The New Middle East

By Ted Belman 

I first met Mudar Zahran in Jerusalem 10 years ago in the home of a friend of mine whose mission it was to invite people like me to meet him. We decided to keep in touch. Mudar wanted to force King Abdulla II to abdicate thereby enabling Mudar to change Jordan into a Republic under his Leadership. 

I gave Mudar a list of my demands and he readily agreed. 

We waited until Trump was elected and decided to make our move. We wanted Trump to bring this about by his executive action Just as Obama did to install Morsi in power in Egypt. 

We decided to hold a conference in Jerusalem in Oct 2017. It was a great success. 

Thereafter we reached out to Trump with our ideas. As a result, Trump closed the PA embassy in Washington and cut off UNRWA financing and questioned why there were so many refugees. 

We were on a roll. 

Much to our surprise he was not re-elected, thereby stymieing our progress. But with the elections this year, we expect another chance. 

In May of last year, we held a Zoom meeting called The JORDAN OPTION, Past, Present and Future. 

Mudar raised the idea of creating a ME NATO in which an attack on one country would be treated as an attack on all countries. That idea has now born fruit. 

In a tweet dated June 20,2024,  the Chief Rabbi of Saudi Arabia spelled it all out. 

He said, 

This is what will happen in?#Syria. The info below comes from my sources in the region.

#Assad?will remain in power until the end of 2025, his role is to stabilize the status quo until God until a further notice. He will leave by prior agreement, and you will not know his whereabouts, he will be forgotten….?Syria’s situation is on hold until change hits?#Jordan, this country is the key. When you see a?#Palestinian?becoming the President of Jordan and you see him unleashing the treasures of that country as if it were Switzerland, then rejoice in the change of Assad and Syria.

Syrian activist?#Fahd_Al_Masry?is a kind and respectable person who has excellent ideas, he is not the first choice among the higher ups to become Syria’s next leader, because he is not a “HYENA”… Syria needs a hyena as they say in their slang, a man who scares all other men. The more likely candidate is Manaf Tlass whose father is Syria’s former Secretary of Defence, and his family has a dark family history with the Syrian people, but he is Sunni and is able to put Syria back on track .?In any case, the choice is still open between the two, and what will happen in Jordan determines who will rule.

Until Assad steps down, we will eliminate the last Iranian military installation in Syria.

Advice to everyone who aspires to rule Syria: Do not try to pressure us by offering normalization and the Golan, as normalization with Syria is not a priority to us, and the Golan will never let it out of our hands. Don’t play these cards.

The new Syria will be in love with Jordan, and then Lebanon will follow the love affair. The army of the new Jordanian ruler arrives in Damascus first and stands on the outskirts of Beirut before that.

Crazy prosperity in Syria after Assad’s fall, to the point that Syrian Jews will think about investing in Syria, and many Syrians will return from Europe within ten years, in the millions.

The keys to the Syrian are in both Riyadh and Jerusalem. This is all begins after the change in jordan.

By the way, Bashar al-Assad has been begging to leave the country for some time, but the “big wigs” want him temporarily so that the situation remains as it is for now.

Remember the Chief Rabbi is only the mouthpiece of Saudi Arabia. Mudar had told me something involving Syria was going to happen. 

A ME NATO will be supported by Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, the New Jordan, Syria  and Lebanon. Israel will be a member of this block. An attack on one will be an attack on all. No one will challenge them. 

All the principles set out in this document were originally demands made by me of Mudar. He was true to his word. 

A few days earlier I posted this   

  1. Belman.?So Abdullah and Rania left Jordan on Friday to see Biden. What this means is that Abdullah and Rania were forced to leave Jordan as part of an impending Coup. In his absence Jordan will be declared a Republic and Mudar Zahran will lead it. According to all reports, Netanyau will declare war is over in Gaza in the next two weeks. Mudar Zahran will become the leader of the Republic of Jordan shortly thereafter and Lebanon will be invaded by the end of July.

Story by Alex Gangitano

President Biden will host King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House on Monday for talks about an end to the Israel-Hamas war, the White House announced Thursday. 

The president and first lady Jill Biden will welcome Abdullah and Queen Rania Al Abdulla to mark 75 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Jordan, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.}to produce an enduring end to the crisis. Towards that end, the two leaders will discuss U.S. effort to support the Palestinian people including through enhanced humanitarian assistance into Gaza and a vision for a durable peace to include a two-state solution with Israel’s security guaranteed,” Jean-Pierre said. 

