67% of Voters Say Obama isn’t Pro-Israel

Alana Goodman, Contentions

Our “First Jewish President’s” Israel policy isn’t just a concern to Jewish voters. Obama’s Israel problems extend beyond religious lines, according to a poll released by The Hill today:

    More than half of likely voters say the Obama administration’s policy on Israel is either somewhat or very important to the way they vote, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

    The survey comes just as Republicans managed to win the Brooklyn- and Queens-based congressional seat of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), in what many called a referendum on President Obama’s approach to Israel.

The internal numbers are actually even worse for the president. According to the poll, 67 percent of likely voters believe President Obama is not pro-Israel, with 29 percent saying he’s “anti-Israel” and 38 percent saying he’s neither pro nor anti. Less than a quarter say he’s pro-Israel. It’s supremely troubling such a large majority believes Obama has a negative or neutral view of a country that is one of our closest allies.

The numbers largely break down along party lines, with Republicans more likely to characterize him as anti-Israel than Democrats. But independent voters are more likely to say Obama is anti-Israel (37 percent) than pro-Israel (21 percent). An additional 35 percent say he’s neither.

Half of independent voters also say Obama isn’t supportive enough of Israel, while just 26 percent say he’s supportive enough and 13 percent say he’s too supportive.

The poll suggests Obama’s Israel policy has the potential to become a general election issue. Sixty-two percent of voters say the administration’s stance on Israel is either very or somewhat important to their vote. Many Democrats have dismissed the NY-9 race as a unique situation, but this indicates the importance of the Israel issue extends beyond the Jewish community.

September 19, 2011 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. David Chase wrote:
    I never understand how “Democratic” economic theory or policies actual helped these “theoretically” littler guys anyway. Apparently they don’t help the little guy or the economy.

    DemocRAT statist policies don’t help the little guy any more than their intellectual predecessor, Marxism, helped the little guy. Marxism advocated the state owning the means of production. Obamanomics advocates keeping the means of production in private hands but controlling it from the top. The results are the same. Economic chaos and havoc. The DemocRAT objective is political power, often at the expense of the little guy as we are seeing even as we speak. They don’t give a RAT’s patoody about the little guy.

    Obama and the DemocRATS have increased federal deficits to over 10% of GDP from the average of 3.5% of GDP in the Bush years, they have increased federal spending to 26% of GDP from the 20% of GDP previously, launched a blizzard of anti-business regulations, all in the name of protecting the little guy by spreading the wealth. Yet unemployment is over 9%, almost 17% for blacks, and almost 50% for black youth.

    It is telling that even after seeing all this, not to mention the economic history of Europe, India, China and the old Soviet Union, Obama doesn’t even think of changing his policies – he wants more of the same policies that did not work the first time.

    This is why nothing is going to improve until Obama is fired and the Senate falls into Republican hands so that the pendulum can swing back towards what made this country great in the first place. Divided government is not what we need based on where we are right now. The ship has to be turned around, not just stopped.

  2. “Obama is still living in the 1960?s… Really, that is the sort of ill digested crap he was raised on by his whacked out White mother and his irresponsible Moslem socialist Black father… I can recall the kind of New Left hate America and Whites are the source of all evil nonsense that was popular among my age group during that period…”

    Yes, this is familiar ground for many of us.

    It’s important to bear in mind, however, Ken, that for most of those who signed onto the New Left nonsense (whether they ever did, or didn’t, ultimately outgrow it), that whole stance was largely an act of adolescent (or post-adolescent) REBELLION.

    Not so, His Wonderfulness.

    Obama is the child (and grandchild) of rebels.

    For him, thus, this stuff is an act of CONFORMITY — not rebellion. Indeed, anything but rebellion. He absorbed the claptrap osmotically, as it were, from his mother & her crowd, as well as his grandparents. He has swallowed the agenda and the mindset uncritically, takes it all for granted. And yet because it comes so ‘naturally’ to him — as distinct from how ‘revolutionary’ it still feels to be for the aging-hippy crowd — it has got to strike him as something so extraordinarily easy to exploit. . . .

  3. Dear Dave
    As you know, Obama caved to the Former Soviet Union over the missiles in Eastern Europe, so I have to believe that if Obama had been President during the Soviet era, he would have been pro USSR.
    Honestly, Obama scares me.

  4. I think you are right about the deep-seated guilt over slavery. I think it manifests itself nowadays into voting Democratic no matter what for the “little guy” in general. I don’t think liberal voters, Jewish or otherwise, vote or argue their case because of slavery but yesterday’s slave is today’s little guy. Ironically, I never understand how “Democratic” economic theory or policies actual helped these “theoretically” littler guys anyway. Apparently they don’t help the little guy or the economy. But, also apparently they believe Obama has such a plan and that belief also contributes to them continuing to support him.

