Robert Kennedy Jr. on Israel

Peloni:  Please Watch This Video.  Bobby Kennedy has been a strong friend to Israel, and this clip demonstrates this reality.  This was from 8 months ago, but the entire 25 min. debate is still relevant today.  This is what support for Israel should look like on both sides of the aisle.

The full 25min clip from which this was taken begins HERE

August 27, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Mr. Davi Fieldstone’s accusations against the Kennedys are pure bs. Joe Jr. travelled with both his wife and his mistresses in the same car? Really now. Certainly doesn’t sound like Rose Kennedy. Themafia stole the election for Kennedy? Why then did the Republicans not demand a recount. Demands for recounts after close elections were fairly common in Illinois. One election I read somewhere is that the GOP customarily stuffed the ballots in downstate Illinois to compensate for the Democratic ballot-stuffing in Chicago.
    Richard Nixon was a competitivr guy, and if he believed the election was stolen from him I believe he would have demanded a recount. Perhaps he wouldn;t have openly asked for a recount himself,but he would certainly have allowed the Illinois Republican State Committee to have filed one on his behalf. I suspect that Nixon did not do this because after a private examination of the results, he concluded that Kennedy had indeed won the state.

    We also need to remember that Joe Kennedy made a 100,000 dollar contribution to Nixon’s 1950 Senatorial campaign, and JFK personally handed Nixon the cash contribution while plledging him to secrecy.

    Nixon and Kennedy were long-term political rivals, but there was never a personal feud between them. JFK was not among the Democrats that Nixon hated and feared.

  2. Excellent comments by RFKjr. about Israel. I would like to know the date of this interview. Apparently RFK did not know about the vast tunnel complexes when he gave this interview. His comments about the wealth of Hamas leaders, if accurate and I have no reason to assume otherwise, are revealing about their motivations. I Hamas at for-profit corporation?

  3. David Fieldstone just offered this comment on the Kennedy clan in general and on JFK Jr.

    As you know, the Mafia stole the election as requested by Sr. Joe, for JFK v Nixon – and his kids paid the price. They knew the election was stolen. JFK was an idiot who thought with his penis, and Bobby was OK but low IQ. The other brother allowed a women to drown in the back seat of his car, while he swam to shore – & then made obvious excuses because as I recall, he was cheating on his wife, as all Kennedys did as a Right of Passage from Joe, who liked Hitler, because he was Irish Catholic. That is why the President FDR – brought him back from London to the USA. Sr. Joe was in the bootleg business during the epoch when alcohol was illegal. Most of his supply came from Canada.

    My grandfather in Windsor, Canada, used to take bottles via the tunnel to Detroit to the Immigration – who kept some for themselves, and sent to rest to people like Joe Sr. to further bootleg, esp. in Chicago via the Mafia. It was all cash.Sr. Joe also took his mistresses with him when he travelled with his wife and children. To close, he also hated Jews & blacks. So did FDR, who also hated Catholics but tolerated Sr. Joe for political & business reasons (no Teddy was he).

  4. @EvRe1
    Thank you for your careful and thought provoking analysis here. Very well done!

    There has been a strong effort to have RFK described as anti-Israel, but in truth he is simply an old school Dem, who sees the TSS as the only path to peace, and sees the cities and villages in J&S, which he describes as ‘settlements’, as being an obstacle to ever achieving that pre-ordained model of peace. He does so while also expressing great clarity of the fact that the Pals have demonstrated no interest in achieving such a peace in any event. Still, his continued advocacy for the TSS, leads him to oppose Bibi and Likud due to their support of the development in J&S as well as their general opposition to the TSS but he has very specifically not used the debacle of the failures of October 7 to villainize Bibi, Likud or the Israeli Right.

    I have watched him over the years and, while I could never be described as a supporter of the Kennedy’s, any of them, I am very much of the opinion which you yourself expressed, namely that RFK is a earnest ally of Israel, and, again as you describe, I believe this video demonstrates that he is no novice on this subject.

  5. I did not realize until I saw the entire video just how knowledgeable RFK Jr. is about Israel, about Hamas, and about the war in Gaza. Not only that, he is a good spokesperson because he focuses on the essence of what the question is about and then speaks directly to the essence of the issue.

    However, on the question “Is Antizionism equivalent to Antisemitism?,” I think he was a little less clear. There can be no question that antizionism is antisemitism at this point in history. By that I mean when pro-Palestinian demonstrators call for “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free,” they are clearly talking about genocide of the Jews. It’s not confusing, it is completely open and transparent that anyone who believes that slogan also wants the land of Israel Judenrein.

    I think there is still confusion in some of the American people’s minds. Because the terrorist groups (Hamas, Hezbollah, the PA, etc) have been successful in presenting themselves as victims, they have turned reality and truth on its head.

    After World War II, no one could ever see the Germans and the Nazis as victims.

    What is necessary is to explain that these terrorist groups that are committed to genocide are actually worse than Nazis, who tried to hide their mass murders, whereas Hamas members proudly filmed themselves in their acts of horrendous mass murder and rape. There are no victims in Gaza because there are no people in Gaza who believe being a suicide bomber is a bad thing. The people of Gaza and the people of the West Bank all believe it is a sacred duty for all of them to kill as many Jews as possible.

    It was clear that the female questioner has been ideologically subverted and is programmed to believe that the Palestinians are 100% innocent victims and the Israelis are 100% responsible for reprehensible crimes.

    It is very difficult to have a discussion with people who have been ideologically subverted. If you disagree with them head on, as RFK Jr. himself said in a different video, it is like pouring concrete on their ideology: it makes them all the more committed to their viewpoint.

    Nevertheless, he was able to be patient and also firm in the face of her obvious ignorance of the facts, to disagree with her on a factual basis every time. This is not always easy to do, but he has the belief in himself and in the truth so that he is willing to state these truths no matter what people think of him. He did it in a reasonable way, and he also showed HOW TO HAVE A DEBATE ON THE ISSUES and maintain a mutually collegial connection.

    I do think he is supportive of Israel.

    However, I think RFK Jr. has some views that seem to me to be based upon left wing propaganda that is available in the NY Times or CNN or NPR. I noticed in another video he thought Trump behaved “reprehensibly” on January 6. This is factually incorrect, but it is totally believed by everyone on the left. Similarly, he appears to have hostility towards Netanyahu, which again is propaganda available 24/7 in all the major news outlets in the USA, since all the media is owned by people who are democrats, and the CIA and current government are likewise both anti-Trump and anti-Netanyahu. So in the US you would have to stop watching TV news, stop watching Fox News, e.g. stop reading the NY Times or listening to NPR and get your news online from other sources, otherwise you will believe that Trump and Netanyahu are a “danger to democracy.”

    I don’t think RFK Jr. understood the BDS problem. He thought they were discussing an issue of freedom of speech, but BDS activity is exactly what Germans did to the Jews just before shipping them off to death camps: they boycotted Jewish businesses, then they looted and destroyed many of their shops. The BDS movement is an attempt to do that to Israel. This is not an issue of freedom of speech, this is about behaviors that indicate hatred of Jews and singling Jews out for destruction.

    Thanks for posting this video which is very helpful in understanding RFK Jr.’s thinking on a range of subjects.