Three U.S. service members were killed in a drone strike in Jordan last week near the Syrian border, where they were stationed. The U.S. officially blamed the Islamic Resistance in Iraq for the deadly attack, and the military has since launched rounds of airstrikes on the Iranian-backed group in Syria and Iraq in retaliation. 

The U.S.?on Wednesday killed?a senior commander with the Iranian-backed militia group Kata’ib Hezbollah in Iraq. The commander was involved in planning attacks on American troops. 

The president has kept in touch with Abdullah throughout the war to discuss the latest developments in Gaza. The two spoke Dec. 7, according to a readout from the White House. 

The idea is that these countries can achieve great economic success with Saudi money and Israel innovation is beyond doubt. 

Finally, a new tweet was posted under the title Jordan then #Jordan then #Jordan 

Which when translated provided: 

Rabbi Herzog: 

Today’s information from informed and deep sources and from what God has blessed me with of knowledge.

#Jordan then #Jordan then #Jordan . Everything in the region is linked to change in this country. Change begins with it and will soon. Wait for the movement to start after this summer and extend to mid-2025.

There is no need to repeat, the rule of the Hashemite king has ended in Jordan and his son is a short-lived, weak young man. Eid Allah is the last king. A certain piece of news is quick and the army controls the country and the bald president gets off the plane’s stairs and prays two rak’ahs under it before continuing to walk and the whole world films him.

The name of the next republic is temporary and appears to me to be (the Republic of Jordan) as it will be changed later in a popular referendum. It may become (the State of Jordan and Palestine) or the “Republic of Eastern Palestine”, but I see that (the Republic of Jordan) is what will be proven. The next ruler of Jordan is of Palestinian origin. The Bedouin tribes welcome him, just as the majority of Palestinians in Jordan do. I advise the Bedouins not to stand against him because this will be official suicide, as you will face the great powers and not just him if you oppose him.

A dramatic change in the appearance and form of a well-known Jordanian opposition figure before he became the president of Jordan, and people are wondering why his appearance changed so quickly. You will see what I am talking about soon.

#Jordan after the regime change turns into a welfare state like Israel, and very luxurious cars like Rolls Royce become a registered trademark for the Jordanian street and more than the Gulf.

The new president controls southern Syria, and then all of Syria, and then #Lebanon . This is in less than seven years after he came to power. The Jordanian army has expanded until it becomes a major regional power, especially the air force. Jordan buys some advanced F-16 aircraft from Israel and America. And an Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian defense treaty is signed by the Jordanian president with Netanyahu. (Netanyahu will remain in power for a while).

Unfortunately, limited problems in Karak end quickly, and those behind them are held accountable with life imprisonment, despite the pleas of their small clans. The new Jordanian ruler is very strict, and with him is the support of three foreign armies in Jordan.

The relationship between the new Jordanian ruler and His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman has developed greatly. Jordan becomes one region with Saudi Arabia, and visa requirements for Jordanians are cancelled.

Heavy, long-standing feud between the new Jordanian regime and the United Arab Emirates . Tensions continue and the new Jordanian ruler is very angry. Only Sheikh Mansour can solve it. Next time, another Arab country.

Abedalelah Almaala:

Smuggling weapons to Israel from Jordan has become almost daily. The source of the weapons is the axis of evil led by Iran and through Iraqi-Iranian militias such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq in Iraq and the Afghan Fatemiyoun Party militia in Syria. Today, there was an exchange of fire between the Israeli army and smugglers coming from the Jordanian border. Today, a large number of Jordanian officers and soldiers from the Border Guard Battalion who guard the Jordanian border with Syria and Iraq were arrested. The reason for the arrest of the Jordanian officers and soldiers is that they contributed to facilitating the smuggling of weapons to Israel. The reason for the involvement of Jordanian officers and soldiers is the financial incentives paid to them. Where a soldier is paid 100,000 Jordanian dinars and a Jordanian officer 500,000 dinars. The living conditions that the members of the Jordanian army have reached are disturbing and miserable. Where the salary of a Jordanian soldier does not exceed 400 Jordanian dinars and the living conditions in Jordan have become very expensive. Abdullah II bought another mansion in California and is still on vacation in America spending millions of dollars. The Chief of Staff of the Jordanian Army, Yousef Huneiti, and the Director of Jordanian Intelligence, Ahmad Husni Hatqai, will be referred to retirement and there is a possibility of investigating the smuggling of weapons to Israel. There is also almost certain information that Abdullah II is on his way to abdicating power in Jordan. 

 Make of it as you will. I’m all in. 

