Joint Statement on Israel

T. Belman. I hate this statement. Anyone know why?

It does nothing more than condemn the violence and ask for it to stop. True, it says Israel has the right to defend itself. But it always says that as it p-ushesw for a ceasefire. It also says “All of us recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike.” . There’s the rub. They are still backing the Palestinian cause.

Today, the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America released the following joint statement following their call:

Today, we — President Macron of France, Chancellor Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Meloni of Italy, Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom, and President Biden of the United States — express our steadfast and united support to the State of Israel, and our unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism.

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We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned. There is never any justification for terrorism.  In recent days, the world has watched in horror as Hamas terrorists massacred families in their homes, slaughtered over 200 young people enjoying a music festival, and kidnapped elderly women, children, and entire families, who are now being held as hostages.

Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasize that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.

All of us recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike. But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those aspirations, and it offers nothing for the Palestinian people other than more terror and bloodshed.

Over the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, together as allies, and as common friends of Israel, to ensure Israel is able to defend itself, and to ultimately set the conditions for a peaceful and integrated Middle East region.

October 10, 2023 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments

  1. I should add that these killers of babies have all been educated in schools run by UNRWA, a UN agency, and financed by the EU and the US. Thus the signatores are totally responsible for the atrocities.

    The Cirriculum of these schools have been known fo decades.

  2. the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America released the following joint statement following their call:..

    Let these facilitators of evil shelve their faux shock and fake outrage. Indeed, let us be very clear that these nations are the very source of revenue which have fed and maintained the Islamist fascists responsible for the unspeakable crimes which have been committed by these unnatural beings. As I have recently noted about the Ukrainian symbols of support, the words of these American and European accomplices of Hamas have no value with which to trade. Instead of such empty gestures, let these contemptible govts replace these shallow words with deeds of action, and finally put an end to the European and American sources of revenue which have provided the munitions being shelled at our people, the guns which have slaughtered our civilians, and the means by which these proxy terrorists have worked towards completing the European project of annihilating our people. In fact, there are no words which can so clearly condemn such unspeakable crimes, and even if there were, the half supporting words expressed by these opportunistic collaborators of slaughter would certainly fail to impress. Instead, stop funding terror – stop supporting the elimination of the Jews – stop lying about the true aims held by these vile creatures, and these demands should not be limited to simply Hamas and Gaza. Does anyone believe that the fate of these murdered Jews would be any different if the PA or Hezbollah or Iran were to get inside the wire as Hamas was able to do? Indeed, these villains must all be cut off from aid, from respectable recognition, from civilized associations. They must each be starved of dollars and support and rendered mute and mutable. Until such a commitment is made by these prevaricators of decency, they should lie silent in the knowing shame that the dead which scatter the streets and homes of Sderot and Be’eri are tied to their financial grift which has too long been flowing into the hands of terrorists from what had once been civilized nations named France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. To change this, all that needs to be done is to put an end to subsidizing terror! There simply can be no excuse for not heeding this challenge, and yet we all recognize that this challenge will go unanswered. They simply lack all shame and any sense of decency, and yet they do so with impressive consistency.

  3. All of the countries involved in the statement support the Palestinians directly with money, support them at the UN, and support them politically in their countries. The European ones have large Muslim populations that have not integrated into their culture, but act as a fifth column, ready to riot whenever they perceive any injustice. Any injustice includes open support for Jews which they take as an offense to them all personally. The Muslim population in Europe is extremely antisemitic. They have intense hatred for Jews. They beat up men wearing kippot. They also rape women, MANY women, because that is what they do. These heads of state are afraid of the Muslim population in their countries.

    Biden, on the other hand, has directly empowered Iran since day 1 of his presidency, he allowed Iranian spies to integrate into his administration. His head of Intelligence, Maher Bitar was involved with UNRWA and knows the schools are used as weapons depots, and Biden makes him head of Intelligence in the White House? The Obama Administration is directly responsible for Iran having a nuclear weapon. And Obama is still the primary political actor in the Biden Administration.

    None of this would have happened to Israel had Obama and Biden not given billions of dollars in aid to Iran and allowed them to acquire a nuclear weapon.

    So the words of these people mean very little. The only thing positive was that they haven’t YET called for Israel to back off.

    These are people who are very insulated from their citizens. They have all been acting in ways that are detrimental to the needs of their citizens. They are all, essentially traitors to their citizens due to their actions re: COVID, their foreign policy of participating in the War in Ukraine and saying nothing to the US blowing up of their pipeline, and their determination to turn the EU into a technocracy and surveillance state.

    Of all these weak, ineffectual leaders, Biden is the most weak and most ineffectual in terms of actions to help his country. But he’s been the most destructive to Israel, and these other leaders have also through their constant support for the Palestinians creating new facts on the ground of Israel.

    I don’t think Jews can count on a single one of them.

    I do think Israel has to succeed in defeating Hamas.

    It is possible they will consider also defeating Hezbollah, which would be devastating to Iran.

    Israel must succeed because Israel has no other choice.

    I think conservative Americans in large numbers are totally on the side of Israel, and totally disgusted with our current government. There are many of them who, if needed, would fight for Israel. That is how strongly they all feel and have felt, as we have watched with disgust the democrat party cave to the Jew hatred in their party.

    The tide has turned. You won’t see that in the leaders, or the UN, they will continue to pretend the Palestinians have legitimate concerns, because they feel they have to.

    I have never seen any US President so quickly attempt to backtrack as Biden has done. But Biden is backtracking because everywhere in the news in the US his empowerment of Iran is out there right in the open, throughout social media. He cannot hide it. Blinken tried, but people came right out and saw through his and Biden’s shaky pretense.

    I know why you hate the statement. You have every right to.

  4. Ted

    But this is a position of creating Palestine widely held by Jews also.

    That’s the weakness.

    Most comments now on Israpundit are meaningless when you stop and think for a moment about them.

    What is the plan for Gaza City?

    How to end Fascism?

    This is what needs stating by the leaders.

  5. So everybody is horrified but noone can condem the terror whole heartedly. Israel should behave like a well behaved child and not react more than a little.
    I would suggest that each of these noble supporters would consider a full strength kick in their testicle and their response when they are up to it.

  6. There is the side of Civilization Israel and its supporters!

    There is the side of the Barbarians (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran) and its supporters, allies (e.g. those who supply them weapons and exchange technology)