By Ted Belman
Politicians can talk all they want but facts on the ground do the most talking. Jews are ploughing ahead putting facts on the ground.
Olive Tree Wars, Olive Tree Redemption
This summer more than 50 young people will have the opportunity to participate in a working agricultural camp aimed at redeeming Jewish land in Gush Etzion. The camp will focus on farming on the Netzer Hill, and result hopefully in saving the land reserves between Alon Shvut and Elazar.
He puts his money where his beliefs are
Israeli activist buys up Arab property for Jewish residency, diplomats and administration bigs be damned
Wrong again, Yamit. There is no “sell-out”. There never was.
Politicians can talk all they want but facts
Surprise Surprise Feiglin Stays in Likud uuggh. Another talker sells out.
Like the expulsion from Gush Katif? If Netanyahu gives this land back, what will you have gained, other than another lump on the head?
Jews need to take back Jewish sovereignty of the land. After that, planting trees, houses and people will become daily occurrences.