August 12, 2024 | 22 Comments »

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22 Comments / 22 Comments

  1. Does anyone believe that actual regime change in Jordan (King & Hashemites leaving) would prompt international media coverage? I have not seen any such coverage can anyone send me links to any such coverage please, so I may read about it.

    The government (Prime Minister & other Ministers) which serve at the will of the Monarchy are regularly changed for various reasons.

  2. I am not convinced that it was Ted and Mudar’s proposal that led Trump to break off relations with the PLO and expel their diplomatic mission from Washington. There were a lot o fother people also urging him to do this, and besides it reflected his own long-term genuine sympathy with Israel and Jews, and his familiy’s tradition of close business relations and personal friendships with Jews over at least three generations.. However, I can’t blame Ted and Mudar for believing that it was their influence that was decisive.

  3. King of Jordan announces the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of early elections in September!

  4. The questions following October 7 were outstanding. The one that sticks in mind was the young women soldiers reporting the terrible rehearsals for attack right up at the fence and how the whole Israeli system let it down.

    Netanyahu was in overall charge but his role has to be seen against traitorous attacks he was fighting against.

    It was at that point we can consider now what he should have done.

    1. Recover the hostages. Pay any price. Use Biden and Blinken and anyone including Putin’s influence.

    2. Begin urgently to create an open investigation into every aspect of Israeli politics no holds barred which had led to October 7.

    3. Meanwhile assemble the brains to fight a long war (as Lenin and Trotsky did in the very similar Civil War and Pogrom defeating period 1918 to 1921)

    This was something Netanyahu had to lead. But was that not asking too much?

    The other image that sticks in my mind is a bit peculiar, the image of the middle aged former PM now a bit on the plump side all decked out for war as he reported in. It was a useless gesture of Israeli politics. That was not what was needed. Bennett has a good mind.

    The most terrifying event since the Holocaust has taken place and they were all beginning to follow a pattern based on useless dogma.

    Stuck inside of this dogma Israel did have leadership, of a sort, but it was leadership of days long gone by.

    And all the time you have to add the distortion of NeoCon propaganda (total lies) of Ukraine which loyal Israeli lapdogs like Caroline Glick tried to avoid.

  5. This is a very foolish thread because it takes its eye off the ball…the ball being all the issues around October 7, and lessons therefrom.

    Just as important as the IDF against Hamas was to examine the roots of the traitorous conduct of the Supreme Court and its personalised politics against Netanyahu. Opening that was necessary to create a new leadership in Israel.

    But powerful forces prevented that from happening.

  6. @Ted: my guess is that any deal/agreement or whatever will not be in Israel’s interest unless Trump is around to make sure the obvious pitfalls, that the whole world tries to coerce us into, are avoided. Like Tamar Yona often says, the number of deals with Arabs, broken, is the same as the number signed. We must remain alert and avoid naivety.

  7. @Ted

    Wait for the movement to start after this summer and extend to mid-2025.

    That’s the prediction. oh, right. And also, Assad will be gone by the end of the year. That’s another, So, let’s see what’s happening in Jsnuary. Anything that hasn’t already happened is a prediction. Most of this was published at the beginning of the year and there is nothing really solid there except to say there were some meetings in which pleasantries were exchanged. Summer ends in 60 days on September 22nd. Let’s test it, shall we? Please re-publish this at intervals starting then into next summer. Anonymous sources should always be regarded with a grain of salt because they are often just the tools with which Deep State actors who don’t wish to take responsibility by coming out in the open manipulate public opinion in order to make the news by reporting it, or so they hope. But, in the words of Mike Tyson, “Everybody has a plan until he gets punched in the face.” I found a Krav Maga site that uses that as its motto.

  8. Sorry Ted, but if you are counting on another Trump administration to assist in furthering your admirable goals, you are setting yourself up for a serious disappointment. What has been obvious to me for a very long time has now been made clear to anyone with eyes and a brain. There is simply no way in hell that the alphabet agencies embedded in the swamp will/can let Trump back into the WH.
    They will not stop. There is nothing off limits. And has just been made clear, finding patsies is not difficult.

  9. There are reports that Bibi will meet Biden this week, possibly on Thursday although no date has been fixed. This will be a way that Biden can dispel the rumorrs circulating in Washington that he is either dead or in a coma. Of course it will help if the White House allows pictures to be taken of their meeting. If he is dead or unconscious, then the White House may excuse the president from meeting him and instead delegate the meeting to Kemala Harris, or maybe Blinken, and/or the Secretary of Defense (what’s his name?) instead. If that happens, the rumors of Biden’s death or complete incapacitation will be confirmed for the “Beltway” rumor mill.

