Soros prosecutors must promise never to enforce laws leftists don’t like

By Andrea Widburg | AM Thinker | August 16, 2024

Image made using AI and a photo by Niccolò Caranti.

Before George Soros came along, most people assumed that elected prosecutors were committed to law and order and deviated from that principle only through either incompetence or graft (think: Chicago). The rise of the Soros prosecutors, however, introduced a whole new element to local prosecutors: Ideologically driven racist Democrat prosecutors who don’t want to follow laws with which they disagree. The last time America saw this was in the post-Reconstruction South when racist Democrat prosecutors also refused to apply laws with which they disagreed.

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It turns out, though, that the situation with ideologically corrupt prosecutors is even worse than we realize. It’s not just that these prosecutors get into office with the help of George Soros’s (and now his son, Alex’s) millions; it’s that they are signing pledges and taking orders from the Soros duo long after the votes have been counted. The Soros family’s toxic mix of leftism and anarchy literally dictates what these prosecutors do daily.

This information comes thanks to a year-long investigation that the Media Research Center conducted after reviewing almost 8,000 pages of documents they obtained through public record requests relating to just one Soros entity: The Fair and Just Prosecution (“FJP”) group. Luke Rosiak has written a summary of the findings, which I’ll try to summarize even more:

First, thanks to all this Soros money, 30% of America’s prosecutors are beholden to the Soros family.

Second, “FJP had the Soros-backed attorneys sign 33 pledges to not enforce certain laws — including election integrity measures and immigration laws — and attend more than 50 meetings or ‘convenings,’ some of which were ‘mandatory.’” These pledges and “convenings” require the prosecutors to promise to go lightly on black criminals, and to “reduc[e] racial disparities in case outcomes by at least 20%.”

Third, the FJP provides constant guidance to its prosecutors, including providing department propaganda:

Being a Soros prosecutor means extensive, free access to expert political consulting firms, complete with detailed polling and field-tested messaging strategies. FJP remains in the driver seat, though, even going so far as to draft social media posts for its prosecutors so they can better coordinate their messaging.

This guidance includes consultants telling the prosecutors how to market to the public plans that ordinary citizens would normally find repugnant. Thus, ideas that destroy the criminal justice system and rip apart society are repackaged through euphemisms and experts so that they sound kind and reasonable to naïve, credulous voters.

Fourth, newbie prosecutors are given mentors in the form of more senior Soros prosecutors. The latter group tells the newbies how to handle cases and the public. Indeed, public relations is a huge deal, with FJP expending a lot of time and energy to convince people that radical communists are good people.

For example, Rachel Rollins, who was a US Attorney in Massachusetts before quitting during an ethics investigation, worked with PBS (a taxpayer-funded organization) to rehabilitate Larry Krasner, Philly’s radical prosecutor. Another Soros group also did a glowing profile of San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, a man so radical that even San Franciscans couldn’t tolerate him.

And speaking of high-profile Soros prosecutors, one of the best known is Alvin Bragg, the man who elevated a time-barred misdemeanor charge on a bookkeeping matter into 37 felony convictions against Donald Trump. George and Alex Soros really got bang for their buck with that one.

I highly recommend that you read Rosiak’s entire essay or, if you’re in the mood for a deep (and depressing) dive, read the MRC report itself. I want to suggest a way to fight back against these Soros prosecutors, but I really don’t have any good ideas.

The good news is that, as San Francisco’s ouster of Chesa Boudin showed, if the prosecutors are radical enough, even their leftist voting base may push them out. However, as the execrable George Gascon of Los Angeles shows (he’s another Soros guy), voters may be so brainwashed that they’re incapable of saving themselves.

August 17, 2024 | Comments »

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