Everything You Wanted to Know About Qatar But Were Afraid to Ask

Peloni:  Continued cooperation and dialogue with Qatar represents an existential threat to Israel.  The Qataris are in fact not part of any solution which Israel needs, but rather they are part of nearly every problem which Israel faces.  As is explained in the FDD conversation below, the good cop pretense afforded to Doha is part of the foundation of the old Conception which must be ended.

Foundation for Defense of Democracies, January 12, 2024

Host Cliff May is joined by FDD experts Jonathan Schanzer and Richard Goldberg to discuss Qatar donning the facade of ‘mediator’ and ‘peacemaker.’ The reality is rather different.

They unpack Doha’s bad behavior, including how a plethora of bad actors — e.g., Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Islamic Republic of Iran (or, as Jon calls it, “the cantina scene from Star Wars”) — are aided and abetted by Qatar; the historical context of Qatar’s rise to a “permissive jurisdiction” for jihadis; and the tough reckoning that awaits Washington as a result of President Biden designating Qatar “a major non-NATO ally.” Astonishingly and distressingly, a key U.S. military base in Qatar has been renewed for ten years, and the U.S. ambassador to Qatar has called 2023 “the greatest year ever in U.S.-Qatari relations,” despite the high probability that Doha has the blood of at least 34 Americans on its hands.

January 15, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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  1. @Michael

    You seem to be developing novel definitions of “ally” on the fly.

    No matter what basis or definition you might care to employ, an ally should not support the kidnapping, murder, or torture of the citizens of an allied nation. It is inexplicable to suggest that Qatar, as an ally, would support and finance such vicious behaviors as it does towards American citizens, and yet they do. As such, using any description of an ally which you would care to employ, it should be recognized, as I noted below, that Qatar is an enemy of America, just as she is an enemy of Israel. Only the well spent graft which Qatar places into the hands of important people have forestalled the recognition of this reality and has as a result thereby led to the false title of ally being extended upon this brigand nation.

  2. Hi, Peloni

    You seem to be developing novel definitions of “ally” on the fly. I can understand much of your reasoning, but it leads to a semantic tangle. I think I’ve been more consistent; but unfortunately, the picture doesn’t get much clearer the way I’ve presented it.

    1. Turkey and Qatar are definitely US allies (NATO- and non-NATO-, respectively). In fact, they are very important allies, both of them hosting some of our major overseas bases. As you say, their allegiance is to themselves alone; but they they function as strategic allies. Their sentiments are with the Muslim Brotherhood — like the opposition in Egypt and, I believe, the controlled opposition in Jordan. You should note, of course, that both Egypt and Jordan are formally at peace with Israel and, of course, along with Israel, “Major Non-NATO allies”.

    2. Both Turkey and Israel have been strong supporters of Azerbaijan, and therefore at odds with Armenia (formally a Russian ally), which is backed by Iran yet has an affinity for the Ukraine (a Russian enemy). I told you, this is complicated. Turkey also has, the last I checked, good relations with Libya-Tripoli, whereas the Russians, Emiratis and Egyptians have supported Libya-Tobruk. In Sudan, Egypt supports the central government, while the Russians and Emiratis support the rebels.

    A potentially serious diplomatic frustration, is Turkey’s alliance with Libya-Tripoli against Greece and Cyprus, the latter of which are allied with Israel, though Turkey and Greece are both important NATO allies.

    President Trump’s “defeat of ISIS” came about mostly because of cooperation with the PKK, who have been leading a terrorist campaign against Turkey for decades. The PKK are Syrian Kurds, who originally were supported by the Soviet Union; and they have long been at odds with the main Iraqi Kurdish group, which sides with the Turks and with the Iraqi government.

    I expect Turkey to flip sides at some point in the future, and attack Israel — possibly in conjunction with Russia, Iran, Libya and Sudan. This is NOT the “Apocalypse”, Zombie or otherwise, and I expect Israel to win. Don’t hold your breath, waiting for it to happen.

  3. @Michael

    According to our Turkish allies,

    It would be quite silly to consider Turkey to be anyone’s ally or to reference their opinion on terrorism as relevant. They are a member of NATO, but their allegiance is to themselves alone, and this never waivers.

    Qatar has no place being listed as a US ally, period. Qatar is completely antithetical to the West. They are indistinguishable from Hamas or Iran. They are an enemy which has bought its way inside the wire and has corrupted much of the American institutions which should be used to oppose it doing so. They have financed the murder of American citizens and are supporting a nuclear Iran. They are listed as an ally because of the perversions which now motivate American institutions and leadership, and for no other reason.

  4. Peloni,

    According to our Turkish allies, Sweden was, at least until recently, a “state sponsor of terror” for its sheltering of PKK leaders. I don’t think I need to mention that the US also supports the PKK — a real ménage à trois

    Major Non-NATO Allies are:

    Australia, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Ner Zealand, Argentia, Brazil, Colombia, Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia and Qatar.

    Membership confers a variety of military and financial advantages that are otherwise unobtainable by non-NATO countries. It has nothing to do with supporting terrorism.

  5. @Michael
    Isreal is not a state sponsor of terror. Qatar is. They have not only the blood of Israelis on their hands but the blood of American as well. America has the means to utterly end Qatar’s importance in the region but they won’t because of the political influence which they purchase in America. This is the basis for the designation being granted to Qatar in the face of its efforts to target American and pervert American youths in the foreign interest campaign which they buy at US universities. The support, recognition and defense which is granted to the Qataris should be ended. Their connection and support of Iran, which is America’s enemy, is beyond dispute. They have always been, and remain to be, the enemies of both Israel and the US.

    None of this is true with regards to Israel which has in fact earned the deference of being named a major non-NATO ally.

  6. As far as I can see, Qatar is a de facto ally of Turkey; and Turkey is a major NATO member; so the designation “Major Non-NATO Ally” is not surprising — and more so, since the US has had a major base in Qatar for decades.

    Israel, by the way, has the same designation.