By Ted Belman
Ed Lasky, American Thinker, comments on the NYT article by Charles Blow who attributed the departure of Jews from the Democratic Party to Obama’s treatment of Israel.
His article is entitled Why Jews are Deserting Obama and the Democrats. He rightly points out that Jews are not only concerned about Israel, they are also concerned about their pocket books and so are leaving the party because of Obama’s domestic policies.
I believe that liberal policies to which the Jews have been partial, are now under attack causing everyone, Jews included to reconsider their attachment. When Jews came to America 120 years ago they were interested in liberal policies because they wanted change. They succeeded.
Now they are becoming more interested in conserving what they have acheived rather than in transformational change.
rongrand: stop whining like a snot-nosed five year old. Be a man,show you have guts….. don’t run to uncle every time you get a little bloodied. Sometimes ron, I say to myself, why have kids? There such a pain in the ass.
Uncle, doesn’t Ted have the ability to police the actions of this character who uses various user names? What’s his problem?
ron HWSNBN is back Just say fuck off fagot. When he was in jail he was sodomized so many times he grew to love it.
Ron, because of the highly original,controversial nature of your comments, we strongly suspect that there is a vast left wing conspiracy to silence you!!!You have made many powerful enemies in the highest echelons of the establishment..
Please, for the sake of the civilized world, which needs your contributuion in the worst way, WATCH YOUR BUTT!
Testing one two three. Testing one two three.
What and where are my comments?
Is there a problem????
Note how Alternman dismissively disses John Bolton as one of the most radical members of the Bush administration and Ed Koch as being crazy when it comes to matters relating to “the tribe”.
Alternman makes the following comment that disses Israel as regards the flottilla incident and suggests that Obama must be pro-Israel because Obama was about the only leader to support Israel:
Saying the evidence is equivocal on whether Obama is pro or anti-Israel is probably an unwitting concession that Obama detractors could well be right. The thrust of his piece is of course they are wrong about Obama.
Alternman also lauds J Street saying their views are supported by 4 out of every 5 Jews. I don’t know what survey he has conducted or what proof he has obtained to make that claim. If he is right, that is very worrisome.
Alternman is like all the very pro-Obama pundits who strives mightily to explain away and rationalize Obama’s failures as some sort of success story and to strive mightily to portray him as the best thing for America and Israel, which strangely seems at odds with what Obama reveals about himself by his own words, actions and policies.
In spite of those biased handicaps, Alternman does make some fair comments about how Obama does support Israel. Assuming there is truth or at least some truth to his words, he still has not been truthful for he has ignored the persuasive evidence to the contrary which comes from Obama himself.
Alternman also ignores the very significant fact that Obama’s approval rating in Israel is below 20%, if not 10%. A fair minded pundit should be at least asking themselves, why is that?
Finally Yamit, your snide question about a possible relationship between me and Alternman is both unnecessary and too far a stretch anyway. Incidentally the way Alternman employs ad hominem attacks to discredit and diss the likes of Bolton, Koch and Blow does bear some similarity to your debating style.
The better question about a relationship with Alternman is better put to whether he is related to you? The question is unnecessary in any event.
You are who you are Yamit. Regardless of whether you are related to Alternman by blood, by thought or not at all, you are your own person who marches to the beat of his own drum, just like most of us at Israpundit do.
Obama’s Silent Jewish Majority
by Eric Alterman Info
Narvey are you and Eric Alterman related? You sound very much alike.
For balance, see Eric Alterman’s article: Obama’s Silent Jewish Majority that takes great issue with Charles Blow’s views:
Its always good to know what the other side is saying.
Yeah, unfortunately, I think you’re right. (Except the part about theological objections to Christianity. Most Jews could care less about Judaic theology, let alone Christian.)
You probably don’t agree, but I see an attack on Christianity as, at least partially, an attack on Judaism. All those Ten Commandments displays that the left so despises are instructive. They are put up by Christians of course. But how much more Jewish than the Ten Commandments can you get?
I see it, ultimately, as self defeating. Are Jews safer in Europe now that Christianity is so marginalized and Islam is increasing? This may really get me into trouble, but were Jews safer in a de-Christianized, “God is dead” Germany in the 30’s? Are atheist Europeans rallying to the Israel cause, or American evangelicals?
I think you’re on to something. 😉
Within the presented context! On other matters? You know my views by now? 🙂
What a stupid thing to say!
I will say though, the the ones who do go into that field do it better than anyone else.
We need to overcome antisemitism and Jews have to dispel the fear of dual loyalty accusations. Fear is the enemy.
Time to be bold and stand tall, nothing to be ashamed of, rather be proud. Israel in her short history has accomplished more than society as a whole accomplished for centuries.
My fear is if Israel would become secular then the Jews of Israel will be no different than their counterparts in America, can’t let that happen.
Just maybe a concerted effort by Israelis to build the Third Temple would be the lift the doctor (G-d) prescribed.
