Rabbi Herzog: Jordan, Morocco and Egypt

See Translation below Tweet


Mourning in an Arab Kingdom. Women’s tears, gazes of loss, and eyes that are lost in their sockets. You will see.

The King of Jordan has handed the country over to Iran. He has handed over the rigged elections and the parliament to the Muslim Brotherhood. He has unleashed the hands of the poor Brotherhood to protest and threaten. He has brought in ten thousand Iranian personnel with Iraqi passports, as well as members of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).

The king thinks he can scare us and scare America. All this because we exposed him and exposed the prince, Hussein, and their arms trade against us.

Oh King of Jordan, you do not scare us. Instead, you have guaranteed destruction and downfall for yourself. You will fall, and a Palestinian will rule in your place. Your pictures will be dragged through the streets of Amman, Irbid, Jordan’s camps, Karak, Ma’an, Tafila, and Kufr Khafa.

The illness of the King of Jordan is once again coming to light. The king’s illness cannot be hidden, and the king’s fate is to disappear quietly.

The Queen of Jordan has begun showing signs of severe mental and psychological breakdown. Nothing will change that, oh Queen of Jordan. It is the harvest of what you have done to us and to the people, oh Queen of Jordan. The harvest of Jumana and Thuraya, oh Queen of Jordan, and many others, oh Your Majesty the last Queen.

The evil plan against Morocco is the assassination of His Majesty the King with slow poison and the incitement against Crown Prince Moulay.

The plan will not succeed because the Alawite family enjoys protection due to the fact that we pray and invoke God day and night to protect them. Between us and them is an old covenant. However, problems may occur, and unfortunately, there are traitors in the king’s court itself.

I will summarize it for you by saying that I have sacred things: God first, and then my lord, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. I fear no one, and anything that is not within these sacred boundaries is permissible to me.

Return to my tweets. I told you that Egypt is one of the largest gold producers in the world, and now the good news comes out that President Sisi sold the Sukari mine for two and a half billion. Yes, it is true he sold it, but for 250 billion dollars to be paid over two years. And of course, no more than two and a half billion will reach Egypt’s treasury—one percent. The rest will go to the accounts of Al-Wad Houda in the Emirates.


September 13, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Email received from Edgar G. who is having difficulty posting at the moment:

    An American Rabbi would hardly be able to write flawlessly in Arabic like his articles are headed. And. The style and manner of the text are surely written by an Arab.

    We can assume that they are dictated by MBS or a close associate, and then translated into the strangely phrased, but positive Arab style, of English.

    Just my opinion but I believe it’s a fact.

  2. @John Galt IV
    Thank you for your summary. I would add to what you have already mentioned that Herzog’s dialogues include a vision of revolution throughout the Sunni world, which includes the fall of many dastardly players, among whom Sisi from Egypt plays a disproportionate starring role along side Abdullah and the leadership in UAE, all towards the coalescing of support around the combined leadership of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Notably SA receives the greater emphasis by far in Herzog’s telling’s, but Israel’s leadership role is routinely mentioned as well, just as it is also emphasized that the revolution which is taking root is in specific opposition to Iran and the Islamist influences of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    As Ted has explained, and it is hard to imagine otherwise, Herzog could not be making such outrageous statements while conducting his enterprises in Saudi Arabia without the support and consent of MBS under whose exclusive cooperation Herzog has been permitted to play the role of the Rabbi of Saudi Arabia.

  3. Rabbi Herzog is a Israeli-American rabbi who lives in Saudi Arabia and initiated a
    program to reach out to Jews who find themselves working or living in that country or so an article a few years ago in The Jerusalem Post states:


    Ted Belman believes he is important to listen to as he apparently has the blessing of Mohammed Bin Salman al Saudi, a Prince and Heir apparent to the throne in Saudi Arabia. He is also may be the real leader of Saudi Arabia and is trying to reform his country as he deems necessary and appropriate and away from fundamental Wahabbism.

    The Rabbi’s major prediction that I can see is the immediate downfall of the King and Queen of Jordan. He also writes and analyzes events in other Middle Eastern countries and makes predictions as to outcomes.

    Ted can better explain it but I tried my best.

    I am glad we have a website to go to where we can read Rabbi Herzog.