Gary Cooperberg, A Voice From Hebron
Democracy, as we know it, is a combination of demagoguery and mockery.
It is all illusion and delusion designed to lull the people into believing that America is run by the people. Another election is coming up and it seems like a real horse race. The fact of the matter is that it makes no difference who wins the election. The country is not run by the president. There are sinister forces within the government that pretty much control what goes on in America. The office of President is little more than a showcase to make the people think that they are in control.
When Netanyahu came to the Wye Plantation he had a promise from President Clinton that Jonathan Pollard would be going home to Israel with him. At the last minute Clinton reneged on his promise. Clearly the president was embarrassed, but he apparently was overruled. The question that begs to be asked is, “by whom?” According to the law, the President of the United States has absolute authority to pardon whomever he wants and owes no explanation to anyone. So why didn’t Jonathan Pollard come home? And why did Netanyahu not carry out his threat to boycott the meeting? One cannot help but wonder exactly who is running the show.
Today, over forty years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his murder was orchestrated and covered up by elements within the government of the United States. If the President is the ultimate authority, who in the government had the power to arrange to have him murdered and to control all the agencies which could and should have prevented it, as well as to have organized the intricate cover up which required kidnaping the president’s body and altering the wounds to fit the story that Oswald was the lone gunman?
As Americans go to the polls to vote for the person of their choice, they really think that their vote makes a difference. It does not. All it does is make them feel that they have a part in the destiny of the United States. Perhaps at one time they did. Today it is just window dressing. There are those who have acquired wealth and power and seek to gain even more. They have used this power to gain control of countries and thus increase their wealth and power. Certainly many of the Arab nations, which are truly dictatorships, have tremendous oil wealth which they have used to further their interests in the world. It is no accident that Islam seems to be growing like a cancer all over the world. Its goal is to take over the world and it seems to be making significant progress.
As loyal citizens go, the Jew has always been the most loyal in every country of his exile. In Germany he was proud to be a German, and the last to believe the threats of his Fuhrer. In the USA he is the best American he can be and very proud of it. He will be the very last to notice that the government of America is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people. Already today it is controlled by the elite few to serve their own purposes. If Islam is a key participant in the quest for world power, clearly its greatest enemy is the Jewish State which has established sovereignty right in the middle of Islamic territory. The existence of a Jewish State of any size in the Middle East is a slap in the face to Islam and cannot be tolerated. What is worse, even combinations of overwhelmingly more powerful forces of the Arab nations who tried to destroy the tiny Jewish State not only failed to do so, but consistently suffered defeat!
This fact is an overwhelming outrage and embarrassment to all who follow Islam. It is also a highly illogical reality which serves as proof that the G-d of Israel is the True G-d and that His prophesies, proclaimed thousands of years ago in the Torah, are beginning to come to pass.
There is no other explanation for the existence of the reborn Jewish State in our ancient homeland.
The Divine Process of Redemption has already begun. Most refuse to accept this fact. It is G-d’s Will that all of his creatures recognize and serve Him. In our world of modern technology Man seems to be rejecting his Creator and proclaiming himself as the ultimate authority.
The existence of the Jewish People and the Jewish State is like a bone in the throat to those who reject the concept of a Creator, as well as those who deny the Jewish G-d as being the Creator.
It was always G-d’s Plan that His Chosen People would be the smallest of minorities. And that the Jewish State would be the tiniest of countries. Those who put their trust in might and large numbers are easily persuaded to attack and destroy the weak and the tiny. Hitler was not the first, nor will he be the last to come to the conclusion that Israel must be completely destroyed to prove that the Jewish G-d is not real.
What hurts more than anything is the fact that the leaders of the miraculous reborn Jewish State fail to recognize that power. Would they only choose to turn to Him, they can defeat all of their enemies. G-d has performed so many modern miracles here and our own leaders refuse to recognize them. Instead they look at the numbers and are afraid that our enemies can defeat us. They cower in fear of those who seek our destruction and negotiate with them in the futile and ridiculous hope that if we destroy ourselves just a little that this will please our enemies enough to convince them not to destroy the rest.
