Jordan then #Jordan then #Jordan

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Rabbi Herzog:

Today’s information from informed and deep sources and from what God has blessed me with of knowledge.

#Jordan then #Jordan then #Jordan . Everything in the region is linked to change in this country. Change begins with it and will soon. Wait for the movement to start after this summer and extend to mid-2025.

There is no need to repeat, the rule of the Hashemite king has ended in Jordan and his son is a short-lived, weak young man. Eid Allah is the last king. A certain piece of news is quick and the army controls the country and the bald president gets off the plane’s stairs and prays two rak’ahs under it before continuing to walk and the whole world films him.

The name of the next republic is temporary and appears to me to be (the Republic of Jordan) as it will be changed later in a popular referendum. It may become (the State of Jordan and Palestine) or the “Republic of Eastern Palestine”, but I see that (the Republic of Jordan) is what will be proven. The next ruler of Jordan is of Palestinian origin. The Bedouin tribes welcome him, just as the majority of Palestinians in Jordan do. I advise the Bedouins not to stand against him because this will be official suicide, as you will face the great powers and not just him if you oppose him.

A dramatic change in the appearance and form of a well-known Jordanian opposition figure before he became the president of Jordan, and people are wondering why his appearance changed so quickly. You will see what I am talking about soon.

#Jordan after the regime change turns into a welfare state like Israel, and very luxurious cars like Rolls Royce become a registered trademark for the Jordanian street and more than the Gulf.

The new president controls southern Syria, and then all of Syria, and then #Lebanon . This is in less than seven years after he came to power. The Jordanian army has expanded until it becomes a major regional power, especially the air force. Jordan buys some advanced F-16 aircraft from Israel and America. And an Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian defense treaty is signed by the Jordanian president with Netanyahu. (Netanyahu will remain in power for a while).

Unfortunately, limited problems in Karak end quickly, and those behind them are held accountable with life imprisonment, despite the pleas of their small clans. The new Jordanian ruler is very strict, and with him is the support of three foreign armies in Jordan.

The relationship between the new Jordanian ruler and His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman has developed greatly. Jordan becomes one region with Saudi Arabia, and visa requirements for Jordanians are cancelled.

Heavy, long-standing feud between the new Jordanian regime and the United Arab Emirates . Tensions continue and the new Jordanian ruler is very angry. Only Sheikh Mansour can solve it. Next time, another Arab country.


Abedalelah Almaala:
Smuggling weapons to Israel from Jordan has become almost daily. The source of the weapons is the axis of evil led by Iran and through Iraqi-Iranian militias such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq in Iraq and the Afghan Fatemiyoun Party militia in Syria. Today, there was an exchange of fire between the Israeli army and smugglers coming from the Jordanian border. Today, a large number of Jordanian officers and soldiers from the Border Guard Battalion who guard the Jordanian border with Syria and Iraq were arrested. The reason for the arrest of the Jordanian officers and soldiers is that they contributed to facilitating the smuggling of weapons to Israel. The reason for the involvement of Jordanian officers and soldiers is the financial incentives paid to them. Where a soldier is paid 100,000 Jordanian dinars and a Jordanian officer 500,000 dinars. The living conditions that the members of the Jordanian army have reached are disturbing and miserable. Where the salary of a Jordanian soldier does not exceed 400 Jordanian dinars and the living conditions in Jordan have become very expensive. Abdullah II bought another mansion in California and is still on vacation in America spending millions of dollars. The Chief of Staff of the Jordanian Army, Yousef Huneiti, and the Director of Jordanian Intelligence, Ahmad Husni Hatqai, will be referred to retirement and there is a possibility of investigating the smuggling of weapons to Israel. There is also almost certain information that Abdullah II is on his way to abdicating power in Jordan.
July 22, 2024 | Comments »

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