Very astute observation. Jews may not hate Christians but they do innately hate Christianity but mostly Fear Christians and Christianity. Any belief system, ideology and movement antithetical to Christianity drew Jews to their cause and movements. Call it a sort of Jewish payback. Destroy the social and political structure based on Christian foundations. The animus Jews have for Christianity is first and foremost theologically based and then based on our less than amorous history. With all the billions Christians pour into converting the Jews those who leave Judaism for other beliefs choose eastern philosophies 9 to 1. Such is the inborn hatred of Jews to Christianity. Jews may be a lot of things but stupid isn’t one of them.
No that is a Christian view. Try Jewish particularism.
Who aid anything about liberal Jews? Lack of support for Israel among American Jews is not necessarily a Jewish conservative Liberal divide.
They may be divided clearly on American domestic issues but much less so as to how they view Israel and where the issue of Israel stands on their lists of priorities.
American Jews Liberal and conservative are scared. Scared of the accusation of dual loyalty, scared that at some point history will catch up to them and they like their ancestors will be driven out and they will lose that good life most have built, mostly since the end of WW2. Anything remotely suggesting that American Jews are not the most American thing since the corn-dog, sends shivers up their spineless backs. Most are sitting on psychological packed suitcases just in case, and that creates behavior that by any standard is sub normal.
ron when it comes to Israel there is for most Jews in America little difference except where they tie the issue to domestic democratic and Republican party positions on Israel and a host of other issues. For most Israel is not in the top ten of what American Jews consider their most important priorities. This is born out in all polls on the subject.
It isn’t a liberal conservative issue as you understand it. It’s mostly an American Jewish issue fed by American innate antisemitism and Jewish fears of Dual Loyalty accusations. Like being labeled a racist for some.
I am curious if anyone agrees. But it seems to me one of the unspoken attractions of Jews to the Democratic party is that it’s considered to be (and is really) the un-Christian party.
I see a similar effect in my Muslim colleague at work. If Christians think A, then he must be Z. I joked with him that the Democratic party has become the party of Jews, Muslims and homosexuals. He didn’t say, but I think his attitude is ‘so what, as long as we oppose and take down the dominant non-Muslim culture, we’re doing our job.’
For Jews, some of it is may be an effort to demonstrate your non-assimilation into the Christian world. I get this. But total assimilation into the atheist camp is – for some reason – fantastic. That so many Jews have been leaders of the explicitly God-less socialist movement is a supreme irony. Of all the people in the world…
Godless socialists, Jew or Gentile, hate Israel. It’s a maddening, fever-inducing thorn in the side to these folks. Israel is based on Godly exceptionalism – the antithesis of their belief system.
Are secular Jews going to swing conservative? I’m not holding my breath.
Mine too Laura. Ugh!!!
Rongrand: Do tell, what may we do to change the minds of these deluded American Liberal Jews? Maybe you don’t get it??? How could that be- such a bright lad like yourself.YOU MUST GET IT.
Come on Ron, what happened to your overwhelming confidence, has your American get up and Go, just stepped out for a smoke? Or has it gone for good?
WE can’t wait for your response. We are hanging on to your every word.
Uncle, that’s sad and if I were Jewish I wouldn’t mind what they say or do because at least I could identify who my friends were and those who weren’t.
I believe most Americans find it difficult to understand why liberal American Jews don’t support Israel. G-d leads the Jewish people back to the Holy Land and that doesn’t mean anything to American Jews??? Jews who have suffered at the hands of everyone, no exceptions throughout the world and G-d leads them home to the land He provided and that doesn’t excite them?? If I were Jewish I would be ecstatic.
Maybe I just don’t get it.
Yes I despise obama’s socialist domestic policies. But I am also against Obama because of his policies toward Israel. Israel is an important issue to me. What is wrong with that? Does that make me un-American? I agree with Yamit, screw Ed Lasky.
I tend to agree with Lasky that if it is true that Jews like most of the other white middle class and up appear to be moving away from Obama. That doesn’t mean they have abandoned the democratic party. lets see how they vote in Novembers election.
What bothers me most about Lasky’s analysis is the the apparent underlying fear he projects of even the thought that any Jews might be accused of dual loyalty in making Israel a prime concern of American Jews vis a vis support for a political party and it’s leader the President of the USA based on his policies towards Israel.
Makes we Jews in Israel feel so warm towards our American Jewish brothers and sisters.
What Lasky is saying but more subtly is American Jews for the most part won’t desert the Democratic or Republican parties if they screw over we Jews in Israel, even when we as a result of those policies, many of us pay the ultimate price, but don’t fuck with our heavy pockets and financial security.
American Jews are so secure in America that they still fear what the Gentiles might say or do? Shhhh don’t rock our boat here in the Golden Medina. Dual Loyalty? G-d forbid!!! A Fate worst than death itself.
I agree with Lasky, a despicable Jewish coward, and with most of his analysis but from one Jew in Israel to my American compatriots and family: UP YOURS!! I hope Obama busts you all down to size. You are all most deserving in so many ways. Your complicity and duplicity in the murder of six million Jews apparently is not good enough for you. Lets try for another six million but just don’t mess with our incomes, accumulated wealth or our status as good Americans. If I weren’t a Jew I would be …… 😉