  10. @Ted Because none of the similar predictions based on unverifiable inside knowledge have come true and nothing like this has happened before in our lifetimes. And, I must add, that when they haven’t come true as predicted, no explanation was offered, just a lull and then the next prediction.

  11. Netanyahu and his wife arrived today in the USA and nobody from the Democrat governing regime was there to meet them.

  12. ALL_ the affirmative answers to wishful thinking. I think, based pon what I’ve read that Hertzog is a charlatan the kind which springs up during a stressful period and leads (tries to) Israel astray

    I’ll be happy to change my opinion if and when it ll comes about as he prognosticates.

  13. @Frank Adams

    Leave Jordan alone. It is dead ground like Switzerland in Europe. Keep it that way.

    Your analogy fails on several points, all of which would have us to believe that Jordan is more subdued, more non-violent, and having less of a threatening intent than the truth would support. When was the last time Switzerland raised a blood libel against Europe, or was caught sending arms and gold to support a terror campaign in Europe. Switzerland was a neutral party in Europe before last year, and never raised any form of violence, or violent protest, or calls for jihad against all of Europe with the intent of committing genocide of the European population. So your analogy fails on multiple points of relevance, but let us speak to the following issue which you raised:

    This is switching from the Devil we know to the Devil we do NOT know…

    Many hold to this claim, but the reality is that this is the old conception, living with a terror supporting regime which has repeatedly called for the annihilation of its Jewish neighbors, even in contravention to its own treaty obligations since 1994, and in doing so sparked the war of Riots and Rockets of 2021, in which a coordinated assault on Israel was launched following Abdullah’s latest blood libel at the time. Notably another blood libel raised against Israel by Jordan took place three days before the October 7 slaughter, and following this event, Jordan came to suggest that much of the documented events of horror that day were Israeli propaganda, while later mounting yet another blood libel of genocide against Israel for its actions in Gaza.

    You fear that something worse will come to rule Jordan in time if we were to throw out the colonial Hashemite rulers, but do recognize the fact that the former PM of Hashemite Jordan openly acknowleded the fact that no piece of paper would keep Jordan from its desire to destroy the Jewish state if they had the means to do so. Hence, your claim about the Devil you know is is actually based upon the fact Jordan does not have the means to effect our destruction, and yet they are ever preparing to act upon that impulse when that might change.

    What is more is that Mudar has been a true and steady ally to Israel over the years, speaking out on our behalf, condemning those, such as Europe, who fund the weaponization of his people simply to afflict our own. Speaking as the leader of the Jordanian opposition camp, no other ally of Israel’s could speak those words with the same force of relevance as did Mudar – neither Arab nor Jew, nor American or European. What is more is that those Arab nations which are signatory members of peace with Israel have nearly all stood in opposition to the condemnations which Mudar has raised on our behalf, and of course this would include the Hashemites.

    So, before you so easily accept the demon in our midst as an acceptable threat, do recognize that it is not Switzerland that we speak of, but the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, which has betrayed its association with the Jewish Homeland before it was even a state.

  14. This is switching from the Devil we know to the Devil we do NOT know.
    Why is another kettle of fish but in the post colonial Arab World them monarchies have been more successful and less disturbed internally than the republics.
    The social model of government for Arabs is entirely personal and royal whether in the Arabian Nights or the Koran. Arab success with institutions is very thin and all the ex-French territories have reverted to thinly disguised family authoritarianism while in Algeria and Egypt the army is what matters and their internal “office” politics is as transparent as Windsor brown soup.
    Leave Jordan alone. It is dead ground like Switzerland in Europe. Keep it that way.

  15. The notion of ‘West Bank’ and a 3-state disaster in Palestine presented as a 2-state, presents a poor impression of Israel plans. Gaza is the 3,000-year city of King David, Jesus was not born in Islamic Bethlehem, the forefathers of the Jews buried in Hebron were not Muslims.
    Respectfully, Jews are a far older inhabitant group than any other peoples in Palestine, the name Rome applied to Judea, not to the West Bank, when Islam was not even born at that time.
    Historical and archaeological truth and the British 2-state Mandate of 1948, says West Bank must be considered as Southern Israel by virtue of the 2-state that created Jordan. Israel’s current rulers cannot demolish the rights of the Jewish land – for those who have too many lands and have laid them to waste.
    Stop calling a 3-state as a 2-state, its poor math; re-claim the term ‘Palestinian’. Mighty Rome’s Emperors are turning in their tombs: “Your nam

    e shall no more be Judea but Palestina” – Emperor Hadrian, 135 CE. Islam is 7th. Century – so who is the robber of whose lands?