should ever be allowed to work in executive capacity for the Superclass, before or after office. They will have to dedicate themselves to ordinary honest lives or not at all.
The relations between the Superclass and the Establishment politicians is totally unexamined, unexplored and unchallenged by North American Citizens. If citizen’s groups ever start to investigate this that will be the beginning of their freedom. Everything I say and more, much more can be proven by inspection. While everyone has be being obfuscated by false issues the corporate powers have used the Government and the legal system to make themselves all powerful, invincible and immune from destruction. The system now works totally for them.They, with their 95 percent share of the wealth have had no recession , no depression, They have had an ascendancy a triumph!
You will find they don’t want to be inspected and for good reason – because they have used the legal system and their political servants to establish a Fascist State based on economic Fascism, not political fascism.
If what I say is not true – show me the investigative research which prove the opposite. Show me the analysis and the research. It isn’t there, it will never be. Every single sociological investigation shows the existence of a fascist superclass in North America in total control of the MSM and the using the politicians as it’s servants.
The only defense the system advocates have is to denounce their critics as “crazy” because there is no defense from the honest inspection of the power system
< For those who think they can just sell out the lower classes and escape it, understand that nobody but the nobility will escape in this new age of technology. The Judas function of the middle class has been made obsolete by the microchip and other technology.
Like Galileo said "the world still spins" , deny it all you want, just like the CBC and CTV deny Islamofascism, The economic Fascism of North America still exists and the corruption between the Political Establishment and the Power Elite overrides all other things and all other "principles".
This corruption is the founding principle and the very definition of North American Civilization.
Harper is a Christian who UNDERSTANDS the persecution of the Jewish people. When there was a plot to MURDER him by extremist Muslims he just shrugged it off. He WONT ALLOW the whitehouse to dictate to him. I have not been a big fan of Harper but I do admire his support for Israel even if his reasons are more religious than practicle.
Max. You’re way off base. I know harper and Kenny and Day and many others. They are all very principled. Their support of Israel is not a vote getting stand but they it anyway, because it is right.
“Proud to be a Canadian” has no meaning in this context. You can’t take a multitude of groups and people and events and slap an unitary label on them. You can only take things one by one.
What fool would give a universal endorsement to a wide multitude of various agendas? Only under special circumstances such as war when all groups are untied in a common cause could that be possible.
People need to look out for having their identities manipulated by evil subgroups within society.
Harper works for the Canadian Superclass not the Canadian people. We don’t know why he did this nor what his agenda is nor how far he would go nor how he would turn.
Voting for the superclass sponsored politicians is a matter of balancing rats, hoping to put in the rat which will do the least damage and induce the lest repression.
I don’t think the Superclass support of Israel is anything to get too enthusiastic about, If anyone does they are bound to get disappointed.
The Superclass is playing a double game. On the one hand they know they are at war with Islamofascism because they want to be the winning fascists. On the other hand they want Islamic oil and they want the population to be divided, in conflict and disempowered so they use Islamification to pacify their own masses.
It is not contradictory for the Superclass to support two seemingly opposite points of view EG Opposing and enabling Islamofascism. The reason for this is that they have a third point of view and another agenda , namely entrenching their power and wealth. That is the only thing that counts to them, for which they will sacrifice our entire civilization as is the method of all fascists. If anyone can understand this they have begun to understand the complete sham of a two party system that belongs to only one class and one group of power mongers.
Nevertheless it is good to get help no matter what the source and be welcoming though one must remember the insincerity of the source and be prepared for the inevitable disappointment.
Without any leadership in the White House, Stephen Harper has become the de facto leader of the free world. I too hope Canadians retain their sense and reelect him. The west is so bereft of any strong leadership, he is sorely needed.
Any supporter of Israel has got to love the Harper government of Canada. Harper is by far, the strongest ally Israel could dream off. As a matter of fact, if he made aliyah and ran for political office, he would make a great prime minister there!.
We hope that in spite of the arab loving CBC, most canadians will retain some of their minimal sense, and reelect Harper.
I’m afraid it’s true, The CBC ran Call In show this week about the UN that was anti-Israel and their guest expert was pro-Islamic anti-American Anti-Israel “expert”.
He outright said the Islamic countries vote in a block so “we” shouldn’t have “offended” them by giving Israel preferred trade status. Being pro-Israel apparently make us “unbalanced” but being Pro-Islamic apparently is sane. The one caller that phoned in that denounced the UN and supported Israel this expert” called him “uniformed” but he never explained exactly how he was “uniformed”.
These d___ propagandists are all the same , when logic fails they use ad Hominems.
Listen to the CBC with a shaker of salt – they are pro-Islamic, Islamofascist enabling and anti-Israel and transmit outright leis and deceits about Israel and about Islam.
I certainly like that the Harper gov’t resists a policy of appeasement towards anti-Israel elements in the world.
But sadly, the Harper gov’t is in its twilight years, and when Ignatieff gets into office, he’ll be saying exactly
the same shit about Israel and the middle east situation that you get from so many European leaders.