French Repudiation of the Wokish Ideology

Peloni:  A stunning victory with the highest turnout since 1986, demonstrating the rejection of the Woke Leftist ideology in yet another European stronghold.   While this victory is important, this is just the first phase of the election.  In any event, the overriding question remains whether Le Pen will ultimately have the support to form a govt and impose an anti NWO agenda in France.

July 1, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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  1. @Raphael
    @John Galt III
    Thank you both for your input on this topic. A very informed and very informative discussion.

  2. @Peloni You are right of course. Immigration is not the only issue. I think that in the second round, NR and its allies could come out with around 40%. That’s not enough for a majority, but maybe they can pull over enough smaller parties to form a government.

    With France’s historic leftist leanings, the strong showing of the Right is all the more meaningful. Even if the Centrists and the Left maintain control, this surely shows deep dissatisfaction within French society. You gotta wonder if French politicians are wise enough to read the mood of the people.

    I think anyone would have better luck betting on the horses, than trying to call an election.

  3. Le Pen and Macron both have dirigiste mentalities, meaning lots of state control of the economy and much else. They differ on immigration and the rest of the WEF garbage. Le Pen doesn’t like it much and Macron loves it.

    Notice, Le Pen got 35% of the vote and the Leftist parties over 50% and Macron is Leftist. Communism is based on envy and the French are the most envious people on earth. Who said that? Charles de Gualle.

  4. @Raphael
    Fairly explained. Since you are familiar with the situation in France, you will be aware of the economic situation as well, which can be argued to be the source as well. So too the realization that the dwarf Macron is bringing French citizens to the battlefields of Ukraine. And let us not forget the loss of French control of the nearly free assets of the former French colonies. There is a large coalition of factors surrounding the success of the Right in France. The point I would raise about the immigration issue in this mix, is that it has been going on for a very very long time in France. While that doesn’t mean that it was not the issue which rocked the boat most convincingly for the electorate, the other issues were all far more recent in nature, so I am surprised to hear that you think that immigration was the key issue at play in this election. In any event I appreciate your valid critique of my preface and sharing your own important reflections. Actually, I should have been more accurate in sharing my own views, which are not well described in my preface.

    Given your interest in French politics, I would be greatly interested to learn if you believe that Le Pen will gain enough support in the second round to be capable of forming a govt.

  5. @Peloni I follow French politics and society regularly, as well as the rest of Europe to a lesser extent. My take on Le Pen’s popularity is that it is largely a response to the huge influx of lawless middle-eastern and north African men which they have been forced to endure, (like other European countries which are showing clear signs of having had quite enough). Le Pen’s success and that of other “Right wing” parties across Europe may not be a wholesale repudiation of “wokism”, as much as it is a rejection of globalist (EU) policies and specifically of the immigration problem.

  6. More stunning still was the announcement by Serge Klarsfeld, a prominent historian of the Holocaust and hunter of Nazis. “I would have no hesitation, I would vote for the National Rally,” Klarsfeld told the LCI radio station on June 15. His life, he explained, “revolves around defending Jewish memory, persecuted Jews, Israel. Now I’m faced with a far left that’s in the grip of LFI, which reeks of antisemitism and violent anti-Zionism, or the National Rally, which has evolved.”