The Censorship Doctrine, and How it is Implemented

Peloni: Mike Benz explains how Deep State operators were able to so quickly align its allies in the press to execute sweeping censorship tactics to muzzle its opposition.  In doing so, he walks us thru how the Neocon failures in Ukraine led to the need to completely silence opposition forces by weaponizing the press and pressuring compliance from social media companies to silence all dissenting voices, including those voices of pro-Trump supporters and vaccine injured/opponents.

September 3, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Freedom of speech is always the first freedom eliminated by totalitarians seeking control, because without freedom of speech there is NO freedom. We are a world at war whether people and their governments acknowledge it or not. It is Globalism vs. Nationalism. The globalist elite are determined to eliminate the nation state and reorder the world into its own totalitarian planetarey Unistate. Mike Benz exposes the deliberate 4-part globalist disinformation campaign––the 4Ds: dismiss, distort, distract, dismay. This is not simple censorship which is a crime of omission, the 4D campaign seeks to make information entirely useless such that citizens can no longer determine what is REAL. This is a monstrous abuse of power that is foundational to the premise of my new book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is. The goal, of course, is the megalomaniacal ambition of the globalist elite to control the economies of the world and rule the world–– The Great Reset.