This is the madness which led to the surrender of Gaza to those who continue to fire missiles at us. It is the madness that sees our prime minister plan to turn murderous terrorists loose. It is a madness which sees cowardly leaders grovel at the feet of the American President and proclaim that cutting up our homeland to make yet another Islamic terrorist state on our holy soil is in our interest!
Yes, there is madness here. Were Israel an ordinary country it never would have come to be, much less thrive and grow for nearly sixty years. This is the only country in the world which continues despite its leaders not because of them.
American Jew I call upon you to ponder these wonders. Open your eyes and see that the Land of the Free is no longer such. It hasn’t been for well over forty years. Your future there is tenuous at best. Now is the time to think about the future. Redemption and Exile cannot coexist. As the Redemption continues the Exile is closing. In the 1930s we had no where to run. Today we have our own country. It is a country which clearly was created by miracles. It was erected upon the same ancient homeland upon which Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as David and Solomon lived and ruled. Although our present leaders are fools, the country is watched over, day and night, by the Creator of the Universe who has promised that it will never again be destroyed. This is the only place in the world where Jews can be safe.
So stop wasting your time worrying about Hillary, Obama, McCain and the rest. They are irrelevant. Come home as proud Jews while you still can. The Exile is coming to a close much quicker than you think.
Project Shofar is dedicated to spreading these truths wherever it is possible to do so. It is sounding the alarm, to Jew and Gentile alike,to open our eyes to the G-dly process that is presently underway, and work to support it. We dare not stand idly on the sidelines.
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Jeremiah Wails: (ANDREW HINGSTON)AMERICAN DESERTER IN POLAND, of all places? I understand that Poland has no extradition treaty with America. Any way What you wrote you fascist wart is total revisionist crap, almost nothing factual except the names of the people you mentioned.
No question of it. Gary, change your meds — whatever you’re taking now isn’t working. Furthermore, in spite of your American sounding, anglicized name, I have to assume you skipped all your classes in American government and spent the time instead brushing up on conspiracy theories.
Did you dog tell you this? Did Bill call you up personally and tell you that Pollard would be released for good behavior? Yes, the President can pardon anyone he likes. The tradition is to do it on the last day of office, and to do it in exchange for past or future favors. Thus Clinton wiped the slate for Marc Rich, the greatest tax cheat in history, and Rich’s sister — who is pretty Rich herself (sorry, couldn’t help myself), gave a very considerable amount of money to Clinton’s foundation in Harlem. Things like that have brought discredit upon both the office of the President and upon the whole idea of executive pardon, which we meant to remedy gross injustices, not to bring them about. Everyone expects the weaselly Scooter Libby to collect his Get Out Of Jail card from GWB at the last moment; after all, Scooter is a personal friend of Dick Cheney, and was “only following orders” when he broke the law and was part of a conspiracy to endanger someone’s life and ruin her career.
Back to Jonathan Pollard for a moment. You talk about Jonathan Pollard coming home. But Mr. Pollard is an American. At the time of the espionage for which he was convicted — according many published reports, among the most damaging incidents of espionage every perpetrated against the USA — he was only an American citizen. That makes him a traitor — pure and simple. The logical place for him to be is six feet underground in an unmarked grave just outside the walls of a maximum security federal penitentiary. The idea that an American president will release a convicted spy and traitor, and thereby incur the wrath and loathing of his own countrymen in order to please a few cranks in a foreign country is almost as absurd as the idea that sinister forces within the US government planned, performed, and managed to cover up the killing of one of the most popular Presidents of the post-war period. Remember that at the same time, the US government couldn’t manage to assassinate Fidel Castro, though it was trying very hard. Remember too that the report into the assassination was written by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who over a long career displayed plenty of independence of mind and forthrightness in the face of criticism,
I may have something of an answer to the constant bombardment of Israel by rockets… and now suicide bombers.
We constantly hear strident voices talking about “proportionality” of response. Well, lets give the pals (and their media friends) proportionality: for every rocket that lands in Israel, the IDF should send a single rocket into Gaza. Likewise for every suicide bomber who tries to blow himself up, whether or not successful.
Rocket for rocket. Randomly. Perfect proportionality. See who blinks first.