  5. Obama is still living in the 1960’s and has the SDS sort of Black nationalist, Whitey is bad, free love, marijuana, LSD, anti American, pro socialist, Israel as a colonial oppressor mindset. Really, that is the sort of ill digested crap he was raised on by his whacked out White mother and his irresponsible Moslem socialist Black father.
    I am a Viet Nam vet, and I can recall the kind of New Left hate America and Whites are the source of all evil nonsense that was popular among my age group during that period.
    Unfortunately, many of my age group, we are in our 60’s now, never grew up or worse, we still believe that those years of irresponsibility, drug abuse, “free” love, and Leftist political radicalism were the best years of our lives. Barack Obama knows that if he harps on that sort of immature and impractical former radicalism, these older Liberals, many of them Jewish, will support him.

  6. Imagine having had a president during the Cold War who was pro USSR. That’s almost what we’re dealing with here.

  7. David Chase writes:
    The fact that Obama “continues to do better among Jews than among all Americans” is amazing but also, should some of those Jews wise up, it could represent a large chunk of voters that he could lose, and he would know that, which could, in and of itself, MAYBE hold him off a little in the remaining 13 months. One can have hope.

    David, as a non-Jewish Indian-American Christian who supports Israel unconditionally, I have been unable to decipher the support for Obama among American Jews. Jews have nothing in common with Obama as my summary in No. 5 above would indicate. They are basically meritocrats and philanthropists who should be supporting Israel, if not for religious reasons then, like me, just because it’s the right thing to do because Israel is a democratic ally surrounded by blood-thirsty barbarians bent on wiping it off the map. Instead, 54% of American Jews still support him in spite of all the evidence we now have that he is clueless and destroying the economy as well as foreign policy, evidence we did not have in 2008. Back then we did see the signs because of the company he kept with birds of a feather.

    This is why I conclude that there is some deep-seated guilt over slavery going on, even though Obama does not have a slave background. Yet, by looking black like his father he benefitted from the various affirmative action programs to get into Ivy League colleges that he would never be admitted to if he looked white like his mother.

  8. I quote from the Gallup poll. “Although Obama’s approval rating among Jewish Americans has been declining, it has generally declined no more than it has among all Americans. This calls into question attempts to link a decline in Obama’s approval among Jews to his statements or policies on matters important to Jewish policymakers and lobbyists. These include his major “1967 borders” speech in mid-May and the apparent rebuke of the president in this week’s special congressional election in New York, which a Republican won in a heavily Jewish district. All in all, Obama continues to do better among Jews than among all Americans, and there has been little change in that pattern so far throughout the first 2 ½ years of his administration” The fact that Obama “continues to do better among Jews than among all Americans” is amazing but also, should some of those Jews wise up, it could represent a large chunk of voters that he could lose, and he would know that, which could, in and of itself, MAYBE hold him off a little in the remaining 13 months. One can have hope.

  9. Ken Besig writes:
    But I am amazed that anyone thinks Obama is pro Israel.

    Obama’s first envoy as President was to Hamas. Before his Cairo apology speech in 2009 – to a group of Arab dictators – he said that the US was one of the foremost Muslim countries in the world.

    Obama’s outlook has been shaped by a communist, Frank Marshall Davis, an Islamic terrorist sympathiser, Rashid Khalidi, a domestic terrorist couple, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and his virtual “uncle”, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, one of the most virulent anti-American and anti-Semitic preachers of black liberation theology in America, who counseled Obama and his family for 20 years.

    However, 54% of American Jews still support Obama and many of his top advisors and fundraisers are Jewish. Jewish support for Obama is higher than the national support for him according to Gallup:


    If you want to see a liberal American Jew choke, ask him or her if they would hire Obama to run their business. Yet they support electing him to run the biggest organization in the world. Why would anyone be surprised at the mess he is making of the US economy and foreign policy. The man is as clueless as one of his biggest supporters in this forum, Yamit, which is really saying something.

  10. “according to a poll released by The Hill today:” What is The Hill?

    Who sponsored the polls?

    From what part(s) of the US were these polls taken?

    Who was and how many were being polled?

    How reliable are they?

  11. “It’s supremely troubling such a large majority believes Obama has a negative or neutral view of a country that is one of our closest allies.”


    It surely IS “supremely troubling” that His Wonderfulness regards Israel that way.

    But it’s actually quite heartening that “such a large majority” (and especially of “likely voters”) is able to SEE that.

  12. Barack Obama on his new propaganda website claims to be a friend to Israel and as so called proof he lists two Israeli Jews who agree with him, namely Ehud Barak a Marxist and self hating Jew–with the blood of many innocent Jews on his hands–and Shimon Peres also a Marxist like Barack Obama and a self hating Jew–also with the blood of many innocent Jews on his hands. Rather than proving Barack Obama is a friend to Israel–these two endorsements are more proof of Barack Obama’s extreme hatred of Jewish people and of Israel! In fact I have previously listed many of Barack Obama’s extreme evils against Israel in these blogs; Barack Obama’s record is factually clear–Barack Obama hates Israel and Jews.

  13. Good point. I’d be particularly interested in knowing what percentage of the 13% that thinks he’s too supportive of Israel thinks he is pro-America.